bool PinotSettings::loadFilePatterns(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } // Load the file patterns list for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "pattern") { m_filePatternsBlackList.insert(nodeContent); } } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadLabels(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } // Load the label's properties for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { m_labels.insert(nodeContent); } // Labels used to have colours... } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadUi(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "xpos") { m_xPos = atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "ypos") { m_yPos = atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "width") { m_width = atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "height") { m_height = atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "panepos") { m_panePos = atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "expandqueries") { if (nodeContent == "YES") { m_expandQueries = true; } else { m_expandQueries = false; } } } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadMailAccounts(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } MailAccount mailAccount; // Load the mail account's properties for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { mailAccount.m_name = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "type") { mailAccount.m_type = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "mtime") { mailAccount.m_modTime = (time_t)atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "mindate") { mailAccount.m_lastMessageTime = (time_t)atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "size") { mailAccount.m_size = (off_t)atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } } if (mailAccount.m_name.empty() == false) { m_mailAccounts.insert(mailAccount); } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadLabels(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } Label label; // Load the label's properties for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { label.m_name = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "red") { label.m_red = (unsigned short)atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "green") { label.m_green = (unsigned short)atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "blue") { label.m_blue = (unsigned short)atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } } if (label.m_name.empty() == false) { m_labels.insert(label); } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadProxy(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pChildElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pChildElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName(pChildElem->get_name()); string nodeContent(getElementContent(pChildElem)); if (nodeName == "address") { m_proxyAddress = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "port") { m_proxyPort = (unsigned int)atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); } else if (nodeName == "type") { m_proxyType = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "enable") { if (nodeContent == "YES") { m_proxyEnabled = true; } else { m_proxyEnabled = false; } } } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadIndexableLocations(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } IndexableLocation location; // Load the indexable location's properties for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { location.m_name = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "monitor") { if (nodeContent == "YES") { location.m_monitor = true; } else { location.m_monitor = false; } } } if (location.m_name.empty() == false) { m_indexableLocations.insert(location); } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadIndexes(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } string indexName, indexLocation; for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { indexName = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "location") { indexLocation = nodeContent; } } if ((indexName.empty() == false) && (indexLocation.empty() == false)) { addIndex(indexName, indexLocation); } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadColour(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } // Load the colour RGB components for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); gushort value = (gushort)atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); if (nodeName == "red") { m_newResultsColourRed = value; } else if (nodeName == "green") { m_newResultsColourGreen = value; } else if (nodeName == "blue") { m_newResultsColourBlue = value; } } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadResults(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "viewmode") { if (nodeContent == "SOURCE") { m_browseResults = false; } else { m_browseResults = true; } } else if (nodeName == "browser") { m_browserCommand = nodeContent; } } return true; }
string XmlReader::getTextFromElement(const Element* elementNode, const string& childName, bool required) const { string text; const Node::NodeList children = elementNode->get_children(childName); if (children.size() == 1) { const Element *elementChild = castToElement(children.front()); for (const Node *child : elementChild->get_children()) { const TextNode* textNode = dynamic_cast<const TextNode*>(child); if (textNode != nullptr) { if (!textNode->is_white_space()) text += textNode->get_content(); } else { throw InvalidDatasetFile(caller(), "Invalid cast to 'TextNode*' type!", (child != nullptr ? child->get_line() : -1)); } } } else if (children.size() > 1) { throw InvalidDatasetFile(caller(), "Only from one child the text can be retrieved!", elementNode->get_line()); } else if (children.empty() && required) { string msg = "Cannot find the '"+string(childName)+"' element!\n"; throw InvalidDatasetFile(caller(), msg+"Invalid input xml file!", elementNode->get_line()); } return text; }
bool PinotSettings::loadEngineChannels(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { std::map<string, bool>::iterator channelIter = m_engineChannels.find(nodeContent); if (channelIter != m_engineChannels.end()) { channelIter->second = false; } } } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadQueries(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } QueryProperties queryProps; Date minDate, maxDate; string freeQuery; bool enableMinDate = false, enableMaxDate = false; // Load the query's properties for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pChildElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pChildElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName(pChildElem->get_name()); string nodeContent(getElementContent(pChildElem)); if (nodeName == "name") { queryProps.setName(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "sortorder") { if (nodeContent == "DATE") { queryProps.setSortOrder(QueryProperties::DATE); } else { queryProps.setSortOrder(QueryProperties::RELEVANCE); } } else if (nodeName == "text") { freeQuery = nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "and") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { freeQuery += " "; } freeQuery += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "phrase") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { freeQuery += " "; } freeQuery += "\""; freeQuery += nodeContent; freeQuery += "\""; } else if ((nodeName == "any") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { // FIXME: don't be lazy and add those correctly if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { freeQuery += " "; } freeQuery += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "not") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { freeQuery += " "; } freeQuery += "-("; freeQuery += nodeContent; freeQuery += ")"; } else if ((nodeName == "language") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { freeQuery += " "; } freeQuery += "lang:"; freeQuery += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "stemlanguage") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { queryProps.setStemmingLanguage(Languages::toLocale(nodeContent)); } else if ((nodeName == "hostfilter") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { freeQuery += " "; } freeQuery += "site:"; freeQuery += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "filefilter") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { freeQuery += " "; } freeQuery += "file:"; freeQuery += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "labelfilter") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { freeQuery += " "; } freeQuery += "label:"; freeQuery += nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "maxresults") { int count = atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); queryProps.setMaximumResultsCount((unsigned int)max(count, 10)); } else if (nodeName == "enablemindate") { if (nodeContent == "YES") { enableMinDate = true; } } else if (nodeName == "mindate") { minDate.set_parse(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "enablemaxdate") { if (nodeContent == "YES") { enableMaxDate = true; } } else if (nodeName == "maxdate") { maxDate.set_parse(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "index") { if (nodeContent == "NEW") { queryProps.setIndexResults(QueryProperties::NEW_RESULTS); } else if (nodeContent == "ALL") { queryProps.setIndexResults(QueryProperties::ALL_RESULTS); } else { queryProps.setIndexResults(QueryProperties::NOTHING); } } else if (nodeName == "label") { queryProps.setLabelName(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "modified") { if (nodeContent == "YES") { queryProps.setModified(true); } } } // Are pre-0.80 dates specified ? if ((enableMinDate == true) || (enableMaxDate == true)) { // Provide reasonable defaults if (enableMinDate == false) { minDate.set_day(1); minDate.set_month(Date::JANUARY); minDate.set_year(1970); } if (enableMaxDate == false) { maxDate.set_day(31); maxDate.set_month(Date::DECEMBER); maxDate.set_year(2099); } ustring minDateStr(minDate.format_string("%Y%m%d")); ustring maxDateStr(maxDate.format_string("%Y%m%d")); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "PinotSettings::loadQueries: date range " << minDateStr << " to " << maxDateStr << endl; #endif freeQuery += " "; freeQuery += minDateStr; freeQuery += ".."; freeQuery += maxDateStr; } // We need at least a name if (queryProps.getName().empty() == false) { if (freeQuery.empty() == false) { queryProps.setFreeQuery(freeQuery); } m_queries[queryProps.getName()] = queryProps; } return true; }
iPackage* JispParser::parse(const FindFile::Found& defFile) { using namespace xmlpp; // parsujemy xmla z definicjami DomParser parser; parser.set_substitute_entities(); Node* rootNode; Node* metaNode; Node::NodeList icons; Node::NodeList nodes; Attribute* attrib; eMSet result; ifstream file(defFile.getFilePath().c_str()); try { parser.parse_stream(file); } catch (const xmlpp::exception& e) { throw XMLParserException(e.what()); } file.close(); rootNode = parser.get_document()->get_root_node(); if (rootNode->get_name() != "icondef") throw WrongFormat("Z³a nazwa korzenia dokumentu (z³y format ?)"); nodes = rootNode->get_children("meta"); if (nodes.size() != 1) throw WrongFormat("Nie ma dok³adnie jednego elementu 'meta'"); metaNode = *nodes.begin(); if (!metaNode) throw WrongFormat("Element 'meta' nie zawiera dzieci"); nodes = metaNode->get_children("name"); if (nodes.size() == 1 && dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())) { result.setName(dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())->get_child_text()->get_content().c_str()); } nodes = metaNode->get_children("version"); if (nodes.size() == 1 && dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())) { result.setVersion(dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())->get_child_text()->get_content().c_str()); } nodes = metaNode->get_children("description"); if (nodes.size() == 1 && dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())) { result.setDescription(dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())->get_child_text()->get_content().c_str()); } nodes = metaNode->get_children("author"); for (Node::NodeList::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { if (dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)) { attrib = dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)->get_attribute("jid"); result.addAuthor(eMAuthor(dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)->get_child_text()->get_content().c_str(), attrib ? attrib->get_value().c_str() : "")); } } nodes = metaNode->get_children("creation"); if (nodes.size() == 1 && dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())) { // result.setCTime(dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())->get_child_text()->get_content().c_str()); } nodes = metaNode->get_children("home"); if (nodes.size() == 1 && dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())) { result.setUrl(dynamic_cast<Element*>(*nodes.begin())->get_child_text()->get_content().c_str()); } icons = rootNode->get_children("icon"); for (Node::NodeList::iterator it = icons.begin(); it != icons.end(); it++) { eM emot(true, false); string mime; nodes = (*it)->get_children("object"); for (Node::NodeList::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { if (dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it) && dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)->get_attribute("mime")) { mime = dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)->get_attribute("mime")->get_value(); if (mime == "image/png" || mime == "image/gif" || mime == "image/jpeg") { emot.setImgPath(defFile.getDirectory() + (string) dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)->get_child_text()->get_content()); break; } mime.clear(); } } if (mime.empty()) continue; nodes = (*it)->get_children("text"); if (nodes.empty()) throw WrongFormat("Brak tekstu do zamiany"); for (Node::NodeList::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { if (dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)) { emot.setText(dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)->get_child_text()->get_content().c_str()); attrib = dynamic_cast<Element*>(*it)->get_attribute("regexp"); if (attrib) { emot.setPreg((bool) atoi(attrib->get_value().c_str())); } result.addEmot(emot); } } } return new eMSet(result); }
bool PinotSettings::loadQueries(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } QueryProperties queryProps; // Load the query's properties for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { queryProps.setName(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "and") { queryProps.setAndWords(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "phrase") { queryProps.setPhrase(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "any") { queryProps.setAnyWords(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "not") { queryProps.setNotWords(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "language") { queryProps.setLanguage(Languages::toLocale(nodeContent)); } else if (nodeName == "hostfilter") { queryProps.setHostFilter(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "filefilter") { queryProps.setFileFilter(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "labelfilter") { queryProps.setLabelFilter(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "maxresults") { int count = atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); queryProps.setMaximumResultsCount((unsigned int)max(count, 10)); } else if (nodeName == "index") { if (nodeContent == "ALL") { queryProps.setIndexResults(true); } else { queryProps.setIndexResults(false); } } else if (nodeName == "label") { queryProps.setLabelName(nodeContent); } } // We need at least a name if (queryProps.getName().empty() == false) { m_queries[queryProps.getName()] = queryProps; } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadQueries(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } QueryProperties queryProps; string backCompatString; // Load the query's properties for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { queryProps.setName(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "text") { queryProps.setFreeQuery(nodeContent); } else if ((nodeName == "and") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { backCompatString += " "; } backCompatString += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "phrase") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { backCompatString += " "; } backCompatString += "\""; backCompatString += nodeContent; backCompatString += "\""; } else if ((nodeName == "any") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { // FIXME: don't be lazy and add those correctly if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { backCompatString += " "; } backCompatString += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "not") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { backCompatString += " "; } backCompatString += "-("; backCompatString += nodeContent; backCompatString += ")"; } else if ((nodeName == "language") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { backCompatString += " "; } backCompatString += "language:"; backCompatString += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "hostfilter") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { backCompatString += " "; } backCompatString += "site:"; backCompatString += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "filefilter") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { backCompatString += " "; } backCompatString += "file:"; backCompatString += nodeContent; } else if ((nodeName == "labelfilter") && (nodeContent.empty() == false)) { if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { backCompatString += " "; } backCompatString += "label:"; backCompatString += nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "maxresults") { int count = atoi(nodeContent.c_str()); queryProps.setMaximumResultsCount((unsigned int)max(count, 10)); } else if (nodeName == "index") { if (nodeContent == "ALL") { queryProps.setIndexResults(true); } else { queryProps.setIndexResults(false); } } else if (nodeName == "label") { queryProps.setLabelName(nodeContent); } } // We need at least a name if (queryProps.getName().empty() == false) { if (backCompatString.empty() == false) { queryProps.setFreeQuery(backCompatString); } m_queries[queryProps.getName()] = queryProps; } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadConfiguration(const std::string &fileName, bool isGlobal) { struct stat fileStat; bool success = true; if ((stat(fileName.c_str(), &fileStat) != 0) || (!S_ISREG(fileStat.st_mode))) { cerr << "Couldn' open configuration file " << fileName << endl; return false; } try { // Parse the configuration file DomParser parser; parser.set_substitute_entities(true); parser.parse_file(fileName); xmlpp::Document *pDocument = parser.get_document(); if (pDocument == NULL) { return false; } Element *pRootElem = pDocument->get_root_node(); if (pRootElem == NULL) { return false; } // Check the top-level element is what we expect ustring rootNodeName = pRootElem->get_name(); if (rootNodeName != "pinot") { return false; } // Go through the subnodes const Node::NodeList childNodes = pRootElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == false) { for (Node::NodeList::const_iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); // All nodes should be elements Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName(pElem->get_name()); string nodeContent(getElementContent(pElem)); if (isGlobal == true) { if (nodeName == "cache") { loadCacheProviders(pElem); } else { // Unsupported element continue; } } else if (nodeName == "googleapikey") { m_googleAPIKey = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "ui") { loadUi(pElem); } else if (nodeName == "extraindex") { loadIndexes(pElem); } else if (nodeName == "channel") { loadEngineChannels(pElem); } else if (nodeName == "storedquery") { loadQueries(pElem); } else if (nodeName == "label") { loadLabels(pElem); } else if (nodeName == "robots") { if (nodeContent == "IGNORE") { m_ignoreRobotsDirectives = true; } else { m_ignoreRobotsDirectives = false; } } else if (nodeName == "suggestterms") { if (nodeContent == "YES") { m_suggestQueryTerms = true; } else { m_suggestQueryTerms = false; } } else if (nodeName == "newresults") { loadColour(pElem); } else if (nodeName == "mailaccount") { loadMailAccounts(pElem); } else if (nodeName == "indexable") { loadIndexableLocations(pElem); } } } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { cerr << "Couldn't parse configuration file: " << ex.what() << endl; success = false; } return success; }
bool PinotSettings::loadCacheProviders(const Element *pElem) { if (pElem == NULL) { return false; } Node::NodeList childNodes = pElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == true) { return false; } CacheProvider cacheProvider; // Load the cache provider's properties for (Node::NodeList::iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "name") { cacheProvider.m_name = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "location") { cacheProvider.m_location = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "protocols") { nodeContent += ","; ustring::size_type previousPos = 0, commaPos = nodeContent.find(","); while (commaPos != ustring::npos) { string protocol(nodeContent.substr(previousPos, commaPos - previousPos)); StringManip::trimSpaces(protocol); cacheProvider.m_protocols.insert(protocol); // Next previousPos = commaPos + 1; commaPos = nodeContent.find(",", previousPos); } } } if ((cacheProvider.m_name.empty() == false) && (cacheProvider.m_location.empty() == false)) { m_cacheProviders.push_back(cacheProvider); // Copy the list of protocols supported by this cache provider copy(cacheProvider.m_protocols.begin(), cacheProvider.m_protocols.end(), inserter(m_cacheProtocols, m_cacheProtocols.begin())); } return true; }
bool PinotSettings::loadConfiguration(const std::string &fileName) { struct stat fileStat; bool success = true; if ((stat(fileName.c_str(), &fileStat) != 0) || (!S_ISREG(fileStat.st_mode))) { return false; } try { // Parse the configuration file DomParser parser; parser.set_substitute_entities(true); parser.parse_file(fileName); xmlpp::Document *pDocument = parser.get_document(); if (pDocument == NULL) { return false; } Element *pRootElem = pDocument->get_root_node(); if (pRootElem == NULL) { return false; } // Check the top-level element is what we expect ustring rootNodeName = pRootElem->get_name(); if (rootNodeName != "pinot") { return false; } // Go through the subnodes const Node::NodeList childNodes = pRootElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == false) { for (Node::NodeList::const_iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pNode = (*iter); // All nodes should be elements Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } string nodeName = pElem->get_name(); string nodeContent = getElementContent(pElem); if (nodeName == "googleapikey") { m_googleAPIKey = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "ui") { if (loadUi(pElem) == false) { cerr << _("Couldn't load ui block") << endl; } } else if (nodeName == "extraindex") { if (loadIndexes(pElem) == false) { cerr << _("Couldn't load extraindex block") << endl; } } else if (nodeName == "storedquery") { if (loadQueries(pElem) == false) { cerr << _("Couldn't load storedquery block") << endl; } } else if (nodeName == "results") { if (loadResults(pElem) == false) { cerr << _("Couldn't load results block") << endl; } } else if (nodeName == "label") { if (loadLabels(pElem) == false) { cerr << _("Couldn't load label block") << endl; } } else if (nodeName == "robots") { if (nodeContent == "IGNORE") { m_ignoreRobotsDirectives = true; } else { m_ignoreRobotsDirectives = false; } } else if (nodeName == "mailaccount") { if (loadMailAccounts(pElem) == false) { cerr << _("Couldn't load mailaccount block") << endl; } } } } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { cerr << _("Couldn't parse configuration file") << ": " << ex.what() << endl; success = false; } return success; }
void Scenario::fromFile(const std::string &fileName, bool checkFiles) throw(xmlpp::exception, invalid_argument) { using namespace xmlpp; using namespace Poco; string xmlFile, fileType; bool isArchive = false; clear(); if (pDetector) { fileType = pDetector->typeOfFile(fileName); } if (fileType == "text/xml" || fileType == "application/xml") { xmlFile = fileName; } else if (!pDetector || fileType == "application/zip") { // attempt to unzip FileInputStream input(fileName.c_str()); if (input.good()) { // creating new temporary directory and extracting into it sTempDir = TemporaryFile::tempName(); Zip::Decompress dec(input, sTempDir); TemporaryFile::registerForDeletion(sTempDir); // valid extraction isArchive = false; try { dec.decompressAllFiles(); isArchive = true; } catch (Poco::Exception) { if (!pDetector) { xmlFile = fileName; } else { throw xmlpp::exception("Bad file format"); } } if (isArchive) { Zip::Decompress::ZipMapping mapping = dec.mapping(); try { xmlFile ="scenario.xml").makeAbsolute(sTempDir).toString(); } catch(out_of_range &e) { throw xmlpp::exception("No scenario in file " + fileName); } } } else { throw xmlpp::exception("Unable to open the file " + fileName); } } else { throw xmlpp::exception("Unrecognized file format"); } ioConfig = IOConfig::detect(xmlFile, isArchive); DomParser parser(xmlFile); Document *document = parser.get_document(); Element *root = document->get_root_node(); if (root->get_name() != ioConfig.rootName()) { throw xmlpp::exception("Bad document content type: " + ioConfig.rootName() + " expected"); } // getting the user interface try { Attribute *attr = root->get_attribute("interface"); if (attr) { uiInterface = stringToInterface(attr->get_value()); } else { uiInterface = uiFull; } } catch (invalid_argument) { throw xmlpp::exception("Bad user interface"); } // now loading the different parts of the game Node::NodeList node; if (ioConfig.hasMetadata()) { node = root->get_children("metadata"); if (!node.empty()) { mMetadata.fromXML(*dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front())); } } node = root->get_children(ioConfig.plotName()); if (node.empty()) { throw xmlpp::exception("Missing \"" + ioConfig.plotName() + "\" section"); } else { tPlot.fromXML(ioConfig, *dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front()), checkFiles); } node = root->get_children("notes"); if (node.empty()) { throw xmlpp::exception("Missing \"notes\" section"); } else { Element *elem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front()); string mainText = ""; if (elem->has_child_text()) { mainText = elem->get_child_text()->get_content(); } nMain = Note("", mainText); } node = root->get_children(ioConfig.propertiesName()); if (node.empty()) { throw xmlpp::exception("Missing \"" + ioConfig.propertiesName() + "\" section"); } else { lProperties.fromXML(ioConfig, *dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front())); } node = root->get_children("characters"); if (node.empty()) { throw xmlpp::exception("Missing \"characters\" section"); } else { lCharacters.fromXML(ioConfig, *dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front())); } node = root->get_children("history"); if (node.empty()) { throw xmlpp::exception("Missing \"history\" section"); } else { tHistory.fromXML(ioConfig, *dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front()), checkFiles); } node = root->get_children("music"); if (node.empty()) { throw xmlpp::exception("Missing \"music\" section"); } else { tMusic.fromXML(ioConfig, *dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front()), checkFiles); } node = root->get_children("effects"); if (node.empty()) { throw xmlpp::exception("Missing \"effects\" section"); } else { tEffects.fromXML(ioConfig, *dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front()), checkFiles); } }
ResponseParserInterface *OpenSearchParser::parse(SearchPluginProperties &properties, bool extractSearchParams) { struct stat fileStat; bool rssResponse = true, success = true; if ((m_fileName.empty() == true) || (stat(m_fileName.c_str(), &fileStat) != 0) || (!S_ISREG(fileStat.st_mode))) { return NULL; } try { // Parse the configuration file DomParser parser; parser.set_substitute_entities(true); parser.parse_file(m_fileName); xmlpp::Document *pDocument = parser.get_document(); if (pDocument == NULL) { return NULL; } Node *pNode = pDocument->get_root_node(); Element *pRootElem = dynamic_cast<Element *>(pNode); if (pRootElem == NULL) { return NULL; } // Check the top-level element is what we expect // MozSearch is very much like OpenSearch Description ustring rootNodeName = pRootElem->get_name(); if ((rootNodeName != "OpenSearchDescription") && (rootNodeName != "SearchPlugin")) { #ifdef DEBUG cout << "OpenSearchParser::parse: wrong root node " << rootNodeName << endl; #endif return NULL; } // Go through the subnodes const Node::NodeList childNodes = pRootElem->get_children(); if (childNodes.empty() == false) { for (Node::NodeList::const_iterator iter = childNodes.begin(); iter != childNodes.end(); ++iter) { Node *pChildNode = (*iter); Element *pElem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(pChildNode); if (pElem == NULL) { continue; } ustring nodeName(pChildNode->get_name()); ustring nodeContent(getNodeContent(pChildNode)); if (nodeName == "ShortName") { properties.m_name = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "Description") { properties.m_description = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "Url") { ustring url, type; SearchPluginProperties::Response response = SearchPluginProperties::RSS_RESPONSE; bool getMethod = true; // Parse Query Syntax Element::AttributeList attributes = pElem->get_attributes(); for (Element::AttributeList::const_iterator iter = attributes.begin(); iter != attributes.end(); ++iter) { Attribute *pAttr = (*iter); if (pAttr != NULL) { ustring attrName = pAttr->get_name(); ustring attrContent = pAttr->get_value(); if (attrName == "template") { url = attrContent; } else if (attrName == "type") { type = attrContent; } else if (attrName == "method") { // GET is the default method if (StringManip::toLowerCase(attrContent) != "get") { getMethod = false; } } } } // Did we get the URL ? if (url.empty() == true) { // It's probably provided as content, v1.0 style url = nodeContent; } if (getMethod == true) { string::size_type startPos = 0, pos = url.find("?"); // Do we support that type ? if (type == "application/atom+xml") { response = SearchPluginProperties::ATOM_RESPONSE; rssResponse = false; } else if ((type.empty() == false) && (type != "application/rss+xml")) { response = SearchPluginProperties::UNKNOWN_RESPONSE; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "OpenSearchParser::parse: unsupported response type " << type << endl; #endif continue; } // Break the URL down into base and parameters if (pos != string::npos) { string params(url.substr(pos + 1)); // URL properties.m_baseUrl = url.substr(0, pos); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "OpenSearchParser::parse: URL is " << url << endl; #endif // Split this into the actual parameters params += "&"; pos = params.find("&"); while (pos != string::npos) { string parameter(params.substr(startPos, pos - startPos)); string::size_type equalPos = parameter.find("="); if (equalPos != string::npos) { string paramName(parameter.substr(0, equalPos)); string paramValue(parameter.substr(equalPos + 1)); SearchPluginProperties::Parameter param = SearchPluginProperties::UNKNOWN_PARAM; if (paramValue == "{searchTerms}") { param = SearchPluginProperties::SEARCH_TERMS_PARAM; } else if (paramValue == "{count}") { param = SearchPluginProperties::COUNT_PARAM; } else if (paramValue == "{startIndex}") { param = SearchPluginProperties::START_INDEX_PARAM; } else if (paramValue == "{startPage}") { param = SearchPluginProperties::START_PAGE_PARAM; } else if (paramValue == "{language}") { param = SearchPluginProperties::LANGUAGE_PARAM; } else if (paramValue == "{outputEncoding}") { param = SearchPluginProperties::OUTPUT_ENCODING_PARAM; } else if (paramValue == "{inputEncoding}") { param = SearchPluginProperties::INPUT_ENCODING_PARAM; } if (param != SearchPluginProperties::UNKNOWN_PARAM) { properties.m_parameters[param] = paramName; } else { // Append to the remainder if (properties.m_parametersRemainder.empty() == false) { properties.m_parametersRemainder += "&"; } properties.m_parametersRemainder += paramName; properties.m_parametersRemainder += "="; properties.m_parametersRemainder += paramValue; } } // Next startPos = pos + 1; pos = params.find_first_of("&", startPos); } } // Method properties.m_method = SearchPluginProperties::GET_METHOD; // Output type properties.m_outputType = type; // Response properties.m_response = response; } // We ignore Param as we only support GET } else if (nodeName == "Tags") { // This is supposed to be a space-delimited list, but use the whole thing as channel properties.m_channel = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "LongName") { properties.m_longName = nodeContent; } else if (nodeName == "Language") { properties.m_languages.insert(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "OutputEncoding") { properties.m_outputEncodings.insert(nodeContent); } else if (nodeName == "InputEncoding") { properties.m_inputEncodings.insert(nodeContent); } } } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { #ifdef DEBUG cout << "OpenSearchParser::parse: caught exception: " << ex.what() << endl; #endif success = false; } if (success == false) { return NULL; } // Scrolling properties.m_nextIncrement = 1; properties.m_nextBase = 1; if (properties.m_parameters.find(SearchPluginProperties::START_PAGE_PARAM) != properties.m_parameters.end()) { properties.m_scrolling = SearchPluginProperties::PER_PAGE; } else { properties.m_scrolling = SearchPluginProperties::PER_INDEX; } return new OpenSearchResponseParser(rssResponse); }
void Scenario::fromFile(const std::string &fileName) throw(xmlpp::exception, invalid_argument, overflow_error) { using namespace xmlpp; clear(); DomParser parser(fileName); Document *document = parser.get_document(); Element *root = document->get_root_node(); if (root->get_name()!="game") { throw xmlpp::exception("Bad document content type: game expected"); } // getting the user interface try { Attribute *attr = root->get_attribute("interface"); if (attr != NULL) { uiInterface = stringToInterface(attr->get_value()); } else { uiInterface = uiFull; } } catch (invalid_argument) { throw xmlpp::exception("Bad user interface"); } // now loading the different parts of the game Node::NodeList node = root->get_children("scenario"); if (!node.empty()) { tScenario.fromXML(*dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front())); } node = root->get_children("notes"); if (!node.empty()) { Element *elem = dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front()); if (elem->has_child_text()) { sNotes = elem->get_child_text()->get_content(); } else { sNotes = ""; } } node = root->get_children("skills"); if (!node.empty()) { lSkills.fromXML(*dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front())); } node = root->get_children("characters"); if (!node.empty()) { lCharacters.fromXML(*dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front())); } node = root->get_children("history"); if (!node.empty()) { tHistory.fromXML(*dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front())); } node = root->get_children("music"); if (!node.empty()) { tMusic.fromXML(*dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front())); } node = root->get_children("effects"); if (!node.empty()) { tEffects.fromXML(*dynamic_cast<Element*>(node.front()),true); } }