/** * @test the current behaviour is, that a first update to a subscription is delivered with the a second * http request. Delivering the initial version of the data with the first http request would be * fine too. */ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( response_to_subscription, context ) { answer_validation_request( node1, true ); answer_authorization_request( node1, true ); answer_initialization_request( node1, json::number( 42 ) ); tools::run( *this ); const json::array response = json_multiple_post( asio_mocks::read_plan() << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'cmd': [ { 'subscribe': { 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } } ] }" ) << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'id': '' }" ) << asio_mocks::disconnect_read() ); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( response.length(), 2u ); json::array updates = response.at( 1 ).upcast< json::object >().at( json::string( "update" ) ).upcast< json::array >(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( updates.length(), 1u ); json::object update = updates.at( 0 ).upcast< json::object >(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( update.at( json::string( "key" ) ), json::parse_single_quoted( "{ 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' }" )); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( update.at( json::string( "data" ) ), json::number( 42 ) ); }
// durring tests, there was a situation, where after a browser refresh, the server did not respond to a subscription BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( second_subscription_to_invalid_node_must_be_communicated, context ) { data_.add_configuration( pubsub::node_group(), pubsub::configurator().authorization_not_required() ); answer_validation_request( node1, false ); // create a subscriber, subscribe to node1 const boost::shared_ptr< pubsub::test::subscriber > first_subscriber( new pubsub::test::subscriber ); data_.subscribe( first_subscriber, node1 ); tools::run( *this ); // make sure, that the subscriber is subscribed BOOST_REQUIRE( first_subscriber->on_invalid_node_subscription_called( node1 ) ); const json::array response = json_multiple_post( asio_mocks::read_plan() << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'cmd': [ { 'subscribe': { 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } } ] }" ) << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'id': '' }" ) << asio_mocks::disconnect_read() ); BOOST_REQUIRE_GE( response.length(), 2u ); // in the first, or the second response, there should be an update of node1 BOOST_CHECK_NE( response.find( json::parse_single_quoted( "{ " "'id' : ''," "'resp' : [ { " " 'subscribe': {'a': '1', 'b': '1'}," " 'error' : 'invalid node' } ]" "}" ) ), -1 ); }
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( defered_response_to_subscription_if_validation_was_asynchronous, context ) { const json::array responses = json_multiple_post( asio_mocks::read_plan() << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'cmd': [ { 'subscribe': { 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } } ] }" ) << boost::bind( update_node1_to_42, boost::ref( static_cast< pubsub::test::adapter&>( *this ) ), node1 ) << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'id': '' }" ) << asio_mocks::disconnect_read() ); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( responses.length(), 2u ); BOOST_CHECK( find_update( responses.at( 1u ).upcast< json::object >(), "{ 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' }", "42" ) ); }
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( defered_error_message_if_not_authorized, context ) { const json::array response = json_multiple_post( asio_mocks::read_plan() << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'cmd': [ { 'subscribe': { 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } } ] }" ) << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'id': '' }" ) << boost::bind( unauthorized_node_subject, boost::ref( static_cast< pubsub::test::adapter&>( *this ) ), node1 ) << asio_mocks::disconnect_read() ); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( response.length(), 2u ); json::array resp = response.at( 1 ).upcast< json::object >().at( json::string( "resp" ) ).upcast< json::array >(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( resp.length(), 1u ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( resp.at( 0 ), json::parse_single_quoted( "{" "'error': 'not allowed'" "'subscribe' :{ 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } }" ) ); }
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( error_message_if_subscription_subject_is_invalid, context ) { answer_validation_request( node1, false ); const json::array response = json_multiple_post( asio_mocks::read_plan() << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'cmd': [ { 'subscribe': { 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } } ] }" ) << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'id': '' }" ) << asio_mocks::disconnect_read() ); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( response.length(), 2u ); json::array resp = response.at( 1 ).upcast< json::object >().at( json::string( "resp" ) ).upcast< json::array >(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( resp.length(), 1u ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( resp.at( 0 ), json::parse_single_quoted( "{" "'error': 'invalid node'" "'subscribe' :{ 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } }" ) ); }
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( failed_initialization, context ) { answer_validation_request( node1, true ); answer_authorization_request( node1, true ); skip_initialization_request( node1 ); const json::array response = json_multiple_post( asio_mocks::read_plan() << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'cmd': [ { 'subscribe': { 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } } ] }" ) << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{ 'id': '' }" ) << asio_mocks::disconnect_read() ); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( response.length(), 2u ); json::array resp = response.at( 1 ).upcast< json::object >().at( json::string( "resp" ) ).upcast< json::array >(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( resp.length(), 1u ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( resp.at( 0 ), json::parse_single_quoted( "{" "'error': 'node initialization failed'" "'subscribe' :{ 'a':'1' ,'b':'1' } }" ) ); }
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( unsubscribe_from_not_subscribed_node_http, context ) { const json::array response = json_multiple_post( subscribe_to_node1() << asio_mocks::json_msg( "{" " 'id': '', " " 'cmd': [ " " { 'unsubscribe': { 'a': '1', 'b': '2' } } " " ]" "}" ) << asio_mocks::disconnect_read() ); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( response.length(), 2u ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( response.at( 1u ), json::parse_single_quoted("" "{" " 'id': ''," " 'resp': [{" " 'unsubscribe': { 'a': '1', 'b': '2' }," " 'error': 'not subscribed'" " }]" "}" ) ); }