コード例 #1
ファイル: globals.cpp プロジェクト: wisllayvitrio/mapnik-jni
static jobject colorFromNative(JNIEnv *env, mapnik::color const& c) {
	jobject ret=env->AllocObject(CLASS_COLOR);
	env->SetIntField(ret, FIELD_COLOR_RED, c.red());
	env->SetIntField(ret, FIELD_COLOR_GREEN, c.green());
	env->SetIntField(ret, FIELD_COLOR_BLUE, c.blue());
	env->SetIntField(ret, FIELD_COLOR_ALPHA, c.alpha());
	return ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: agg_renderer.cpp プロジェクト: Jiangyangyang/mapnik
void agg_renderer<T0,T1>::draw_geo_extent(box2d<double> const& extent, mapnik::color const& color)
    box2d<double> box = common_.t_.forward(extent);
    double x0 = box.minx();
    double x1 = box.maxx();
    double y0 = box.miny();
    double y1 = box.maxy();
    unsigned rgba = color.rgba();
    for (double x=x0; x<x1; x++)
        pixmap_.setPixel(x, y0, rgba);
        pixmap_.setPixel(x, y1, rgba);
    for (double y=y0; y<y1; y++)
        pixmap_.setPixel(x0, y, rgba);
        pixmap_.setPixel(x1, y, rgba);
コード例 #3
ファイル: css_color.cpp プロジェクト: kwierman/mapnik
        CHECK( conv(1.0) == 3 );
        CHECK( conv(60.0) == 153 );
        // should not overflow on invalid input
        CHECK( conv(100000.0) == 255 );
        CHECK( conv(-100000.0) == 0 );

        mapnik::alpha_conv_impl conv2;
        CHECK( conv2(0.5) == 128 );
        CHECK( conv2(1.0) == 255 );
        // should not overflow on invalid input
        CHECK( conv2(60.0) == 255 );
        CHECK( conv2(100000.0) == 255 );
        CHECK( conv2(-100000.0) == 0 );

        mapnik::hsl_conv_impl conv3;
        mapnik::color c;
        conv3(c, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        CHECK( c.alpha() == 255 );
        CHECK( c.red() == 3 );
        CHECK( c.green() == 3 );
        CHECK( c.blue() == 3 );
        // invalid
        conv3(c, -1, -1, -1);
        CHECK( c.alpha() == 255 ); // should not be touched by hsl converter
        CHECK( c.red() == 0 );
        CHECK( c.green() == 0 );
        CHECK( c.blue() == 0 );

    SECTION("hex colors")
コード例 #4
void set_pixel(mapnik::image_32 & im, unsigned x, unsigned y, mapnik::color const& c)
    im.setPixel(x, y, c.rgba());
コード例 #5
ファイル: image_view.cpp プロジェクト: CartoDB/mapnik
#include "catch.hpp"

// mapnik
#include <mapnik/image.hpp>
#include <mapnik/color.hpp>
#include <mapnik/image_view_any.hpp>
#include <mapnik/image_util.hpp>

TEST_CASE("image view") {

SECTION("test rgba8") {

    mapnik::image_rgba8 im(4,4);
    mapnik::color c_red("red");
    mapnik::color c_blue("blue");
    mapnik::color c_green("green");
    mapnik::color c_yellow("yellow");
    mapnik::fill(im, c_red);
    // Upper Left 2x2 is blue
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 0, 0, c_blue);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 0, 1, c_blue);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 1, 0, c_blue);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 1, 1, c_blue);
    // Upper Right 2x2 is green
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 2, 0, c_green);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 2, 1, c_green);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 3, 0, c_green);
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 3, 1, c_green);
    // Lower Left 2x2 is yellow
    mapnik::set_pixel(im, 0, 2, c_yellow);
コード例 #6
    mapnik::image_any im2_any(mapnik::image_rgba8(4,4,true,true));

    // Fill the images with meaningfull values
    mapnik::color c1(57,70,128,128); // This color is not premultiplied
    mapnik::color c2(57,70,128,128, true); // This color is premultiplied
    mapnik::fill(im, c1); // Because c1 is not premultiplied it will make the image not premultiplied
    mapnik::fill(im_any, c1); // Because c1 is not premultiplied it will make the image not premultiplied
    mapnik::fill(im2, c2); // Because c1 is premultiplied it will make the image premultiplied
    mapnik::fill(im2_any, c2); // Because c1 is premultiplied it will make the image premultiplied

    mapnik::apply_opacity(im, 0.75);
    mapnik::apply_opacity(im_any, 0.75);
    mapnik::apply_opacity(im2, 0.75);
    mapnik::apply_opacity(im2_any, 0.75);

    mapnik::color out;
    // This should have only changed the alpha, as it was not premultipleid
    out = mapnik::get_pixel<mapnik::color>(im, 0, 0);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.red()) == 57);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.green()) == 70);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.blue()) == 128);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.alpha()) == 96);
    out = mapnik::get_pixel<mapnik::color>(im_any, 0, 0);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.red()) == 57);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.green()) == 70);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.blue()) == 128);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.alpha()) == 96);
    // This will be different because it is demultiplied then premultiplied again after setting alpha
    out = mapnik::get_pixel<mapnik::color>(im2, 0, 0);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.red()) == 43);
    CHECK(static_cast<int>(out.green()) == 53);