コード例 #1
ファイル: PadArtist.cpp プロジェクト: mattfg/leappad
cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char> convertImage(Leap::Image leap)
	auto result = cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>(leap.data(), leap.width(), leap.height(), 1);
	auto resizedResult = result.resize(result.width() * 2, result.height() * 2, 1, 3, 1);
	return result;
コード例 #2
BigDotList::BigDotList(Leap::Image &img) : bigDots()
	value = 0;
	const unsigned char *imgData = img.data();
	for (int i = 0; i < img.width()*img.height(); i++) {
		if (imgData[i] < Dot::thres)
		int y = i/img.width();
		Dot newDot(Coord(i-y, y));
		bool groupFound = true;
		/* Check if dot belongs to another group */
		std::vector<BigDot> bd;
		std::vector<Dot> d;
		for (std::vector<BigDot>::iterator bd = bigDots.begin();
		    bd != bigDots.end(); ++bd) {
			for (std::vector<Dot>::iterator d = bd->dots.begin();
			     d != bd->dots.begin(); ++d) {
				if (newDot.pos.getDist(d->pos) < Dot::r) {
					groupFound = true;
			if (groupFound) break;
コード例 #3
Channel8uRef toChannel8u( const Leap::Image& img, bool copyData )
	int32_t h = img.height();
	int32_t w = img.width();
	Channel8uRef channel;
	if ( copyData ) {
		channel = Channel8u::create( w, h );
		char_traits<uint8_t>::copy( channel->getData(), img.data(), w * h * sizeof( uint8_t ) );
	} else {
		channel = Channel8u::create( w, h, w * sizeof( uint8_t ), sizeof( uint8_t ), (uint8_t*)img.data() );
	return channel;
コード例 #4
void ULeapMotionImageComponent::UpdateDistortionTextures(const Leap::Image& Image, UTexture2D* DistortionTexture)
	uint32* MipData = static_cast<uint32*>(DistortionTexture->PlatformData->Mips[0].BulkData.Lock(LOCK_READ_WRITE));

	FColor* Colors = reinterpret_cast<FColor*>(MipData);

	const float* DistortionData = Image.distortion();
	int DistortionDataSize = Image.distortionWidth() * Image.distortionHeight();

	const int TexWidth = Image.distortionWidth() / 2;
	const int TexHeight = Image.distortionHeight();

	// Move distortion data to distortion x textures.
	for (int i = 0; i < DistortionDataSize; i += 2)
		// The distortion range is -0.6 to +1.7. Normalize to range [0..1).
		float dval = (DistortionData[i] + 0.6f) / 2.3f;

		float enc_y = FMath::Frac(dval * 255.0f);
		float enc_x = FMath::Frac(dval - enc_y / 255.0f);

		int index = i >> 1;
		index = index % TexWidth + (TexHeight - 1 - index / TexWidth) * TexWidth;

		Colors[index].R = (uint8)(256 * enc_x);
		Colors[index].G = (uint8)(256 * enc_y);

	// Move distortion data to distortion y textures.
	for (int i = 1; i < DistortionDataSize; i += 2)
		// The distortion range is -0.6 to +1.7. Normalize to range [0..1).
		float dval = (DistortionData[i] + 0.6f) / 2.3f;

		float enc_y = FMath::Frac(dval * 255.0f);
		float enc_x = FMath::Frac(dval - enc_y / 255.0f);

		// Divide by 2, to get index for this one texture's pixel.
		int index = i >> 1;
		// we have to write out by rows from the bottom actually. Texture mapping is different in Unreal.
		index = index % TexWidth + (TexHeight - 1 - index / TexWidth) * TexWidth;

		Colors[index].B = (uint8)(256 * enc_x);
		Colors[index].A = (uint8)(256 * enc_y);

	// Unlock the texture
コード例 #5
ファイル: LeapImage.cpp プロジェクト: vimaxus/leap-ue4
FVector PrivateLeapImage::FindBlob(const int32 SrcWidth, const int32 SrcHeight, int32 Start, std::vector<uint8>& checkPixel, int32 Stack, uint8* imageBuffer, int* stackLimit, const uint8 brightnessThresholdIn, const uint8 brightnessThresholdOut)
	float weight, sum;
	FVector pos, nPos;
	uint8* SrcPtr = NULL;
	uint8 Value;
	if (pixelsFound > pixelLimit) *stackLimit = 2;
	if (Stack >= 100) *stackLimit = 0;
	if (*stackLimit == 1) {

		Leap::Vector Dir = leapImage.rectify(Leap::Vector(floor(Start%SrcWidth), floor(Start / SrcWidth), 0.0f));
		//		Leap::Vector Dir = Leap::Vector(floor(Start%SrcWidth), floor(Start / SrcWidth), 0.0f);

		SrcPtr = (&imageBuffer[Start]);
		Value = *SrcPtr;
		weight = pow((float)(Value - brightnessThresholdOut), 2) + 1.f;
		//		weight = (float)(Value - brightnessThresholdOut) + 0.01f;
		pos = FVector(Dir.x * weight, Dir.y * weight, 0.0f);
		sum = weight;
		checkPixel[Start] = 1;
		//		if (Stack >= 15) *stackLimit = 0;
		//		if (Stack < 15) {//PREVENTS STACK OVERFLOW

		SrcPtr = (&imageBuffer[Start - 1]);
		Value = *SrcPtr;
		if ((floor(Start % SrcWidth) != 0) && (Value > brightnessThresholdOut) && (*stackLimit == 1)) if (checkPixel[Start - 1] == 0) {
			nPos = FindBlob(SrcWidth, SrcHeight, Start - 1, checkPixel, Stack + 1, imageBuffer, stackLimit, brightnessThresholdIn, brightnessThresholdOut);
			pos = FVector(pos.X + nPos.X, pos.Y + nPos.Y, 0.0f);
			if (nPos == FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) *stackLimit = 0;
			sum += nPos.Z;
		SrcPtr = (&imageBuffer[Start + 1]);
		Value = *SrcPtr;
		if ((floor(Start % SrcWidth) != SrcWidth - 1) && (Value > brightnessThresholdOut) && (*stackLimit == 1)) if (checkPixel[Start + 1] == 0) {
			nPos = FindBlob(SrcWidth, SrcHeight, Start + 1, checkPixel, Stack + 1, imageBuffer, stackLimit, brightnessThresholdIn, brightnessThresholdOut);
			pos = FVector(pos.X + nPos.X, pos.Y + nPos.Y, 0.0f);
			if (nPos == FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) *stackLimit = 0;
			sum += nPos.Z;
		SrcPtr = (&imageBuffer[Start - SrcWidth]);
		Value = *SrcPtr;
		if ((floor(Start / SrcWidth) != 0) && (Value > brightnessThresholdOut) && (*stackLimit == 1)) if (checkPixel[Start - SrcWidth] == 0) {
			nPos = FindBlob(SrcWidth, SrcHeight, Start - SrcWidth, checkPixel, Stack + 1, imageBuffer, stackLimit, brightnessThresholdIn, brightnessThresholdOut);
			pos = FVector(pos.X + nPos.X, pos.Y + nPos.Y, 0.0f);
			if (nPos == FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) *stackLimit = 0;
			sum += nPos.Z;
		SrcPtr = (&imageBuffer[Start + SrcWidth]);
		Value = *SrcPtr;
		if ((floor(Start / SrcWidth) != SrcHeight - 1) && (Value > brightnessThresholdOut) && (*stackLimit == 1)) if (checkPixel[Start + SrcWidth] == 0) {
			nPos = FindBlob(SrcWidth, SrcHeight, Start + SrcWidth, checkPixel, Stack + 1, imageBuffer, stackLimit, brightnessThresholdIn, brightnessThresholdOut);
			pos = FVector(pos.X + nPos.X, pos.Y + nPos.Y, 0.0f);
			if (nPos == FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) *stackLimit = 0;
			sum += nPos.Z;

	if (*stackLimit == 1)
		return FVector(pos.X, pos.Y, sum);
		return FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	//	return FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
コード例 #6
void ULeapMotionImageComponent::UpdateImageTexture()
	FLeapMotionDevice* Device = FLeapMotionControllerPlugin::GetLeapDeviceSafe();

	if (Device && Device->IsConnected())
	if (Device && Device->IsConnected() && Device->Frame().images().count() > 1)
		Leap::ImageList ImageList = Device->Frame().images();
		for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; eye++)
			Leap::Image Image = ImageList[eye];
			bool isRGB = Image.format() != Leap::Image::INFRARED;
			UTexture2D*& Texture = eye ? ImagePassthroughRight : ImagePassthroughLeft;
			UTexture2D*& Distortion = eye ? DistortionTextureRight : DistortionTextureLeft;
			// Recreate the image & distortion textures.
			if (!Texture || Image.width() != Texture->PlatformData->SizeX || Image.height() != Texture->PlatformData->SizeY)
				EPixelFormat PixelFormat = !isRGB ? PF_G8 : PF_R8G8B8A8;
				Texture = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(Image.width(), Image.height(), PixelFormat);
				Texture->SRGB = 0;

				Distortion = BuildDistortionTextures(Image);

				if (isRGB)
					DynamicPassthroughMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue(eye ? TEXT("BaseTextureRGB_Right") : TEXT("BaseTextureRGB"), Texture);
					DynamicPassthroughMaterial->SetScalarParameterValue(TEXT("ImageFormat"), 1.0);
					DynamicPassthroughMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue(eye ? TEXT("BaseTextureIR_Right") : TEXT("BaseTextureIR"), Texture);
					DynamicPassthroughMaterial->SetScalarParameterValue(TEXT("ImageFormat"), -1.0);

				DynamicPassthroughMaterial->SetTextureParameterValue(eye ? TEXT("DistortionTextureRight") : TEXT("DistortionTexture"), Distortion);

				if (GEngine && GEngine->GameViewport && GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport)
					FIntPoint Resolution = GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport->GetSizeXY();
					FLinearColor ScreenRes = FLinearColor(Resolution.X, Resolution.Y, 0.f, 0.f);
					DynamicPassthroughMaterial->SetVectorParameterValue(TEXT("ScreenResolution"), ScreenRes);

			// Extract the image 
				UTexture2D*& Texture = eye ? ImagePassthroughRight : ImagePassthroughLeft;

				const uint8* LeapData = Image.data();
				const int LeapDataSize = Image.width() * Image.height() * Image.bytesPerPixel();

				//Check for dragonfly
				if (!isRGB)
					uint8* Dest = (uint8*)Texture->PlatformData->Mips[0].BulkData.Lock(LOCK_READ_WRITE);
					FMemory::Memcpy(Dest, LeapData, LeapDataSize);
					uint32* Dest = (uint32*)Texture->PlatformData->Mips[0].BulkData.Lock(LOCK_READ_WRITE);
					FMemory::Memcpy(Dest, LeapData, LeapDataSize);


			// Hack: need to update distortion texture every frame to handle device flipping.
			UpdateDistortionTextures(Image, Distortion);

		const bool bUsingHmd = GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid() && GEngine->HMDDevice->IsHeadTrackingAllowed();
		DynamicPassthroughMaterial->SetScalarParameterValue("HorizontalTanHalfFOV", bUsingHmd ? 1.4f : 1.0f);

		// We can't find two images, that might be due to device being detached & maybe exchanged later -- trigger reset.
		ImagePassthroughLeft = nullptr;
		ImagePassthroughRight = nullptr;
		DistortionTextureLeft = nullptr;
		DistortionTextureRight = nullptr;
コード例 #7
Leap::Vector GetTrackedPoint(Leap::Image image)
	Mat img = Mat(image.height(), image.width(), CV_8UC1);
	img.data = (unsigned char*)image.data();

	Mat cimg = img.clone();
	CvSize size = img.size();

	//binary threshold, val = 235
	threshold(img, cimg, 235, 255, 0);
	medianBlur(cimg, cimg, 5);

	//circle detection with contours	
	bool enableRadiusCulling = false;
	int minTargetRadius = 5;
	vector<vector<Point> > contours;
	vector<Vec4i> heirarchy;

	findContours(cimg, contours, heirarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

	size_t count = contours.size();

	//get circle with largest radius
	float radius = 0;
	Point2i center;

	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
		Point2f c;
		float r;
		minEnclosingCircle(contours[i], c, r);

		if (!enableRadiusCulling || r >= minTargetRadius)
			if (r > radius) {
				radius = r;
				center = (Point2i)c;

	Leap::Vector res;
	res.x = center.x;
	res.y = center.y;
	res.z = 0;

	cvtColor(cimg, cimg, CV_GRAY2BGR);

	Scalar red(0, 0, 255);
	Scalar blue(255, 0, 0);

	if (radius > 0) { //circle was found
		circle(cimg, center, radius, red, 1);
		circle(cimg, center, 1, blue, 2);
		//cout << "Center: " << center.x << "; " << center.y << "\n";
	imshow("detected circles", cimg);
	return res;