コード例 #1
 * Fetches document from URI, or creates new, if NULL; public document
 * appears in document list.
SPDocument *
sp_document_new(gchar const *uri, unsigned int keepalive, bool make_new)
    SPDocument *doc;
    Inkscape::XML::Document *rdoc;
    gchar *base = NULL;
    gchar *name = NULL;

    if (uri) {
        Inkscape::XML::Node *rroot;
        gchar *s, *p;
        /* Try to fetch repr from file */
        rdoc = sp_repr_read_file(uri, SP_SVG_NS_URI);
        /* If file cannot be loaded, return NULL without warning */
        if (rdoc == NULL) return NULL;
        rroot = rdoc->root();
        /* If xml file is not svg, return NULL without warning */
        /* fixme: destroy document */
        if (strcmp(rroot->name(), "svg:svg") != 0) return NULL;
        s = g_strdup(uri);
        p = strrchr(s, '/');
        if (p) {
            name = g_strdup(p + 1);
            p[1] = '\0';
            base = g_strdup(s);
        } else {
            base = NULL;
            name = g_strdup(uri);
    } else {
        rdoc = sp_repr_document_new("svg:svg");

    if (make_new) {
        base = NULL;
        uri = NULL;
        name = g_strdup_printf(_("New document %d"), ++doc_count);

    //# These should be set by now

    doc = sp_document_create(rdoc, uri, base, name, keepalive);


    return doc;
コード例 #2
ファイル: xslt.cpp プロジェクト: Grandrogue/inkscape_metal
SPDocument *
XSLT::open(Inkscape::Extension::Input */*module*/, gchar const *filename)
    xmlDocPtr filein = xmlParseFile(filename);
    if (filein == NULL) { return NULL; }

    const char * params[1];
    params[0] = NULL;

    xmlDocPtr result = xsltApplyStylesheet(_stylesheet, filein, params);

    Inkscape::XML::Document * rdoc = sp_repr_do_read( result, SP_SVG_NS_URI);

    if (rdoc == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    if (strcmp(rdoc->root()->name(), "svg:svg") != 0) {
        return NULL;

    gchar * base = NULL;
    gchar * name = NULL;
    gchar * s = NULL, * p = NULL;
    s = g_strdup(filename);
    p = strrchr(s, '/');
    if (p) {
        name = g_strdup(p + 1);
        p[1] = '\0';
        base = g_strdup(s);
    } else {
        base = NULL;
        name = g_strdup(filename);

    SPDocument * doc = SPDocument::createDoc(rdoc, filename, base, name, true, NULL);

    g_free(base); g_free(name);

    return doc;
コード例 #3
    \return    None
    \brief     This is the function that does all of the SVG saves in
               Inkscape.  It detects whether it should do a Inkscape
               namespace save internally.
    \param     mod   Extension to use.
    \param     doc   Document to save.
    \param     uri   The filename to save the file to.

    This function first checks it's parameters, and makes sure that
    we're getting good data.  It also checks the module ID of the
    incoming module to figure out if this is save should include
    the Inkscape namespace stuff or not.  The result of that comparison
    is stored in the spns variable.

    If there is not to be Inkscape name spaces a new document is created
    without.  (I think, I'm not sure on this code)

    All of the internally referenced imageins are also set to relative
    paths in the file.  And the file is saved.

    This really needs to be fleshed out more, but I don't quite understand
    all of this code.  I just stole it.
Svg::save (Inkscape::Extension::Output *mod, SPDocument *doc, const gchar *uri)
    g_return_if_fail(doc != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail(uri != NULL);

    gchar *save_path = g_path_get_dirname (uri);

    gboolean const spns = (!mod->get_id()
      || !strcmp (mod->get_id(), SP_MODULE_KEY_OUTPUT_SVG_INKSCAPE)
      || !strcmp (mod->get_id(), SP_MODULE_KEY_OUTPUT_SVGZ_INKSCAPE));

    Inkscape::XML::Document *rdoc = NULL;
    Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = NULL;
    if (spns) {
        repr = sp_document_repr_root (doc);
    } else {
        rdoc = sp_repr_document_new ("svg:svg");
        repr = rdoc->root();
        repr = sp_document_root (doc)->updateRepr(rdoc, repr, SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD);

    Inkscape::IO::fixupHrefs( doc, save_path, spns );

    gboolean const s = sp_repr_save_file (repr->document(), uri, SP_SVG_NS_URI);
    if (s == FALSE) {
        throw Inkscape::Extension::Output::save_failed();

    if (!spns) {


コード例 #4
SPDocument *
sp_document_new_from_mem(gchar const *buffer, gint length, unsigned int keepalive)
    SPDocument *doc;
    Inkscape::XML::Document *rdoc;
    Inkscape::XML::Node *rroot;
    gchar *name;

    rdoc = sp_repr_read_mem(buffer, length, SP_SVG_NS_URI);

    /* If it cannot be loaded, return NULL without warning */
    if (rdoc == NULL) return NULL;

    rroot = rdoc->root();
    /* If xml file is not svg, return NULL without warning */
    /* fixme: destroy document */
    if (strcmp(rroot->name(), "svg:svg") != 0) return NULL;

    name = g_strdup_printf(_("Memory document %d"), ++doc_count);

    doc = sp_document_create(rdoc, NULL, NULL, name, keepalive);

    return doc;
コード例 #5
ファイル: repr.cpp プロジェクト: AakashDabas/inkscape
/// Returns new document having as first child a node named rootname.
Inkscape::XML::Document *
sp_repr_document_new(char const *rootname)
    Inkscape::XML::Document *doc = new Inkscape::XML::SimpleDocument();
    if (!strcmp(rootname, "svg:svg")) {
        doc->setAttribute("version", "1.0");
        doc->setAttribute("standalone", "no");
        Inkscape::XML::Node *comment = doc->createComment(" Created with Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/) ");

    Inkscape::XML::Node *root = doc->createElement(rootname);

    return doc;