コード例 #1
// Given a scene node for a terrain, find the manual object on that scene node and
// update the manual object with the heightmap passed. If  there is no manual object on
// the scene node, remove all it's attachments and add the manual object.
// The heightmap is passed in a 1D array ordered by width rows (for(width) {for(length) {hm[w,l]}})
// This must be called between frames since it touches the scene graph
void Region::UpdateTerrain(const int hmWidth, const int hmLength, const float* hm) {
	Ogre::SceneNode* node = this->TerrainSceneNode;
	LG::Log("Region::UpdateTerrain: updating terrain for region %s", this->Name.c_str());

	if (node == NULL) {
		LG::Log("Region::UpdateTerrain: terrain scene node doesn't exist. Not updating terrain.");

	// Find the movable object attached to the scene node. If not found remove all.
	if (node->numAttachedObjects() > 0) {
		Ogre::MovableObject* attached = node->getAttachedObject(0);
		if (attached->getMovableType() != "ManualObject") {
            // don't know why this would ever happen but clean out the odd stuff
            LG::Log("Found extra stuff on terrain scene node");
	// if there is not a manual object on the node, create a new one
	if (node->numAttachedObjects() == 0) {
		LG::Log("Region::UpdateTerrain: creating terrain ManualObject for region %s", this->Name.c_str());
        // if no attached objects, we add our dynamic ManualObject
		Ogre::ManualObject* mob = LG::RendererOgre::Instance()->m_sceneMgr->createManualObject("ManualObject/" + node->getName());
		// m_visCalc->RecalculateVisibility();

	Ogre::ManualObject* mo = (Ogre::ManualObject*)node->getAttachedObject(0);

	// stuff our heightmap information into the dynamic manual object
	mo->estimateVertexCount(hmWidth * hmLength);
	mo->estimateIndexCount(hmWidth * hmLength * 6);

	if (mo->getNumSections() == 0) {
		// if first time
	else {
		mo->beginUpdate(0);					// we've been here before

	int loc = 0;
	for (int xx = 0; xx < hmWidth; xx++) {
		for (int yy = 0; yy < hmLength; yy++) {
			mo->position((Ogre::Real)xx, (Ogre::Real)yy, hm[loc++]);
			mo->textureCoord((float)xx / (float)hmWidth, (float)yy / (float)hmLength);
			mo->normal(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);	// always up (for the moment)

	for (int px = 0; px < hmLength-1; px++) {
		for (int py = 0; py < hmWidth-1; py++) {
			mo->quad(px      + py       * hmWidth,
					 px      + (py + 1) * hmWidth,
					(px + 1) + (py + 1) * hmWidth,
					(px + 1) + py       * hmWidth


コード例 #2
ファイル: OgreDecal.cpp プロジェクト: franaisa/Gloom
 Generates the decal and returns a Decal object. The caller is responsible for NULL-checking the manual object.
 This gigantic function should probably be chopped into smaller bite-sized pieces, but I'm just doo darn lazy.
 @param mesh    The mesh to project the decal onto.
 @param pos     The position of the decal
 @param width   The width of the decal
 @param height  The height of the decal
                Note: The aspect ratio defined by width/height should match the texture, otherwise it will appear stretched.
 @param materialName    The name of the material to use for the decal
 @param flipTexture     Will randomly flip the texture to introduce variety (useful for blood splatter, explosion decals, etc.)
 @param decalObject     If NULL, this function will automatically create a new manual object (default). Otherwise, it will re-use the one passed in.
                        For dynamic decals (generating one every frame), it is much more efficient to reuse the same manual object,
                        as long as the material doesn't change.

Decal DecalGenerator::createDecal( TriangleMesh* mesh, const Ogre::Vector3& pos, float width, float height, 
                                  const Ogre::String& materialName, bool flipTexture, Ogre::ManualObject* decalObject )
	//Variable de error para dar de salida en el object un NULL y que no pete
	bool bError = false;

    /// Clear out any old left-over stuff from the fridge.
    float depth = max(width, height);

    /// Define our AABB 
    Ogre::Vector3 aabbMin = pos + Ogre::Vector3( -depth, -depth, -depth );
    Ogre::Vector3 aabbMax = pos + Ogre::Vector3( depth, depth, depth);
    /// We're gonna need triangles. Lot's of triangles.
    mesh->findTrianglesInAABB( aabbMin, aabbMax, triangles );
    if (triangles.empty())
        /// No triangles were found, return an empty Decal
        /// Note that the caller is responsible for verifying the returned object
        return Decal();
    std::vector< Triangle >::iterator iter;
    Ogre::Vector3 averageN(0, 0, 0);
    /// Calculate the average normal of all the triangles gathered from our AABB
    for (iter = triangles.begin(); iter != triangles.end(); ++iter)
        averageN += iter->normal;
    /// This average normal length is too close to zero, which is a bad omen. Get out while we still can!
    if (averageN.length() < VEC_EPSILON)
        return Decal();
    Ogre::Vector3 right, up;
    /// Calculate a coordinate space from the the average of all the triangle normals
    /// We're creating the projection box that will be used to clip the triangles
    if (averageN == Ogre::Vector3(0, 1, 0))
        right = Ogre::Vector3(1, 0, 0);
    else if (averageN == Ogre::Vector3(0, -1, 0))
        right = Ogre::Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
        right = (-averageN).crossProduct( Ogre::Vector3(0, 1, 0) );
    up = right.crossProduct( -averageN );
    /// Now that we have our coordinate space, let's define some planes. No silly, not the ones that fly in the sky!
    // These are the clipping planes! Be careful, because you might get cut.
    const int NUM_EDGE_PLANES = 6;
    Ogre::Vector4 edgePlanes[NUM_EDGE_PLANES];
    Ogre::Vector3 planeR[6];
    Ogre::Vector3 planeN[6];
    planeN[0] = averageN;  
    planeN[1] = -averageN; 
    planeN[2] = right;      
    planeN[3] = -right;     
    planeN[4] = up;       
    planeN[5] = -up;        
    /// These are to ensure that certain points are not "out of bounds"
    double distanceLimit = sqrt( (depth * depth) + (depth * depth) ) * 1.25;
    double edgeLimitX = sqrt( (width * width) + (width * width) ) * 1.05;
    double edgeLimitY = sqrt( (height * height) + (height * height) ) * 1.05;
    /// A point for each plane
    planeR[0] = pos + (planeN[0] * depth);
    planeR[1] = pos + (planeN[1] * depth);
    planeR[2] = pos + (planeN[2] * width);
    planeR[3] = pos + (planeN[3] * width);
    planeR[4] = pos + (planeN[4] * height);
    planeR[5] = pos + (planeN[5] * height);
    /// Set up each edge plane as a four dimensional vector defined in interstellar space. Carl Sagan would be all over this.
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_EDGE_PLANES; ++i)
        edgePlanes[i] = Ogre::Vector4(planeN[i].x, planeN[i].y, planeN[i].z, planeR[i].dotProduct( planeN[i] ) );
    Ogre::Vector3 averageNormal(0, 0, 0);
    double totalPoints = 0;
    Ogre::Vector3 averagePoint;
    /// Loop through each triangle to find the meaning of life
    for (iter = triangles.begin(); iter != triangles.end(); ++iter)
        polygon_points.push_back( iter->v[0] );
        polygon_points.push_back( iter->v[1] );
        polygon_points.push_back( iter->v[2] );
        Ogre::Vector3 n = iter->normal;
        Ogre::Vector3 polygonNormal = n;
        /// Clip this triangle against each edge
        for (int edge = 0; edge < NUM_EDGE_PLANES; ++edge)
            /// Clip the polygon against the edge plane.
            /// Why is this function returning duplicate points?

			//std::cout << "Cuando peta, peta aqui: " << polygon_points.size() << std::endl;
			if (polygon_points.size() > 0)
				int clipped_count = plane_clip_polygon( edgePlanes[ edge ], &(polygon_points[0]), polygon_points.size(), clippedPoints );
				int index = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < clipped_count; ++i)
					Ogre::Vector3 p = clippedPoints[ i ];
					/// Do not use any duplicate points returned by plane_clip_polygon()
					if (!isDuplicate( polygon_points, p ))
						polygon_points.push_back( p );
						/// If this was the last edge plane we checked against, then we have all of our clipped points for this triangle
						if (edge == NUM_EDGE_PLANES - 1)
							/// Check if this point was clipped by comparing it to each original vertex of the triangle.
							/// If this point is an original triangle vertex, then it wasn't clipped.
							if (( p - iter->v[0] ).length() < VEC_EPSILON || (p - iter->v[1]).length() < VEC_EPSILON || (p - iter->v[2]).length() < VEC_EPSILON)
								pointWasClipped[ index ] = false;
								pointWasClipped[ index ] = true;
			}//if points
				bError = true;
				std::cout << "Hay ERROR triangulando para el decal" << std::endl;
		}// for edge

        /// If we ended up with less points than what we started out with, then we're in big horse doo-doo
        if (polygon_points.size() < 3)
        finalPolys.push_back( DecalPolygon( polygonNormal ) );
        int size = polygon_points.size();
        double area = 1;
        /// Find the area of our freshly clipped polygon; used for generating a "better" vertex normal
        if (polygon_points.size() >= 3)
            polygon_points.push_back( polygon_points[0] );
            polygon_points.push_back( polygon_points[1] );
            area = area3D_Polygon( size, &(polygon_points[0]), n );
        /// Loop through each point in our clipped polygon, and find the unique ones.
        for (int i = 0; i < polygon_points.size() - 2; ++i)
            Ogre::Vector3 p = polygon_points[i];
            averagePoint += p;
            /// Make sure this point is not "out of bounds"
            if ((p - pos).length() < distanceLimit)
                /// Check to see if this point is a duplicate
                /// Assuming this point is not a duplicate, set uniqueIndex to be the point added next
                int uniqueIndex = uniquePoints.size();
                /// If a duplicate is found, uniqueIndex will be set to that point
                if ( !isDuplicate( uniquePoints, p, uniqueIndex ) )
                    uniquePoints.push_back( UniquePoint( p, pointWasClipped[i] ) );
                /// Make sure we're still OK
                assert( uniqueIndex >= 0 && uniqueIndex < uniquePoints.size() );
                // Update the normal for this point (we'll normalize it later). NormaLIZE.
                uniquePoints[ uniqueIndex ].normal += (polygonNormal * area);
                finalPolys.back().points.push_back( uniqueIndex );

        averageNormal += (n * area);
    }//for loop triangles
	if (!bError)
		///                                                                                                                                ///
		///                             We intterupt this program to give you a brief word from our sponsers...                            ///
		///                                                                                                                                ///
		/// Congratulations. You've made it this far. Half the battle is over. At this point, we have all of our final clipped points.     ///
		/// Now we need to project those points to 2D so we can calculate the UV coordinates. Don't worry, there's more fudge on the way.  ///
		averagePoint /= totalPoints;
		Ogre::Vector3 projectionPlaneNormal = -averageN;
		Ogre::Vector3 projectionPlaneRight = right;
		Ogre::Vector3 projectionPlaneUp = up;
		Ogre::Quaternion planeOrien( projectionPlaneRight, projectionPlaneUp, -projectionPlaneNormal );
		Ogre::Quaternion finalOrien( Ogre::Vector3(1, 0, 0), Ogre::Vector3(0, 1, 0), Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, -1) );
		/// This is the quaternion we'll use to tranform each point so we can project them onto the XY plane
		/// This quaternion takes the projection plane's coordinate system (which is indentical our clipping box)
		/// and rotates it so that it is parrallel with the XY plane, at which point we nuke the Z axis on every point to
		/// project them into 2D.
		Ogre::Quaternion finalQuat = planeOrien.UnitInverse() * finalOrien;
		/// My mom always said, you can never normalize too much. Except when you spell it wrong.
		std::vector< DecalPolygon >::iterator pIter;
		double leftMost, rightMost, topMost, bottomMost;
		bool initCorners = false;
		Ogre::Vector3 center = finalQuat * pos;
		Ogre::Vector2 centerPoint( center.x, center.y );
		std::vector< UniquePoint >::iterator pointIter;
		/// Loop through all of our points and project them into 2D.
		for (pointIter = uniquePoints.begin(); pointIter != uniquePoints.end(); ++pointIter)
			/// Rotate each point so that we can project them onto the XY plane
			/// finalQuat transforms the projection plane so that it's parallel with the XY plane
			Ogre::Vector3 v = finalQuat * pointIter->p;
			/// Project/flatten the point by eliminating the Z coordinate
			Ogre::Vector2 projectedPoint(v.x, v.y);
			pointIter->uvCoord = projectedPoint;
			/// Find the left, right, top, and bottom edge
			if (pointIter->isEdge)
				Ogre::Vector2 diff = (projectedPoint - centerPoint);
				/// More fudge-checking to make sure nothing is out of bounds
				if ( fabs( diff.x ) < edgeLimitX && fabs( diff.y ) < edgeLimitY )
					if (!initCorners)
						leftMost = rightMost = projectedPoint.x;
						topMost = bottomMost = projectedPoint.y;
						initCorners = true;
					if (projectedPoint.x < leftMost)
						leftMost = projectedPoint.x;
					if (projectedPoint.x > rightMost)
						rightMost = projectedPoint.x;
					if (projectedPoint.y > topMost)
						topMost = projectedPoint.y;
					if (projectedPoint.y < bottomMost)
						bottomMost = projectedPoint.y;
		/// The hardest part is over. Now we get to fudge the UV coords, because you can never have too much fudge.
		std::vector< UniquePoint >::iterator topRight, bottomRight, topLeft, bottomLeft;
		Ogre::Vector2 cornerTopLeft( leftMost, topMost );
		Ogre::Vector2 cornerTopRight( rightMost, topMost );
		Ogre::Vector2 cornerBottomLeft( leftMost, bottomMost );
		Ogre::Vector2 cornerBottomRight( rightMost, bottomMost );
		bool initValues = false;
		double minDistanceTopLeft, minDistanceTopRight, minDistanceBottomLeft, minDistanceBottomRight;
		std::vector< UniquePoint >::iterator projectedPointIter;

		/// Loop throgh all of our (2D) points and figure out which points are nearest to each of the four corners.
		/// Why do we do this? Because I said so. Do not question my infinite wisdom.
		for (projectedPointIter = uniquePoints.begin(); projectedPointIter != uniquePoints.end(); ++projectedPointIter)
			Ogre::Vector2 p = projectedPointIter->uvCoord;
			double distanceTopLeft = (p - cornerTopLeft).length();
			double distanceTopRight = (p - cornerTopRight).length();
			double distanceBottomLeft = (p - cornerBottomLeft).length();
			double distanceBottomRight = (p - cornerBottomRight).length();
			if (!initValues)
				initValues = true;
				topRight = projectedPointIter;
				topLeft = projectedPointIter;
				bottomRight = projectedPointIter;
				bottomLeft = projectedPointIter;
				minDistanceTopLeft = distanceTopLeft;
				minDistanceTopRight = distanceTopRight;
				minDistanceBottomLeft = distanceBottomLeft;
				minDistanceBottomRight = distanceBottomRight;
				if (distanceTopLeft < minDistanceTopLeft)
					minDistanceTopLeft = distanceTopLeft;
					topLeft = projectedPointIter;
				if (distanceTopRight < minDistanceTopRight)
					minDistanceTopRight = distanceTopRight;
					topRight = projectedPointIter;
				if (distanceBottomLeft < minDistanceBottomLeft)
					minDistanceBottomLeft = distanceBottomLeft;
					bottomLeft = projectedPointIter;
				if (distanceBottomRight < minDistanceBottomRight)
					minDistanceBottomRight = distanceBottomRight;
					bottomRight = projectedPointIter;
		/// Here we calculate (via fudge factor) the UV edges which are used to determine the UV coords.
		/// This is the fudge motherload.
		/// I could try to explain why we're doing this, but it would just sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about.
		/// Which is probably true.
		rightMost = average( average( topRight->uvCoord.x, bottomRight->uvCoord.x ), rightMost );
		leftMost = average( average( topLeft->uvCoord.x, bottomLeft->uvCoord.x ), leftMost );
		topMost = average( average( topLeft->uvCoord.y, topRight->uvCoord.y ), topMost );
		bottomMost = average( average(bottomRight->uvCoord.y, bottomLeft->uvCoord.y), bottomMost );
		/// Calcuate the width and height used to calculate UV coords.
		width = rightMost - leftMost;
		height = topMost - bottomMost;
		int randomFlipType = 0;
		if (flipTexture)
			randomFlipType = rand()%8;
		/// Ok, now we get to the final UV coords. For real this time, no kidding.
		for (projectedPointIter = uniquePoints.begin(); projectedPointIter != uniquePoints.end(); ++projectedPointIter)
			Ogre::Vector2 p = projectedPointIter->uvCoord;
			double uvMin = 0;
			double uvMax = 1;
			/// Ta da!
			double u = (p.x - leftMost) / width;
			double v = (p.y - bottomMost) / height;
			/// Oops, we wouldn't want any rebel coordiantes wreaking havoc.
			if (u < uvMin)
				u = uvMin;
			else if (u > uvMax)
				u = uvMax;
			if ( v < uvMin )
				v = uvMin;
			else if (v > uvMax)
				v = uvMax;
			projectedPointIter->uvCoord.x = u;
			projectedPointIter->uvCoord.y = (1 - v);
			/// Randomly flip UV coords between 8 different ways
			/// This might be desirable for things like blood splatter, explosions, etc to simply introduce variety
			if (flipTexture && randomFlipType > 0)
				switch (randomFlipType)
					case 1:
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.x = (1 - u);
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.y = (1 - v);
					case 2:
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.x = (1 - u);
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.y = v;
					case 3:
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.x = u;
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.y = v;
					case 4:
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.y = (1 - u);
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.x = (1 - v);
					case 5:
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.y = (1 - u);
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.x = v;
					case 6:
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.y = u;
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.x = v;
					case 7:
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.y = u;
						projectedPointIter->uvCoord.x = (1 - v);

		/// All of the final UV coords have been generated. Now it's rendering time. 
		/// What are you waiting for? Let's make that manual object that you've been dreaming about.
		std::vector<UniquePoint>::iterator uniqueIter;
		/// Debug drawing stuff
			Ogre::ManualObject* moDebug = sceneMgr->createManualObject();
			moDebug->begin("debug_draw", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST);
			int indexOffset = 0;
			for (uniqueIter = uniquePoints.begin(); uniqueIter != uniquePoints.end(); ++uniqueIter)
				createCubeMesh( sceneMgr, uniqueIter->p, 0.25, Ogre::ColourValue::Red, moDebug, indexOffset);
				indexOffset += 8;
			if (!mDebugVisible)
				moDebug->setVisible( false );
			mDebugNode->attachObject( moDebug );

		/// "lines" is used for debug drawing triangles
		Ogre::ManualObject* lines = 0;

			lines = sceneMgr->createManualObject();
			lines->begin("debug_draw", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_LINE_LIST);
		/// Create a new manual object if this one doesn't exist
		if (!decalObject)
			decalObject = sceneMgr->createManualObject();
			/// Make sure the decal object can be dynmically updated
			if (!decalObject->getDynamic())
				decalObject->setDynamic( true );
		Ogre::String material = materialName;
		if (decalObject->getDynamic() && decalObject->getNumSections() > 0)
			 /// Update the existng decal instead of starting a new one
			 decalObject->beginUpdate( 0 );
			 /// Start a new decal
			decalObject->begin(material, Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST);
		/// If we're sharing vertices, then simply set up all of the vertex info ahead of time
			for (uniqueIter = uniquePoints.begin(); uniqueIter != uniquePoints.end(); ++uniqueIter)
				decalObject->position( uniqueIter->p );
				decalObject->textureCoord( uniqueIter->uvCoord );
				decalObject->normal( uniqueIter->normal );
		int p1, p2, p3;
		p1 = p2 = p3 = 0;
		// Each of these finalPolys is a just list of indicies into the uniquePoints vector
		for (pIter = finalPolys.begin(); pIter != finalPolys.end(); ++pIter)
			std::vector< int >::iterator iter;
			Ogre::Vector3 norm = pIter->norm;
			if (pIter->points.size() >= 3)
				p2 = p1 + 1;
				p3 = p2 + 1;
				int t = 0;
				for (iter = pIter->points.begin(); iter != pIter->points.end(); ++iter)
						decalObject->position( uniquePoints[ *iter ].p );
						decalObject->textureCoord( uniquePoints[ *iter ].uvCoord );
						decalObject->normal( norm );
					if (t >= 3)
						AddTriangle( decalObject, pIter->points, p1, p2, p3, lines );
					if (t == 3)
						AddTriangle( decalObject, pIter->points, p1, p2, p3, lines );
				p1 = p3 + 1;
		/// Finish debug drawing stuff
			if (!mDebugVisible)
				lines->setVisible( false );
			mDebugNode->attachObject( lines );        

    /// And were done. Phew.
    Decal decal;
    decal.object = decalObject;

	if (bError)
		decal.object = NULL;
    return decal;