Values Factory::jsonToValues(const Json::Value& values) { Values outValues; if (values.isInt()) outValues.emplace_back(values.asInt()); else if (values.isDouble()) outValues.emplace_back(values.asFloat()); else if (values.isArray()) for (const auto& v : values) { if (v.isInt()) outValues.emplace_back(v.asInt()); else if (v.isDouble()) outValues.emplace_back(v.asFloat()); else if (v.isArray()) outValues.emplace_back(jsonToValues(v)); else outValues.emplace_back(v.asString()); } else outValues.emplace_back(values.asString()); return outValues; }
void GetVal(Json::Value &config, float* setting) { if (config.isNull()) return; *setting = config.asFloat(); }
bool Deserialize ( const Json::Value& json_val, float & obj_val ) { if ( json_val.isDouble () ) { obj_val = json_val.asFloat (); return true; } return false; }
bool GetFloat32(const Json::Value& value, float32_t* out) { if (value.isNull()) { return false; } if (!value.isDouble()) { return false; } *out = value.asFloat(); return true; }
float JsonUtils::asFloat(const Json::Value &value, float defaultValue) { float returned = defaultValue; if(value.isString()) returned = Ogre::StringConverter::parseReal(value.asString(), defaultValue); if(value.isNumeric()) returned = value.asFloat(); return returned; }
std::vector<float> ParserActionParameters::parseVector(Json::Value temp_info){ std::vector<float> vector; if(!temp_info.isNull() && temp_info.isArray()){ Json::Value value; for(int i= 0; i< temp_info.size(); ++i){ value = temp_info.get(i,"UTF-8"); if(!value.isNull() && value.isNumeric()){ vector.push_back(value.asFloat()); } } } return vector; }
bool deserialize(const Json::Value& node, float& f) { if (node.empty()) { std::cout << "Node is empty." << std::endl; return false; } if (!node.isNumeric()) { std::cout << "Node data type is not numeric." << std::endl; return false; } f = node.asFloat(); return true; }
void AddShape(const Json::Value& shape) { Json::Value name = shape["name"]; Json::Value type = shape["type"]; std::string shapeType = type.asString(); btCollisionShape* bulletShape = NULL; if ("cube") == 0) { Json::Value wx = shape["wx"]; Json::Value wy = shape["wy"]; Json::Value wz = shape["wz"]; btVector3 halfExtents = btVector3(wx.asFloat(), wy.asFloat(), wz.asFloat()); halfExtents *= btScalar(0.5); bulletShape = new btBoxShape(halfExtents); } else if ("convex") == 0) { Json::Value points = shape["points"]; int numPoints = points.size(); if (numPoints > 0) { btVector3* convexHull = new btVector3[numPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { convexHull[i][0] = points[i][0].asFloat(); convexHull[i][1] = points[i][1].asFloat(); convexHull[i][2] = points[i][2].asFloat(); } bulletShape = new btConvexHullShape(&convexHull[0][0], numPoints); } } else if ("sphere") == 0) { Json::Value radius = shape["radius"]; bulletShape = new btSphereShape(radius.asFloat()); } else if ("cylinder") == 0) { Json::Value radius = shape["radius"]; Json::Value height = shape["height"]; btVector3 halfExtents = btVector3(radius.asFloat(), height.asFloat()*0.5f, 0.0f); bulletShape = new btCylinderShape(halfExtents); } else { NaClAMPrintf("Could not load shape type %s\n", shapeType.c_str()); return; } if (bulletShape == NULL) { NaClAMPrintf("Could not build shape %s\n", name.asString().c_str()); return; } shapes[name.asString()] = bulletShape; NaClAMPrintf("Added shape %s of %s\n", name.asString().c_str(), type.asString().c_str()); }
Ogre::Vector3 JsonUtils::asVector3(Json::Value const &value, const Ogre::Vector3 &defaultValue) { if(value.isString()) { auto const &s = value.asString(); if(Ogre::StringConverter::isNumber(s)) { float f = Ogre::StringConverter::parseReal(s); return Ogre::Vector3(f, f, f); } else { return Ogre::StringConverter::parseVector3(s); } } else if(value.isNumeric()) { float f = value.asFloat(); return Ogre::Vector3(f, f, f); } return defaultValue; }
float jsonNodeAs<float>(const Json::Value& node) { if (node.isNull()) { return 0; } return node.asFloat(); }
float ParserActionParameters::parseFloat(Json::Value temp_info){ if(!temp_info.isNull() && temp_info.isNumeric()){ return temp_info.asFloat(); } return 0; }
// Gets all timers and recordings bool filmonAPIgetRecordingsTimers(bool completed) { bool res = filmonRequest("tv/api/dvr/list", sessionKeyParam); if (res == true) { Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; reader.parse(&response.memory[0], &response.memory[(long) response.size - 1], root); // Usage Json::Value total = root["userStorage"]["total"]; Json::Value used = root["userStorage"]["recorded"]; storageTotal = (long long int) (total.asFloat() * FILMON_ONE_HOUR_RECORDING_SIZE); // bytes storageUsed = (long long int) (used.asFloat() * FILMON_ONE_HOUR_RECORDING_SIZE); // bytes std::cerr << "FilmonAPI: recordings total is " << storageTotal << std::endl; std::cerr << "FilmonAPI: recordings used is " << storageUsed << std::endl; bool timersCleared = false; bool recordingsCleared = false; Json::Value recordingsTimers = root["recordings"]; for (unsigned int recordingId = 0; recordingId < recordingsTimers.size(); recordingId++) { std::string recTimId = recordingsTimers[recordingId]["id"].asString(); std::string recTimTitle = recordingsTimers[recordingId]["title"].asString(); unsigned int recTimStart = stringToInt( recordingsTimers[recordingId]["time_start"].asString()); unsigned int recDuration = stringToInt( recordingsTimers[recordingId]["length"].asString()); Json::Value status = recordingsTimers[recordingId]["status"]; if (completed && status.asString().compare(std::string(RECORDED_STATUS)) == 0) { if (recordingsCleared == false) { recordings.clear(); recordingsCleared = true; } FILMON_RECORDING recording; recording.strRecordingId = recTimId; recording.strTitle = recTimTitle; recording.strStreamURL = recordingsTimers[recordingId]["download_link"].asString(); recording.strPlot = recordingsTimers[recordingId]["description"].asString(); recording.recordingTime = recTimStart; recording.iDuration = recDuration; recording.strIconPath = recordingsTimers[recordingId]["images"]["channel_logo"].asString(); recording.strThumbnailPath = recordingsTimers[recordingId]["images"]["poster"].asString(); recordings.push_back(recording); std::cerr << "FilmonAPI: found completed recording " << recording.strTitle << std::endl; } else if (status.asString().compare(std::string(TIMER_STATUS)) == 0) { if (timersCleared == false) { timers.clear(); timersCleared = true; } FILMON_TIMER timer; timer.iClientIndex = stringToInt(recTimId); timer.iClientChannelUid = stringToInt( recordingsTimers[recordingId]["channel_id"].asString()); timer.startTime = recTimStart; timer.endTime = timer.startTime + recDuration; timer.strTitle = recTimTitle; timer.state = FILMON_TIMER_STATE_NEW; timer.strSummary = recordingsTimers[recordingId]["description"].asString(); setTimerDefaults(&timer); time_t t = time(0); if (t >= timer.startTime && t <= timer.endTime) { std::cerr << "FilmonAPI: found active timer " << timer.strTitle << std::endl; timer.state = FILMON_TIMER_STATE_RECORDING; } else if (t < timer.startTime) { std::cerr << "FilmonAPI: found scheduled timer " << timer.strTitle << std::endl; timer.state = FILMON_TIMER_STATE_SCHEDULED; } else if (t > timer.endTime) { std::cerr << "FilmonAPI: found completed timer " << timer.strTitle << std::endl; timer.state = FILMON_TIMER_STATE_COMPLETED; } timers.push_back(timer); } } clearResponse(); } return res; }
void cmnDataJSON<float>::DeSerializeText(DataType & data, const Json::Value & jsonValue) throw (std::runtime_error) { data = jsonValue.asFloat(); }
Texture *ResourceManager::loadTexture(const Json::Value& json, const std::unordered_map<std::string, ResPtr<Resource> >& externalResources) { std::string textureType = getMember(json, "type").asString(); Texture::Type type; if (textureType == "1d") { type = Texture::Texture1D; } else if (textureType == "2d") { type = Texture::Texture2D; } else if (textureType == "3d") { type = Texture::Texture3D; } else if (textureType == "cubemap") { type = Texture::TextureCubeMap; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown texture type."); } Texture *texture; bool hasMipmaps = false; bool linearMipmapping = false; if (type == Texture::TextureCubeMap) { texture = mRenderer->createCubemap(getMember(json, "positive x").asCString(), getMember(json, "negative x").asCString(), getMember(json, "positive y").asCString(), getMember(json, "negative y").asCString(), getMember(json, "positive z").asCString(), getMember(json, "negative z").asCString()); } else { texture = mRenderer->createTexture(getMember(json, "filename").asCString()); } if (json.isMember("generate mipmaps")) { if (json["generate mipmaps"].asBool()) { texture->generateMipmaps(); hasMipmaps = true; } } if (json.isMember("linear mipmapping")) { if (json["generate mipmaps"].asBool()) { linearMipmapping = true; } } if (json.isMember("anisotropy")) { Json::Value anisotropy = json["anisotropy"]; if (anisotropy.isString()) { if (anisotropy.asString() == "max") { texture->setAnisotropy(mRenderer->getMaxAnisotropy()); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown anisotropy."); } } else { texture->setAnisotropy(std::min(mRenderer->getMaxAnisotropy(), anisotropy.asFloat())); } } if (json.isMember("min filter")) { std::string minFilter = json["min filter"].asString(); if (minFilter == "linear") { if (hasMipmaps) { if (linearMipmapping) { texture->setMinFilter(Texture::LinearWithLinearMipmapMinFilter); } else { texture->setMinFilter(Texture::LinearWithNearestMipmapMinFilter); } } else { texture->setMinFilter(Texture::LinearMinFilter); } } else if (minFilter == "nearest") { if (hasMipmaps) { if (linearMipmapping) { texture->setMinFilter(Texture::NearestWithLinearMipmapMinFilter); } else { texture->setMinFilter(Texture::NearestWithNearestMipmapMinFilter); } } else { texture->setMinFilter(Texture::NearestMinFilter); } } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown min filter."); } } if (json.isMember("mag filter")) { std::string magFilter = json["mag filter"].asString(); if (magFilter == "linear") { texture->setMagFilter(Texture::LinearMagFilter); } else if (magFilter == "nearest") { texture->setMagFilter(Texture::NearestMagFilter); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown mag filter."); } } if (json.isMember("wrap u")) { std::string wrapU = json["wrap u"].asString(); if (wrapU == "repeat") { texture->setUWrap(Texture::Repeat); } else if (wrapU == "mirrored repeat") { texture->setUWrap(Texture::MirroredRepeat); } else if (wrapU == "clamp") { texture->setUWrap(Texture::Clamp); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown U wrap."); } } if (json.isMember("wrap v")) { std::string wrapV = json["wrap v"].asString(); if (wrapV == "repeat") { texture->setVWrap(Texture::Repeat); } else if (wrapV == "mirrored repeat") { texture->setVWrap(Texture::MirroredRepeat); } else if (wrapV == "clamp") { texture->setVWrap(Texture::Clamp); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown V wrap."); } } if (json.isMember("wrap w")) { std::string wrapW = json["wrap w"].asString(); if (wrapW == "repeat") { texture->setWWrap(Texture::Repeat); } else if (wrapW == "mirrored repeat") { texture->setWWrap(Texture::MirroredRepeat); } else if (wrapW == "clamp") { texture->setWWrap(Texture::Clamp); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown W wrap."); } } return texture; }
template<> ZEROBUF_INL float fromJSON( const Json::Value& json ) { return json.asFloat(); }
static void JsonToXmlInternal(pugi::xml_node& target, const Json::Value& source, const std::string& arrayElement) { // switch (source.type()) { case Json::nullValue: { target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value("null"); break; } case Json::intValue: { std::string s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(source.asInt()); target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(s.c_str()); break; } case Json::uintValue: { std::string s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(source.asUInt()); target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(s.c_str()); break; } case Json::realValue: { std::string s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(source.asFloat()); target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(s.c_str()); break; } case Json::stringValue: { target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(source.asString().c_str()); break; } case Json::booleanValue: { target.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(source.asBool() ? "true" : "false"); break; } case Json::arrayValue: { for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) { pugi::xml_node node = target.append_child(); node.set_name(arrayElement.c_str()); JsonToXmlInternal(node, source[i], arrayElement); } break; } case Json::objectValue: { Json::Value::Members members = source.getMemberNames(); for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) { pugi::xml_node node = target.append_child(); node.set_name(members[i].c_str()); JsonToXmlInternal(node, source[members[i]], arrayElement); } break; } default: throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_NotImplemented); } }
int ToPbSingle(const Json::Value &value, const FieldDescriptor *pFieldDescriptor, Message &message, map<string, string>& key_map) { if (!check_type(value.type(), pFieldDescriptor->cpp_type())) { return 1; } const Reflection *pReflection = message.GetReflection(); EnumDescriptor *pEnumDes = NULL; EnumValueDescriptor *pEnumValueDes = NULL; int ret = 0; switch(pFieldDescriptor->cpp_type()) { case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32: { pReflection->SetInt32(&message, pFieldDescriptor, value.asInt()); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32: { pReflection->SetUInt32(&message, pFieldDescriptor, value.asUInt()); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64: { pReflection->SetInt64(&message, pFieldDescriptor, value.asInt64()); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64: { pReflection->SetUInt64(&message, pFieldDescriptor, value.asUInt64()); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: { pReflection->SetString(&message, pFieldDescriptor, value.asString()); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL: { pReflection->SetBool(&message, pFieldDescriptor, value.asBool()); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE: { pReflection->SetDouble(&message, pFieldDescriptor, value.asDouble()); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT: { pReflection->SetFloat(&message, pFieldDescriptor, value.asFloat()); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: { if ((pEnumDes = (EnumDescriptor *)pFieldDescriptor->enum_type()) == NULL) { return 1; } if ((pEnumValueDes = (EnumValueDescriptor *)pEnumDes->FindValueByNumber(value.asInt())) == NULL) { return 1; } pReflection->SetEnum(&message, pFieldDescriptor, pEnumValueDes); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: { Message *pmessage = pReflection->MutableMessage(&message, pFieldDescriptor); if (key_map.size() == 0) { ret = ToPb(*pmessage, value); } else { ret = ToPbMap(*pmessage, value, key_map); } break; } default: { ret = 1; break; } } return ret; }
TEST(Lua, ReturnJson) { Json::Value b = Json::objectValue; b["a"] = 42; b["b"] = 44; b["c"] = 43; Json::Value c = Json::arrayValue; c.append("test3"); c.append("test1"); c.append("test2"); Json::Value a = Json::objectValue; a["Hello"] = "World"; a["List"] = Json::arrayValue; a["List"].append(b); a["List"].append(c); Orthanc::LuaContext lua; // This is the identity function (it simply returns its input) lua.Execute("function identity(a) return a end"); { Orthanc::LuaFunctionCall f(lua, "identity"); f.PushJson("hello"); Json::Value v; f.ExecuteToJson(v); ASSERT_EQ("hello", v.asString()); } { Orthanc::LuaFunctionCall f(lua, "identity"); f.PushJson(42.25); Json::Value v; f.ExecuteToJson(v); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(42.25f, v.asFloat()); } { Orthanc::LuaFunctionCall f(lua, "identity"); Json::Value vv = Json::arrayValue; f.PushJson(vv); Json::Value v; f.ExecuteToJson(v); ASSERT_EQ(Json::arrayValue, v.type()); } { Orthanc::LuaFunctionCall f(lua, "identity"); Json::Value vv = Json::objectValue; f.PushJson(vv); Json::Value v; f.ExecuteToJson(v); // Lua does not make the distinction between empty lists and empty objects ASSERT_EQ(Json::arrayValue, v.type()); } { Orthanc::LuaFunctionCall f(lua, "identity"); f.PushJson(b); Json::Value v; f.ExecuteToJson(v); ASSERT_EQ(Json::objectValue, v.type()); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(42.0f, v["a"].asFloat()); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(44.0f, v["b"].asFloat()); ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(43.0f, v["c"].asFloat()); } { Orthanc::LuaFunctionCall f(lua, "identity"); f.PushJson(c); Json::Value v; f.ExecuteToJson(v); ASSERT_EQ(Json::arrayValue, v.type()); ASSERT_EQ("test3", v[0].asString()); ASSERT_EQ("test1", v[1].asString()); ASSERT_EQ("test2", v[2].asString()); } { Orthanc::LuaFunctionCall f(lua, "identity"); f.PushJson(a); Json::Value v; f.ExecuteToJson(v); ASSERT_EQ("World", v["Hello"].asString()); ASSERT_EQ(42, v["List"][0]["a"].asInt()); ASSERT_EQ(44, v["List"][0]["b"].asInt()); ASSERT_EQ(43, v["List"][0]["c"].asInt()); ASSERT_EQ("test3", v["List"][1][0].asString()); ASSERT_EQ("test1", v["List"][1][1].asString()); ASSERT_EQ("test2", v["List"][1][2].asString()); } }
bool Application::LoadProject(std::string a_file) { ClearProject(); std::ifstream fs;; if (!fs.good()) { printf("Failed to open file '%s'!\n", a_file.c_str()); return false; } Json::Value root; fs >> root; Json::Value node = root["State"]; if (!node.isNull()) { Json::Value val = node["useUpdaterColor"]; if (!val.isNull()) m_projData.parSysOpts[0].useUpdaterColor = val.asBool(); val = node["useUpdaterRelativeForce"]; if (!val.isNull()) m_projData.parSysOpts[0].useUpdaterRelativeForce = val.asBool(); val = node["useUpdaterSize"]; if (!val.isNull()) m_projData.parSysOpts[0].useUpdaterSize = val.asBool(); } InitParticleSystem(); node = root["Emitters"]; if (!node.isNull()) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)node.size(); ++i) { EDataItem e; Json::Value val = node[i]["ID"]; if (!val.isNull()) e.first.ID = val.asInt(); val = node[i]["type"]; if (!val.isNull()) e.first.type = val.asInt(); val = node[i]["on"]; if (!val.isNull()) e.first.on = val.asBool(); val = node[i]["posGenMethod"]; if (!val.isNull()) e.first.posGenMethod = val.asInt(); val = node[i]["velGenMethod"]; if (!val.isNull()) e.first.velGenMethod = val.asInt(); val = node[i]["relativeForce"]; if (!val.isNull()) e.first.relativeForce = val.asFloat(); val = node[i]["velocity"]; if (!val.isNull()) e.first.velocity = val.asFloat(); val = node[i]["rate"]; if (!val.isNull()) e.first.rate = val.asFloat(); val = node[i]["life"]; if (!val.isNull()) = val.asFloat(); val = node[i]["transform"]; if (!val.isNull()) { std::vector<float> t; Dg::StringToNumberList(val.asString(), ',', std::dec, t); if (t.size() == 7) memcpy(e.first.transform,, 7 * sizeof(float)); } val = node[i]["boxDim"]; if (!val.isNull()) { std::vector<float> t; Dg::StringToNumberList(val.asString(), ',', std::dec, t); if (t.size() == 3) memcpy(e.first.boxDim,, 3 * sizeof(float)); } val = node[i]["velCone"]; if (!val.isNull()) { std::vector<float> t; Dg::StringToNumberList(val.asString(), ',', std::dec, t); if (t.size() == 3) memcpy(e.first.velCone,, 3 * sizeof(float)); } val = node[i]["colors"]; if (!val.isNull()) { std::vector<float> t; Dg::StringToNumberList(val.asString(), ',', std::dec, t); if (t.size() == 8) memcpy(e.first.colors,, 8 * sizeof(float)); } val = node[i]["sizes"]; if (!val.isNull()) { std::vector<float> t; Dg::StringToNumberList(val.asString(), ',', std::dec, t); if (t.size() == 2) memcpy(e.first.sizes,, 2 * sizeof(float)); } memcpy(&e.second, &e.first, sizeof(EmitterData)); m_projData.eData.push_back(e); m_IDManager.MarkAsUsed(e.first.ID); EmitterFactory eFact; m_particleSystem.AddEmitter(e.first.ID, eFact(e.first)); m_projData.emitterFocus = 0; } } node = root["Attractors"]; if (!node.isNull()) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)node.size(); ++i) { ADataItem a; Json::Value val; val = node[i]["ID"]; if (!val.isNull()) a.first.ID = val.asInt(); val = node[i]["attenuationMethod"]; if (!val.isNull()) a.first.attenuationMethod = val.asInt(); val = node[i]["maxAppliedAccelMag"]; if (!val.isNull()) a.first.maxAppliedAccelMag = val.asFloat(); val = node[i]["show"]; if (!val.isNull()) = val.asBool(); val = node[i]["strength"]; if (!val.isNull()) a.first.strength = val.asFloat(); val = node[i]["type"]; if (!val.isNull()) a.first.type = val.asInt(); val = node[i]["transform"]; if (!val.isNull()) { std::vector<float> t; Dg::StringToNumberList(val.asString(), ',', std::dec, t); if (t.size() == 6) memcpy(a.first.transform,, 6 * sizeof(float)); } memcpy(&a.second, &a.first, sizeof(AttractorData)); m_projData.aData.push_back(a); m_IDManager.MarkAsUsed(a.first.ID); AttractorFactory aFact; m_particleSystem.AddUpdater(a.first.ID, aFact(a.first)); m_projData.attrFocus = 0; } } UpdateProjectTitle(a_file); m_projData.dirty = false; return true; }
bool mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole::ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON(const Json::Value & jsonTeleop) { const std::string masterName = jsonTeleop["master"].asString(); const std::string slaveName = jsonTeleop["slave"].asString(); if ((masterName == "") || (slaveName == "")) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON: both \"master\" and \"slave\" must be provided as strings" << std::endl; return false; } // check that both arms have been defined and have correct type Arm * armPointer; ArmList::iterator armIterator = mArms.find(masterName); if (armIterator == mArms.end()) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON: master \"" << masterName << "\" is not defined in \"arms\"" << std::endl; return false; } else { armPointer = armIterator->second; if (!((armPointer->mType == Arm::ARM_MTM_GENERIC) || (armPointer->mType == Arm::ARM_MTM_DERIVED) || (armPointer->mType == Arm::ARM_MTM))) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON: master \"" << masterName << "\" type must be \"MTM\" or \"GENERIC_MTM\"" << std::endl; return false; } } armIterator = mArms.find(slaveName); if (armIterator == mArms.end()) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON: slave \"" << slaveName << "\" is not defined in \"arms\"" << std::endl; return false; } else { armPointer = armIterator->second; if (!((armPointer->mType == Arm::ARM_PSM_GENERIC) || (armPointer->mType == Arm::ARM_PSM_DERIVED) || (armPointer->mType == Arm::ARM_PSM))) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON: slave \"" << masterName << "\" type must be \"PSM\" or \"GENERIC_PSM\"" << std::endl; return false; } } // check if pair already exist and then add const std::string name = masterName + "-" + slaveName; const TeleopList::iterator teleopIterator = mTeleops.find(name); TeleopPSM * teleopPointer = 0; if (teleopIterator == mTeleops.end()) { // create a new teleop if needed teleopPointer = new TeleopPSM(name, masterName, slaveName, this->GetName()); mTeleops[name] = teleopPointer; } else { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON: there is already a teleop for the pair \"" << name << "\"" << std::endl; return false; } Json::Value jsonValue; jsonValue = jsonTeleop["type"]; if (!jsonValue.empty()) { std::string typeString = jsonValue.asString(); if (typeString == "TELEOP_PSM") { teleopPointer->mType = TeleopPSM::TELEOP_PSM; } else if (typeString == "TELEOP_PSM_GENERIC") { teleopPointer->mType = TeleopPSM::TELEOP_PSM_GENERIC; } else { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON: teleop " << name << ": invalid type \"" << typeString << "\", needs to be TELEOP_PSM or TELEOP_PSM_GENERIC" << std::endl; return false; } } else { // default value teleopPointer->mType = TeleopPSM::TELEOP_PSM; } // read orientation if present vctMatRot3 orientation; // identity by default jsonValue = jsonTeleop["rotation"]; if (!jsonValue.empty()) { cmnDataJSON<vctMatRot3>::DeSerializeText(orientation, jsonTeleop["rotation"]); } // read period if present double period = 2.0 * cmn_ms; jsonValue = jsonTeleop["period"]; if (!jsonValue.empty()) { period = jsonValue.asFloat(); } teleopPointer->ConfigureTeleop(teleopPointer->mType, orientation, period); AddTeleopInterfaces(teleopPointer); return true; }