コード例 #1
ファイル: pipeline_stab.cpp プロジェクト: Karry/TimeLapse
  void PipelineStabDetect::onInput(InputImageInfo info, Magick::Image image) {
    try {
      if (!initialized) {
      if (image.rows() != height || image.columns() != width) {
        throw runtime_error(QString("Not uniform image size! %").arg(info.file.fileName()).toStdString());

      Magick::Blob blob;
      // set raw RGBS output format & convert it into a Blob  
      if (image.depth() > 8)
        *err << "Warning: we lost some information by converting to 8bit depth (now " << image.depth() << ")" << endl;

      LocalMotions localmotions;
      VSFrame frame;
      size_t dataLen = blob.length();

      Q_ASSERT(fi.planes == 1);
      Q_ASSERT(dataLen == image.baseColumns() * image.baseRows() * 3);

      if (stabConf->mdConf.show > 0) { // create copy of blob
        frame.data[0] = new uint8_t[dataLen];
        memcpy(frame.data[0], blob.data(), dataLen);
      } else {
        frame.data[0] = (uint8_t*) blob.data();
      frame.linesize[0] = image.baseColumns() * 3;

      if (vsMotionDetection(&md, &localmotions, &frame) != VS_OK) {
        throw runtime_error("motion detection failed");
      } else {
        if (vsWriteToFile(&md, f, &localmotions) != VS_OK) {
          throw runtime_error("cannot write to transform file");

      if (stabConf->mdConf.show > 0) {
        // if we want to store transformations, we have to create new image...
        Magick::Geometry g(width, height);
        Magick::Blob oblob(frame.data[0], dataLen);

        Magick::Image oimage;
        oimage.read(oblob, g, 8, "RGB");
        delete[] frame.data[0];
        emit input(info, oimage);
      } else {
        emit input(info, image);

    } catch (exception &e) {
      emit error(e.what());
コード例 #2
bool ResourceManager::AddImage(const boost::filesystem::path& path,
							   const std::string& imgname,
							   const float width,
							   const float height,
							   const std::string& key) {
	if(!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(path/imgname)) {
		Logger::Critical(LogOrigin::RESOURCEMANAGER, "Tried loading image path'"+(path/imgname).string()+"' but this image path doesn't exist!");

    // create Original file path
    std::string originalFile = (path / imgname).string();

    // if the optional param key is not given, use the basename as key
    std::string image_key = "";
    if(key == "") {
        image_key = boost::filesystem::basename(originalFile);
    } else {
        image_key = key;

    // Create Cache Paths
	boost::filesystem::path cacheDir = (path / "cached").string();
    std::string cacheFile = (cacheDir / image_key ).string()+".png";

    // if an image with that key already exists in the dictionary, return
    if(mImages.count(image_key) != 0) {
        return true;

	// Log output
	Logger::Debug(LogOrigin::RESOURCEMANAGER, "Caching image " + originalFile);

	// Create cache directory

	// Load, convert and save image (originalFile > cacheFile)
	Magick::Image mimage;
	mimage.backgroundColor(Magick::Color(0, 0, 0, 65535));
	mimage.density(Magick::Geometry(144, 144));
	// Conver floats to view pixels so that images will always be at the same scale
	const Vector2D vec(Coordinates::WorldFloatToWorldPixel(Vector2D(width, height)));
	mimage.zoom(Magick::Geometry(vec.x, vec.y));

	// Load cached file
	sf::Image sfimage;

	// Save loaded Image in Dictionary
	// mImages.insert(new std::pair<std::string, sf::Image>(image_key, sfimage));
	mImages[image_key] = sfimage;

    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: robotology/yarp
void copyImage(yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb>& src,
               Magick::Image& dest) {
    int h = src.height();
    int w = src.width();
    for (int i=0; i<h; i++) {
        // must transfer row by row, since YARP may use padding in representation
        Magick::PixelPacket *packet = dest.setPixels(0,i,w,1);
        dest.readPixels(Magick::RGBQuantum,(unsigned char *)(&src.pixel(0,i)));
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: robotology/yarp
void copyImage(Magick::Image& src,
               yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb>& dest) {
    Magick::Geometry g = src.size();
    int h = g.height();
    int w = g.width();
    for (int i=0; i<h; i++) {
        // must transfer row by row, since YARP may use padding in representation
        Magick::PixelPacket *packet = src.getPixels(0,i,w,1);
        src.writePixels(Magick::RGBQuantum,(unsigned char *)(&dest.pixel(0,i)));
コード例 #5
ファイル: DrvSDL.cpp プロジェクト: Chelovecheggg/libvisual
void DrvSDL::WriteGif() {
    std::list<Magick::Image> gif;

    int num = 0;
    for(std::list<Magick::Blob>::iterator it = image_.begin(); it != image_.end(); it++) {
        Magick::Image image;
        image.size(Magick::Geometry(cols_ * pixels.x, rows_ * pixels.y));
        Magick::PixelPacket *pixel_cache = image.getPixels(0, 0, cols_ * pixels.x, rows_ * pixels.y);
        for(int n = 0; n < rows_ * pixels.y * cols_ * pixels.x; n++) {
            int col = ((int *)(*it).data())[n];
            uint8_t *rgb = (uint8_t *) &col;
            Magick::PixelPacket *gif_pixel = pixel_cache + n;
            *gif_pixel = Magick::ColorRGB(rgb[0] / 256.0, rgb[1] / 256.0, rgb[2] / 256.0);
        LCDInfo("Image %d", num++);
    LCDInfo("Writing GIF image...");
    for_each(gif.begin(), gif.end(), Magick::animationDelayImage(ani_speed_ / 10));
    Magick::writeImages(gif.begin(), gif.end(), gif_file_);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ResourceManager.cpp プロジェクト: Blarget2/gamejam
bool ResourceManager::AddTexture(const boost::filesystem::path& path,
							   const std::string& imgname,
							   const float width,
							   const float height) {

	if(!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(path/imgname)) {
		std::cerr << "Tried loading image path '" << (path/imgname).string() << "' but this image path doesn't exist!" << std::endl;

	// convert coords
	const Vector2D size(Coordinates::WorldFloatToWorldPixel(Vector2D(width, height)));

    // create Original file path
    std::string originalFile = (path / imgname).string();

    // if the optional param key is not given, use the basename as key
	std::string image_key = boost::filesystem::basename(originalFile);

    // Create Cache Paths
	boost::filesystem::path cacheDir = (path / "cached").string();
    std::string cacheFile = (cacheDir / image_key ).string()+".png";

    // if an image with that key already exists in the dictionary, return
    if(mTextures.count(image_key) != 0) {
        return true;

	sf::Texture sftexture;
	bool cache = true;

	if(boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(cacheFile)) {
		// Load cached file
		bool success = sftexture.LoadFromFile(cacheFile);
		if (success && (int)sftexture.GetHeight() == (int)size.x && (int)sftexture.GetWidth() == (int)size.y) {
			cache = false;
			std::cout << "Texture " << originalFile << " already exists. Not caching. "<< std::endl;
		} else if (success) {
			std::cout << "Texture " << originalFile << " does not exist in the resolution "
					<< size.x << "x" << size.y << " but in " << sftexture.GetHeight() << "x" << sftexture.GetWidth() << "." << std::endl;

		std::cout << ":: Caching image " << originalFile << std::endl;

		// Create cache directory

		// Load, convert and save image (originalFile > cacheFile)
		Magick::Image mimage;
		mimage.backgroundColor(Magick::Color(0, 0, 0, 65535));
		mimage.density(Magick::Geometry(144, 144));

		mimage.zoom(Magick::Geometry(std::max(size.x,size.y), std::max(size.x,size.y)));

		// Load cached file


	//std::cout << "  Added image: "<<image_key << std::endl;
	// Save loaded Texture in Dictionary
	mTextures[image_key] = sftexture;

    return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: STL.cpp プロジェクト: 0xPr0xy/ImageMagick
void Magick::depthImage::operator()( Magick::Image &image_ ) const
  image_.depth( _depth );
コード例 #8
ファイル: pipeline_stab.cpp プロジェクト: Karry/TimeLapse
  void PipelineStabTransform::onInput(InputImageInfo info, Magick::Image image) {
    try {
      if (!initialized) {
      if (image.rows() != height || image.columns() != width) {
        throw runtime_error(QString("Not uniform image size! %").arg(info.file.fileName()).toStdString());

      Q_ASSERT(image.baseColumns() == width && image.baseRows() == height);
      Magick::Blob blob;
      // set raw RGBS output format & convert it into a Blob 
      if (image.depth() > 8)
        *err << "Warning: we lost some information by converting to 8bit depth (now " << image.depth() << ")" << endl;

      Q_ASSERT(blob.length() == image.baseColumns() * image.baseRows() * 3);

      // inframe
      VSFrame inframe;
      size_t dataLen = blob.length();
      inframe.data[0] = (uint8_t*) blob.data();
      inframe.linesize[0] = image.baseColumns() * 3; // TODO: it is correct?

      // outframe
      uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[dataLen];
      //memcpy(data, blob.data(), dataLen);
      VSFrame outframe;
      outframe.data[0] = data;
      outframe.linesize[0] = image.baseColumns() * 3; // TODO: it is correct?

      if (vsTransformPrepare(&td, &inframe, &outframe) != VS_OK) {
        throw runtime_error("Failed to prepare transform");
      Q_ASSERT(vsTransformGetSrcFrameInfo(&td)->planes == 1);

      vsDoTransform(&td, vsGetNextTransform(&td, &trans));


      Magick::Geometry g(width, height);
      Magick::Blob oblob(data, dataLen);

      Magick::Image oimage;

      delete[] data;

      info.luminance = -1;
      emit input(info, oimage);

    } catch (exception &e) {
      emit error(e.what());
コード例 #9
ファイル: dbg_scan.cpp プロジェクト: krunalsoni01/yocto-zbar
void scan_image (const char *filename)
    // normally scanner would reset associated decoder,
    // but this debug program connects them manually
    // (to make intermediate state more readily available)
    // so decoder must also be reset manually

    Magick::Image image;
    string file = image.baseFilename();
    size_t baseidx = file.rfind('/');
    if(baseidx != string::npos)
        file = file.substr(baseidx + 1, file.length() - baseidx - 1);
    ofstream svg((file + ".svg").c_str());

    unsigned inwidth = image.columns();
    unsigned flush1 = inwidth / 32;
    unsigned flush0 = 2;
    unsigned width = inwidth + flush1 + flush0;
    unsigned height = image.rows();
    unsigned midy = (height + 1) / 2 + 2;
    image.crop(Magick::Geometry(inwidth, 1, 0, midy));
    image.size(Magick::Geometry(width, 1, 0, 0));

    svg << "<?xml version='1.0'?>" << endl
        << "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'"
        << " 'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd'>" << endl
        << "<svg version='1.1' id='top'"
        << " width='10in' height='6in' preserveAspectRatio='xMinYMid slice'"
        << " overflow='visible' viewBox='0,0 " << width * 2 << ",384'"
        << " xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'"
        << " xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>" << endl
        << "<defs><style type='text/css'><![CDATA[" << endl
        << "  * { stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round;"
        <<      " stroke-width: .1; text-anchor: middle;"
        <<      " image-rendering: optimizeSpeed;"
        <<      " font-size: 6; font-weight: bold }" << endl
        << "  path { fill: none }" << endl
        << "  #zero { stroke: #00f }" << endl
        << "  #edges { stroke: #f00 }" << endl
        << "  #cur-edge { stroke: #f44 }" << endl
        << "  #raw { stroke: orange }" << endl
        << "  #y0 { stroke: yellow }" << endl
        << "  #y1 { stroke: #0c0 }" << endl
        << "  #y2 { stroke: #0aa }" << endl
        << "  .y1thr { stroke: #f0f }" << endl
        << "  rect.bar { fill: black }" << endl
        << "  text.bar { fill: white }" << endl
        << "  rect.space { fill: white }" << endl
        << "  text.space { fill: black }" << endl
        << "  text.data { fill: #44f; font-size: 16 }" << endl
        << "]]></style></defs>" << endl
        << "<image width='" << width * 2 << "' height='384'"
        << " preserveAspectRatio='none'"
        << " xlink:href='" << file << ".png'/>" << endl
        << "<g transform='translate(1,384) scale(2,-.5)'>" << endl;

    // brute force
    unsigned raw[width];
        // extract scan from image pixels
        Magick::Pixels view(image);
        Magick::PixelPacket *pxp = view.get(0, 0, width, 1);
        Magick::ColorYUV y;
        double max = 0;
        svg << "<path id='raw' d='M";
        unsigned i;
        for(i = 0; i < inwidth; i++, pxp++) {
            y = *pxp;
            if(max < y.y())
                max = y.y();
            raw[i] = (unsigned)(y.y() * 0x100);
            svg << ((i != 1) ? " " : " L ") << i << "," << raw[i];
            *pxp = y;
        y.y(max); /* flush scan FIXME? */
        for(; i < inwidth + flush1; i++) {
            raw[i] = (unsigned)(y.y() * 0x100);
            svg << " " << i << "," << raw[i];
            *pxp++ = y;
        for(; i < width; i++) {
            raw[i] = (unsigned)(y.y() * 0x100);
            svg << " " << i << "," << raw[i];
            *pxp++ = y;
        svg << "'/>" << endl
            << "</g>" << endl;
    image.write(file + ".png");

    // process scan and capture calculated values
    unsigned cur_edge[width], last_edge[width];
    int y0[width], y1[width], y2[width], y1_thr[width];

    svg << "<g transform='translate(-3)'>" << endl;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        int edge = scanner.scan_y(raw[i]);
        unsigned x;
        zbar_scanner_get_state(scanner.get_c_scanner(), &x,
                                &cur_edge[i], &last_edge[i],
                                &y0[i], &y1[i], &y2[i], &y1_thr[i]);
        cerr << endl;
        cur_edge[i] += i - x;
        if(edge) {
            last_edge[i] += i - x;
            unsigned w = scanner.get_width();
            svg << "<rect x='" << (2. * (last_edge[i] - w) / ZBAR_FRAC)
                << "' width='" << (w * 2. / ZBAR_FRAC)
                << "' height='32' class='"
                << (scanner.get_color() ? "space" : "bar") << "'/>" << endl
                << "<text transform='translate("
                << ((2. * last_edge[i] - w) / ZBAR_FRAC) - 3
                << ",16) rotate(90)' class='"
                << (scanner.get_color() ? "space" : "bar") << "'>" << endl
                << w << "</text>" << endl;
            zbar_symbol_type_t sym = decoder.decode_width(w);
            if(sym > ZBAR_PARTIAL) {
                svg << "<text transform='translate("
                    << (2. * (last_edge[i] + w) / ZBAR_FRAC)
                    << ",208) rotate(90)' class='data'>"
                    << decoder.get_data_string() << "</text>" << endl;
            last_edge[i] = 0;

    svg << "</g>" << endl
        << "<g transform='translate(-3,384) scale(2,-.5)'>" << endl
        << "<path id='edges' d='";
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < width; i++)
            svg << " M" << ((double)last_edge[i] / ZBAR_FRAC) << ",0v768";
    svg << "'/>" << endl
        << "</g>" << endl
        << "<g transform='translate(-1,384) scale(2,-.5)'>" << endl
        << "<path id='y0' d='M";
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < width; i++)
        svg << ((i != 1) ? " " : " L ") << i << "," << y0[i];
    svg << "'/>" << endl
        << "</g>" << endl;

    svg << "<g transform='translate(-1,128) scale(2,-1)'>" << endl
        << "<line id='zero' x2='" << width << "'/>" << endl
        << "<path id='cur-edge' d='";
    for(unsigned i = 1; i < width - 1; i++)
        if(!last_edge[i + 1] && (cur_edge[i] != cur_edge[i + 1]))
            svg << " M" << ((double)cur_edge[i] / ZBAR_FRAC) - 1 << ",-32v64";
    svg << "'/>" << endl
        << "<path class='y1thr' d='M";
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < width; i++)
        svg << ((i != 1) ? " " : " L ") << i << "," << y1_thr[i];
    svg << "'/>" << endl
        << "<path class='y1thr' d='M";
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < width; i++)
        svg << ((i != 1) ? " " : " L ") << i << "," << -y1_thr[i];
    svg << "'/>" << endl
        << "<path id='y1' d='M";
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < width; i++)
        svg << ((i != 1) ? " " : " L ") << (i - 0.5) << "," << y1[i];
    svg << "'/>" << endl
        << "<path id='y2' d='M";
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < width; i++)
        svg << ((i != 1) ? " " : " L ") << i << "," << y2[i];
    svg << "'/>" << endl
        << "</g>" << endl;

    svg << "</svg>" << endl;