コード例 #1
ファイル: CrashDebugger.cpp プロジェクト: AstroVPK/LLVM-4.0.0
static Error ReduceGlobalInitializers(BugDriver &BD,
                                      bool (*TestFn)(const BugDriver &,
                                                     Module *)) {
  if (BD.getProgram()->global_begin() != BD.getProgram()->global_end()) {
    // Now try to reduce the number of global variable initializers in the
    // module to something small.
    Module *M = CloneModule(BD.getProgram()).release();
    bool DeletedInit = false;

    for (Module::global_iterator I = M->global_begin(), E = M->global_end();
         I != E; ++I)
      if (I->hasInitializer()) {
        DeletedInit = true;

    if (!DeletedInit) {
      delete M; // No change made...
    } else {
      // See if the program still causes a crash...
      outs() << "\nChecking to see if we can delete global inits: ";

      if (TestFn(BD, M)) { // Still crashes?
        outs() << "\n*** Able to remove all global initializers!\n";
      } else { // No longer crashes?
        outs() << "  - Removing all global inits hides problem!\n";
        delete M;

        std::vector<GlobalVariable *> GVs;

        for (Module::global_iterator I = BD.getProgram()->global_begin(),
                                     E = BD.getProgram()->global_end();
             I != E; ++I)
          if (I->hasInitializer())

        if (GVs.size() > 1 && !BugpointIsInterrupted) {
          outs() << "\n*** Attempting to reduce the number of global "
                 << "variables in the testcase\n";

          unsigned OldSize = GVs.size();
          Expected<bool> Result =
              ReduceCrashingGlobalVariables(BD, TestFn).reduceList(GVs);
          if (Error E = Result.takeError())
            return E;

          if (GVs.size() < OldSize)
            BD.EmitProgressBitcode(BD.getProgram(), "reduced-global-variables");
  return Error::success();
コード例 #2
/// doInitialization - Scan the list of globals and promote any with Private
/// linkage to use LinkerPrivate linkage instead.  Returns true if changed.
bool ARM64SetGlobalLinkage::doInitialization(Module &M) {
  bool Changed = false;

  for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(),
         E = M.global_end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (I->hasPrivateLinkage()) {
      Changed = true;

  return Changed;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ExtractFunction.cpp プロジェクト: aaasz/SHP
/// SplitFunctionsOutOfModule - Given a module and a list of functions in the
/// module, split the functions OUT of the specified module, and place them in
/// the new module.
Module *
llvm::SplitFunctionsOutOfModule(Module *M,
                                const std::vector<Function*> &F,
                                DenseMap<const Value*, Value*> &ValueMap) {
  // Make sure functions & globals are all external so that linkage
  // between the two modules will work.
  for (Module::iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
  for (Module::global_iterator I = M->global_begin(), E = M->global_end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (I->hasName() && I->getName()[0] == '\01')

  DenseMap<const Value*, Value*> NewValueMap;
  Module *New = CloneModule(M, NewValueMap);

  // Make sure global initializers exist only in the safe module (CBE->.so)
  for (Module::global_iterator I = New->global_begin(), E = New->global_end();
       I != E; ++I)
    I->setInitializer(0);  // Delete the initializer to make it external

  // Remove the Test functions from the Safe module
  std::set<Function *> TestFunctions;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = F.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Function *TNOF = cast<Function>(ValueMap[F[i]]);
    DEBUG(errs() << "Removing function ");
    DEBUG(WriteAsOperand(errs(), TNOF, false));
    DEBUG(errs() << "\n");
    DeleteFunctionBody(TNOF);       // Function is now external in this module!

  // Remove the Safe functions from the Test module
  for (Module::iterator I = New->begin(), E = New->end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (!TestFunctions.count(I))

  // Make sure that there is a global ctor/dtor array in both halves of the
  // module if they both have static ctor/dtor functions.
  SplitStaticCtorDtor("llvm.global_ctors", M, New, NewValueMap);
  SplitStaticCtorDtor("llvm.global_dtors", M, New, NewValueMap);
  return New;
コード例 #4
/* Change linkages of global values, in order to
 * improve alias analysis.
bool DeadStoreEliminationPass::changeLinkageTypes(Module &M) {
  DEBUG(errs() << "Changing linkages to private...\n");
  for (Module::global_iterator git = M.global_begin(), gitE = M.global_end();
        git != gitE; ++git) {
    DEBUG(errs() << "  " << *git << "\n");
    if (!git->hasExternalLinkage() && !git->hasAppendingLinkage()) git->setLinkage(GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage);
  for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
    if (!F->isDeclaration()) {
     if (!F->hasExternalLinkage() && !F->hasAppendingLinkage()) F->setLinkage(GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage);
      DEBUG(errs() << "  " << F->getName() << "\n");
  DEBUG(errs() << "\n");
  return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: StripExternals.cpp プロジェクト: NilsBossung/ldc
bool StripExternals::runOnModule(Module &M) {
  bool Changed = false;

  for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(); I != M.end(); ) {
    if (I->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage()) {
      assert(!I->isDeclaration()&&"Declarations can't be available_externally");
      Changed = true;
      if (I->use_empty()) {
        DEBUG(errs() << "Deleting function: " << *I);
        Module::iterator todelete = I;
      } else {
        DEBUG(errs() << "Deleted function body: " << *I);

  for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin();
       I != M.global_end(); ) {
    if (I->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage()) {
      assert(!I->isDeclaration()&&"Declarations can't be available_externally");
      Changed = true;
      if (I->use_empty()) {
        DEBUG(errs() << "Deleting global: " << *I);
        Module::global_iterator todelete = I;
      } else {
        DEBUG(errs() << "Deleted initializer: " << *I);

  return Changed;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CrashDebugger.cpp プロジェクト: CPFL/guc
                              std::vector<GlobalVariable*> &GVs) {
  // Clone the program to try hacking it apart...
  ValueMap<const Value*, Value*> VMap;
  Module *M = CloneModule(BD.getProgram(), VMap);

  // Convert list to set for fast lookup...
  std::set<GlobalVariable*> GVSet;

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = GVs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    GlobalVariable* CMGV = cast<GlobalVariable>(VMap[GVs[i]]);
    assert(CMGV && "Global Variable not in module?!");

  outs() << "Checking for crash with only these global variables: ";
  outs() << ": ";

  // Loop over and delete any global variables which we aren't supposed to be
  // playing with...
  for (Module::global_iterator I = M->global_begin(), E = M->global_end();
       I != E; ++I)
    if (I->hasInitializer() && !GVSet.count(I)) {

  // Try running the hacked up program...
  if (TestFn(BD, M)) {
    BD.setNewProgram(M);        // It crashed, keep the trimmed version...

    // Make sure to use global variable pointers that point into the now-current
    // module.
    GVs.assign(GVSet.begin(), GVSet.end());
    return true;

  delete M;
  return false;
コード例 #7
static int runCompilePasses(Module *ModuleRef,
                            unsigned ModuleIndex,
                            ThreadedFunctionQueue *FuncQueue,
                            const Triple &TheTriple,
                            TargetMachine &Target,
                            StringRef ProgramName,
                            raw_pwrite_stream &OS){
  PNaClABIErrorReporter ABIErrorReporter;

  if (SplitModuleCount > 1 || ExternalizeAll) {
    // Add function and global names, and give them external linkage.
    // This relies on LLVM's consistent auto-generation of names, we could
    // maybe do our own in case something changes there.
    for (Function &F : *ModuleRef) {
      if (!F.hasName())
      if (F.hasInternalLinkage())
    for (Module::global_iterator GI = ModuleRef->global_begin(),
         GE = ModuleRef->global_end();
         GI != GE; ++GI) {
      if (!GI->hasName())
      if (GI->hasInternalLinkage())
    if (ModuleIndex > 0) {
      // Remove the initializers for all global variables, turning them into
      // declarations.
      for (Module::global_iterator GI = ModuleRef->global_begin(),
          GE = ModuleRef->global_end();
          GI != GE; ++GI) {
        assert(GI->hasInitializer() && "Global variable missing initializer");
        Constant *Init = GI->getInitializer();
        if (Init->getNumUses() == 0)

  // Make all non-weak symbols hidden for better code. We cannot do
  // this for weak symbols. The linker complains when some weak
  // symbols are not resolved.
  for (Function &F : *ModuleRef) {
    if (!F.isWeakForLinker() && !F.hasLocalLinkage())
  for (Module::global_iterator GI = ModuleRef->global_begin(),
           GE = ModuleRef->global_end();
       GI != GE; ++GI) {
    if (!GI->isWeakForLinker() && !GI->hasLocalLinkage())

  // Build up all of the passes that we want to do to the module.
  std::unique_ptr<legacy::PassManagerBase> PM;
  if (LazyBitcode)
    PM.reset(new legacy::FunctionPassManager(ModuleRef));
    PM.reset(new legacy::PassManager());

  // Add the target data from the target machine, if it exists, or the module.
  if (const DataLayout *DL = Target.getDataLayout())

  // For conformance with llc, we let the user disable LLVM IR verification with
  // -disable-verify. Unlike llc, when LLVM IR verification is enabled we only
  // run it once, before PNaCl ABI verification.
  if (!NoVerify)

  // Add the ABI verifier pass before the analysis and code emission passes.
  if (PNaClABIVerify)

  // Add the intrinsic resolution pass. It assumes ABI-conformant code.

  // Add an appropriate TargetLibraryInfo pass for the module's triple.
  TargetLibraryInfoImpl TLII(TheTriple);

  // The -disable-simplify-libcalls flag actually disables all builtin optzns.
  if (DisableSimplifyLibCalls)
  PM->add(new TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass(TLII));

  // Allow subsequent passes and the backend to better optimize instructions
  // that were simplified for PNaCl's ABI. This pass uses the TargetLibraryInfo
  // above.

  // Ask the target to add backend passes as necessary. We explicitly ask it
  // not to add the verifier pass because we added it earlier.
  if (Target.addPassesToEmitFile(*PM, OS, FileType,
                                 /* DisableVerify */ true)) {
    errs() << ProgramName
    << ": target does not support generation of this file type!\n";
    return 1;

  if (LazyBitcode) {
    auto FPM = static_cast<legacy::FunctionPassManager *>(PM.get());
    unsigned FuncIndex = 0;
    switch (SplitModuleSched) {
    case SplitModuleStatic:
      for (Function &F : *ModuleRef) {
        if (FuncQueue->GrabFunctionStatic(FuncIndex, ModuleIndex)) {
          CheckABIVerifyErrors(ABIErrorReporter, "Function " + F.getName());
    case SplitModuleDynamic:
      unsigned ChunkSize = 0;
      unsigned NumFunctions = FuncQueue->Size();
      Module::iterator I = ModuleRef->begin();
      while (FuncIndex < NumFunctions) {
        ChunkSize = FuncQueue->RecommendedChunkSize();
        unsigned NextIndex;
        bool grabbed = FuncQueue->GrabFunctionDynamic(FuncIndex, ChunkSize,
        if (grabbed) {
          while (FuncIndex < NextIndex) {
            if (!I->isMaterializable() && I->isDeclaration()) {
            CheckABIVerifyErrors(ABIErrorReporter, "Function " + I->getName());
        } else {
          while (FuncIndex < NextIndex) {
            if (!I->isMaterializable() && I->isDeclaration()) {
  } else
    static_cast<legacy::PassManager *>(PM.get())->run(*ModuleRef);

  return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Internalize.cpp プロジェクト: bluemutedwisdom/bhyve
bool InternalizePass::runOnModule(Module &M) {
  CallGraph *CG = getAnalysisIfAvailable<CallGraph>();
  CallGraphNode *ExternalNode = CG ? CG->getExternalCallingNode() : 0;
  if (ExternalNames.empty()) {
    // Return if we're not in 'all but main' mode and have no external api
    if (!AllButMain)
      return false;
    // If no list or file of symbols was specified, check to see if there is a
    // "main" symbol defined in the module.  If so, use it, otherwise do not
    // internalize the module, it must be a library or something.
    Function *MainFunc = M.getFunction("main");
    if (MainFunc == 0 || MainFunc->isDeclaration())
      return false;  // No main found, must be a library...

    // Preserve main, internalize all else.

  bool Changed = false;

  // Never internalize functions which code-gen might insert.

  // Mark all functions not in the api as internal.
  // FIXME: maybe use private linkage?
  for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->isDeclaration() &&         // Function must be defined here
        // Available externally is really just a "declaration with a body".
        !I->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() &&
        !I->hasLocalLinkage() &&  // Can't already have internal linkage
        !ExternalNames.count(I->getName())) {// Not marked to keep external?
      // Remove a callgraph edge from the external node to this function.
      if (ExternalNode) ExternalNode->removeOneAbstractEdgeTo((*CG)[I]);
      Changed = true;
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalizing func " << I->getName() << "\n");

  // Never internalize the llvm.used symbol.  It is used to implement
  // attribute((used)).
  // FIXME: Shouldn't this just filter on llvm.metadata section??

  // Never internalize anchors used by the machine module info, else the info
  // won't find them.  (see MachineModuleInfo.)

  // Never internalize symbols code-gen inserts.

  // Mark all global variables with initializers that are not in the api as
  // internal as well.
  // FIXME: maybe use private linkage?
  for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
       I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->isDeclaration() && !I->hasLocalLinkage() &&
        // Available externally is really just a "declaration with a body".
        !I->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() &&
        !ExternalNames.count(I->getName())) {
      Changed = true;
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalized gvar " << I->getName() << "\n");

  // Mark all aliases that are not in the api as internal as well.
  for (Module::alias_iterator I = M.alias_begin(), E = M.alias_end();
       I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->isDeclaration() && !I->hasInternalLinkage() &&
        // Available externally is really just a "declaration with a body".
        !I->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() &&
        !ExternalNames.count(I->getName())) {
      Changed = true;
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalized alias " << I->getName() << "\n");

  return Changed;
コード例 #9
/// DebugACrash - Given a predicate that determines whether a component crashes
/// on a program, try to destructively reduce the program while still keeping
/// the predicate true.
static bool DebugACrash(BugDriver &BD,
                        bool (*TestFn)(const BugDriver &, Module *),
                        std::string &Error) {
  // See if we can get away with nuking some of the global variable initializers
  // in the program...
  if (!NoGlobalRM &&
      BD.getProgram()->global_begin() != BD.getProgram()->global_end()) {
    // Now try to reduce the number of global variable initializers in the
    // module to something small.
    Module *M = CloneModule(BD.getProgram());
    bool DeletedInit = false;

    for (Module::global_iterator I = M->global_begin(), E = M->global_end();
         I != E; ++I)
      if (I->hasInitializer()) {
        DeletedInit = true;

    if (!DeletedInit) {
      delete M;  // No change made...
    } else {
      // See if the program still causes a crash...
      outs() << "\nChecking to see if we can delete global inits: ";

      if (TestFn(BD, M)) {      // Still crashes?
        outs() << "\n*** Able to remove all global initializers!\n";
      } else {                  // No longer crashes?
        outs() << "  - Removing all global inits hides problem!\n";
        delete M;

        std::vector<GlobalVariable*> GVs;

        for (Module::global_iterator I = BD.getProgram()->global_begin(),
               E = BD.getProgram()->global_end(); I != E; ++I)
          if (I->hasInitializer())

        if (GVs.size() > 1 && !BugpointIsInterrupted) {
          outs() << "\n*** Attempting to reduce the number of global "
                    << "variables in the testcase\n";

          unsigned OldSize = GVs.size();
          ReduceCrashingGlobalVariables(BD, TestFn).reduceList(GVs, Error);
          if (!Error.empty())
            return true;

          if (GVs.size() < OldSize)
            BD.EmitProgressBitcode(BD.getProgram(), "reduced-global-variables");

  // Now try to reduce the number of functions in the module to something small.
  std::vector<Function*> Functions;
  for (Function &F : *BD.getProgram())
    if (!F.isDeclaration())

  if (Functions.size() > 1 && !BugpointIsInterrupted) {
    outs() << "\n*** Attempting to reduce the number of functions "
      "in the testcase\n";

    unsigned OldSize = Functions.size();
    ReduceCrashingFunctions(BD, TestFn).reduceList(Functions, Error);

    if (Functions.size() < OldSize)
      BD.EmitProgressBitcode(BD.getProgram(), "reduced-function");

  // Attempt to delete entire basic blocks at a time to speed up
  // convergence... this actually works by setting the terminator of the blocks
  // to a return instruction then running simplifycfg, which can potentially
  // shrinks the code dramatically quickly
  if (!DisableSimplifyCFG && !BugpointIsInterrupted) {
    std::vector<const BasicBlock*> Blocks;
    for (Function &F : *BD.getProgram())
      for (BasicBlock &BB : F)
    unsigned OldSize = Blocks.size();
    ReduceCrashingBlocks(BD, TestFn).reduceList(Blocks, Error);
    if (Blocks.size() < OldSize)
      BD.EmitProgressBitcode(BD.getProgram(), "reduced-blocks");

  // Attempt to delete instructions using bisection. This should help out nasty
  // cases with large basic blocks where the problem is at one end.
  if (!BugpointIsInterrupted) {
    std::vector<const Instruction*> Insts;
    for (const Function &F : *BD.getProgram())
      for (const BasicBlock &BB : F)
        for (const Instruction &I : BB)
          if (!isa<TerminatorInst>(&I))

    ReduceCrashingInstructions(BD, TestFn).reduceList(Insts, Error);

  // FIXME: This should use the list reducer to converge faster by deleting
  // larger chunks of instructions at a time!
  unsigned Simplification = 2;
  do {
    if (BugpointIsInterrupted) break;
    outs() << "\n*** Attempting to reduce testcase by deleting instruc"
           << "tions: Simplification Level #" << Simplification << '\n';

    // Now that we have deleted the functions that are unnecessary for the
    // program, try to remove instructions that are not necessary to cause the
    // crash.  To do this, we loop through all of the instructions in the
    // remaining functions, deleting them (replacing any values produced with
    // nulls), and then running ADCE and SimplifyCFG.  If the transformed input
    // still triggers failure, keep deleting until we cannot trigger failure
    // anymore.
    unsigned InstructionsToSkipBeforeDeleting = 0;

    // Loop over all of the (non-terminator) instructions remaining in the
    // function, attempting to delete them.
    unsigned CurInstructionNum = 0;
    for (Module::const_iterator FI = BD.getProgram()->begin(),
           E = BD.getProgram()->end(); FI != E; ++FI)
      if (!FI->isDeclaration())
        for (Function::const_iterator BI = FI->begin(), E = FI->end(); BI != E;
          for (BasicBlock::const_iterator I = BI->begin(), E = --BI->end();
               I != E; ++I, ++CurInstructionNum) {
            if (InstructionsToSkipBeforeDeleting) {
            } else {
              if (BugpointIsInterrupted) goto ExitLoops;

              if (isa<LandingPadInst>(I))

              outs() << "Checking instruction: " << *I;
              std::unique_ptr<Module> M =
                  BD.deleteInstructionFromProgram(&*I, Simplification);

              // Find out if the pass still crashes on this pass...
              if (TestFn(BD, M.get())) {
                // Yup, it does, we delete the old module, and continue trying
                // to reduce the testcase...
                InstructionsToSkipBeforeDeleting = CurInstructionNum;
                goto TryAgain;  // I wish I had a multi-level break here!

    if (InstructionsToSkipBeforeDeleting) {
      InstructionsToSkipBeforeDeleting = 0;
      goto TryAgain;

  } while (Simplification);

  // Try to clean up the testcase by running funcresolve and globaldce...
  if (!BugpointIsInterrupted) {
    outs() << "\n*** Attempting to perform final cleanups: ";
    Module *M = CloneModule(BD.getProgram());
    M = BD.performFinalCleanups(M, true).release();

    // Find out if the pass still crashes on the cleaned up program...
    if (TestFn(BD, M)) {
      BD.setNewProgram(M);     // Yup, it does, keep the reduced version...
    } else {
      delete M;

  BD.EmitProgressBitcode(BD.getProgram(), "reduced-simplified");

  return false;
コード例 #10
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext();
  llvm_shutdown_obj Y;  // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.

  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "libclc builtin preparation tool\n");

  std::string ErrorMessage;
  std::auto_ptr<Module> M;

    OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> BufferPtr;
    if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(InputFilename, BufferPtr))
      ErrorMessage = ec.message();
      M.reset(ParseBitcodeFile(BufferPtr.get(), Context, &ErrorMessage));

  if (M.get() == 0) {
    errs() << argv[0] << ": ";
    if (ErrorMessage.size())
      errs() << ErrorMessage << "\n";
      errs() << "bitcode didn't read correctly.\n";
    return 1;

  // Set linkage of every external definition to linkonce_odr.
  for (Module::iterator i = M->begin(), e = M->end(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (!i->isDeclaration() && i->getLinkage() == GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage) {

  for (Module::global_iterator i = M->global_begin(), e = M->global_end();
       i != e; ++i) {
    if (!i->isDeclaration() && i->getLinkage() == GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage) {

  if (OutputFilename.empty()) {
    errs() << "no output file\n";
    return 1;

  std::string ErrorInfo;
  OwningPtr<tool_output_file> Out
  (new tool_output_file(OutputFilename.c_str(), ErrorInfo,
  if (!ErrorInfo.empty()) {
    errs() << ErrorInfo << '\n';

  WriteBitcodeToFile(M.get(), Out->os());

  // Declare success.
  return 0;
コード例 #11
bool InternalizePass::runOnModule(Module &M) {
  CallGraph *CG = getAnalysisIfAvailable<CallGraph>();
  CallGraphNode *ExternalNode = CG ? CG->getExternalCallingNode() : 0;
  bool Changed = false;

  // Never internalize functions which code-gen might insert.
  // FIXME: We should probably add this (and the __stack_chk_guard) via some
  // type of call-back in CodeGen.

  // Mark all functions not in the api as internal.
  // FIXME: maybe use private linkage?
  for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->isDeclaration() &&         // Function must be defined here
        // Available externally is really just a "declaration with a body".
        !I->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() &&
        !I->hasLocalLinkage() &&  // Can't already have internal linkage
        !ExternalNames.count(I->getName())) {// Not marked to keep external?
      // Remove a callgraph edge from the external node to this function.
      if (ExternalNode) ExternalNode->removeOneAbstractEdgeTo((*CG)[I]);
      Changed = true;
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalizing func " << I->getName() << "\n");

  // Never internalize the llvm.used symbol.  It is used to implement
  // attribute((used)).
  // FIXME: Shouldn't this just filter on llvm.metadata section??

  // Never internalize anchors used by the machine module info, else the info
  // won't find them.  (see MachineModuleInfo.)

  // Never internalize symbols code-gen inserts.

  // Mark all global variables with initializers that are not in the api as
  // internal as well.
  // FIXME: maybe use private linkage?
  for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
       I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->isDeclaration() && !I->hasLocalLinkage() &&
        // Available externally is really just a "declaration with a body".
        !I->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() &&
        !ExternalNames.count(I->getName())) {
      Changed = true;
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalized gvar " << I->getName() << "\n");

  // Mark all aliases that are not in the api as internal as well.
  for (Module::alias_iterator I = M.alias_begin(), E = M.alias_end();
       I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->isDeclaration() && !I->hasInternalLinkage() &&
        // Available externally is really just a "declaration with a body".
        !I->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage() &&
        !ExternalNames.count(I->getName())) {
      Changed = true;
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalized alias " << I->getName() << "\n");

  return Changed;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ExtractFunction.cpp プロジェクト: AlexZhao/freebsd
/// SplitFunctionsOutOfModule - Given a module and a list of functions in the
/// module, split the functions OUT of the specified module, and place them in
/// the new module.
Module *
llvm::SplitFunctionsOutOfModule(Module *M,
                                const std::vector<Function*> &F,
                                ValueToValueMapTy &VMap) {
  // Make sure functions & globals are all external so that linkage
  // between the two modules will work.
  for (Module::iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
  for (Module::global_iterator I = M->global_begin(), E = M->global_end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (I->hasName() && I->getName()[0] == '\01')

  ValueToValueMapTy NewVMap;
  Module *New = CloneModule(M, NewVMap);

  // Remove the Test functions from the Safe module
  std::set<Function *> TestFunctions;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = F.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Function *TNOF = cast<Function>(VMap[F[i]]);
    DEBUG(errs() << "Removing function ");
    DEBUG(WriteAsOperand(errs(), TNOF, false));
    DEBUG(errs() << "\n");
    DeleteFunctionBody(TNOF);       // Function is now external in this module!

  // Remove the Safe functions from the Test module
  for (Module::iterator I = New->begin(), E = New->end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (!TestFunctions.count(I))

  // Try to split the global initializers evenly
  for (Module::global_iterator I = M->global_begin(), E = M->global_end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    GlobalVariable *GV = cast<GlobalVariable>(NewVMap[I]);
    if (Function *TestFn = globalInitUsesExternalBA(I)) {
      if (Function *SafeFn = globalInitUsesExternalBA(GV)) {
        errs() << "*** Error: when reducing functions, encountered "
                  "the global '";
        WriteAsOperand(errs(), GV, false);
        errs() << "' with an initializer that references blockaddresses "
                  "from safe function '" << SafeFn->getName()
               << "' and from test function '" << TestFn->getName() << "'.\n";
      I->setInitializer(0);  // Delete the initializer to make it external
    } else {
      // If we keep it in the safe module, then delete it in the test module

  // Make sure that there is a global ctor/dtor array in both halves of the
  // module if they both have static ctor/dtor functions.
  SplitStaticCtorDtor("llvm.global_ctors", M, New, NewVMap);
  SplitStaticCtorDtor("llvm.global_dtors", M, New, NewVMap);
  return New;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Internalize.cpp プロジェクト: AmesianX/dagger
bool InternalizePass::runOnModule(Module &M) {
  CallGraphWrapperPass *CGPass = getAnalysisIfAvailable<CallGraphWrapperPass>();
  CallGraph *CG = CGPass ? &CGPass->getCallGraph() : 0;
  CallGraphNode *ExternalNode = CG ? CG->getExternalCallingNode() : 0;
  bool Changed = false;

  SmallPtrSet<GlobalValue *, 8> Used;
  collectUsedGlobalVariables(M, Used, false);

  // We must assume that globals in llvm.used have a reference that not even
  // the linker can see, so we don't internalize them.
  // For llvm.compiler.used the situation is a bit fuzzy. The assembler and
  // linker can drop those symbols. If this pass is running as part of LTO,
  // one might think that it could just drop llvm.compiler.used. The problem
  // is that even in LTO llvm doesn't see every reference. For example,
  // we don't see references from function local inline assembly. To be
  // conservative, we internalize symbols in llvm.compiler.used, but we
  // keep llvm.compiler.used so that the symbol is not deleted by llvm.
  for (SmallPtrSet<GlobalValue *, 8>::iterator I = Used.begin(), E = Used.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    GlobalValue *V = *I;

  // Mark all functions not in the api as internal.
  for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (!shouldInternalize(*I, ExternalNames, OnlyHidden))


    if (ExternalNode)
      // Remove a callgraph edge from the external node to this function.

    Changed = true;
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalizing func " << I->getName() << "\n");

  // Never internalize the llvm.used symbol.  It is used to implement
  // attribute((used)).
  // FIXME: Shouldn't this just filter on llvm.metadata section??

  // Never internalize anchors used by the machine module info, else the info
  // won't find them.  (see MachineModuleInfo.)

  // Never internalize symbols code-gen inserts.
  // FIXME: We should probably add this (and the __stack_chk_guard) via some
  // type of call-back in CodeGen.

  // Mark all global variables with initializers that are not in the api as
  // internal as well.
  for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (!shouldInternalize(*I, ExternalNames, OnlyHidden))

    Changed = true;
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalized gvar " << I->getName() << "\n");

  // Mark all aliases that are not in the api as internal as well.
  for (Module::alias_iterator I = M.alias_begin(), E = M.alias_end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (!shouldInternalize(*I, ExternalNames, OnlyHidden))

    Changed = true;
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Internalized alias " << I->getName() << "\n");

  return Changed;