コード例 #1
ファイル: leapMotionUtil.cpp プロジェクト: 03050903/Torque3D
void convertPointableRotation(const Leap::Pointable& pointable, MatrixF& outRotation)
   // We need to convert from Motion coordinates to
   // Torque coordinates.  The conversion is:
   // Motion                       Torque
   // a b c         a  b  c        a -c  b
   // d e f   -->  -g -h -i  -->  -g  i -h
   // g h i         d  e  f        d -f  e
   Leap::Vector pointableFront = -pointable.direction();
   Leap::Vector pointableRight = Leap::Vector::up().cross(pointableFront);
   Leap::Vector pointableUp = pointableFront.cross(pointableRight);

   outRotation.setColumn(0, Point4F(  pointableRight.x, -pointableRight.z,  pointableRight.y,  0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(1, Point4F( -pointableFront.x,  pointableFront.z, -pointableFront.y,  0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(2, Point4F(  pointableUp.x,    -pointableUp.z,     pointableUp.y,     0.0f));
コード例 #2
ファイル: leapMotionUtil.cpp プロジェクト: 03050903/Torque3D
void convertHandRotation(const Leap::Hand& hand, MatrixF& outRotation)
   // We need to convert from Motion coordinates to
   // Torque coordinates.  The conversion is:
   // Motion                       Torque
   // a b c         a  b  c        a -c  b
   // d e f   -->  -g -h -i  -->  -g  i -h
   // g h i         d  e  f        d -f  e
   const Leap::Vector& handToFingers = hand.direction();
   Leap::Vector handFront = -handToFingers;
   const Leap::Vector& handDown = hand.palmNormal();
   Leap::Vector handUp = -handDown;
   Leap::Vector handRight = handUp.cross(handFront);

   outRotation.setColumn(0, Point4F(  handRight.x, -handRight.z,  handRight.y,  0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(1, Point4F( -handFront.x,  handFront.z, -handFront.y,  0.0f));
   outRotation.setColumn(2, Point4F(  handUp.x,    -handUp.z,     handUp.y,     0.0f));