void WriteOIIOPlugin::onOutputFileChanged(const std::string &filename) { ///uncomment to use OCIO meta-data as a hint to set the correct color-space for the file. #ifdef OFX_IO_USING_OCIO int finalBitDepth_i; _bitDepth->getValue(finalBitDepth_i); ETuttlePluginBitDepth finalBitDepth = getDefaultBitDepth(filename, (ETuttlePluginBitDepth)finalBitDepth_i); if (finalBitDepth == eTuttlePluginBitDepth64f || finalBitDepth == eTuttlePluginBitDepth32f || finalBitDepth == eTuttlePluginBitDepth16f) { _ocio->setOutputColorspace("scene_linear"); } else { if (_ocio->hasColorspace("sRGB")) { // nuke-default _ocio->setOutputColorspace("sRGB"); } else if (_ocio->hasColorspace("rrt_srgb")) { // rrt_srgb in aces _ocio->setOutputColorspace("rrt_srgb"); } else if (_ocio->hasColorspace("srgb8")) { // srgb8 in spi-vfx _ocio->setOutputColorspace("srgb8"); } } #endif }
bool LibAVParams::setOption( const std::string& libAVOptionName, const std::string& value, const std::string& detailedName ) { try { // Get libav option avtranscoder::Option& option = getLibAVOption( libAVOptionName, detailedName ); // Set libav option's value option.setString( value ); // Get corresponding OFX parameter OFX::ValueParam* param = getOFXParameter( libAVOptionName, detailedName ); if( ! param) { TUTTLE_LOG_WARNING( "Can't get OFX parameter corresponding to option " << libAVOptionName << " of subgroup " << detailedName ); return false; } // Set OFX parameter's value OFX::BooleanParam* paramBoolean = dynamic_cast<OFX::BooleanParam*>( param ); if( paramBoolean ) { paramBoolean->setValue( option.getBool() ); return true; } OFX::IntParam* paramInt = dynamic_cast<OFX::IntParam*>( param ); if( paramInt ) { paramInt->setValue( option.getInt() ); return true; } OFX::DoubleParam* paramDouble = dynamic_cast<OFX::DoubleParam*>( param ); if( paramDouble ) { paramDouble->setValue( option.getDouble() ); return true; } OFX::StringParam* paramString = dynamic_cast<OFX::StringParam*>( param ); if( paramString ) { paramString->setValue( option.getString() ); return true; } OFX::Int2DParam* paramRatio = dynamic_cast<OFX::Int2DParam*>( param ); if( paramRatio ) { paramRatio->setValue( option.getRatio().first, option.getRatio().second ); return true; } OFX::ChoiceParam* paramChoice = dynamic_cast<OFX::ChoiceParam*>( param ); if( paramChoice ) { paramChoice->setValue( option.getInt() ); return true; } } catch( std::exception& e ) { TUTTLE_LOG_WARNING( "Can't set option " << libAVOptionName << " to " << value << ": " << e.what() ); return false; } }
const EParamResizeRod getResizeRod() const { return static_cast<EParamResizeRod>( _resizeRod->getValue() ); }
const EParamCenterType getCenterType() const { return static_cast<EParamCenterType>( _centerType->getValue() ); }
const EParamInterpolation getInterpolation() const { return static_cast<EParamInterpolation>( _interpolation->getValue() ); }
const EParamLensType getLensType() const { return static_cast<EParamLensType>( _lensType->getValue() ); }
EInterpolationType getInterpolationType() const { return static_cast<EInterpolationType>(_paramInterpolationType->getValue()); }
EOutputType getOutputType( ) const { return static_cast<EOutputType> ( _paramApplyOn->getValue( ) ); }
void changedParam(const OFX::InstanceChangedArgs &args, const std::string ¶mName) { if(paramName=="enableTest") { OFX::ChoiceParam* choice = fetchChoiceParam("enableTest"); OFX::DoubleParam* dbl = fetchDoubleParam("enableDbl"); int value = 0; choice->getValueAtTime(args.time, value); dbl->setEnabled(value ==0 ); } else if(paramName=="pbButton") { sendMessage(OFX::Message::eMessageMessage, "", "Push Button Pressed - TestPassed!"); } else if(paramName=="widgetPos") { redrawOverlays(); } else if(paramName == "analyseButton") { OFX::BitDepthEnum dstBitDepth = srcClip_->getPixelDepth(); OFX::PixelComponentEnum dstComponents = srcClip_->getPixelComponents(); OFX::DoubleParam* dbl = fetchDoubleParam("analysisParam"); if(dstComponents == OFX::ePixelComponentRGBA) { switch(dstBitDepth) { case OFX::eBitDepthUByte : { Analyser<unsigned char, 4, 255> analyse(srcClip_, dbl); break; } case OFX::eBitDepthUShort : { Analyser<unsigned short, 4, 65535> analyse(srcClip_, dbl); break; } case OFX::eBitDepthFloat : { Analyser<float, 4, 1> analyse(srcClip_, dbl); break; } default : OFX::throwSuiteStatusException(kOfxStatErrUnsupported); } } else { switch(dstBitDepth) { case OFX::eBitDepthUByte : { Analyser<unsigned char, 1, 255> analyse(srcClip_, dbl); break; } case OFX::eBitDepthUShort : { Analyser<unsigned short, 1, 65535> analyse(srcClip_, dbl); break; } case OFX::eBitDepthFloat : { Analyser<float, 1, 1> analyse(srcClip_, dbl); break; } default : OFX::throwSuiteStatusException(kOfxStatErrUnsupported); } } } }
EGammaType getGammaType() const { return static_cast<EGammaType>(_gammaType->getValue()); }
void WriteOIIOPlugin::encode(const std::string& filename, OfxTime time, const float *pixelData, const OfxRectI& bounds, OFX::PixelComponentEnum pixelComponents, int rowBytes) { if (pixelComponents != OFX::ePixelComponentRGBA && pixelComponents != OFX::ePixelComponentRGB && pixelComponents != OFX::ePixelComponentAlpha) { setPersistentMessage(OFX::Message::eMessageError, "", "OIIO: can only write RGBA, RGB or Alpha components images"); OFX::throwSuiteStatusException(kOfxStatErrFormat); } int numChannels; switch(pixelComponents) { case OFX::ePixelComponentRGBA: numChannels = 4; break; case OFX::ePixelComponentRGB: numChannels = 3; break; case OFX::ePixelComponentAlpha: numChannels = 1; break; default: OFX::throwSuiteStatusException(kOfxStatErrFormat); } std::auto_ptr<ImageOutput> output(ImageOutput::create(filename)); if (!output.get()) { // output is NULL setPersistentMessage(OFX::Message::eMessageError, "", std::string("Cannot create output file ")+filename); return; } OpenImageIO::TypeDesc oiioBitDepth; //size_t sizeOfChannel = 0; int bitsPerSample = 0; int finalBitDepth_i; _bitDepth->getValue(finalBitDepth_i); ETuttlePluginBitDepth finalBitDepth = getDefaultBitDepth(filename,(ETuttlePluginBitDepth)finalBitDepth_i); switch (finalBitDepth) { case eTuttlePluginBitDepthAuto: OFX::throwSuiteStatusException(kOfxStatErrUnknown); case eTuttlePluginBitDepth8: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::UINT8; bitsPerSample = 8; //sizeOfChannel = 1; break; case eTuttlePluginBitDepth10: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::UINT16; bitsPerSample = 10; //sizeOfChannel = 2; break; case eTuttlePluginBitDepth12: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::UINT16; bitsPerSample = 12; //sizeOfChannel = 2; break; case eTuttlePluginBitDepth16: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::UINT16; bitsPerSample = 16; //sizeOfChannel = 2; break; case eTuttlePluginBitDepth16f: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::HALF; bitsPerSample = 16; //sizeOfChannel = 2; break; case eTuttlePluginBitDepth32: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::UINT32; bitsPerSample = 32; //sizeOfChannel = 4; break; case eTuttlePluginBitDepth32f: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::FLOAT; bitsPerSample = 32; //sizeOfChannel = 4; break; case eTuttlePluginBitDepth64: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::UINT64; bitsPerSample = 64; //sizeOfChannel = 8; break; case eTuttlePluginBitDepth64f: oiioBitDepth = TypeDesc::DOUBLE; bitsPerSample = 64; //sizeOfChannel = 8; break; } ImageSpec spec (bounds.x2 - bounds.x1, bounds.y2 - bounds.y1, numChannels, oiioBitDepth); bool premultiply; _premult->getValue(premultiply); int quality; _quality->getValue(quality); int orientation; _orientation->getValue(orientation); int compression_i; _compression->getValue(compression_i); std::string compression; switch ((EParamCompression)compression_i) { case eParamCompressionAuto: break; case eParamCompressionNone: // EXR, TIFF, IFF compression = "none"; break; case eParamCompressionZip: // EXR, TIFF, Zfile compression = "zip"; break; case eParamCompressionZips: // EXR compression = "zips"; break; case eParamCompressionRle: // DPX, IFF, EXR, TGA, RLA compression = "rle"; case eParamCompressionPiz: // EXR compression = "piz"; break; case eParamCompressionPxr24: // EXR compression = "pxr24"; break; case eParamCompressionB44: // EXR compression = "b44"; break; case eParamCompressionB44a: // EXR compression = "b44a"; break; case eParamCompressionLZW: // TIFF compression = "lzw"; break; case eParamCompressionCCITTRLE: // TIFF compression = "ccittrle"; break; case eParamCompressionPACKBITS: // TIFF compression = "packbits"; break; } spec.attribute("oiio:BitsPerSample", bitsPerSample); spec.attribute("oiio:UnassociatedAlpha", premultiply); #ifdef OFX_IO_USING_OCIO std::string ocioColorspace = _ocio->getOutputColorspace(time); float gamma = 0.; std::string colorSpaceStr; if (ocioColorspace == "Gamma1.8") { // Gamma1.8 in nuke-default colorSpaceStr = "GammaCorrected"; gamma = 1.8; } else if (ocioColorspace == "Gamma2.2" || ocioColorspace == "vd8" || ocioColorspace == "vd10" || ocioColorspace == "vd16") { // Gamma2.2 in nuke-default // vd8, vd10, vd16 in spi-anim and spi-vfx colorSpaceStr = "GammaCorrected"; gamma = 2.2; } else if (ocioColorspace == "sRGB" || ocioColorspace == "rrt_srgb" || ocioColorspace == "srgb8") { // sRGB in nuke-default // rrt_srgb in aces // srgb8 in spi-vfx colorSpaceStr = "sRGB"; } else if (ocioColorspace == "Rec709" || ocioColorspace == "rrt_rec709" || ocioColorspace == "hd10") { // Rec709 in nuke-default // rrt_rec709 in aces // hd10 in spi-anim and spi-vfx colorSpaceStr = "Rec709"; } else if(ocioColorspace == "KodakLog" || ocioColorspace == "Cineon" || ocioColorspace == "lg10") { // Cineon in nuke-default // lg10 in spi-vfx colorSpaceStr = "KodakLog"; } else if(ocioColorspace == "Linear" || ocioColorspace == "linear" || ocioColorspace == "aces" || ocioColorspace == "lnf" || ocioColorspace == "ln16") { // linear in nuke-default // aces in aces // lnf, ln16 in spi-anim and spi-vfx colorSpaceStr = "Linear"; } else if(ocioColorspace == "raw" || ocioColorspace == "ncf") { // raw in nuke-default // raw in aces // ncf in spi-anim and spi-vfx // leave empty } else { //unknown color-space, don't do anything } if (!colorSpaceStr.empty()) { spec.attribute("oiio:ColorSpace", colorSpaceStr); } if (gamma != 0.) { spec.attribute("oiio:Gamma", gamma); } #endif spec.attribute("CompressionQuality", quality); spec.attribute("Orientation", orientation + 1); if (!compression.empty()) { // some formats have a good value for the default compression spec.attribute("compression", compression); } // by default, the channel names are R, G, B, A, which is OK except for Alpha images if (pixelComponents == OFX::ePixelComponentAlpha) { spec.channelnames.clear(); spec.channelnames.push_back ("A"); spec.alpha_channel = 0; } bool supportsRectangles = output->supports("rectangles"); if (supportsRectangles) { spec.x = bounds.x1; spec.y = bounds.y1; spec.full_x = bounds.x1; spec.full_y = bounds.y1; } if (!output->open(filename, spec)) { setPersistentMessage(OFX::Message::eMessageError, "", output->geterror()); OFX::throwSuiteStatusException(kOfxStatFailed); } if (supportsRectangles) { output->write_rectangle(spec.x, //xmin spec.x + spec.width, //xmax spec.y, //ymin spec.y + spec.height, //ymax 0, //zmin 1, //zmax TypeDesc::FLOAT, //datatype (char*)pixelData + (spec.height - 1) * rowBytes, //invert y AutoStride, //xstride -rowBytes, //ystride AutoStride //zstride ); } else { output->write_image(TypeDesc::FLOAT, (char*)pixelData + (spec.height - 1) * rowBytes, //invert y AutoStride, //xstride -rowBytes, //ystride AutoStride //zstride ); } output->close(); }