コード例 #1
ファイル: keywords.cpp プロジェクト: ForNeVeR/leechcraft
	void Plugin::hookURLEditReturnPressed (LeechCraft::IHookProxy_ptr proxy, QObject*)
		const auto& text = proxy->GetValue ("Text").toString ();
		if (text.isEmpty () || !text.contains (' '))

		const auto& redirect = Keywords2Urls_.value (text.section (' ', 0, 0));
		if (redirect.isEmpty ())

		const auto& query = text.section (' ', 1).toUtf8 ();
		const auto& encoded = query.toPercentEncoding ();
		proxy->SetValue ("Text", redirect.arg (QString::fromUtf8 (encoded)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: juick.cpp プロジェクト: AlexWMF/leechcraft
	void Plugin::hookMessageWillCreated (LeechCraft::IHookProxy_ptr proxy,
			QObject *chatTab, QObject *entry, int, QString)
		ICLEntry *other = qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (entry);

		if (!other)
			qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
				<< "unable to cast"
				<< entry
				<< "to ICLEntry";

		if (!other->GetEntryID ().contains ("*****@*****.**"))

		QString text = proxy->GetValue ("text").toString ();

		Typo typos[] = {
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^!\\s+[#№]{2,}(\\d+)"), QString ("! #\\1")),
			Typo (text, "^!\\s+(\\d+)", QString ("! #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^![#№](\\d+)"), QString ("! #\\1")),
			Typo (text, "^!(\\d+)", QString ("! #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[SЫ]\\s+[#№]{2,}(\\d+)"), QString ("S #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[SЫ]\\s+(\\d+)"), QString ("S #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[SЫ][#№](\\d+)"), QString ("S #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[SЫ](\\d+)"), QString ("S #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^Ы [#№](\\d+)"), QString ("S #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^ЗЬ\\s+@(.*)"), QString ("PM @\\1")),
			Typo (text, "^(\\d+)\\s+(.*)", QString ("#\\1 \\2")),
			Typo (text, "^(\\d+/\\d+)\\s+(.*)", QString ("#\\1 \\2")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^№\\+$"), QString ("#+")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^\"$"), QString ("@")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^В\\s?Д$"), QString ("D L")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("$Ы^"), QString ("S")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[UГ]\\s+[#№]{2,}(\\d+)"), QString ("U #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[UГ]\\s+(\\d+)"), QString ("U #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[UГ][#№](\\d+)"), QString ("U #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[UГ](\\d+)"), QString ("U #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^Г [#№](\\d+)"), QString ("U #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^В [#№](\\d+)"), QString ("D #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[DВ][#№](\\d+)"), QString ("D #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^[DВ](\\d+)"), QString ("D #\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^РУДЗ$"), QString ("HELP")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^ДЩПШТ$"), QString ("LOGIN")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^ЩТ(\\+?)$"), QString ("ON\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^ЩАА$"), QString ("OFF")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^ИД(\\s?)"), QString ("BL\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^ЦД(\\s?)"), QString ("WL\\1")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^ШТМШЕУ "), QString ("INVITE ")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^МСФКВ$"), QString ("VCARD")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^ЗШТП$"), QString ("PING")),
			Typo (text, QString::fromUtf8 ("^№+$"), [] (QString str) { return str.replace ("№", "#"); })

		for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int> (sizeof (typos) / sizeof (Typo)); ++i)
			Typo typo = typos [i];

			if (!typo.Done ())

			QSettings settings (QCoreApplication::organizationName (),
				QCoreApplication::applicationName () + "_AzothJuick");
			QWidget* parent = qobject_cast<QWidget*> (chatTab);
			QString correction = typo.Correction ();
			bool askForCorrection = settings.value ("AskForCorrection", true).toBool ();

			if (!parent)
				qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
					<< "unable to cast"
					<< chatTab
					<< "to QWidget";

			QMessageBox msgbox (QMessageBox::Question,
					tr ("Fix typo?"),
					tr ("Did you mean <em>%1</em> instead of <em>%2</em>?")
						.arg (correction)
						.arg (text),
			msgbox.addButton (QMessageBox::Yes);
			QPushButton *always = msgbox.addButton (tr ("Always"), QMessageBox::YesRole);
			msgbox.addButton (QMessageBox::No);

			if (!askForCorrection || msgbox.exec () != QMessageBox::No)
				proxy->SetValue ("text", correction);
				if (msgbox.clickedButton () == always)
					settings.setValue ("AskForCorrection", false);