void PlainSurfaceRender::draw_surface() { if (use_color_attribute_) facet_color_.bind_if_defined(target(), "color") ; if (use_color_attribute_ && (!facet_color_.is_bound())) vertex_color_.bind_if_defined(target(), "color") ; glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glColor4fv(surface_style_.color.data()); if (vertex_color_.is_bound()) { glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); if (smooth_shading_) { if (!MapVertexNormal::is_defined(target())) target()->compute_vertex_normals(); MapVertexNormal normal(target()) ; FOR_EACH_FACET_CONST(Map, target(), it) { glBegin(GL_POLYGON); Map::Halfedge* jt = it->halfedge() ; do { Map::Vertex* v = jt->vertex(); glColor4fv(vertex_color_[v].data()); const vec3& n = normal[v]; glNormal3dv(n.data()); const vec3& p = v->point(); glVertex3dv(p.data()); jt = jt->next() ; } while(jt != it->halfedge()) ; glEnd(); } }
// Step 4: create facets FOR_EACH_FACET(MapComponent, component, it) { Map::Halfedge* h = it->halfedge() ; builder.begin_facet() ; do { builder.add_vertex_to_facet(vertex_id[h->vertex()]) ; builder.set_corner_tex_vertex(tex_vertex_id[h->tex_vertex()]) ; h = h->next() ; } while(h != it->halfedge()) ; builder.end_facet() ; copy_facet_attributes(builder.current_facet(), it) ; }
bool save(const std::string& filename) { if(map_ == nil) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << "mesh is null" << std::endl ; return false ; } p_ply ply = ply_create(filename.c_str(), PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN, nil, 0, nil) ; if(ply == nil) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << filename << ": could not open" << std::endl ; return false ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!ply_add_comment(ply, "saved by [email protected]")) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << "unable to add comment" << std::endl ; ply_close(ply) ; return false ; } int num_v = map_->size_of_vertices(); if (!ply_add_element(ply, "vertex", num_v)) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << "unable to add element \'vertex\'" << std::endl ; ply_close(ply) ; return false ; } e_ply_type length_type, value_type; length_type = value_type = static_cast<e_ply_type>(-1); std::string pos[3] = { "x", "y", "z" }; for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (!ply_add_property(ply, pos[i].c_str(), PLY_FLOAT, length_type, value_type)) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << "unable to add property \'" << pos[i] << "\'" << std::endl ; ply_close(ply) ; return false ; } } MapVertexAttribute<Color> vertex_color; vertex_color.bind_if_defined(const_cast<Map*>(map_), "color") ; if (vertex_color.is_bound()) { std::string color[4] = { "red", "green", "blue", "alpha" }; for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) { if (!ply_add_property(ply, color[i].c_str(), PLY_UCHAR, length_type, value_type)) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << "unable to add property \'" << color[i] << "\'" << std::endl ; ply_close(ply) ; return false ; } } } int num_f = map_->size_of_facets(); if (!ply_add_element(ply, "face", num_f)) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << "unable to add element \'face\'" << std::endl ; ply_close(ply) ; return false ; } if (!ply_add_property(ply, "vertex_indices", PLY_LIST, PLY_UCHAR, PLY_INT)) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << "unable to add property \'vertex_indices\'" << std::endl ; ply_close(ply) ; return false ; } if(!ply_write_header(ply)) { Logger::err("PlyMeshSave") << filename << ": invalid PLY file" << std::endl ; ply_close(ply) ; return false ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FOR_EACH_VERTEX_CONST(Map, map_, it) { const vec3& p = it->point(); ply_write(ply, p.x); ply_write(ply, p.y); ply_write(ply, p.z); if (vertex_color.is_bound()) { const Color& c = vertex_color[it]; double r = c.r() * color_mult_; ogf_clamp(r, 0.0, 255.0); double g = c.g() * color_mult_; ogf_clamp(g, 0.0, 255.0); double b = c.b() * color_mult_; ogf_clamp(b, 0.0, 255.0); double a = c.a() * color_mult_; ogf_clamp(a, 0.0, 255.0); ply_write(ply, r); ply_write(ply, g); ply_write(ply, b); ply_write(ply, a); } } // ply files numbering starts with 0 Attribute<Map::Vertex, int> vertex_id(map_->vertex_attribute_manager()); MapEnumerator::enumerate_vertices(const_cast<Map*>(map_), vertex_id, 0); FOR_EACH_FACET_CONST(Map, map_, it) { ply_write(ply, it->nb_vertices()); Map::Halfedge* h = it->halfedge(); do { int id = vertex_id[h->vertex()]; ply_write(ply, id); h = h->next(); } while (h != it->halfedge()); }