std::string ReplayConductor::toString( const IceUtil::Time &t ) { stringstream ss; ss << t.toSeconds() << ":" << t.toMicroSeconds()-t.toSeconds()*1e6; return ss.str(); }
bool CPatchDlg::patchProgress(Ice::Long, Ice::Long, Ice::Long totalProgress, Ice::Long totalSize) { IceUtil::Time elapsed = IceUtil::Time::now(IceUtil::Time::Monotonic) - _startTime; if(elapsed.toSeconds() > 0) { CString speed; speed.Format(L" %s/s", convertSize(totalProgress / elapsed.toSeconds())); _speed->SetWindowText(speed); } int pcnt = 100; if(totalSize > 0) { pcnt = static_cast<int>(totalProgress * 100 / totalSize); } CString percent; percent.Format(L"%d%%", pcnt); _percent->SetWindowText(percent); CString total; total.Format(L" %s / %s", convertSize(totalProgress), convertSize(totalSize)); _total->SetWindowText(total); _progress->SetPos(pcnt); processMessages(); return !_isCancel; }
void ReplayConductor::handleRewind( const IceUtil::Time &deltaT ) { bool wasPlaying = isPlaying_; if ( wasPlaying ) handlePause(); int sec, usec; masterFileReader_.getCursorTime( sec, usec ); IceUtil::Time tNew = orcalog::iceUtilTime( sec, usec ); tNew -= deltaT; masterFileReader_.placeCursorAtOrAfterTime( tNew.toSeconds(), (int)(tNew.toMicroSeconds()-tNew.toSeconds()*1e6) ); if ( wasPlaying ) handleStart(); }
void Driver::read( hydrointerfaces::LaserScanner2d::Data &data ) { // tmp data storage hokuyo_aist::HokuyoData hokuyoData; try { laser_->GetRanges( &hokuyoData ); // set the time stamp right away IceUtil::Time t = IceUtil::Time::now(); data.timeStampSec = (int)t.toSeconds(); data.timeStampUsec = (int)t.toMicroSeconds() - data.timeStampSec*1000000; //TODO: Michael 23/Sept/08 //this timeStamp is actually at the _end_ of the scan; also //scan-time is _not_ negligable for the hokuyos (10-30Hz --> 100-33ms) // //--> need to keep track of delta time between scans, and use fieldOfView //to calculate a backcorrection, assuming 1 rotation per scan (true for //URG and UHG, unknown for TopURG). Also should put something like //durationOfScan into the interface. // //This would allow to interpolate senor pose per individual range-reading. //Yes, I really think this is neccessary. } catch (hokuyo_aist::HokuyoError &e) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Read on urg_nz failed. Errorcode: " << e.Code() << ", Errordescription: " << e.what() << " continuing"; //context_.tracer().error( ss.str() ,2 ); throw gbxutilacfr::HardwareException( ERROR_INFO, ss.str() ); } const uint32_t* ranges = hokuyoData.Ranges(); //const uint32_t* intensities = hokuyoData.Intensities(); size_t length = hokuyoData.Length(); assert(config_.numberOfSamples == (int)length); // make sure the receiving end has enough space double minRangeHokuyo = config_.minRange*1000.0; // convert to mm for (unsigned int i=0; i<length; ++i ) { if(ranges[i] < minRangeHokuyo){ //these guys are error-codes (per reading); setting to maxRange to get behavior similar to SICK data.ranges[i] = config_.maxRange; }else{ data.ranges[i] = ranges[i] / 1000.0; } } }
jderobot::ImageDataPtr CameraUtils::convert(const cv::Mat &image) { jderobot::ImageDataPtr reply=jderobot::ImageDataPtr(new jderobot::ImageData()); reply->description = jderobot::ImageDescriptionPtr(new jderobot::ImageDescription()); IceUtil::Time t = IceUtil::Time::now(); reply->timeStamp.seconds = (long)t.toSeconds(); reply->timeStamp.useconds = (long)t.toMicroSeconds() - reply->timeStamp.seconds*1000000; reply->description->format = colorspaces::ImageRGB8::FORMAT_RGB8.get()->name; reply->description->width=image.size().width; reply->description->height=image.size().height; reply->pixelData.resize(image.rows*image.cols * image.channels()); memcpy(&(reply->pixelData[0]),(unsigned char *), image.rows*image.cols * image.channels()); return reply; }
void Driver::read( hydrointerfaces::Image::Data &data ) { context_.tracer().debug( "Copying image file data..." ); //Qt uses a uint32_t array not a byte aligned array so we must cut off the end of each scanline. uint32_t bytesPerLine = static_cast<uint32_t>(image_.width()) * 3; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(image_.height()); i++) { memcpy(data.pixelData+i*bytesPerLine, image_.scanLine(i), bytesPerLine); } IceUtil::Time t = IceUtil::Time::now(); data.timeStampSec = (int)t.toSeconds(); data.timeStampUsec = (int)t.toMicroSeconds() - data.timeStampSec*1000000; }
void ReplyTask::run() { jderobot::ImageDataPtr reply(new jderobot::ImageData); ::jderobot::Time t; while (1) { IceUtil::Time t = IceUtil::Time::now(); reply->timeStamp.seconds = (long) t.toSeconds(); reply->timeStamp.useconds = (long) t.toMicroSeconds() - reply->timeStamp.seconds * 1000000; { //critical region start IceUtil::Mutex::Lock sync(requestsMutex); while (!requests.empty()) { jderobot::AMD_ImageProvider_getImageDataPtr cb = requests.front(); requests.pop_front(); cb->ice_response(reply); } } } }
void Driver::read( hydrointerfaces::MultiImage::Data& data ) { context_.tracer().debug( "Grabbing frame(s) from camera(s)..." ); for( unsigned int i=0; i<cameras_.size(); ++i ) { // This performs the grab and the retrieve with one cv function call = cvQueryFrame( ); if( == NULL ) { stringstream ss; ss << "Failed to retrieve frame from Camera " << i; throw gbxutilacfr::Exception( ERROR_INFO, ss.str() ); } memcpy(,>imageData,>imageSize ); IceUtil::Time t = IceUtil::Time::now(); = (int)t.toSeconds(); = (int)t.toMicroSeconds() -*1000000; } }