コード例 #1
ファイル: mitkContourUtils.cpp プロジェクト: Maggunator/MITK
void mitk::ContourUtils::FillContourInSlice( ContourModel* projectedContour, unsigned int timeStep, Image* sliceImage, int paintingPixelValue )
  // 1. Use ipSegmentation to draw a filled(!) contour into a new 8 bit 2D image, which will later be copied back to the slice.
  //    We don't work on the "real" working data, because ipSegmentation would restrict us to 8 bit images

  // convert the projected contour into a ipSegmentation format
  mitkIpInt4_t* picContour = new mitkIpInt4_t[2 * projectedContour->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep)];
  unsigned int index(0);
  ContourModel::VertexIterator iter = projectedContour->Begin(timeStep);
  ContourModel::VertexIterator end = projectedContour->End(timeStep);

  while( iter != end)
    picContour[ 2 * index + 0 ] = static_cast<mitkIpInt4_t>( (*iter)->Coordinates[0] + 1.0 ); // +0.5 wahrscheinlich richtiger
    picContour[ 2 * index + 1 ] = static_cast<mitkIpInt4_t>( (*iter)->Coordinates[1] + 1.0 );
    //MITK_INFO << "mitk 2d [" << (*iter)[0] << ", " << (*iter)[1] << "]  pic [" << picContour[ 2*index+0] << ", " << picContour[ 2*index+1] << "]";

  assert( sliceImage->GetSliceData() );
  mitkIpPicDescriptor* originalPicSlice = mitkIpPicNew();
  CastToIpPicDescriptor( sliceImage, originalPicSlice);
  mitkIpPicDescriptor* picSlice = ipMITKSegmentationNew( originalPicSlice );
  ipMITKSegmentationClear( picSlice );

  assert( originalPicSlice && picSlice );

  // here comes the actual contour filling algorithm (from ipSegmentation/Graphics Gems)
  ipMITKSegmentationCombineRegion ( picSlice, picContour, projectedContour->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep), NULL, IPSEGMENTATION_OR,  1); // set to 1

  delete[] picContour;

  // 2. Copy the filled contour to the working data slice
  //    copy all pixels that are non-zero to the original image (not caring for the actual type of the working image). perhaps make the replace value a parameter ( -> general painting tool ).
  //    make the pic slice an mitk/itk image (as little ipPic code as possible), call a templated method with accessbyitk, iterate over the original and the modified slice

  Image::Pointer ipsegmentationModifiedSlice = Image::New();
  ipsegmentationModifiedSlice->Initialize( CastToImageDescriptor( picSlice ) );
  ipsegmentationModifiedSlice->SetSlice( picSlice->data );

  AccessFixedDimensionByItk_2( sliceImage, ItkCopyFilledContourToSlice, 2, ipsegmentationModifiedSlice, paintingPixelValue );

  ipsegmentationModifiedSlice = NULL; // free MITK header information
  ipMITKSegmentationFree( picSlice ); // free actual memory
コード例 #2
  void ToFNrrdImageWriter::ConvertStreamToNrrdFormat( std::string fileName )
    int CaptureWidth = 0;
    int CaptureHeight = 0;
    int PixelNumber = 0;
    int ImageSizeInBytes = 0;
    if (fileName==this->m_RGBImageFileName)
        CaptureWidth = this->m_RGBCaptureWidth;
        CaptureHeight = this->m_RGBCaptureHeight;
        PixelNumber = this->m_RGBPixelNumber;
        ImageSizeInBytes = this->m_RGBImageSizeInBytes;
    } else
        CaptureWidth = this->m_ToFCaptureWidth;
        CaptureHeight = this->m_ToFCaptureHeight;
        PixelNumber = this->m_ToFPixelNumber;
        ImageSizeInBytes = this->m_ToFImageSizeInBytes;
    Image::Pointer imageTemplate = Image::New();
    int dimension ;
    unsigned int* dimensions;
    if(m_ToFImageType == ToFImageType2DPlusT)
      dimension = 4;
      dimensions = new unsigned int[dimension];
      dimensions[0] = CaptureWidth;
      dimensions[1] = CaptureHeight;
      dimensions[2] = 1;
      dimensions[3] = this->m_NumOfFrames;
    else if( m_ToFImageType == ToFImageType3D)
      dimension = 3;
      dimensions = new unsigned int[dimension];
      dimensions[0] = CaptureWidth;
      dimensions[1] = CaptureHeight;
      dimensions[2] = this->m_NumOfFrames;
      throw std::logic_error("No image type set, please choose between 2D+t and 3D!");
    float* floatData;
    unsigned char* rgbData;
    if (fileName==this->m_RGBImageFileName)
      rgbData = new unsigned char[PixelNumber*3];
      for(int i=0; i<PixelNumber*3; i++)
        rgbData[i] = i + 0.0;
      mitk::PixelType RGBType = MakePixelType<unsigned char, itk::RGBPixel<unsigned char>, 3>();
      imageTemplate->Initialize( RGBType,dimension, dimensions, 1);
      imageTemplate->SetSlice(rgbData, 0, 0, 0);
      floatData = new float[PixelNumber];
      for(int i=0; i<PixelNumber; i++)
        floatData[i] = i + 0.0;
      mitk::PixelType FloatType = MakeScalarPixelType<float>();
      imageTemplate->Initialize( FloatType,dimension, dimensions, 1);
      imageTemplate->SetSlice(floatData, 0, 0, 0);

    itk::NrrdImageIO::Pointer nrrdWriter = itk::NrrdImageIO::New();
    nrrdWriter->SetPixelType( imageTemplate->GetPixelType().GetPixelType());
    nrrdWriter->SetComponentType( (itk::ImageIOBase::IOComponentType) imageTemplate->GetPixelType().GetComponentType());
    if(imageTemplate->GetPixelType().GetNumberOfComponents() > 1)

    itk::ImageIORegion ioRegion( dimension );
    mitk::Vector3D spacing = imageTemplate->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing();
    mitk::Point3D origin = imageTemplate->GetGeometry()->GetOrigin();

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)

      mitk::Vector3D direction;
      vnl_vector< double > axisDirection(dimension);

      for(unsigned int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
        axisDirection[j] = direction[j]/spacing[i];
      nrrdWriter->SetDirection( i, axisDirection );

      ioRegion.SetSize(i, imageTemplate->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize(i) );
      ioRegion.SetIndex(i, imageTemplate->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetIndex(i) );


    std::ifstream stream(fileName.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);
    if (fileName==m_RGBImageFileName)
      unsigned int size = PixelNumber*3 * this->m_NumOfFrames;
      unsigned int sizeInBytes = size * sizeof(unsigned char);
      unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[size];
      stream.read((char*)data, sizeInBytes);
      delete[] data;
      unsigned int size = PixelNumber * this->m_NumOfFrames;
      unsigned int sizeInBytes = size * sizeof(float);
      float* data = new float[size];
      stream.read((char*)data, sizeInBytes);
      catch (itk::ExceptionObject* e)
        MITK_ERROR<< e->what();

      delete[] data;

    delete[] dimensions;
    if (fileName==m_RGBImageFileName)
      delete[] rgbData;
      delete[] floatData;