コード例 #1
ファイル: regressor_loops.cpp プロジェクト: PerryZh/idyntree
void dynamicsRegressorLoop(const UndirectedTree & ,
                         const KDL::JntArray &q,
                         const Traversal & traversal,
                         const std::vector<Frame>& X_b,
                         const std::vector<Twist>& v,
                         const std::vector<Twist>& a,
                         Eigen::MatrixXd & dynamics_regressor)

        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 10> netWrenchRegressor_i;

        // Store the base_world translational transform in world orientation
        KDL::Frame world_base_X_world_world = KDL::Frame(-(X_b[traversal.getBaseLink()->getLinkIndex()].p));

        for(int l =(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks()-1; l >= 0; l-- ) {
            LinkMap::const_iterator link = traversal.getOrderedLink(l);
            int i = link->getLinkIndex();

            //Each link affects the dynamics of the joints from itself to the base
            netWrenchRegressor_i = netWrenchRegressor(v[i],a[i]);

            //Base dynamics
            // The base dynamics is expressed with the orientation of the world but
            // with respect to the base origin
            dynamics_regressor.block(0,(int)(10*i),6,10) = WrenchTransformationMatrix(world_base_X_world_world*X_b[i])*netWrenchRegressor_i;

            //dynamics_regressor.block(0,(int)(10*i),6,10) = WrenchTransformationMatrix(X_b[i])*netWrenchRegressor_i;

            LinkMap::const_iterator child_link = link;
            LinkMap::const_iterator parent_link=traversal.getParentLink(link);
            while( child_link != traversal.getOrderedLink(0) ) {
                if( child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) {
                    #ifndef NDEBUG
                    //std::cerr << "Calculating regressor columns for link " << link->getName() << " and joint " << child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getName() << std::endl;
                    int dof_index = child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getDOFIndex();
                    int child_index = child_link->getLinkIndex();
                    Frame X_j_i = X_b[child_index].Inverse()*X_b[i];
                    dynamics_regressor.block(6+dof_index,10*i,1,10) =
                child_link = parent_link;
                #ifndef NDEBUG
                //std::cout << "Getting parent link of link of index " << child_link->getName() << " " << child_link->getLinkIndex() << std::endl;
                //std::cout << "Current base " << traversal.order[0]->getName() << " " << traversal.order[0]->getLinkIndex() << std::endl;
                parent_link = traversal.getParentLink(child_link);
コード例 #2
ファイル: regressor_loops.cpp プロジェクト: PerryZh/idyntree
void dynamicsRegressorFixedBaseLoop(const UndirectedTree & ,
                         const KDL::JntArray &q,
                         const Traversal & traversal,
                         const std::vector<Frame>& X_b,
                         const std::vector<Twist>& v,
                         const std::vector<Twist>& a,
                         Eigen::MatrixXd & dynamics_regressor)

        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 10> netWrenchRegressor_i;

        for(int l =(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks()-1; l >= 0; l-- ) {
            LinkMap::const_iterator link = traversal.getOrderedLink(l);
            int i = link->getLinkIndex();

            //Each link affects the dynamics of the joints from itself to the base
            netWrenchRegressor_i = netWrenchRegressor(v[i],a[i]);

             //dynamics_regressor.block(0,(int)(10*i),6,10) = WrenchTransformationMatrix(X_b[i])*netWrenchRegressor_i;

            LinkMap::const_iterator child_link = link;
            LinkMap::const_iterator parent_link=traversal.getParentLink(link);
            while( child_link != traversal.getOrderedLink(0) ) {
                if( child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) {
                    int dof_index = child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getDOFIndex();
                    int child_index = child_link->getLinkIndex();
                    Frame X_j_i = X_b[child_index].Inverse()*X_b[i];
                    dynamics_regressor.block(dof_index,10*i,1,10) =
                child_link = parent_link;
                parent_link = traversal.getParentLink(child_link);
コード例 #3
 int UndirectedTreeLink::globalIterator2localIndex(LinkMap::const_iterator link_iterator) const
     int i;
     #ifndef NDEBUG
     if( !is_adjacent_to(link_iterator) )
     std::cerr << "UndirectedTreeLink::globalIterator2localIndex fatal error: " << this->getName() << " is not adjacent to " << link_iterator->getName() << std::endl;
     assert( is_adjacent_to(link_iterator) );
     for(i=0; i < (int)getNrOfAdjacentLinks(); i++ ) {
         if( adjacent_link[i] == link_iterator ) {
         assert(i >= 0);
         assert(i < (int)getNrOfAdjacentLinks());
         return i;
コード例 #4
ファイル: traversal.cpp プロジェクト: robotology/idyntree
 LinkMap::const_iterator Traversal::getParentLink(LinkMap::const_iterator link_iterator) const
     return parent[link_iterator->getLinkIndex()];