/** * Show the help. Called when -h argument is provided. * \date 11/11/2005 */ void showHelp(nor_utils::Args& args, const vector<string>& learnersList) { cout << "MultiBoost (v" << CURRENT_VERSION << "). An obvious name for a multi-class AdaBoost learner." << endl; cout << "------------------------ HELP SECTION --------------------------" << endl; args.printGroup("Parameters"); cout << endl; cout << "For specific help options type:" << endl; cout << " --h general: General options" << endl; cout << " --h io: I/O options" << endl; cout << " --h algo: Basic algorithm options" << endl; cout << " --h bandits: Bandit algorithm options" << endl; cout << " --h vjcascade: Viola-Jones Cascade options" << endl; cout << " --h softcascade: Soft Cascade options" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "For weak learners specific options type:" << endl; vector<string>::const_iterator it; for (it = learnersList.begin(); it != learnersList.end(); ++it) cout << " --h " << *it << endl; exit(0); }
/** * Show the help for the options. * \param args The arguments structure. * \date 28/11/2005 */ void showOptionalHelp(nor_utils::Args& args) { string helpType = args.getValue<string>("h", 0); cout << "MultiBoost (v" << CURRENT_VERSION << "). An obvious name for a multi-class AdaBoost learner." << endl; cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; if (helpType == "general") args.printGroup("General Options"); else if (helpType == "io") args.printGroup("I/O Options"); else if (helpType == "algo") args.printGroup("Basic Algorithm Options"); else if (helpType == "bandits") args.printGroup("Bandit Algorithm Options"); else if (helpType == "vjcascade") args.printGroup("Viola-Jones Cascade Algorithm Options"); else if (helpType == "softcascade") args.printGroup("SoftCascade Algorithm Options"); else if ( BaseLearner::RegisteredLearners().hasLearner(helpType) ) args.printGroup(helpType + " Options"); else cerr << "ERROR: Unknown help section <" << helpType << ">" << endl; }