コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: Aharobot/bk-ros
// this function is called each frame
void glutDisplay (void)
	static ros::Duration pub_interval(1.0/pub_rate_temp_);
	static ros::Time     last_pub(0.0);
	static int           num_skipped = 0;
	ros::Time now_time = ros::Time::now();
	// Update stuff from OpenNI
	XnStatus status = g_Context.WaitAndUpdateAll();
	if( status != XN_STATUS_OK ){
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Updating context failed: " << status);
	xn::SceneMetaData sceneMD;
	xn::DepthMetaData depthMD;
	xn::ImageMetaData imageMD;
	g_UserGenerator.GetUserPixels(0, sceneMD);
	cv::Mat depth_image;
	getDepthImage(depthMD, depth_image);
	double minval, maxval;
	cv::minMaxLoc(depth_image, &minval, &maxval);
	// Convert user pixels to an OpenCV image
	cv::Mat label_image;
	getUserLabelImage(sceneMD, label_image);
	sensor_msgs::PointCloud cloud;
	cloud.header.stamp    = now_time;
	cloud.header.frame_id = frame_id_;
	cloud.channels[0].name = "intensity";
	// Convert users into better format
	XnUserID aUsers[15];
	XnUInt16 nUsers = 15;
	g_UserGenerator.GetUsers(aUsers, nUsers);
	cv::Mat      this_mask;
	XnPoint3D    center_mass;
	double       pixel_area;
	cv::Scalar   s;
	vector<user> users;
	if( g_bhasCal && now_time-last_pub > pub_interval )
		bool has_lock = false;
		last_pub = now_time;
		ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(num_skipped << " refreshes inbetween publishing");
		num_skipped = 0;
		cv::imshow( "Tracked user"        , user_cal_.getImage() );
		cv::imshow( "Original calibration", original_cal_.getImage() );
		cv::Mat rgb, rgb_mask;
//		getRGB(rgb, rgb_mask);
		rgb = getRGB(imageMD);
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nUsers; i++)
			user this_user;
			this_user.uid = aUsers[i];
			// Bitwise mask of pixels belonging to this user
			this_mask = (label_image == this_user.uid);
			this_user.numpixels = cv::countNonZero(this_mask);
			// Compare this user to the target
			this_user.pc.init(rgb, this_mask);
			double similarity  = this_user.pc.compare(user_cal_    );
			double sim_to_orig = this_user.pc.compare(original_cal_);
			this_user.similarity         = similarity;
			this_user.similarity_to_orig = sim_to_orig;
			ros::Time t1 = ros::Time::now();
			double emd         = this_user.pc.getEMD (user_cal_    );
			double emd_to_orig = this_user.pc.getEMD (original_cal_);
			ros::Duration d = (ros::Time::now() - t1);
			ROS_INFO_STREAM("EMD took " << (d.sec) );*/
			if( now_time > save_timer_ ){
				ROS_WARN_STREAM("[bk_skeletal_tracker] Say Cheezbuger");
				save_timer_ = now_time + ros::Duration(60*60*24);
				g_bSaveFrame = true;
			if( g_bSaveFrame )
				time_t t = ros::WallTime::now().sec;
				char buf[1024] = "";
				struct tm* tms = localtime(&t);
				strftime(buf, 1024, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", tms);
				std::string prefix = ( boost::format("capture_%s_user%d") % buf % this_user.uid ).str();				
				cv::Mat rgb_masked;
				rgb.copyTo(rgb_masked, this_mask);
				saveMat(rgb_masked             , prefix + "_rgb"  );
				saveMat(this_mask              , prefix + "_mask" );
				saveMat(this_user.pc.getHist() , prefix + "_hist" );
				saveMat(this_user.pc.getImage(), prefix + "_himg" );
			// Mean depth
			this_user.meandepth = cv::mean(depth_image, this_mask)[0];
			this_user.silhouette_area = 0;
			// Find the area of the silhouette in cartesian space
			for( int i=0; i<this_mask.rows; i++) {
				for( int j=0; j<this_mask.cols; j++ ) {
					if( this_mask.at<uchar>(i,j) != 0 )
						pixel_area = cam_model_.getDeltaX(1, depth_image.at<float>(i,j))
										   * cam_model_.getDeltaY(1, depth_image.at<float>(i,j));
						this_user.silhouette_area += pixel_area;
			// Find the center in 3D
			g_UserGenerator.GetCoM(this_user.uid, center_mass);
			this_user.center3d.point = vecToPt(center_mass);
			ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(boost::format("User %d: area %.3fm^2, mean depth %.3fm")
				% (unsigned int)this_user.uid % this_user.silhouette_area % this_user.meandepth);
			// Screen out unlikely users based on area
			if( this_user.meandepth > min_dist_ && this_user.silhouette_area < max_area_ && this_user.silhouette_area > min_area_ )
				ROS_INFO_STREAM(boost::format("User %d   new: %.0f --- orig: %.0f")
					% ((int)this_user.uid) % (100*similarity) % (100*sim_to_orig) );
				/*ROS_INFO_STREAM(boost::format("EMD       new: %.2f --- orig: %.2f")
					% (emd) % (emd_to_orig) );*/
				if( similarity > PersonCal::getMatchThresh() ) {
					user_cal_.update(rgb, this_mask);
					if( sim_to_orig > PersonCal::getMatchThresh() ) {
						ROS_WARN_STREAM("Reset to original calibration");
						user_cal_ = original_cal_;
				std::stringstream window_name;
				window_name << "user_" << ((int)this_user.uid);
				cv::imshow(window_name.str(), this_user.pc.getImage());
				ROS_DEBUG("Accepted user");
				// Visualization
				geometry_msgs::Point32 p;
				p.x = this_user.center3d.point.x;
				p.y = this_user.center3d.point.y;
				p.z = this_user.center3d.point.z;
		// Try to associate the tracker with a user
		if( latest_tracker_.first != "" )
			// Transform the tracker to this time. Note that the pos time is updated but not the restamp.
			tf::Point pt;
			tf::pointMsgToTF(latest_tracker_.second.pos.pos, pt);
			tf::Stamped<tf::Point> loc(pt, latest_tracker_.second.pos.header.stamp, latest_tracker_.second.pos.header.frame_id);
			try {
				tfl_->transformPoint(frame_id_, now_time-ros::Duration(.1), loc, latest_tracker_.second.pos.header.frame_id, loc);
				latest_tracker_.second.pos.header.stamp    = now_time;
				latest_tracker_.second.pos.header.frame_id = frame_id_;
				latest_tracker_.second.pos.pos.x = loc[0];
				latest_tracker_.second.pos.pos.y = loc[1];
				latest_tracker_.second.pos.pos.z = loc[2];
			catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
				ROS_ERROR("(finding) Could not transform person to this time");
			people_msgs::PositionMeasurement pos;
			if( users.size() > 0 )
				std::stringstream users_ss;
				users_ss << boost::format("(finding) Tracker \"%s\" = (%.2f,%.2f) Users = ") 
					% latest_tracker_.first % latest_tracker_.second.pos.pos.x   % latest_tracker_.second.pos.pos.y;
				// Find the closest user to the tracker
				user closest;
				closest.distance = BIGDIST_M;
				foreach(user u, users)
					u.distance = pow(latest_tracker_.second.pos.pos.x - u.center3d.point.x, 2.0)
						         + pow(latest_tracker_.second.pos.pos.y - u.center3d.point.y, 2.0);
					users_ss << boost::format("(%.2f,%.2f), ") % u.center3d.point.x % u.center3d.point.y;
					if( u.distance < closest.distance )
						if( u.similarity > PersonCal::getMatchThresh() ) {
							closest = u;
						else {
							ROS_WARN_STREAM("Ignored close user not matching (" << u.uid << ")");