コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: cardiano/LN2015
int main()
	string dirp, filepath; 
  	dirent plikaudio;
	cout << "podaj ścieżkę do biblioteki: " << flush;
  	getline( cin, dirp );  
	filepath = dirp + "/" + plikaudio.d_name;
	cout << "wczytano plik : "<<filepath << endl;
	MPEG::File file(filepath.c_str());
  		ID3v2::FrameList l = file.ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["RVAD"];
    			cout << "plik nie posiada tagu replaygain"<< endl;
コード例 #2
ファイル: struct.cpp プロジェクト: darwinbeing/Hifi-Pod
QMPlay_Tag::QMPlay_Tag( const char *_fileName )
	using namespace TagLib;

	fileName = _fileName;
	isNull = true;
	canWriteID3 = false;
	dontUse = false;

	isFLAC = fileName.right( 5 ) == ".flac";
	if ( !isFLAC )
		QByteArray r4 = fileName.right( 4 );
		if ( r4 == ".wav" )
			dontUse = true;
		if ( r4 == ".mp3" )
			canWriteID3 = true;

	//General tags
		if ( !f->isNull() && f->tag() )
			Tag *tag = f->tag();

			title = tag->title();
			artist = tag->artist();
			album = tag->album();
			comment = tag->comment();
			genre = tag->genre();
			year = tag->year();
			track = tag->track();

			isNull = false;
		delete f;

	//ID3v2 picture
	if ( canWriteID3 )
		ID3v2::Tag *id3v2 = f->ID3v2Tag();
		if ( id3v2 && !id3v2->isEmpty() )
			ID3v2::FrameList pict = id3v2->frameList( "APIC" );
			if ( !pict.isEmpty() )
				picture = ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame( pict.front()->render() ).picture();
				isNull = false;
		delete f;

	//FLAC picture
	if ( isFLAC )
		if ( f->pictureList().size() )
			FLAC::Picture *p = f->pictureList().front();
			if ( p )
				picture = p->data();
				isNull = false;
		delete f;
コード例 #3
ファイル: taglib.cpp プロジェクト: Kafay/vlc
 * Read meta information from id3v2 tags
 * @param tag: the id3v2 tag
 * @param p_demux; the demux object
 * @param p_demux_meta: the demuxer meta
 * @param p_meta: the meta
static void ReadMetaFromId3v2( ID3v2::Tag* tag, demux_t* p_demux, demux_meta_t* p_demux_meta, vlc_meta_t* p_meta )
    // Get the unique file identifier
    ID3v2::FrameList list = tag->frameListMap()["UFID"];
    ID3v2::FrameList::Iterator iter;
    for( iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); iter++ )
        ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame* p_ufid =
        const char *owner = p_ufid->owner().toCString();
        if (!strcmp( owner, "http://musicbrainz.org" ))
            /* ID3v2 UFID contains up to 64 bytes binary data
             * but in our case it will be a '\0'
             * terminated string */
            char psz_ufid[64];
            int max_size = __MIN( p_ufid->identifier().size(), 63);
            strncpy( psz_ufid, p_ufid->identifier().data(), max_size );
            psz_ufid[max_size] = '\0';
            vlc_meta_SetTrackID( p_meta, psz_ufid );

    // Get the use text
    list = tag->frameListMap()["TXXX"];
    for( iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); iter++ )
        ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame* p_txxx =
        vlc_meta_AddExtra( p_meta, p_txxx->description().toCString( true ),
                           p_txxx->fieldList().toString().toCString( true ) );

    // Get some more informations
#define SET( tagName, metaName )                                               \
    list = tag->frameListMap()[tagName];                                       \
    if( !list.isEmpty() )                                                      \
        vlc_meta_Set##metaName( p_meta,                                        \
                                (*list.begin())->toString().toCString( true ) );

    SET( "TCOP", Copyright );
    SET( "TENC", EncodedBy );
    SET( "TLAN", Language );
    SET( "TPUB", Publisher );

#undef SET

    /* Preferred type of image
     * The 21 types are defined in id3v2 standard:
     * http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames */
    static const int pi_cover_score[] = {
        0,  /* Other */
        5,  /* 32x32 PNG image that should be used as the file icon */
        4,  /* File icon of a different size or format. */
        20, /* Front cover image of the album. */
        19, /* Back cover image of the album. */
        13, /* Inside leaflet page of the album. */
        18, /* Image from the album itself. */
        17, /* Picture of the lead artist or soloist. */
        16, /* Picture of the artist or performer. */
        14, /* Picture of the conductor. */
        15, /* Picture of the band or orchestra. */
        9,  /* Picture of the composer. */
        8,  /* Picture of the lyricist or text writer. */
        7,  /* Picture of the recording location or studio. */
        10, /* Picture of the artists during recording. */
        11, /* Picture of the artists during performance. */
        6,  /* Picture from a movie or video related to the track. */
        1,  /* Picture of a large, coloured fish. */
        12, /* Illustration related to the track. */
        3,  /* Logo of the band or performer. */
        2   /* Logo of the publisher (record company). */
    int i_score = -1;

    // Try now to get embedded art
    list = tag->frameListMap()[ "APIC" ];
    if( list.isEmpty() )

    TAB_INIT( p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments );
    for( iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); iter++ )
        ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame* p_apic =
        input_attachment_t *p_attachment;

        const char *psz_mime;
        char *psz_name, *psz_description;

        // Get the mime and description of the image.
        // If the description is empty, take the type as a description
        psz_mime = p_apic->mimeType().toCString( true );
        if( p_apic->description().size() > 0 )
            psz_description = strdup( p_apic->description().toCString( true ) );
            if( asprintf( &psz_description, "%i", p_apic->type() ) == -1 )
                psz_description = NULL;

        if( !psz_description )
        psz_name = psz_description;

        /* some old iTunes version not only sets incorrectly the mime type
         * or the description of the image,
         * but also embeds incorrectly the image.
         * Recent versions seem to behave correctly */
        if( !strncmp( psz_mime, "PNG", 3 ) ||
            !strncmp( psz_name, "\xC2\x89PNG", 5 ) )
            msg_Warn( p_demux, "Invalid picture embedded by broken iTunes version" );
            free( psz_description );

        const ByteVector picture = p_apic->picture();
        const char *p_data = picture.data();
        const unsigned i_data = picture.size();

        msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Found embedded art: %s (%s) is %u bytes",
                 psz_name, psz_mime, i_data );

        p_attachment = vlc_input_attachment_New( psz_name, psz_mime,
                                psz_description, p_data, i_data );
        if( p_attachment )
            TAB_APPEND_CAST( (input_attachment_t**),
                             p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments,
                             p_attachment );
        free( psz_description );

        if( pi_cover_score[p_apic->type()] > i_score )
            i_score = pi_cover_score[p_apic->type()];
            char *psz_url;
            if( asprintf( &psz_url, "attachment://%s",
                          p_attachment->psz_name ) == -1 )
            vlc_meta_SetArtURL( p_meta, psz_url );
            free( psz_url );