コード例 #1
ファイル: CellBase.cpp プロジェクト: digirea/KVS
bool CellBase::containsLocalPoint( const kvs::Vec3& local ) const
    if ( local.x() < 0 || 1 < local.x() ) { return false; }
    if ( local.y() < 0 || 1 < local.y() ) { return false; }
    if ( local.z() < 0 || 1 < local.z() ) { return false; }
    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TetrahedralCell.cpp プロジェクト: naohisas/KVS
bool TetrahedralCell::containsLocalPoint( const kvs::Vec3& local ) const
    if ( local.x() < 0 || 1 < local.x() ) { return false; }
    if ( local.y() < 0 || 1 < local.y() ) { return false; }
    if ( local.z() < 0 || 1 < local.z() ) { return false; }
    if ( local.x() + local.y() + local.z() > 1 ) { return false; }
    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: TetrahedralCell.cpp プロジェクト: naohisas/KVS
kvs::Vec3 TetrahedralCell::globalPoint() const
    const kvs::Vec3 v3( BaseClass::coord(3) );
    const kvs::Vec3 v03( BaseClass::coord(0) - v3 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v13( BaseClass::coord(1) - v3 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v23( BaseClass::coord(2) - v3 );

    const kvs::Mat3 M(
        v03.x(), v13.x(), v23.x(),
        v03.y(), v13.y(), v23.y(),
        v03.z(), v13.z(), v23.z() );

    return M * BaseClass::localPoint() + v3;
コード例 #4
ファイル: TetrahedralCell.cpp プロジェクト: naohisas/KVS
kvs::Vec3 TetrahedralCell::globalToLocal( const kvs::Vec3& global ) const
    const kvs::Vec3 v3( BaseClass::coord(3) );
    const kvs::Vec3 v03( BaseClass::coord(0) - v3 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v13( BaseClass::coord(1) - v3 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v23( BaseClass::coord(2) - v3 );

    const kvs::Mat3 M(
        v03.x(), v13.x(), v23.x(),
        v03.y(), v13.y(), v23.y(),
        v03.z(), v13.z(), v23.z() );

    return M.inverted() * ( global - v3 );
コード例 #5
ファイル: TextEngine.cpp プロジェクト: naohisas/KVS
void TextEngine::draw( const kvs::Vec3& p, const std::string& text, kvs::ScreenBase* screen ) const
    GLdouble model[16]; kvs::OpenGL::GetModelViewMatrix( model );
    GLdouble proj[16]; kvs::OpenGL::GetProjectionMatrix( proj );
    GLint view[4]; kvs::OpenGL::GetViewport( view );
    GLdouble winx = 0, winy = 0, winz = 0;
    kvs::OpenGL::Project( p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), model, proj, view, &winx, &winy, &winz );

    kvs::OpenGL::WithPushedAttrib attrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );
    attrib.disable( GL_TEXTURE_1D );
    attrib.disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
//    attrib.enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
    attrib.disable( GL_TEXTURE_3D );
    attrib.enable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
    attrib.enable( GL_BLEND );
        kvs::OpenGL::SetBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );
        kvs::OpenGL::WithPushedMatrix modelview( GL_MODELVIEW );
            kvs::OpenGL::WithPushedMatrix projection( GL_PROJECTION );
                const GLint left = view[0];
                const GLint top = view[1];
                const GLint right = view[0] + view[2];
                const GLint bottom = view[1] + view[3];
                kvs::OpenGL::SetOrtho( left, right, bottom, top, 0, 1 );
                kvs::OpenGL::Translate( 0, 0, -winz );
                m_font.draw( kvs::Vec2( winx, top - ( winy - bottom ) ), text );
コード例 #6
ファイル: Quaternion.cpp プロジェクト: digirea/KVS
const kvs::Vec3 Quaternion::Rotate(
    const kvs::Vec3& pos,
    const kvs::Quaternion& q )
    const Quaternion p( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), 0.0f );
    const Quaternion rotate_conj = q.conjugated();
    const Quaternion rotate_pos = q * p * rotate_conj;
    return rotate_pos.m_elements.xyz();
コード例 #7
ファイル: StreamlineBase.cpp プロジェクト: hofsta/KVS
bool StreamlineBase::check_for_inside_volume( const kvs::Vec3& point )
    switch ( BaseClass::volume()->volumeType() )
    case kvs::VolumeObjectBase::Structured:
        const kvs::StructuredVolumeObject* structured_volume =
            kvs::StructuredVolumeObject::DownCast( BaseClass::volume() );
        switch ( structured_volume->gridType() )
        case kvs::StructuredVolumeObject::Uniform:
            const float dimx = static_cast<float>( structured_volume->resolution().x() - 1 );
            const float dimy = static_cast<float>( structured_volume->resolution().y() - 1 );
            const float dimz = static_cast<float>( structured_volume->resolution().z() - 1 );

            if ( point.x() < 0.0f || dimx < point.x() ) return false;
            if ( point.y() < 0.0f || dimy < point.y() ) return false;
            if ( point.z() < 0.0f || dimz < point.z() ) return false;

            return true;
        case kvs::StructuredVolumeObject::Rectilinear:
            const kvs::Vec3& min_obj = structured_volume->minObjectCoord();
            const kvs::Vec3& max_obj = structured_volume->maxObjectCoord();

            if ( point.x() < min_obj.x() || max_obj.x() < point.x() ) return false;
            if ( point.y() < min_obj.y() || max_obj.y() < point.y() ) return false;
            if ( point.z() < min_obj.z() || max_obj.z() < point.z() ) return false;

            return true;
        default: break;
    default: break;

    return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Quaternion.cpp プロジェクト: digirea/KVS
const Quaternion Quaternion::RotationQuaternion(
    kvs::Vec3 v0,
    kvs::Vec3 v1 )
    Quaternion q;


    kvs::Vec3 c = v0.cross( v1 );
    float d = v0.x() * v1.x() + v0.y() * v1.y() + v0.z() * v1.z();
    double s = std::sqrt( double( ( 1 + d ) * 2.0 ) );

    q.x() = float( c.x() / s );
    q.y() = float( c.y() / s );
    q.z() = float( c.z() / s );
    q.w() = float( s / 2.0 );

    return q;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Quaternion.cpp プロジェクト: digirea/KVS
const kvs::Vec3 Quaternion::Rotate(
    const kvs::Vec3& pos,
    const kvs::Vec3& axis,
    float rad )
    const Quaternion p( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), 0.0f );
    const Quaternion rotate_quat( axis, rad );
    const Quaternion rotate_conj = rotate_quat.conjugated();
    const Quaternion rotate_pos = rotate_quat * p * rotate_conj;
    return rotate_pos.m_elements.xyz();
コード例 #10
ファイル: CellBase.cpp プロジェクト: digirea/KVS
bool CellBase::containsInBounds( const kvs::Vec3& global ) const
    kvs::Vec3 min_coord = this->coords()[0];
    kvs::Vec3 max_coord = this->coords()[0];
    const size_t nnodes = this->numberOfCellNodes();
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
        const kvs::Vec3 v = this->coords()[i];
        min_coord.x() = kvs::Math::Min( min_coord.x(), v.x() );
        min_coord.y() = kvs::Math::Min( min_coord.y(), v.y() );
        min_coord.z() = kvs::Math::Min( min_coord.z(), v.z() );
        max_coord.x() = kvs::Math::Max( max_coord.x(), v.x() );
        max_coord.y() = kvs::Math::Max( max_coord.y(), v.y() );
        max_coord.z() = kvs::Math::Max( max_coord.z(), v.z() );

    if ( global.x() < min_coord.x() || global.x() > max_coord.x() ) { return false; }
    if ( global.y() < min_coord.y() || global.y() > max_coord.y() ) { return false; }
    if ( global.z() < min_coord.z() || global.z() > max_coord.z() ) { return false; }

    return true;
コード例 #11
void QuadraticTetrahedralCell::updateDifferentialFunctions( const kvs::Vec3& local ) const
    KVS_ASSERT( BaseClass::containsLocalPoint( local ) );

    const float p = local.x();
    const float q = local.y();
    const float r = local.z();
    const float w = 1 - p - q - r;

    const size_t nnodes = BaseClass::numberOfCellNodes();
    kvs::Real32* dN = BaseClass::differentialFunctions();
    kvs::Real32* dNdp = dN;
    kvs::Real32* dNdq = dNdp + nnodes;
    kvs::Real32* dNdr = dNdq + nnodes;

    // dNdp
    dNdp[0] = -4 * w + 1;
    dNdp[1] =  4 * p - 1;
    dNdp[2] =  0;
    dNdp[3] =  0;
    dNdp[4] =  4 * (w - p);
    dNdp[5] = -4 * r;
    dNdp[6] = -4 * q;
    dNdp[7] =  4 * r;
    dNdp[8] =  0;
    dNdp[9] =  4 * q;

    // dNdq
    dNdq[0] = -4 * w + 1;
    dNdq[1] =  0;
    dNdq[2] =  0;
    dNdq[3] =  4 * q - 1;
    dNdq[4] = -4 * p;
    dNdq[5] = -4 * r;
    dNdq[6] =  4 * (w - q);
    dNdq[7] =  0;
    dNdq[8] =  4 * r;
    dNdq[9] =  4 * p;

    // dNdr
    dNdr[0] = -4 * w + 1;
    dNdr[1] =  0;
    dNdr[2] =  4 * r - 1;
    dNdr[3] =  0;
    dNdr[4] = -4 * p;
    dNdr[5] =  4 * (w - r);
    dNdr[6] = -4 * q;
    dNdr[7] =  4 * p;
    dNdr[8] =  4 * q;
    dNdr[9] =  0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: TetrahedralCell.cpp プロジェクト: naohisas/KVS
void TetrahedralCell::updateInterpolationFunctions( const kvs::Vec3& local ) const
    KVS_ASSERT( this->containsLocalPoint( local ) );

    const float p = local.x();
    const float q = local.y();
    const float r = local.z();

    kvs::Real32* N = BaseClass::interpolationFunctions();
    N[0] = p;
    N[1] = q;
    N[2] = r;
    N[3] = 1.0f - p - q - r;
コード例 #13
ファイル: GridBase.cpp プロジェクト: digirea/KVS
void GridBase::updateDifferentialFunctions( const kvs::Vec3& local )
    const float p = local.x();
    const float q = local.y();
    const float r = local.z();
    const float pq = p * q;
    const float qr = q * r;
    const float rp = r * p;

    const size_t nnodes = m_nnodes;
    kvs::Real32* dN = m_differential_functions;
    kvs::Real32* dNdp = dN;
    kvs::Real32* dNdq = dNdp + nnodes;
    kvs::Real32* dNdr = dNdq + nnodes;

    dNdp[0] =  - 1.0f + q +r - qr;
    dNdp[1] =  1.0f - q - r + qr;
    dNdp[2] =  q - qr;
    dNdp[3] =  - q + qr;
    dNdp[4] =  - r + qr;
    dNdp[5] =  r - qr;
    dNdp[6] =  qr;
    dNdp[7] =  - qr;

    dNdq[0] =  - 1.0f + p + r - rp;
    dNdq[1] =  - p + rp;
    dNdq[2] =  p - rp;
    dNdq[3] =  1.0f - p - r + rp;
    dNdq[4] =  - r + rp;
    dNdq[5] =  - rp;
    dNdq[6] =  rp;
    dNdq[7] =  r - rp;

    dNdr[0] =  - 1.0f + q + p - pq;
    dNdr[1] =  - p + pq;
    dNdr[2] =  - pq;
    dNdr[3] =  - q + pq;
    dNdr[4] =  1.0f - q - p + pq;
    dNdr[5] =  p - pq;
    dNdr[6] =  pq;
    dNdr[7] =  q - pq;
コード例 #14
ファイル: PrismCell.cpp プロジェクト: alex159s/heatSphereUI
kvs::Mat3 PrismCell::localGradient()
    const kvs::Real32 p = m_local.x();
    const kvs::Real32 q = m_local.y();
    const kvs::Real32 r = m_local.z();
    KVS_ASSERT( 0.0f <= p && p <= 1.0f );
    KVS_ASSERT( 0.0f <= q && q <= 1.0f );
    KVS_ASSERT( 0.0f <= r && r <= 1.0f );
    KVS_ASSERT( p + q <= 1.0f );

    const kvs::Vec3 v02 = ::Mix( this->value(0), this->value(2), q );
    const kvs::Vec3 v35 = ::Mix( this->value(3), this->value(5), q );
    const kvs::Vec3 v12 = ::Mix( this->value(1), this->value(2), q );
    const kvs::Vec3 v45 = ::Mix( this->value(4), this->value(5), q );
    const kvs::Vec3 x0 = ::Mix( v02, v35, r );
    const kvs::Vec3 x1 = ::Mix( v12, v45, r );

    const kvs::Vec3 v01 = ::Mix( this->value(0), this->value(1), p );
    const kvs::Vec3 v34 = ::Mix( this->value(3), this->value(4), p );
    const kvs::Vec3 v21 = ::Mix( this->value(2), this->value(1), p );
    const kvs::Vec3 v54 = ::Mix( this->value(5), this->value(4), p );
    const kvs::Vec3 y0 = ::Mix( v01, v34, r );
    const kvs::Vec3 y1 = ::Mix( v21, v54, r );

    const kvs::Real32 ratio = kvs::Math::IsZero( 1 - q ) ? 0.0f : p / ( 1 - q );
    const kvs::Vec3 z0 = ::Mix( v02, v12, ratio );
    const kvs::Vec3 z1 = ::Mix( v35, v45, ratio );

    const kvs::Real32 dx = 1 - q;
    const kvs::Real32 dy = 1 - p;
    const kvs::Real32 dz = 1;

    const kvs::Real32 dudx = ( x1.x() - x0.x() ) / dx;
    const kvs::Real32 dudy = ( y1.x() - y0.x() ) / dy;
    const kvs::Real32 dudz = ( z1.x() - z0.x() ) / dz;

    const kvs::Real32 dvdx = ( x1.y() - x0.y() ) / dx;
    const kvs::Real32 dvdy = ( y1.y() - y0.y() ) / dy;
    const kvs::Real32 dvdz = ( z1.y() - z0.y() ) / dz;

    const kvs::Real32 dwdx = ( x1.z() - x0.z() ) / dx;
    const kvs::Real32 dwdy = ( y1.z() - y0.z() ) / dy;
    const kvs::Real32 dwdz = ( z1.z() - z0.z() ) / dz;

    return kvs::Mat3(
        dudx, dvdx, dwdx,
        dudy, dvdy, dwdy,
        dudz, dvdz, dwdz );
コード例 #15
void QuadraticTetrahedralCell::updateInterpolationFunctions( const kvs::Vec3& local ) const
    KVS_ASSERT( BaseClass::containsLocalPoint( local ) );

    const float p = local.x();
    const float q = local.y();
    const float r = local.z();
    const float w = 1 - p - q - r;

    kvs::Real32* N = BaseClass::interpolationFunctions();
    N[0] = w * (2 * w - 1); // (0, 0, 0)
    N[1] = p * (2 * p - 1); // (1, 0, 0)
    N[2] = r * (2 * r - 1); // (0, 0, 1)
    N[3] = q * (2 * q - 1); // (0, 1, 0)
    N[4] = 4 * p * w; // (1/2,   0,   0)
    N[5] = 4 * r * w; // (  0,   0, 1/2)
    N[6] = 4 * q * w; // (  0, 1/2,   0)
    N[7] = 4 * r * p; // (1/2,   0, 1/2)
    N[8] = 4 * q * r; // (  0, 1/2, 1/2)
    N[9] = 4 * p * q; // (1/2, 1/2,   0)
コード例 #16
ファイル: GridBase.cpp プロジェクト: digirea/KVS
void GridBase::updateInterpolationFunctions( const kvs::Vec3& local )
    const float p = local.x();
    const float q = local.y();
    const float r = local.z();

    const float pq = p * q;
    const float qr = q * r;
    const float rp = r * p;
    const float pqr = pq * r;

    kvs::Real32* N = m_interpolation_functions;
    N[0] = 1.0f - p - q - r + pq + qr + rp - pqr;
    N[1] = p - pq - rp + pqr;
    N[2] = pq - pqr;
    N[3] = q - pq - qr + pqr;
    N[4] = r - rp - qr + pqr;
    N[5] = rp - pqr;
    N[6] = pqr;
    N[7] = qr - pqr;
コード例 #17
ファイル: StreamlineBase.cpp プロジェクト: hofsta/KVS
bool StreamlineBase::calculate_one_side(
    std::vector<kvs::Real32>* coords,
    std::vector<kvs::UInt8>* colors,
    const kvs::Vec3& seed_point,
    const kvs::Vec3& seed_vector )
    // Register the seed point.
    kvs::Vec3 current_vertex = seed_point;
    kvs::Vec3 next_vertex = seed_point;

    coords->push_back( seed_point.x() );
    coords->push_back( seed_point.y() );
    coords->push_back( seed_point.z() );

    // Register the vector on the seed point.
    kvs::Vec3 current_vector = seed_vector;
    kvs::Vec3 previous_vector = seed_vector;

    // Set the color of seed point.
    kvs::RGBColor col = this->calculate_color( current_vector );

    colors->push_back( col.r() );
    colors->push_back( col.g() );
    colors->push_back( col.b() );

    size_t integral_times = 0;
    for ( ; ; )
        // Calculate the next vertex.
        if ( !this->calculate_next_vertex(
                 &next_vertex ) )
            return true;

        // Check the termination.
        if ( this->check_for_termination(
                 next_vertex ) )
            return true;

        // Update the vertex and vector.
        current_vertex = next_vertex;
        previous_vector = current_vector;

        coords->push_back( current_vertex.x() );
        coords->push_back( current_vertex.y() );
        coords->push_back( current_vertex.z() );

        // Interpolate vector from vertex of cell.
        current_vector = this->interpolate_vector( current_vertex, previous_vector );

        // Set color of vertex.
        kvs::RGBColor col = this->calculate_color( current_vector );

        colors->push_back( col.r() );
        colors->push_back( col.g() );
        colors->push_back( col.b() );

コード例 #18
ファイル: Streamline.cpp プロジェクト: fudy1129/kvs
const kvs::Vec3 Streamline::interpolate_vector(
    const kvs::Vec3& vertex,
    const kvs::Vec3& previous_vector )
    kvs::IgnoreUnusedVariable( previous_vector );

    const size_t cell_x = static_cast<size_t>( vertex.x() );
    const size_t cell_y = static_cast<size_t>( vertex.y() );
    const size_t cell_z = static_cast<size_t>( vertex.z() );

    const kvs::StructuredVolumeObject* volume = kvs::StructuredVolumeObject::DownCast( BaseClass::volume() );
    const size_t resolution_x = static_cast<size_t>( volume->resolution().x() );
    const size_t resolution_y = static_cast<size_t>( volume->resolution().y() );
//    const size_t resolution_z = static_cast<size_t>( volume->resolution().z() );

    size_t vertex_id[8];
    vertex_id[0] = cell_z * resolution_x * resolution_y + cell_y * resolution_x + cell_x;
    vertex_id[1] = vertex_id[0] + 1;
    vertex_id[2] = vertex_id[1] + resolution_x;
    vertex_id[3] = vertex_id[2] - 1;
    vertex_id[4] = vertex_id[0] + resolution_x * resolution_y;
    vertex_id[5] = vertex_id[4] + 1;
    vertex_id[6] = vertex_id[5] + resolution_x;
    vertex_id[7] = vertex_id[6] - 1;

    // Weight.
    const kvs::Vec3 local_coord(
        2.0f * ( vertex.x() - cell_x ) - 1.0f,
        2.0f * ( vertex.y() - cell_y ) - 1.0f,
        2.0f * ( vertex.z() - cell_z ) - 1.0f );

    const float x_min = local_coord.x() - 1.0f;
    const float x_max = local_coord.x() + 1.0f;
    const float y_min = local_coord.y() - 1.0f;
    const float y_max = local_coord.y() + 1.0f;
    const float z_min = local_coord.z() - 1.0f;
    const float z_max = local_coord.z() + 1.0f;

    const float weight[8] = {
        -x_min * y_min * z_min * 0.125f,
        x_max  * y_min * z_min * 0.125f,
        -x_max * y_max * z_min * 0.125f,
        x_min  * y_max * z_min * 0.125f,
        x_min  * y_min * z_max * 0.125f,
        -x_max * y_min * z_max * 0.125f,
        x_max  * y_max * z_max * 0.125f,
        -x_min * y_max * z_max * 0.125f };

    // Interpolate.
    const std::type_info& type = BaseClass::volume()->values().typeInfo()->type();
    if (      type == typeid( kvs::Int8   ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::Int8>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::Int16  ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::Int16>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::Int32  ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::Int32>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::Int64  ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::Int64>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::UInt8  ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::UInt8>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::UInt16 ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::UInt16>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::UInt32 ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::UInt32>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::UInt64 ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::UInt64>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::Real32 ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::Real32>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );
    else if ( type == typeid( kvs::Real64 ) ) return ::GetInterpolatedVector<kvs::Real64>( vertex_id, weight, BaseClass::volume() );

    return kvs::Vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );