コード例 #1
 * private hepler method that compares the recorded Dataset against the member variable.
 * This is a reasonable test only under the assumption that the Data should be equal from coyping - It does not consider
 * homonymus Quaternions and NO FLOAT ROUNDING ISSUES
 bool compareDataSet(mitk::NavigationDataSet::Pointer recorded)
   for (unsigned int tool = 0; tool < recorded->GetNumberOfTools(); tool++){
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < recorded->Size(); i++)
       mitk::NavigationData::Pointer ref = m_NavigationDataSet->GetNavigationDataForIndex(i,tool);
       mitk::NavigationData::Pointer rec = recorded->GetNavigationDataForIndex(i,tool);
       if (!(ref->GetOrientation().as_vector() == rec->GetOrientation().as_vector())) {return false;}
       if (!(ref->GetPosition().GetVnlVector() == rec->GetPosition().GetVnlVector())) {return false;}
   return true;
コード例 #2
  void TestRecording()
    while (!m_Player->IsAtEnd())

    mitk::NavigationDataSet::Pointer recordedData = m_Recorder->GetNavigationDataSet();

    MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(recordedData->Size() == m_NavigationDataSet->Size(), "Test if recorded Dataset is of equal size as original");
    MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(compareDataSet(recordedData), "Test recorded dataset for equality with reference");