コード例 #1
ファイル: Mesh.cpp プロジェクト: lockie/Landscape
	Ogre::Vector2 Mesh::getGridPosition(const Ogre::Vector2 &Position)
		if (mOptions.MeshSize.Width == 0 && mOptions.MeshSize.Height == 0)
			return Position;

		if (!isPointInGrid(Position))
			return Ogre::Vector2(-1,-1);

		Ogre::AxisAlignedBox WordMeshBox = mEntity->getWorldBoundingBox();

		// Get our mesh grid rectangle: (Only a,b,c corners)
		// c
		// |           
		// |           
		// |           
		// a-----------b
			a = WordMeshBox.getCorner(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::FAR_LEFT_BOTTOM),
			b = WordMeshBox.getCorner(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::FAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM),
			c = WordMeshBox.getCorner(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_LEFT_BOTTOM);

		// Transform all corners to Ogre::Vector2 array
		Ogre::Vector2 Corners2D[3] =
		   {Ogre::Vector2(a.x, a.z), 
		    Ogre::Vector2(b.x, b.z), 
		    Ogre::Vector2(c.x, c.z)};

		// Get segments AB and AC
		Ogre::Vector2 AB = Corners2D[1]-Corners2D[0],
			          AC = Corners2D[2]-Corners2D[0];

		// Find the X/Y position projecting the Position point to AB and AC segments.
		Ogre::Vector2 XProjectedPoint = Position-AC,
			          YProjectedPoint = Position-AB;

		// Fint the intersections points
		Ogre::Vector2 XPoint = Math::intersectionOfTwoLines(Corners2D[0],Corners2D[1],Position,XProjectedPoint),
			          YPoint = Math::intersectionOfTwoLines(Corners2D[0],Corners2D[2],Position,YProjectedPoint);
		// Find lengths
		Ogre::Real ABLength = AB.length(),
			       ACLength = AC.length(),
				   XLength  = (XPoint-Corners2D[0]).length(),
				   YLength  = (YPoint-Corners2D[0]).length();

		// Find final x/y grid positions in [0,1] range
		Ogre::Real XFinal = XLength / ABLength,
			       YFinal = YLength / ACLength;

		return Ogre::Vector2(XFinal,YFinal);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Mesh.cpp プロジェクト: lockie/Landscape
	bool Mesh::isPointInGrid(const Ogre::Vector2 &Position)
		Ogre::AxisAlignedBox WordMeshBox = mEntity->getWorldBoundingBox();

		// Get our mesh grid rectangle:
		// c-----------d
		// |           |
		// |           |
		// |           |
		// a-----------b
			a = WordMeshBox.getCorner(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::FAR_LEFT_BOTTOM),
			b = WordMeshBox.getCorner(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::FAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM),
			c = WordMeshBox.getCorner(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM),
			d = WordMeshBox.getCorner(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_LEFT_BOTTOM);

		// Transform all corners to Ogre::Vector2 array
		Ogre::Vector2 Corners2D[4] =
		   {Ogre::Vector2(a.x, a.z), 
		    Ogre::Vector2(b.x, b.z), 
		    Ogre::Vector2(c.x, c.z), 
		    Ogre::Vector2(d.x, d.z)};

		// Determinate if Position is into our rectangle, we use a line intersection detection
		// because our mesh rectangle can be rotated, if the number of collisions with the four
		// segments AB, BC, CD, DA is one, the Position point is into the rectangle, else(if number 
		// of collisions are 0 or 2, the Position point is outside the rectangle.
		int NumberOfCollisions = 0;
		// Find a point wich isn't be inside the rectangle
		Ogre::Vector2 DestPoint = Corners2D[0] + (Corners2D[1]-Corners2D[0])*2;
		for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			if (Math::intersectionOfTwoLines(Corners2D[k], Corners2D[k+1], Position, DestPoint) != Ogre::Vector2::ZERO)
				NumberOfCollisions ++;

			if (k == 2)
				if (Math::intersectionOfTwoLines(Corners2D[3], Corners2D[0], Position, DestPoint) != Ogre::Vector2::ZERO)
				    NumberOfCollisions ++;
		if (NumberOfCollisions == 1)
			return true;

		return false;
コード例 #3
void Tiles::initTile(Ogre::SceneManager *s,std::string name,std::string mesh,std::string mat, Ogre::Vector3 v,int x,int y,int h,int tileD)
  float d = tileD/100.0;
  std::cout<<name<<" ("<<v.x<<","<<v.y<<","<<v.z<<")"<<std::endl;
  sn = s->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( name+"node",v);
  e = s->createEntity(name,Ogre::SceneManager::PT_CUBE);

  Ogre::AxisAlignedBox box = e->getBoundingBox();
  float dy = box.getCorner(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::FAR_LEFT_BOTTOM ).y + tileD;
  u = NULL;
