int alarms(int ac, char **av) { Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ; if(ac>1) return 1 ; if(ac>0) { string on_off = av[0] ; bool new_state ; if(on_off=="on") new_state = true ; else if(on_off=="off") new_state = false ; else { qDebug() << "invalid argument, on/off required" ; return 1 ; } QDBusReply<void> reply_set = timed.enable_alarms_sync(new_state) ; if(!reply_set.isValid()) { qDebug() << "enable_alarms call failed" << timed.lastError() ; return 1 ; } } QDBusReply<bool> reply = timed.alarms_enabled_sync() ; if(!reply.isValid()) { qDebug() << "alarms_enabled call failed" << timed.lastError() ; return 1 ; } cout << "alarms are " << (reply.value() ? "on" : "off") << endl ; return 0 ; }
int replace(int ac, char **av) { int cookie ; if(!pcrecpp::RE("([0-9]+)").FullMatch(av[0], &cookie)) { qDebug() << "invalid integer:" << av[0] ; return 1 ; } QString title = QString("replacement_of_%1").arg(cookie) ; Maemo::Timed::Event e ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a = e.addAction() ; a.whenTriggered() ; a.setSendCookieFlag() ; a.runCommand(QString("echo cookie=[COOKIE] (%1) TRIGGERED $(date) >> /tmp/aa").arg(title)) ; e.setAttribute("TITLE", title) ; e.setTicker(time(NULL)+10) ; Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ; if(!timed.isValid()) { qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << timed.lastError() ; return 1 ; } QDBusReply<uint> res = timed.replace_event_sync(e, cookie) ; if(!res.isValid()) { qDebug() << "replace_event call failed:" << res.error().message() ; return 1 ; } qDebug() << "new event cookie:" << res.value() ; return 0 ; }
int query_attributes(char *cookie) { string integer = "([0-9]+)" ; int value ; if(!pcrecpp::RE("([0-9]+)").FullMatch(cookie, &value)) { qDebug() << "invalid integer:" << cookie ; return 1 ; } Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ; QDBusReply<QMap<QString,QVariant> > reply = timed.query_attributes_sync(value) ; if(reply.isValid()) { QMap<QString,QVariant> x = reply.value() ; if(x.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "empty mapping returned" ; return 1 ; } else { qDebug() << "returned mapping:" ; qDebug() << x ; return 0 ; } } else { qDebug() << "D-Bus call failed:" << timed.lastError() ; return 1 ; } }
int cancel_event(unsigned cookie) { Maemo::Timed::Interface iface ; if(!iface.isValid()) { qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << iface.lastError() ; return 1 ; } QDBusReply<bool> res = iface.cancel_sync(cookie) ; if(!res.isValid()) { qDebug() << "dbus call failed:" << iface.lastError() ; return 1 ; } bool res_value = res.value() ; return res_value ? 0 : 1 ; }
bool tst_Events::cancelEvent(const uint cookie) { Maemo::Timed::Interface timedIface; QDBusReply<bool> cancelReply = timedIface.cancel_sync(cookie); if (!cancelReply.isValid()) { qWarning() << "Failed to cancel event, DBus error:" << timedIface.lastError(); return false; } bool retval = cancelReply; return retval; }
int pid() { Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ; QDBusReply<int> reply = ifc.pid_sync() ; if(!reply.isValid()) { qDebug() << "pid call failed" << ifc.lastError() ; return 1 ; } cout << "server pid=" << reply.value() << endl ; return 0 ; }
int parse_data(const char *text) { Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ; QDBusReply<QString> reply = ifc.parse_sync(QString(text)) ; if(!reply.isValid()) { qDebug() << "parse call failed" << ifc.lastError() ; return 1 ; } QString plain = reply.value() ; cout << "---" << endl << plain.toStdString() << "---" << endl ; return 0 ; }
int ping_pong() { Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ; QDBusReply<QString> reply = ifc.ping_sync() ; if(!reply.isValid()) { qDebug() << "ping call failed" << ifc.lastError() ; return 1 ; } QString pong = reply.value() ; cout << "---" << endl << pong.toStdString() << "---" << endl ; return 0 ; }
bool tst_Events::addEvent(const qint64 timestamp, const int dueInSeconds, uint &cookie) { Maemo::Timed::Event event = createEvent(timestamp, dueInSeconds); // Open a connection to timed and add the event Maemo::Timed::Interface timedIface; if (!timedIface.isValid()) { qWarning() << "Invalid timed interface:" << timedIface.lastError().message(); return false; } QDBusReply<uint> reply = timedIface.add_event_sync(event); if (!reply.isValid()) { qWarning() << "Adding event failed: %1" << reply.error().message(); return false; } cookie = reply.value(); return true; }
QList<uint> tst_Events::queryEvents() { QMap<QString,QVariant> parameters; parameters.insert("APPLICATION", QVariant(QString(APPNAME))); Maemo::Timed::Interface timedIface; QDBusReply<QList<QVariant> > queryReply = timedIface.query_sync(parameters); QList<uint> cookieList; if(!queryReply.isValid()) { qWarning() << "query call failed" << timedIface.lastError(); return cookieList; } const QList<QVariant> &result = queryReply.value(); bool ok; foreach (const QVariant &variant, result) { cookieList.append(variant.toUInt(&ok)); if (!ok) { qWarning() << "Failed to cast QVariant to uint"; return QList<uint>(); } }
int query(int ac, char **av) { QMap<QString,QVariant> p ; for(int i=0; i<ac; i+=2) p[av[i]] = (QString)(av[i+1]) ; Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ; QDBusReply<QList<QVariant> > reply = ifc.query_sync(p) ; if(!reply.isValid()) { qDebug() << "query call failed" << ifc.lastError() ; return 1 ; } const QList<QVariant> &result = reply.value() ; int s = result.size() ; cout << "got " << s << " cookie(s)" << ( s ? ": " : "" ) ; if(s>0) for(int i=0; i<s; ++i) cout << (i?", ":"") << result[i].toUInt() ; cout << endl ; return 0 ; }
void KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readConfig(bool init) { #ifdef TIMED_SUPPORT m_zoneinfoDir = QLatin1String("/usr/share/zoneinfo"); m_zonetab = QLatin1String("/usr/share/zoneinfo/"); Maemo::Timed::Interface timed; QDBusReply<Maemo::Timed::WallClock::Info> reply = timed.get_wall_clock_info_sync(); if (reply.isValid()) { Maemo::Timed::WallClock::Info info = reply.value(); QString localzone = info.etcLocaltime(); kDebug() << "localzone" << localzone; // TODO now we have to parse local timezone from symlink, Ilya will // possibly change this to support previous solution, commented below m_localZoneName = localzone.mid(m_zoneinfoDir.size() + 1); //QFile f("/etc/timezone"); //if ( { //QTextStream str(&f); //m_localZoneName = str.readLine(); //f.close(); //} } else { #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT) kError() << "cannot get wall_clock_info (localzone) -" << timed.lastError(); // assumption: running timed is not officially supported in scratcbox, // getting localzone from /etc/timezone kDebug() << "get localzone from /etc/timezone"; #endif QFile f("/etc/timezone"); if ( { QTextStream str(&f); m_localZoneName = str.readLine(); f.close(); } } #elif defined(KCALCORE_FOR_MEEGO) m_zoneinfoDir = QLatin1String("/usr/share/zoneinfo"); m_zonetab = QLatin1String("/usr/share/zoneinfo/"); QFileInfo info("/etc/localtime"); if (info.isSymLink()) { m_localZoneName = info.symLinkTarget().mid(m_zoneinfoDir.size() + 1); kDebug() << "localzone from /etc/localtime: " << m_localZoneName; } else { #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT) kError() << "cannot get localzone from /etc/localtime"; kDebug() << "get localzone from /etc/timezone"; #endif QFile f("/etc/timezone"); if ( { QTextStream str(&f); m_localZoneName = str.readLine(); f.close(); } } #else KConfig config(QLatin1String("ktimezonedrc")); if (!init) config.reparseConfiguration(); KConfigGroup group(&config, "TimeZones"); m_zoneinfoDir = group.readEntry("ZoneinfoDir"); m_zonetab = group.readEntry("Zonetab"); m_localZoneName = group.readEntry("LocalZone"); #endif if (!init) setLocalZone(); kDebug(161) << "readConfig(): local zone=" << m_localZoneName; }
int time_settings(int ac, char **av) { Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ; Maemo::Timed::WallClock::Settings set ; for(int i=1; i<ac; ++i) { using namespace pcrecpp ; static RE key_value = "(format|time|zone|offset)=(.*)" ; string integer = "(-?[0-9]+)" ; string key, value ; if(!key_value.FullMatch(av[i], &key, &value)) { qDebug() << "invalid key/value pair:" << av[i] ; return 1 ; } if(key=="format") { int f_12_24 ; if(!RE(integer).FullMatch(value, &f_12_24)) { qDebug() << "integer format value expected" ; return 1 ; } if(f_12_24==12) set.setFlag24(false) ; else if(f_12_24==24) set.setFlag24(true) ; else { qDebug() << "format value 12 or 24 expected" ; return 1 ; } } else if(key=="zone") { if(value=="auto") set.setTimezoneCellular() ; else set.setTimezoneManual(value.c_str()) ; } else if(key=="offset") { if(value=="auto") set.setOffsetCellular() ; else if (value=="manual") set.setOffsetManual() ; else { int off ; if(!RE(integer).FullMatch(value, &off)) { qDebug() << "integer offset value expected" ; return 1 ; } if(-15 < off && off < 15) off *= 60 ; // now offset is in minutes set.setOffsetManual(off) ; } } else if(key=="time") { if(value=="auto") set.setTimeNitz() ; else if (value=="manual") set.setTimeManual() ; else // let's make dumb parser of time specification { struct tm tm ; time_t now = time(NULL) ; localtime_r(&now, &tm) ; int HH,MM,SS, YYYY,MO,DD ; #define XX "([0-9]{2})" #define XXXX "([0-9]{4})" if(RE(XX":"XX).FullMatch(value, &HH, &MM)) tm.tm_hour=HH, tm.tm_min=MM ; else if(RE(XX":"XX":"XX).FullMatch(value, &HH, &MM, &SS)) tm.tm_hour=HH, tm.tm_min=MM, tm.tm_sec=SS ; else if(RE(XX":"XX","XXXX"-"XX"-"XX).FullMatch(value, &HH, &MM, &YYYY, &MO, &DD)) tm.tm_hour=HH, tm.tm_min=MM, tm.tm_year=YYYY-1900, tm.tm_mon=MO-1, tm.tm_mday=DD ; else if(RE(XX":"XX":"XX","XXXX"-"XX"-"XX).FullMatch(value, &HH, &MM, &SS, &YYYY, &MO, &DD)) tm.tm_hour=HH, tm.tm_min=MM, tm.tm_sec=SS, tm.tm_year=YYYY-1900, tm.tm_mon=MO-1, tm.tm_mday=DD ; else { qDebug() << "Invalid time value" ; return 1 ; } #undef XX #undef XXXX time_t new_time = mktime(&tm) ; if(new_time==time_t(-1)) { qDebug() << "oops, can't convert time" ; return 1 ; } set.setTimeManual(new_time) ; } } else { qDebug() << "time setting key" << key.c_str() << "not implemented" ; return 1 ; } } qDebug() << "calling wall_clock_settings_sync" << set.str() ; QDBusReply<bool> reply = timed.wall_clock_settings_sync(set) ; qDebug() << "wall_clock_settings_sync done" ; if(!reply.isValid()) { qDebug() << "pid call failed" << timed.lastError() ; return 1 ; } return reply.value() ? 0 : 1 ; }
int add_event(const char *title) { bool need_ui = title != NULL ; bool recurrence = false ; int time_shift = 8 ; Maemo::Timed::Event e ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_trig = e.addAction() ; a_trig.whenTriggered() ; a_trig.setSendCookieFlag() ; a_trig.runCommand("echo cookie=[COOKIE]=<COOKIE> TRIGGERED $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; if(title!=NULL) { e.setAttribute("TITLE", title) ; if(pcrecpp::RE("boot").PartialMatch(title)) e.setBootFlag() ; if(pcrecpp::RE("alarm").PartialMatch(title)) e.setAlarmFlag() ; if(pcrecpp::RE("usermode").PartialMatch(title)) e.setUserModeFlag() ; if(pcrecpp::RE("silent").PartialMatch(title)) need_ui = false ; if(pcrecpp::RE("recur").PartialMatch(title)) recurrence = true ; if(pcrecpp::RE("calendar").PartialMatch(title)) e.setAttribute("PLUGIN", "libCalendarReminder") ; int time_to_wait ; if(pcrecpp::RE("/(-?\\d+)/").PartialMatch(title, &time_to_wait)) time_shift = time_to_wait ; } if(need_ui) { e.setAlignedSnoozeFlag() ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b1 = e.addButton() ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b2 = e.addButton() ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b3 = e.addButton() ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b4 = e.addButton() ; b1.setSnooze(10) ; b2.setSnooze(17) ; b3.setSnooze(60) ; (void)b4 ; // b4 doesn't snooze: it closes the dialog Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a1 = e.addAction() ; a1.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #1 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a1.setSendCookieFlag() ; a1.whenButton(b1) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a2 = e.addAction() ; a2.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #2 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a2.setSendCookieFlag() ; a2.whenButton(b2) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a3 = e.addAction() ; a3.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #3 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a3.setSendCookieFlag() ; a3.whenButton(b3) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a4 = e.addAction() ; a4.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #4 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a4.setSendCookieFlag() ; a4.whenButton(b1) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_0 = e.addAction() ; a_0.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] CANCELED BY USER $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a_0.setSendCookieFlag() ; a_0.whenSysButton(0) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_sys1 = e.addAction() ; a_sys1.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] FIRST SYSTEM BYTTON $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE); a_sys1.setSendCookieFlag() ; a_sys1.whenSysButton(1) ; Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_sys2 = e.addAction() ; a_sys2.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] SECOND SYSTEM BYTTON $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ; a_sys2.setSendCookieFlag() ; a_sys2.whenSysButton(2) ; } if(recurrence) // add a recurrence at 12:34 every day { Maemo::Timed::Event::Recurrence &r = e.addRecurrence() ; r.everyMonth() ; r.everyDayOfMonth() ; r.everyDayOfWeek() ; r.addHour(12), r.addMinute(34) ; } e.setTicker(time(NULL)+time_shift) ; e.setAttribute("APPLICATION", "simple_client") ; Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ; if(!ifc.isValid()) { qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << ifc.lastError() ; return 1 ; } QDBusReply<uint> res = ifc.add_event_sync(e) ; if(!res.isValid()) { qDebug() << "call failed:" << res.error().message() ; return 1 ; } qDebug() << "added event, cookie:" << res.value() ; return 0 ; }