command_result prospector (color_ostream &con, vector <string> & parameters) { bool showHidden = false; bool showPlants = true; bool showSlade = true; bool showTemple = true; bool showValue = false; bool showTube = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size();i++) { if (parameters[i] == "all") { showHidden = true; } else if (parameters[i] == "value") { showValue = true; } else if (parameters[i] == "hell") { showHidden = showTube = true; } else return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } CoreSuspender suspend; // Embark screen active: estimate using world geology data if (VIRTUAL_CAST_VAR(screen, df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest, Core::getTopViewscreen())) return embark_prospector(con, screen, showHidden, showValue); if (!Maps::IsValid()) { con.printerr("Map is not available!\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } uint32_t x_max = 0, y_max = 0, z_max = 0; Maps::getSize(x_max, y_max, z_max); MapExtras::MapCache map; DFHack::Materials *mats = Core::getInstance().getMaterials(); DFHack::t_feature blockFeatureGlobal; DFHack::t_feature blockFeatureLocal; bool hasAquifer = false; bool hasDemonTemple = false; bool hasLair = false; MatMap baseMats; MatMap layerMats; MatMap veinMats; MatMap plantMats; MatMap treeMats; matdata liquidWater; matdata liquidMagma; matdata aquiferTiles; matdata tubeTiles; uint32_t vegCount = 0; for(uint32_t z = 0; z < z_max; z++) { for(uint32_t b_y = 0; b_y < y_max; b_y++) { for(uint32_t b_x = 0; b_x < x_max; b_x++) { // Get the map block df::coord2d blockCoord(b_x, b_y); MapExtras::Block *b = map.BlockAt(DFHack::DFCoord(b_x, b_y, z)); if (!b || !b->is_valid()) { continue; } // Find features b->GetGlobalFeature(&blockFeatureGlobal); b->GetLocalFeature(&blockFeatureLocal); int global_z = world->map.region_z + z; // Iterate over all the tiles in the block for(uint32_t y = 0; y < 16; y++) { for(uint32_t x = 0; x < 16; x++) { df::coord2d coord(x, y); df::tile_designation des = b->DesignationAt(coord); df::tile_occupancy occ = b->OccupancyAt(coord); // Skip hidden tiles if (!showHidden && des.bits.hidden) { continue; } // Check for aquifer if (des.bits.water_table) { hasAquifer = true; aquiferTiles.add(global_z); } // Check for lairs if (occ.bits.monster_lair) { hasLair = true; } // Check for liquid if (des.bits.flow_size) { if (des.bits.liquid_type == tile_liquid::Magma) liquidMagma.add(global_z); else liquidWater.add(global_z); } df::tiletype type = b->tiletypeAt(coord); df::tiletype_shape tileshape = tileShape(type); df::tiletype_material tilemat = tileMaterial(type); // We only care about these types switch (tileshape) { case tiletype_shape::WALL: case tiletype_shape::FORTIFICATION: break; case tiletype_shape::EMPTY: /* A heuristic: tubes inside adamantine have EMPTY:AIR tiles which still have feature_local set. Also check the unrevealed status, so as to exclude any holes mined by the player. */ if (tilemat == tiletype_material::AIR && des.bits.feature_local && des.bits.hidden && blockFeatureLocal.type == feature_type::deep_special_tube) { tubeTiles.add(global_z); } default: continue; } // Count the material type baseMats[tilemat].add(global_z); // Find the type of the tile switch (tilemat) { case tiletype_material::SOIL: case tiletype_material::STONE: layerMats[b->layerMaterialAt(coord)].add(global_z); break; case tiletype_material::MINERAL: veinMats[b->veinMaterialAt(coord)].add(global_z); break; case tiletype_material::FEATURE: if (blockFeatureLocal.type != -1 && des.bits.feature_local) { if (blockFeatureLocal.type == feature_type::deep_special_tube && blockFeatureLocal.main_material == 0) // stone { veinMats[blockFeatureLocal.sub_material].add(global_z); } else if (showTemple && blockFeatureLocal.type == feature_type::deep_surface_portal) { hasDemonTemple = true; } } if (showSlade && blockFeatureGlobal.type != -1 && des.bits.feature_global && blockFeatureGlobal.type == feature_type::feature_underworld_from_layer && blockFeatureGlobal.main_material == 0) // stone { layerMats[blockFeatureGlobal.sub_material].add(global_z); } break; case tiletype_material::LAVA_STONE: // TODO ? break; default: break; } } } // Check plants this way, as the other way wasn't getting them all // and we can check visibility more easily here if (showPlants) { auto block = Maps::getBlockColumn(b_x,b_y); vector<df::plant *> *plants = block ? &block->plants : NULL; if(plants) { for (PlantList::const_iterator it = plants->begin(); it != plants->end(); it++) { const df::plant & plant = *(*it); if (plant.pos.z != z) continue; df::coord2d loc(plant.pos.x, plant.pos.y); loc = loc % 16; if (showHidden || !b->DesignationAt(loc).bits.hidden) { if(plant.flags.bits.is_shrub) plantMats[plant.material].add(global_z); else treeMats[plant.material].add(global_z); } } } } // Block end } // block x // Clean uneeded memory map.trash(); } // block y } // z MatMap::const_iterator it; con << "Base materials:" << std::endl; for (it = baseMats.begin(); it != baseMats.end(); ++it) { con << std::setw(25) << ENUM_KEY_STR(tiletype_material,(df::tiletype_material)it->first) << " : " << it->second.count << std::endl; } if (liquidWater.count || liquidMagma.count) { con << std::endl << "Liquids:" << std::endl; if (liquidWater.count) { con << std::setw(25) << "WATER" << " : "; printMatdata(con, liquidWater); } if (liquidWater.count) { con << std::setw(25) << "MAGMA" << " : "; printMatdata(con, liquidMagma); } } con << std::endl << "Layer materials:" << std::endl; printMats<df::inorganic_raw, shallower>(con, layerMats, world->raws.inorganics, showValue); printVeins(con, veinMats, mats, showValue); if (showPlants) { con << "Shrubs:" << std::endl; printMats<df::plant_raw, std::greater>(con, plantMats, world->raws.plants.all, showValue); con << "Wood in trees:" << std::endl; printMats<df::plant_raw, std::greater>(con, treeMats, world->raws.plants.all, showValue); } if (hasAquifer) { con << "Has aquifer"; if (aquiferTiles.count) { con << " : "; printMatdata(con, aquiferTiles); } else con << std::endl; } if (showTube && tubeTiles.count) { con << "Has HFS tubes : "; printMatdata(con, tubeTiles); } if (hasDemonTemple) { con << "Has demon temple" << std::endl; } if (hasLair) { con << "Has lair" << std::endl; } // Cleanup mats->Finish(); con << std::endl; return CR_OK; }
command_result prospector (color_ostream &con, vector <string> & parameters) { bool showHidden = false; bool showPlants = true; bool showValue = false; bool showHFS = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size();i++) { if (parameters[i] == "all") { showHidden = true; } else if (parameters[i] == "value") { showValue = true; } else if (parameters[i] == "hell") { showHidden = showHFS = true; } else return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } CoreSuspender suspend; // Embark screen active: estimate using world geology data if (VIRTUAL_CAST_VAR(screen, df::viewscreen_choose_start_sitest, Core::getTopViewscreen())) return embark_prospector(con, screen, showHidden, showValue); if (!Maps::IsValid()) { con.printerr("Map is not available!\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } uint32_t x_max = 0, y_max = 0, z_max = 0; Maps::getSize(x_max, y_max, z_max); MapExtras::MapCache map; DFHack::Materials *mats = Core::getInstance().getMaterials(); DFHack::t_feature blockFeature; bool hasAquifer = false; MatMap baseMats; MatMap layerMats; MatMap veinMats; MatMap plantMats; MatMap treeMats; matdata liquidWater; matdata liquidMagma; matdata aquiferTiles; matdata hfsTiles; uint32_t vegCount = 0; for(uint32_t z = 0; z < z_max; z++) { for(uint32_t b_y = 0; b_y < y_max; b_y++) { for(uint32_t b_x = 0; b_x < x_max; b_x++) { // Get the map block df::coord2d blockCoord(b_x, b_y); MapExtras::Block *b = map.BlockAt(DFHack::DFCoord(b_x, b_y, z)); if (!b || !b->is_valid()) { continue; } // Find features b->GetFeature(&blockFeature); int global_z = world->map.region_z + z; // Iterate over all the tiles in the block for(uint32_t y = 0; y < 16; y++) { for(uint32_t x = 0; x < 16; x++) { df::coord2d coord(x, y); df::tile_designation des = b->DesignationAt(coord); df::tile_occupancy occ = b->OccupancyAt(coord); // Skip hidden tiles if (!showHidden && des.bits.hidden) { continue; } // Check for aquifer if (des.bits.water_table) { hasAquifer = true; aquiferTiles.add(global_z); } // Check for liquid if (des.bits.flow_size) { if (des.bits.liquid_type == tile_liquid::Magma) liquidMagma.add(global_z); else liquidWater.add(global_z); } df::tiletype type = b->tiletypeAt(coord); df::tiletype_shape tileshape = tileShape(type); df::tiletype_material tilemat = tileMaterial(type); // We only care about these types switch (tileshape) { case tiletype_shape::WALL: case tiletype_shape::FORTIFICATION: break; case tiletype_shape::EMPTY: /* find the top of the HFS chamber */ if (tilemat == tiletype_material::AIR && des.bits.feature && des.bits.hidden && blockFeature.type == feature_type::glowing_pit) { hfsTiles.add(global_z); } default: continue; } // Count the material type baseMats[tilemat].add(global_z); // Find the type of the tile switch (tilemat) { case tiletype_material::SOIL: case tiletype_material::STONE: layerMats[b->layerMaterialAt(coord)].add(global_z); break; case tiletype_material::MINERAL: veinMats[b->veinMaterialAt(coord)].add(global_z); break; case tiletype_material::LAVA_STONE: // TODO ? break; default: break; } } } // Check plants this way, as the other way wasn't getting them all // and we can check visibility more easily here if (showPlants) { auto block = Maps::getBlock(b_x,b_y,z); stl::vector<df::plant *> *plants = block ? &block->plants : NULL; if(plants) { for (auto it = plants->begin(); it != plants->end(); it++) { const df::plant & plant = *(*it); df::coord2d loc(plant.pos.x, plant.pos.y); loc = loc % 16; if (showHidden || !b->DesignationAt(loc).bits.hidden) { if(plant.flags.bits.is_shrub) plantMats[plant.plant_id].add(global_z); else treeMats[plant.wood_id].add(global_z); } } } } // Block end } // block x // Clean uneeded memory map.trash(); } // block y } // z MatMap::const_iterator it; con << "Base materials:" << std::endl; for (it = baseMats.begin(); it != baseMats.end(); ++it) { con << std::setw(25) << ENUM_KEY_STR(tiletype_material,(df::tiletype_material)it->first) << " : " << it->second.count << std::endl; } if (liquidWater.count || liquidMagma.count) { con << std::endl << "Liquids:" << std::endl; if (liquidWater.count) { con << std::setw(25) << "WATER" << " : "; printMatdata(con, liquidWater); } if (liquidWater.count) { con << std::setw(25) << "MAGMA" << " : "; printMatdata(con, liquidMagma); } } con << std::endl << "Layer materials:" << std::endl; printMats<df::matgloss_stone, shallower>(con, layerMats, world->raws.matgloss.stone, showValue); printVeins(con, veinMats, mats, showValue); if (showPlants) { con << "Shrubs:" << std::endl; printMats<df::matgloss_plant, std::greater>(con, plantMats, world->raws.matgloss.plant, showValue); con << "Wood in trees:" << std::endl; printMats<df::matgloss_wood, std::greater>(con, treeMats, world->raws.matgloss.wood, showValue); } if (hasAquifer) { con << "Has aquifer"; if (aquiferTiles.count) { con << " : "; printMatdata(con, aquiferTiles); } else con << std::endl; } if (showHFS && hfsTiles.count) { con << "Has HFS : "; printMatdata(con, hfsTiles); } // Cleanup mats->Finish(); con << std::endl; return CR_OK; }
bool gather_embark_tile_layer(int EmbX, int EmbY, int EmbZ, EmbarkTileLayer * tile, MapExtras::MapCache * MP) { for(int i = tile->mat_type_table_size(); i < 2304; i++) { //This is needed so we have a full array to work with, otherwise the size isn't updated correctly. tile->add_mat_type_table(AIR); tile->add_mat_subtype_table(0); } int num_valid_blocks = 0; for(int yy = 0; yy < 3; yy++) { for(int xx = 0; xx < 3; xx++) { DFCoord current_coord, upper_coord; current_coord.x = EmbX+xx; current_coord.y = EmbY+yy; current_coord.z = EmbZ; upper_coord = current_coord; upper_coord.z += 1; MapExtras::Block * b = MP->BlockAt(current_coord); MapExtras::Block * b_upper = MP->BlockAt(upper_coord); if(b && b->getRaw()) { for(int block_y=0; block_y<16; block_y++) { for(int block_x=0; block_x<16; block_x++) { df::coord2d block_coord; block_coord.x = block_x; block_coord.y = block_y; df::tiletype tile_type = b->tiletypeAt(block_coord); df::tiletype upper_tile = df::tiletype::Void; if(b_upper && b_upper->getRaw()) { upper_tile = b_upper->tiletypeAt(block_coord); } df::tile_designation designation = b->DesignationAt(block_coord); DFHack::t_matpair actual_mat; if(tileShapeBasic(tileShape(upper_tile)) == tiletype_shape_basic::Floor && (tileMaterial(tile_type) != tiletype_material::FROZEN_LIQUID) && (tileMaterial(tile_type) != tiletype_material::BROOK)) { //if the upper tile is a floor, use that material instead. Unless it's ice. actual_mat = b_upper->staticMaterialAt(block_coord); } else { actual_mat = b->staticMaterialAt(block_coord); } if(((tileMaterial(tile_type) == tiletype_material::FROZEN_LIQUID) || (tileMaterial(tile_type) == tiletype_material::BROOK)) && (tileShapeBasic(tileShape(tile_type)) == tiletype_shape_basic::Floor)) { tile_type = tiletype::OpenSpace; } unsigned int array_index = coord_to_index_48(xx*16+block_x, yy*16+block_y); //make a new fake material at the given index if(tileMaterial(tile_type) == tiletype_material::FROZEN_LIQUID && !((tileShapeBasic(tileShape(upper_tile)) == tiletype_shape_basic::Floor) && (tileMaterial(upper_tile) != tiletype_material::FROZEN_LIQUID))) { //Ice. tile->set_mat_type_table(array_index, BasicMaterial::LIQUID); //Ice is totally a liquid, shut up. tile->set_mat_subtype_table(array_index, LiquidType::ICE); num_valid_blocks++; } else if(designation.bits.flow_size && (tileShapeBasic(tileShape(upper_tile)) != tiletype_shape_basic::Floor)) { //Contains either water or lava. tile->set_mat_type_table(array_index, BasicMaterial::LIQUID); if(designation.bits.liquid_type) //Magma tile->set_mat_subtype_table(array_index, LiquidType::MAGMA); else //water tile->set_mat_subtype_table(array_index, LiquidType::WATER); num_valid_blocks++; } else if(((tileShapeBasic(tileShape(tile_type)) != tiletype_shape_basic::Open) || (tileShapeBasic(tileShape(upper_tile)) == tiletype_shape_basic::Floor)) && ((tileShapeBasic(tileShape(tile_type)) != tiletype_shape_basic::Floor) || (tileShapeBasic(tileShape(upper_tile)) == tiletype_shape_basic::Floor))) { //if the upper tile is a floor, we don't skip, otherwise we do. if(actual_mat.mat_type == builtin_mats::INORGANIC) { //inorganic tile->set_mat_type_table(array_index, BasicMaterial::INORGANIC); tile->set_mat_subtype_table(array_index, actual_mat.mat_index); } else if(actual_mat.mat_type == 419) { //Growing plants tile->set_mat_type_table(array_index, BasicMaterial::PLANT); tile->set_mat_subtype_table(array_index, actual_mat.mat_index); } else if(actual_mat.mat_type >= 420) { //Wooden constructions. Different from growing plants. tile->set_mat_type_table(array_index, BasicMaterial::WOOD); tile->set_mat_subtype_table(array_index, actual_mat.mat_index); } else { //Unknown and unsupported stuff. Will just be drawn as grey. tile->set_mat_type_table(array_index, BasicMaterial::OTHER); tile->set_mat_subtype_table(array_index, actual_mat.mat_type); } num_valid_blocks++; } else { tile->set_mat_type_table(array_index, BasicMaterial::AIR); } } } } } } return (num_valid_blocks >0); }