/** * Rasterize the clipping path. * This method submits drawing operations required to draw a basic filled shape * of the item to the supplied drawing context. Rendering is limited to the * given area. The rendering of the clipped object is composited into * the result of this call using the IN operator. See the implementation * of render() for details. */ void DrawingItem::clip(Inkscape::DrawingContext &dc, Geom::IntRect const &area) { // don't bother if the object does not implement clipping (e.g. DrawingImage) if (!_canClip()) return; if (!_visible) return; if (!area.intersects(_bbox)) return; dc.setSource(0,0,0,1); dc.pushGroup(); // rasterize the clipping path _clipItem(dc, area); if (_clip) { // The item used as the clipping path itself has a clipping path. // Render this item's clipping path onto a temporary surface, then composite it // with the item using the IN operator dc.pushGroup(); _clip->clip(dc, area); dc.popGroupToSource(); dc.setOperator(CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN); dc.paint(); } dc.popGroupToSource(); dc.setOperator(CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); dc.paint(); dc.setSource(0,0,0,0); }
void NRStyle::applyTextDecorationStroke(Inkscape::DrawingContext &dc) { dc.setSource(text_decoration_stroke_pattern); dc.setLineWidth(text_decoration_stroke_width); dc.setLineCap(CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT); dc.setLineJoin(CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER); dc.setMiterLimit(miter_limit); cairo_set_dash(dc.raw(), 0, 0, 0.0); // fixme (no dash) }
void NRStyle::applyStroke(Inkscape::DrawingContext &dc) { dc.setSource(stroke_pattern); dc.setLineWidth(stroke_width); dc.setLineCap(line_cap); dc.setLineJoin(line_join); dc.setMiterLimit(miter_limit); cairo_set_dash(dc.raw(), dash, n_dash, dash_offset); // fixme }
void NRStyle::applyTextDecorationFill(Inkscape::DrawingContext &dc) { dc.setSource(text_decoration_fill_pattern); // Fill rule does not matter, no intersections. }
void NRStyle::applyFill(Inkscape::DrawingContext &dc) { dc.setSource(fill_pattern); dc.setFillRule(fill_rule); }