コード例 #1
void LeapController::Setup()
	if (leapDevice && leapDevice->isConnected()) return;
	leapDevice 	= Device::create();
	leapDevice->connectEventHandler( &LeapController::onFrame, this );
	// Enable all gesture types
	Leap::Controller* controller = leapDevice->getController();
	controller->enableGesture( Leap::Gesture::Type::TYPE_SWIPE );
	controller->enableGesture( Leap::Gesture::Type::TYPE_CIRCLE );

	// Write gesture config to console
	Leap::Config config = controller->config();

	// Update config to make gestures easier
	config.setFloat( "Gesture.Swipe.MinLength", 30.0f );
	config.setFloat( "Gesture.Swipe.MinVelocity", 100.0f );	

	App::get()->getSignalShutdown().connect(bind(&LeapController::Shutdown, this));
	App::get()->getSignalUpdate().connect(bind(&LeapController::Update, this));

コード例 #2
	mBackgroundBrightness	= 0.0f;
	mBackgroundColor		= Colorf( 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.2f );
	mCircleResolution		= 32;
	mDialBrightness			= 0.0f;
	mDialPosition			= vec2( 155.0f, 230.0f );
	mDialRadius				= 120.0f;
	mDialSpeed				= 0.21f;
	mDialValue				= 0.0f;
	mDialValueDest			= mDialValue;
	mDotRadius				= 3.0f;
	mDotSpacing				= mDotRadius * 3.0f;
	mFadeSpeed				= 0.95f;
	mKeySpacing				= 25.0f;
	mKeyRect				= Rectf( mKeySpacing, 360.0f + mKeySpacing, 600.0f, 600.0f );
	mKeySize				= 60.0f;
	mPointableRadius		= 15.0f;
	mSwipeBrightness		= 0.0f;
	mSwipePos				= 0.0f;
	mSwipePosDest			= mSwipePos;
	mSwipePosSpeed			= 0.33f;
	mSwipeRect				= Rectf( 310.0f, 100.0f, 595.0f, 360.0f );
	mSwipeStep				= 0.033f;
	// Lay out keys
	float spacing = mKeySize + mKeySpacing;
	for ( float y = mKeyRect.y1; y < mKeyRect.y2; y += spacing ) {
		for ( float x = mKeyRect.x1; x < mKeyRect.x2; x += spacing ) {
			Rectf bounds( x, y, x + mKeySize, y + mKeySize );
			Key key( bounds );
			mKeys.push_back( key );
	mDevice = Device::create();
	mDevice->connectEventHandler( [ & ]( Leap::Frame frame )
		mFrame = frame;
	} );

	// Enable gesture types
	Leap::Controller* controller = mDevice->getController();
	controller->enableGesture( Leap::Gesture::Type::TYPE_CIRCLE );
	controller->enableGesture( Leap::Gesture::Type::TYPE_KEY_TAP );
	controller->enableGesture( Leap::Gesture::Type::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP );
	controller->enableGesture( Leap::Gesture::Type::TYPE_SWIPE );
	// Write gesture config to console
	Leap::Config config = controller->config();
	console() << "Gesture.Circle.MinRadius: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.Circle.MinRadius" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.Circle.MinArc: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.Circle.MinArc" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.Swipe.MinLength: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.Swipe.MinLength" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.Swipe.MinVelocity: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.Swipe.MinVelocity" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.KeyTap.MinDownVelocity: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.KeyTap.MinDownVelocity" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.KeyTap.HistorySeconds: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.KeyTap.HistorySeconds" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.KeyTap.MinDistance: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.KeyTap.MinDistance" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.ScreenTap.MinForwardVelocity: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.ScreenTap.MinForwardVelocity" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.ScreenTap.HistorySeconds: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.ScreenTap.HistorySeconds" ) << endl;
	console() << "Gesture.ScreenTap.MinDistance: " << config.getFloat( "Gesture.ScreenTap.MinDistance" ) << endl;

	// Update config to make gestures easier
	config.setFloat( "Gesture.Circle.MinRadius",		2.5f );
	config.setFloat( "Gesture.Circle.MinArc",			3.0f );
	config.setFloat( "Gesture.Swipe.MinLength",			75.0f );
	config.setFloat( "Gesture.Swipe.MinVelocity",		500.0f );
	config.setFloat( "Gesture.KeyTap.MinDownVelocity",	25.0f );
	// Allows app to run in background
	controller->setPolicyFlags( Leap::Controller::PolicyFlag::POLICY_BACKGROUND_FRAMES );
	mFrameRate	= 0.0f;
	mFullScreen	= false;
	mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", ivec2( 200, 105 ) );
	mParams->addParam( "Frame rate",	&mFrameRate,				"", true );
	mParams->addParam( "Full screen",	&mFullScreen ).key( "f" );
	mParams->addButton( "Screen shot",	[ & ]() { screenShot(); },	"key=space" );
	mParams->addButton( "Quit",			[ & ]() { quit(); },		"key=q" );
