bool RaySphere(const Vector3& rayStart, const Vector3& rayDir, const Vector3& sphereCenter, float sphereRadius, float& t) { ++Application::mStatistics.mRaySphereTests; //project sphere center on to line Math::Vector3 sphereVec = sphereCenter - rayStart; float floatingPointEpsilon = 0.0001f; float tClosestToRay = sphereVec.Dot(rayDir); if(tClosestToRay >= 0.0f) { Math::Vector3 pointClosestToSphere = rayStart + (rayDir * tClosestToRay); if((sphereCenter - pointClosestToSphere).LengthSq() <= (sphereRadius * sphereRadius)) { //may be inside sphere, so we must calculate the length of ray that is inside the sphere and subtract //we can use cosine for this. // adjacent hypotenuse float lenInSphere; if((sphereCenter - pointClosestToSphere).LengthSq() > floatingPointEpsilon) { lenInSphere = Math::ArcCos((sphereCenter - pointClosestToSphere).Length() / sphereRadius); } else { lenInSphere = sphereRadius; } //since raydir should be unit length, we can simply subtract this from our closest t //we max to make sure that we don't subtract past the start of the ray t = Math::Max(tClosestToRay - lenInSphere, 0.0f); return true; } } return false; }
float DistFromPlane(const Vector3& point, const Vector3& normal, float planeDistance) { //compute the vector from plane's point to poi Math::Vector3 vectorToPoint = point - (normal * planeDistance); //project this vector on to the normal to find the distance from the plane return vectorToPoint.Dot(normal); }
// Checks if the ray intersects with a triangle defined by points p1, p2, p3 // Returns true if it intersects and the 't' distace of the intersection point // from the ray origin bool Ray::CheckIntersection(const Vector3 &p1, const Vector3 &p2, const Vector3 &p3, float &t) { Math::Vector3 vecAB = p2 - p1; Math::Vector3 vecAC = p3 - p1; Math::Vector3 cross; cross = mDirection.Cross(vecAC); float det = vecAB.Dot(cross); /* if(cull && det < 0.0001f) { return false; } else */ if(det < 0.0001f && det > -0.0001f) return false; Math::Vector3 rayPointVec = mOrigin - p1; float test1 = rayPointVec.Dot(cross); if(test1 < 0.0f || test1 > det) return false; Math::Vector3 cross2; cross2 = rayPointVec.Cross(vecAB); float test2 = mDirection.Dot(cross2); if(test2 < 0.0f || test1 + test2 > det) return false; float inverseDet = 1.0f / det; t = vecAC.Dot(cross2); t *= inverseDet; return true; }
bool RayTriangle(const Vector3& rayStart, const Vector3& rayDir, const Vector3& triP0, const Vector3& triP1, const Vector3& triP2, float& t, float triExpansionEpsilon) { ++Application::mStatistics.mRayTriangleTests; Math::Vector3 normal = (triP1 - triP0).Cross(triP2 - triP0).Normalized(); if(RayPlane(rayStart, rayDir, Math::Vector4(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, normal.Dot(triP0)), t)) { Math::Vector3 pointOnPlane = (rayDir * t) + rayStart; Math::Vector3 barycentric; return BarycentricCoordinates(pointOnPlane, triP0, triP1, triP2, barycentric.x, barycentric.y, barycentric.z, triExpansionEpsilon); } return false; }
bool BarycentricCoordinates(const Vector3& point, const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b, float& u, float& v, float epsilon) { if(a != b) { Math::Vector3 ba = a - b; float baLen = ba.Length(); Math::Vector3 normal = ba / baLen; u = normal.Dot(point - b) / baLen; v = 1.0f - u; if(u == Math::Clamp(u, -epsilon, 1.0f + epsilon)) { if(v == Math::Clamp(v, -epsilon, 1.0f + epsilon)) { return true; } } } return false; }
bool PolyhedronColliderGeometry::RayCast(const Ray3 &ray, float maxDistance, float &t, Math::Vector3 &n) const { Ray3 localRay; auto &body = mParent->Parent(); localRay.pos = body.GlobalToLocal(ray.pos); localRay.dir = body.GlobalToLocalVec(ray.dir); const Math::Vector3 &p = localRay.pos; const Math::Vector3 &d = maxDistance * localRay.dir; const Math::Vector3 q = p + d; float tEnter = 0.0f; float tExit = 1.0f; auto &verts = mAdjacency.Verts(); auto &edges = mAdjacency.Edges(); auto &faces = mAdjacency.Faces(); for (auto &face : faces) { if (! continue; // triangle edges auto &edge0 = edges[face.edge]; auto &edge1 = edges[]; auto &edge2 = edges[]; // triangle verts & normal const Math::Vector3 &a = verts[edge0.vert].position; const Math::Vector3 &b = verts[edge1.vert].position; const Math::Vector3 &c = verts[edge2.vert].position; const Math::Vector3 normal = (b - a).Cross(c - a); float denom = normal.Dot(d); float dist = normal.Dot(p - a); // positive: outside plane // test if segment runs parallel to the plane if (std::fabs(denom) < EPSILON && dist > 0.0f) return false; const float tempT = -dist / denom; if (denom < -EPSILON) { if (tempT > tEnter) { n = normal; tEnter = tempT; } } else if (denom > EPSILON) { tExit = (tExit < tempT) ? tExit : tempT; } // early out if (tEnter > tExit) return false; } n = body.LocalToGlobalVec(n); n.Normalize(); t = tEnter; return true; }