コード例 #1
void DirectSegmentsBase::coloriage( double x_1, double y_1, double x_2, double y_2, image::Image& inasegment, int _value)
  double xStep = (x_2 - x_1);
  double yStep = (y_2 - y_1);
  double norm_steps = sqrt( xStep * xStep + yStep * yStep );
  xStep /= norm_steps;
  yStep /= norm_steps;
  int max_coloriage = (int)norm_steps +1;
  for( int k = 0; k < max_coloriage; ++k )
    int x = (int)( x_1 + k * xStep );
    int y = (int)( y_1 + k * yStep );
    for( int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j)
      for( int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i)
        if( check( x + i, inasegment.width() - 1 ) and check( y + j, inasegment.height() - 1 ) )
          inasegment.setPixelValue<int>( _value, x+i, y+j, 0 );
#if 0
  double xStep = (x_2 - x_1);
  double yStep = (y_2 - y_1);
  double norm_steps = sqrt( xStep * xStep + yStep * yStep );
  xStep /= norm_steps;
  yStep /= norm_steps;
  int max_coloriage = (int)norm_steps +1;
  int p_x = x_1;
  int p_y = y_1;
  if( check( p_x,  inasegment.width() - 1 ) and check( p_y, inasegment.height() - 1 ) )
    inasegment.setPixelValue<int>( _value, p_x, p_y, 0 );
  for( int k = -1; k <= max_coloriage; ++k )
    int x = (int)( x_1 + k * xStep );
    int y = (int)( y_1 + k * yStep );
    if( check( p_x, inasegment.width() - 1 ) and check( y, inasegment.height() - 1 ) )
      inasegment.setPixelValue<int>( _value, p_x, y, 0 );
    if( check( x, inasegment.width() - 1 ) )
      if( check( p_y, inasegment.height() - 1 ) )
        inasegment.setPixelValue<int>( _value, x, p_y, 0 );
      if( check( y, inasegment.height() - 1 ) )
        inasegment.setPixelValue<int>( _value, x, y, 0 );
    p_x = x;
    p_y = y;
コード例 #2
void GradientsDescriptor::fillHisto( const image::Image& _dx, const image::Image& _dy, double* _histo, const jblas::vec2& _startPoint, const jblas::vec2& _direction, double _lineAngle, int _length, double _coef  )
  jblas::vec2 currentPoint = _startPoint + 3.0 * _direction;
  double lastNorm = DBL_MAX;
  for(int i = 0; i < _length; ++i)
//   while(true)
    int ix = int(currentPoint(0));
    int iy = int(currentPoint(1));
    if( not check(ix, _dx.width() - 1) or not check(iy, _dx.height() - 1) ) return;
    int dx = _dx.getPixelValue<short>( ix, iy, 0 );
    int dy = _dy.getPixelValue<short>( ix, iy, 0 );
//     double dx = _dx.getSubPixelValue<short>( ix, iy, 0, JfrImage_INTERP_CUBIC );
//     double dy = _dy.getSubPixelValue<short>( ix, iy, 0, JfrImage_INTERP_CUBIC );
    double norm = sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );
//     if( norm > lastNorm) return ;
    double angle = atan2(dy, dx);
//     double diff = cos( angle - _lineAngle);
    double correctedAngle = ( angle - _lineAngle);
//     int idx = int( (m_count) * ( 1.0 + diff) * 0.5);
//     if( idx >= m_count ) idx = m_count - 1;
//     if( idx != 0 and idx != (m_count - 1 ) )
    for(int j = 0; j < m_count; ++j )
//       double lnorm = norm * ( 1.0 - fabs( fpow( -1.0 + 2.0 * j / (m_count-1) - diff ), 2.0) );
//       double lnorm = norm * exp( -pow( -1.0 + 2.0 * j / (m_count-1) - diff, 2.0) );
//       JFR_DEBUG( j << " " << exp( -pow2( cos( M_PI * j / (m_count-1) - 0.5 * correctedAngle ) ) ) );
      double lnorm = norm * _coef * exp( -pow2( cos( M_PI * j / (m_count-1) - 0.5 * correctedAngle ) ) );
      _histo[ j ] += lnorm;
    lastNorm = norm;
    currentPoint += _direction;