static inline bool broadcast_tagged_dims_from_type(intptr_t ndim, ndt::type tp, const intptr_t *tagged_dims, intptr_t *out_tagged_dims) { tp = tp.without_memory_type(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) { intptr_t tagged_dim = tagged_dims[i], dim_size; switch (tp.get_id()) { case fixed_dim_kind_id: { if (tagged_dim < 0) { out_tagged_dims[i] = -2; } } break; case fixed_dim_id: { dim_size = tp.extended<ndt::fixed_dim_type>()->get_fixed_dim_size(); if (tagged_dim < 0 || tagged_dim == 1) { out_tagged_dims[i] = dim_size; } else if (tagged_dim != dim_size && dim_size != 1) { return false; } } break; case var_dim_id: // All broadcasting is done dynamically for var break; default: { stringstream ss; ss << "dim_fragment_type failed to get shape from type " << tp; throw type_error(ss.str()); } } tp = tp.extended<ndt::base_dim_type>()->get_element_type(); } return true; }
static void array_getbuffer_pep3118_bytes(const ndt::type &tp, const char *arrmeta, char *data, Py_buffer *buffer, int flags) { buffer->itemsize = 1; if (flags & PyBUF_FORMAT) { buffer->format = (char *)"c"; } else { buffer->format = NULL; } buffer->ndim = 1; #if PY_VERSION_HEX == 0x02070000 buffer->internal = NULL; buffer->shape = &buffer->smalltable[0]; buffer->strides = &buffer->smalltable[1]; #else buffer->internal = malloc(2 * sizeof(intptr_t)); buffer->shape = reinterpret_cast<Py_ssize_t *>(buffer->internal); buffer->strides = buffer->shape + 1; #endif buffer->strides[0] = 1; if (tp.get_id() == bytes_id) { // Variable-length bytes type buffer->buf = reinterpret_cast<bytes *>(data)->begin(); buffer->len = reinterpret_cast<bytes *>(data)->size(); } else { // Fixed-length bytes type buffer->len = tp.get_data_size(); } buffer->shape[0] = buffer->len; }
size_t pydynd::get_nonragged_dim_count(const ndt::type &tp, size_t max_count) { if (tp.is_symbolic()) { if (tp.is_scalar()) { return 0; } } if (!tp.is_scalar()) { if (max_count <= 1) { return max_count; } else { return min(max_count, 1 + get_nonragged_dim_count( static_cast<const ndt::base_dim_type *>(tp.extended()) ->get_element_type(), max_count - 1)); } } switch (tp.get_id()) { case struct_id: case tuple_id: if (max_count <= 1) { return max_count; } else { auto bsd = tp.extended<ndt::tuple_type>(); size_t field_count = bsd->get_field_count(); for (size_t i = 0; i != field_count; ++i) { size_t candidate = 1 + get_nonragged_dim_count(bsd->get_field_type(i), max_count - 1); if (candidate < max_count) { max_count = candidate; if (max_count <= 1) { return max_count; } } } return max_count; } default: return 0; } }
static void append_pep3118_format(intptr_t &out_itemsize, const ndt::type &tp, const char *arrmeta, std::stringstream &o) { switch (tp.get_id()) { case bool_id: o << "?"; out_itemsize = 1; return; case int8_id: o << "b"; out_itemsize = 1; return; case int16_id: o << "h"; out_itemsize = 2; return; case int32_id: o << "i"; out_itemsize = 4; return; case int64_id: o << "q"; out_itemsize = 8; return; case uint8_id: o << "B"; out_itemsize = 1; return; case uint16_id: o << "H"; out_itemsize = 2; return; case uint32_id: o << "I"; out_itemsize = 4; return; case uint64_id: o << "Q"; out_itemsize = 8; return; case float32_id: o << "f"; out_itemsize = 4; return; case float64_id: o << "d"; out_itemsize = 8; return; case complex_float32_id: o << "Zf"; out_itemsize = 8; return; case complex_float64_id: o << "Zd"; out_itemsize = 16; return; case fixed_string_id: switch (tp.extended<ndt::fixed_string_type>()->get_encoding()) { case string_encoding_ascii: { intptr_t element_size = tp.get_data_size(); o << element_size << "s"; out_itemsize = element_size; return; } // TODO: Couldn't find documentation for UCS-2 character code? case string_encoding_utf_32: { intptr_t element_size = tp.get_data_size(); o << (element_size / 4) << "w"; out_itemsize = element_size; return; } default: break; } // Pass through to error break; case fixed_dim_id: { ndt::type child_tp = tp; o << "("; do { const ndt::fixed_dim_type *tdt = child_tp.extended<ndt::fixed_dim_type>(); intptr_t dim_size = tdt->get_fixed_dim_size(); o << dim_size; if (child_tp.get_data_size() != tdt->get_element_type().get_data_size() * dim_size) { stringstream ss; ss << "Cannot convert dynd type " << tp << " into a PEP 3118 format because it is not C-order"; throw dynd::type_error(ss.str()); } o << ")"; child_tp = tdt->get_element_type(); } while (child_tp.get_id() == fixed_dim_id && (o << ",")); append_pep3118_format(out_itemsize, child_tp, arrmeta, o); out_itemsize = tp.get_data_size(); return; } case struct_id: { o << "T{"; const ndt::struct_type *tdt = tp.extended<ndt::struct_type>(); size_t num_fields = tdt->get_field_count(); const uintptr_t *offsets = reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t *>(arrmeta); const uintptr_t *arrmeta_offsets = tdt->get_arrmeta_offsets_raw(); size_t format_offset = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i != num_fields; ++i) { size_t offset = offsets[i]; // Add padding bytes while (offset > format_offset) { o << "x"; ++format_offset; } if (offset < format_offset) { // DyND allows the order of fields in memory to differ from the logical // order, something not supported by PEP 3118 stringstream ss; ss << "Cannot convert dynd type " << tp << " with out of order data layout into a PEP 3118 format string"; throw type_error(ss.str()); } // The field's type append_pep3118_format(out_itemsize, tdt->get_field_type(i), arrmeta ? (arrmeta + arrmeta_offsets[i]) : NULL, o); format_offset += out_itemsize; // Append the name o << ":" << tdt->get_field_name(i) << ":"; } out_itemsize = format_offset; o << "}"; return; } default: break; } stringstream ss; ss << "Cannot convert dynd type " << tp << " into a PEP 3118 format string"; throw dynd::type_error(ss.str()); }
void overload(const ndt::type &dst_tp, intptr_t DYND_UNUSED(nsrc), const ndt::type *DYND_UNUSED(src_tp), const callable &value) { m_dispatcher.insert({{dst_tp.get_id()}, value}); }
ndt::type resolve(base_callable *DYND_UNUSED(caller), char *data, call_graph &cg, const ndt::type &dst_tp, size_t nsrc, const ndt::type *src_tp, size_t nkwd, const array *kwds, const std::map<std::string, ndt::type> &tp_vars) { const ndt::callable_type *child_tp = reinterpret_cast<data_type *>(data)->child->get_type().template extended<ndt::callable_type>(); bool first = reinterpret_cast<data_type *>(data)->first; reinterpret_cast<data_type *>(data)->first = false; bool state = reinterpret_cast<data_type *>(data)->state; bool res_ignore = reinterpret_cast<data_type *>(data)->res_ignore; bool dst_variadic = dst_tp.is_variadic(); // Do a pass through the src types to classify them bool src_all_strided = true, src_all_strided_or_var = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < nsrc; ++i) { intptr_t src_ndim = src_tp[i].get_ndim() - child_tp->get_pos_type(i).get_ndim(); switch (src_tp[i].get_id()) { case fixed_dim_id: break; case var_dim_id: src_all_strided = false; break; default: // If it's a scalar, allow it to broadcast like // a strided dimension if (src_ndim > 0) { src_all_strided_or_var = false; } break; } } bool var_broadcast = !src_all_strided; for (size_t i = 0; i < nsrc; ++i) { var_broadcast &= src_tp[i].get_id() == var_dim_id || (src_tp[i].get_id() == fixed_dim_id && src_tp[i].extended<ndt::fixed_dim_type>()->get_fixed_dim_size() == 1); } if ((dst_variadic || (dst_tp.get_id() == fixed_dim_id || res_ignore)) && src_all_strided) { static callable f = make_callable<elwise_callable<fixed_dim_id, fixed_dim_id, no_traits, N>>(); static callable g = make_callable<elwise_callable<fixed_dim_id, fixed_dim_id, state_traits, N>>(); if (!first && state) { return g->resolve(this, data, cg, dst_tp, nsrc, src_tp, nkwd, kwds, tp_vars); } else { return f->resolve(this, data, cg, dst_tp, nsrc, src_tp, nkwd, kwds, tp_vars); } } else if (((dst_variadic) || dst_tp.get_id() == var_dim_id) && (var_broadcast || src_all_strided)) { static callable f = make_callable<elwise_callable<var_dim_id, fixed_dim_id, no_traits, N>>(); return f->resolve(this, data, cg, dst_tp, nsrc, src_tp, nkwd, kwds, tp_vars); } else if (src_all_strided_or_var) { static callable f = make_callable<elwise_callable<fixed_dim_id, var_dim_id, no_traits, N>>(); return f->resolve(this, data, cg, dst_tp, nsrc, src_tp, nkwd, kwds, tp_vars); } std::stringstream ss; ss << "Cannot process lifted elwise expression from ("; for (size_t i = 0; i < nsrc; ++i) { ss << src_tp[i]; if (i != nsrc - 1) { ss << ", "; } } ss << ") to " << dst_tp; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); }
static void make_numpy_dtype_for_copy(pyobject_ownref *out_numpy_dtype, intptr_t ndim, const ndt::type &dt, const char *arrmeta) { // DyND builtin types if (dt.is_builtin()) { out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)PyArray_DescrFromType(dynd_to_numpy_id(dt.get_id()))); return; } switch (dt.get_id()) { case fixed_string_id: { const ndt::fixed_string_type *fsd = dt.extended<ndt::fixed_string_type>(); PyArray_Descr *result; switch (fsd->get_encoding()) { case string_encoding_ascii: result = PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_STRING); result->elsize = (int)fsd->get_data_size(); out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; case string_encoding_utf_32: result = PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UNICODE); result->elsize = (int)fsd->get_data_size(); out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; default: // If it's not one of the encodings NumPy supports, // use Unicode result = PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UNICODE); result->elsize = (int)fsd->get_data_size() * 4 / string_encoding_char_size_table[fsd->get_encoding()]; out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; } break; } case string_id: { // Convert variable-length strings into NumPy object arrays PyArray_Descr *dtype = PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_OBJECT); // Add metadata to the string type being created so that // it can round-trip. This metadata is compatible with h5py. out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)dtype); if (dtype->metadata == NULL) { dtype->metadata = PyDict_New(); } PyDict_SetItemString(dtype->metadata, "vlen", (PyObject *)&PyUnicode_Type); return; } case fixed_dim_id: { if (ndim > 0) { const ndt::base_dim_type *bdt = dt.extended<ndt::base_dim_type>(); make_numpy_dtype_for_copy(out_numpy_dtype, ndim - 1, bdt->get_element_type(), arrmeta + sizeof(fixed_dim_type_arrmeta)); return; } else { // If this isn't one of the array dimensions, it maps into // a numpy dtype with a shape // Build up the shape of the array for NumPy pyobject_ownref shape(PyList_New(0)); ndt::type element_tp = dt; while (ndim > 0) { const fixed_dim_type_arrmeta *am = reinterpret_cast<const fixed_dim_type_arrmeta *>(arrmeta); intptr_t dim_size = am->dim_size; element_tp = dt.extended<ndt::base_dim_type>()->get_element_type(); arrmeta += sizeof(fixed_dim_type_arrmeta); --ndim; if (PyList_Append(shape.get(), PyLong_FromSize_t(dim_size)) < 0) { throw runtime_error("propagating python error"); } } // Get the numpy dtype of the element pyobject_ownref child_numpy_dtype; make_numpy_dtype_for_copy(&child_numpy_dtype, 0, element_tp, arrmeta); // Create the result numpy dtype pyobject_ownref tuple_obj(PyTuple_New(2)); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple_obj.get(), 0, child_numpy_dtype.release()); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple_obj.get(), 1, shape.release()); PyArray_Descr *result = NULL; if (!PyArray_DescrConverter(tuple_obj, &result)) { throw dynd::type_error("failed to convert dynd type into numpy subarray dtype"); } // Put the final numpy dtype reference in the output out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; } break; } case struct_id: { const ndt::struct_type *bs = dt.extended<ndt::struct_type>(); size_t field_count = bs->get_field_count(); pyobject_ownref names_obj(PyList_New(field_count)); for (size_t i = 0; i < field_count; ++i) { const dynd::string &fn = bs->get_field_name(i); #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000 pyobject_ownref name_str(PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(fn.begin(), fn.end() - fn.begin())); #else pyobject_ownref name_str(PyString_FromStringAndSize(fn.begin(), fn.end() - fn.begin())); #endif PyList_SET_ITEM(names_obj.get(), i, name_str.release()); } pyobject_ownref formats_obj(PyList_New(field_count)); pyobject_ownref offsets_obj(PyList_New(field_count)); size_t standard_offset = 0, standard_alignment = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < field_count; ++i) { // Get the numpy dtype of the element pyobject_ownref field_numpy_dtype; make_numpy_dtype_for_copy(&field_numpy_dtype, 0, bs->get_field_type(i), arrmeta); size_t field_alignment = ((PyArray_Descr *)field_numpy_dtype.get())->alignment; size_t field_size = ((PyArray_Descr *)field_numpy_dtype.get())->elsize; standard_offset = inc_to_alignment(standard_offset, field_alignment); standard_alignment = max(standard_alignment, field_alignment); PyList_SET_ITEM(formats_obj.get(), i, field_numpy_dtype.release()); PyList_SET_ITEM((PyObject *)offsets_obj, i, PyLong_FromSize_t(standard_offset)); standard_offset += field_size; } // Get the full element size standard_offset = inc_to_alignment(standard_offset, standard_alignment); pyobject_ownref itemsize_obj(PyLong_FromSize_t(standard_offset)); pyobject_ownref dict_obj(PyDict_New()); PyDict_SetItemString(dict_obj, "names", names_obj); PyDict_SetItemString(dict_obj, "formats", formats_obj); PyDict_SetItemString(dict_obj, "offsets", offsets_obj); PyDict_SetItemString(dict_obj, "itemsize", itemsize_obj); PyArray_Descr *result = NULL; if (!PyArray_DescrAlignConverter(dict_obj, &result)) { stringstream ss; ss << "failed to convert dynd type " << dt << " into numpy dtype via dict"; throw dynd::type_error(ss.str()); } out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; } default: { break; } } if (dt.get_base_id() == expr_kind_id) { // Convert the value type for the copy make_numpy_dtype_for_copy(out_numpy_dtype, ndim, dt.value_type(), NULL); return; } // Anything which fell through is an error stringstream ss; ss << "dynd as_numpy could not convert dynd type "; ss << dt; ss << " to a numpy dtype"; throw dynd::type_error(ss.str()); }
static void as_numpy_analysis(pyobject_ownref *out_numpy_dtype, bool *out_requires_copy, intptr_t ndim, const ndt::type &dt, const char *arrmeta) { if (dt.is_builtin()) { // DyND builtin types out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)PyArray_DescrFromType(dynd_to_numpy_id(dt.get_id()))); return; } switch (dt.get_id()) { case fixed_string_id: { const ndt::fixed_string_type *fsd = dt.extended<ndt::fixed_string_type>(); PyArray_Descr *result; switch (fsd->get_encoding()) { case string_encoding_ascii: result = PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_STRING); result->elsize = (int)fsd->get_data_size(); out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; case string_encoding_utf_32: result = PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UNICODE); result->elsize = (int)fsd->get_data_size(); out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; default: out_numpy_dtype->clear(); *out_requires_copy = true; return; } break; } case string_id: { // Convert to numpy object type, requires copy out_numpy_dtype->clear(); *out_requires_copy = true; return; } case fixed_dim_id: { const ndt::base_dim_type *bdt = dt.extended<ndt::base_dim_type>(); if (ndim > 0) { // If this is one of the array dimensions, it simply // becomes one of the numpy _array dimensions as_numpy_analysis(out_numpy_dtype, out_requires_copy, ndim - 1, bdt->get_element_type(), arrmeta + sizeof(fixed_dim_type_arrmeta)); return; } else { // If this isn't one of the array dimensions, it maps into // a numpy dtype with a shape out_numpy_dtype->clear(); *out_requires_copy = true; return; } break; } /* case cfixed_dim_id: { const cfixed_dim_type *fad = dt.extended<cfixed_dim_type>(); if (ndim > 0) { // If this is one of the array dimensions, it simply // becomes one of the numpy _array dimensions as_numpy_analysis(out_numpy_dtype, out_requires_copy, ndim - 1, fad->get_element_type(), arrmeta + sizeof(cfixed_dim_type_arrmeta)); return; } else { // If this isn't one of the array dimensions, it maps into // a numpy dtype with a shape // Build up the shape of the array for NumPy pyobject_ownref shape(PyList_New(0)); ndt::type element_tp = dt; while (ndim > 0) { size_t dim_size = 0; if (dt.get_id() == cfixed_dim_id) { const cfixed_dim_type *cfd = element_tp.extended<cfixed_dim_type>(); element_tp = cfd->get_element_type(); if (cfd->get_data_size() != element_tp.get_data_size() * dim_size) { // If it's not C-order, a copy is required out_numpy_dtype->clear(); *out_requires_copy = true; return; } } else { stringstream ss; ss << "dynd as_numpy could not convert dynd type "; ss << dt; ss << " to a numpy dtype"; throw dynd::type_error(ss.str()); } --ndim; if (PyList_Append(shape.get(), PyLong_FromSize_t(dim_size)) < 0) { throw runtime_error("propagating python error"); } } // Get the numpy dtype of the element pyobject_ownref child_numpy_dtype; as_numpy_analysis(&child_numpy_dtype, out_requires_copy, 0, element_tp, arrmeta); if (*out_requires_copy) { // If the child required a copy, stop right away out_numpy_dtype->clear(); return; } // Create the result numpy dtype pyobject_ownref tuple_obj(PyTuple_New(2)); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple_obj.get(), 0, child_numpy_dtype.release()); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple_obj.get(), 1, shape.release()); PyArray_Descr *result = NULL; if (!PyArray_DescrConverter(tuple_obj, &result)) { throw dynd::type_error( "failed to convert dynd type into numpy subarray dtype"); } // Put the final numpy dtype reference in the output out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; } break; } */ case struct_id: { if (dt.get_id() == struct_id && arrmeta == NULL) { // If it's a struct type with no arrmeta, a copy is required out_numpy_dtype->clear(); *out_requires_copy = true; return; } const ndt::struct_type *bs = dt.extended<ndt::struct_type>(); const uintptr_t *offsets = reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t *>(arrmeta); size_t field_count = bs->get_field_count(); pyobject_ownref names_obj(PyList_New(field_count)); for (size_t i = 0; i < field_count; ++i) { const dynd::string &fn = bs->get_field_name(i); #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000 pyobject_ownref name_str(PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(fn.begin(), fn.end() - fn.begin())); #else pyobject_ownref name_str(PyString_FromStringAndSize(fn.begin(), fn.end() - fn.begin())); #endif PyList_SET_ITEM(names_obj.get(), i, name_str.release()); } pyobject_ownref formats_obj(PyList_New(field_count)); for (size_t i = 0; i < field_count; ++i) { // Get the numpy dtype of the element pyobject_ownref field_numpy_dtype; as_numpy_analysis(&field_numpy_dtype, out_requires_copy, 0, bs->get_field_type(i), arrmeta); if (*out_requires_copy) { // If the field required a copy, stop right away out_numpy_dtype->clear(); return; } PyList_SET_ITEM(formats_obj.get(), i, field_numpy_dtype.release()); } pyobject_ownref offsets_obj(PyList_New(field_count)); for (size_t i = 0; i < field_count; ++i) { PyList_SET_ITEM((PyObject *)offsets_obj, i, PyLong_FromSize_t(offsets[i])); } pyobject_ownref dict_obj(PyDict_New()); PyDict_SetItemString(dict_obj, "names", names_obj); PyDict_SetItemString(dict_obj, "formats", formats_obj); PyDict_SetItemString(dict_obj, "offsets", offsets_obj); if (dt.get_data_size() > 0) { pyobject_ownref itemsize_obj(PyLong_FromSize_t(dt.get_data_size())); PyDict_SetItemString(dict_obj, "itemsize", itemsize_obj); } PyArray_Descr *result = NULL; if (!PyArray_DescrConverter(dict_obj, &result)) { stringstream ss; ss << "failed to convert dynd type " << dt << " into numpy dtype via dict"; throw dynd::type_error(ss.str()); } out_numpy_dtype->reset((PyObject *)result); return; } default: { break; } } if (dt.get_base_id() == expr_kind_id) { // If none of the prior checks caught this expression, // a copy is required. out_numpy_dtype->clear(); *out_requires_copy = true; return; } // Anything which fell through is an error stringstream ss; ss << "dynd as_numpy could not convert dynd type "; ss << dt; ss << " to a numpy dtype"; throw dynd::type_error(ss.str()); }
ndt::type ndt::detail::internal_substitute(const ndt::type &pattern, const std::map<std::string, ndt::type> &typevars, bool concrete) { // This function assumes that ``pattern`` is symbolic, so does not // have to check types that are always concrete switch (pattern.get_id()) { #ifdef DYND_CUDA case cuda_device_id: return ndt::make_cuda_device( ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<base_memory_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); #endif case pointer_id: return ndt::make_type<ndt::pointer_type>( ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<pointer_type>()->get_target_type(), typevars, concrete)); case fixed_dim_kind_id: if (!concrete) { return ndt::make_type<ndt::fixed_dim_kind_type>( ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<base_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); } else { throw invalid_argument("The dynd pattern type includes a symbolic " "'fixed' dimension, which is not concrete as " "requested"); } case fixed_dim_id: return ndt::make_fixed_dim( pattern.extended<fixed_dim_type>()->get_fixed_dim_size(), ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<fixed_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); case var_dim_id: return ndt::make_type<ndt::var_dim_type>( ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<var_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); case struct_id: return ndt::make_type<ndt::struct_type>( pattern.extended<struct_type>()->get_field_names(), substitute_type_array(pattern.extended<struct_type>()->get_field_types(), typevars, concrete)); case tuple_id: { const std::vector<ndt::type> &element_tp = substitute_type_array(pattern.extended<tuple_type>()->get_field_types(), typevars, concrete); return ndt::make_type<ndt::tuple_type>(element_tp.size(),; } case option_id: return ndt::make_type<ndt::option_type>( ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<option_type>()->get_value_type(), typevars, concrete)); case callable_id: return ndt::make_type<ndt::callable_type>( substitute(pattern.extended<callable_type>()->get_return_type(), typevars, concrete), substitute(pattern.extended<callable_type>()->get_pos_tuple(), typevars, concrete), substitute(pattern.extended<callable_type>()->get_kwd_struct(), typevars, concrete)); case typevar_constructed_id: { map<std::string, ndt::type>::const_iterator it = typevars.find(pattern.extended<typevar_constructed_type>()->get_name()); if (it->second.get_id() == void_id) { return substitute(pattern.extended<typevar_constructed_type>()->get_arg(), typevars, concrete); } #ifdef DYND_CUDA if (it->second.get_id() == cuda_device_id) { return ndt::make_cuda_device( substitute(pattern.extended<typevar_constructed_type>()->get_arg(), typevars, concrete)); } #endif } case typevar_id: { map<std::string, ndt::type>::const_iterator it = typevars.find(pattern.extended<typevar_type>()->get_name()); if (it != typevars.end()) { if (it->second.get_ndim() != 0) { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << pattern << ", " << it->second << ", is a dimension, expected a dtype"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } if (!concrete || !it->second.is_symbolic()) { return it->second; } else { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << pattern << ", " << it->second << ", is not concrete as required"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } else { if (concrete) { stringstream ss; ss << "No substitution type for dynd type var " << pattern << " was available"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } else { return pattern; } } } case typevar_dim_id: { map<std::string, ndt::type>::const_iterator it = typevars.find(pattern.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_name()); if (it != typevars.end()) { if (it->second.get_ndim() == 0) { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << pattern << ", " << it->second << ", is a dtype, expected a dimension"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } if (!concrete || !it->second.is_symbolic()) { switch (it->second.get_id()) { case fixed_dim_kind_id: return ndt::make_type<ndt::fixed_dim_kind_type>( ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); case fixed_dim_id: return ndt::make_fixed_dim( it->second.extended<fixed_dim_type>()->get_fixed_dim_size(), ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); case var_dim_id: return ndt::make_type<ndt::var_dim_type>( ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); default: { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << pattern << ", " << it->second << ", is not a substitutable dimension type"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } } else { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << pattern << ", " << it->second << ", is not concrete as required"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } else { if (concrete) { stringstream ss; ss << "No substitution type for dynd typevar " << pattern << " was available"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } else { return ndt::make_type<ndt::typevar_dim_type>( pattern.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_name(), ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); } } } case pow_dimsym_id: { // Look up to the exponent typevar std::string exponent_name = pattern.extended<pow_dimsym_type>()->get_exponent(); map<std::string, ndt::type>::const_iterator tv_type = typevars.find(exponent_name); intptr_t exponent = -1; if (tv_type != typevars.end()) { if (tv_type->second.get_id() == fixed_dim_id) { exponent = tv_type->second.extended<fixed_dim_type>()->get_fixed_dim_size(); } else if (tv_type->second.get_id() == typevar_dim_id) { // If it's a typevar, substitute the new name in exponent_name = tv_type->second.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_name(); if (concrete) { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << exponent_name << ", " << tv_type->second << ", is not concrete as required"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } else { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << exponent_name << ", " << tv_type->second << ", is not a fixed_dim integer as required"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } // If the exponent is zero, just substitute the rest of the type if (exponent == 0) { return ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<pow_dimsym_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete); } // Get the base type ndt::type base_tp = pattern.extended<pow_dimsym_type>()->get_base_type(); if (base_tp.get_id() == typevar_dim_id) { map<std::string, ndt::type>::const_iterator btv_type = typevars.find(base_tp.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_name()); if (btv_type == typevars.end()) { // We haven't seen this typevar yet, check if concrete // is required if (concrete) { stringstream ss; ss << "No substitution type for dynd typevar " << base_tp << " was available"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } else if (btv_type->second.get_ndim() > 0 && btv_type->second.get_id() != dim_fragment_id) { // Swap in for the base type base_tp = btv_type->second; } else { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << base_tp << ", " << btv_type->second << ", is not a substitutable dimension type"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } // Substitute the element type, then apply the exponent ndt::type result = ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<pow_dimsym_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete); if (exponent == 0) { return result; } else if (exponent < 0) { return ndt::make_type<ndt::pow_dimsym_type>(base_tp, exponent_name, result); } else { switch (base_tp.get_id()) { case fixed_dim_kind_id: { if (concrete) { stringstream ss; ss << "The base for a dimensional power type, 'Fixed ** " << exponent << "', is not concrete as required"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } for (intptr_t i = 0; i < exponent; ++i) { result = ndt::make_type<ndt::fixed_dim_kind_type>(result); } return result; } case fixed_dim_id: { intptr_t dim_size = base_tp.extended<fixed_dim_type>()->get_fixed_dim_size(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < exponent; ++i) { result = ndt::make_fixed_dim(dim_size, result); } return result; } case var_dim_id: for (intptr_t i = 0; i < exponent; ++i) { result = ndt::make_type<ndt::var_dim_type>(result); } return result; case typevar_dim_id: { const std::string &tvname = base_tp.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_name(); for (intptr_t i = 0; i < exponent; ++i) { result = ndt::make_type<ndt::typevar_dim_type>(tvname, result); } return result; } default: { stringstream ss; ss << "Cannot substitute " << base_tp << " as the base of a dynd dimensional power type"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } } } case ellipsis_dim_id: { const std::string &name = pattern.extended<ellipsis_dim_type>()->get_name(); if (!name.empty()) { map<std::string, ndt::type>::const_iterator it = typevars.find(pattern.extended<typevar_dim_type>()->get_name()); if (it != typevars.end()) { if (it->second.get_id() == dim_fragment_id) { return it->second.extended<dim_fragment_type>()->apply_to_dtype( ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<ellipsis_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); } else { stringstream ss; ss << "The substitution for dynd typevar " << pattern << ", " << it->second << ", is not a dim fragment as required"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } } else { if (concrete) { stringstream ss; ss << "No substitution type for dynd typevar " << pattern << " was available"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } else { return ndt::make_type<ellipsis_dim_type>( pattern.extended<ellipsis_dim_type>()->get_name(), ndt::substitute(pattern.extended<ellipsis_dim_type>()->get_element_type(), typevars, concrete)); } } } else { throw invalid_argument("Cannot substitute into an unnamed ellipsis typevar"); } } case any_kind_id: { if (concrete) { stringstream ss; ss << "The dynd type " << pattern << " is not concrete as required"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } else { return pattern; } } case scalar_kind_id: { if (concrete) { stringstream ss; ss << "The dynd type " << pattern << " is not concrete as required"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); } else { return pattern; } } default: break; } stringstream ss; ss << "Unsupported dynd type \"" << pattern << "\" encountered for substituting typevars"; throw invalid_argument(ss.str()); }
void pydynd::deduce_pyseq_shape_using_dtype(PyObject *obj, const ndt::type &tp, std::vector<intptr_t> &shape, bool initial_pass, size_t current_axis) { bool is_sequence = (PySequence_Check(obj) != 0 && !PyUnicode_Check(obj) && !PyDict_Check(obj)); #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000 is_sequence = is_sequence && !PyString_Check(obj); #endif Py_ssize_t size = 0; if (is_sequence) { size = PySequence_Size(obj); if (size == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Clear(); is_sequence = false; } } if (is_sequence) { if (shape.size() == current_axis) { if (initial_pass) { shape.push_back(size); } else if (tp.get_id() == struct_id || tp.get_id() == tuple_id) { // Signal that this is a dimension which is sometimes scalar, to allow // for // raggedness in the struct type's fields shape.push_back(pydynd_shape_deduction_ragged); } else { throw runtime_error( "dynd array doesn't support dimensions" " which are sometimes scalars and sometimes arrays"); } } else { if (shape[current_axis] != size && shape[current_axis] >= 0) { // A variable-sized dimension shape[current_axis] = pydynd_shape_deduction_var; } } for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { pyobject_ownref item(PySequence_GetItem(obj, i)); deduce_pyseq_shape_using_dtype(item.get(), tp, shape, i == 0 && initial_pass, current_axis + 1); } } else { if (PyDict_Check(obj) && tp.get_id() == struct_id) { if (shape.size() == current_axis) { shape.push_back(pydynd_shape_deduction_dict); } else if (shape[current_axis] != pydynd_shape_deduction_ragged) { shape[current_axis] = pydynd_shape_deduction_dict; } } else if (shape.size() != current_axis) { if (tp.get_id() == struct_id || tp.get_id() == tuple_id) { shape[current_axis] = pydynd_shape_deduction_ragged; } else { throw runtime_error( "dynd array doesn't support dimensions" " which are sometimes scalars and sometimes arrays"); } } } }