コード例 #1
  OpenSwath::SpectrumPtr OpenSwathScoring::getAddedSpectra_(OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr swath_map, 
      double RT, int nr_spectra_to_add)
    std::vector<std::size_t> indices = swath_map->getSpectraByRT(RT, 0.0);
    if (indices.empty() ) 
      OpenSwath::SpectrumPtr sptr(new OpenSwath::Spectrum);
      return sptr;
    int closest_idx = boost::numeric_cast<int>(indices[0]);
    if (indices[0] != 0 &&
        std::fabs(swath_map->getSpectrumMetaById(boost::numeric_cast<int>(indices[0]) - 1).RT - RT) <
        std::fabs(swath_map->getSpectrumMetaById(boost::numeric_cast<int>(indices[0])).RT - RT))

    if (nr_spectra_to_add == 1)
      OpenSwath::SpectrumPtr spectrum_ = swath_map->getSpectrumById(closest_idx);
      return spectrum_;
      std::vector<OpenSwath::SpectrumPtr> all_spectra;
      // always add the spectrum 0, then add those right and left
      for (int i = 1; i <= nr_spectra_to_add / 2; i++) // cast to int is intended!
        if (closest_idx - i >= 0) 
          all_spectra.push_back(swath_map->getSpectrumById(closest_idx - i));
        if (closest_idx + i < (int)swath_map->getNrSpectra()) 
          all_spectra.push_back(swath_map->getSpectrumById(closest_idx + i));
      OpenSwath::SpectrumPtr spectrum_ = SpectrumAddition::addUpSpectra(all_spectra, spacing_for_spectra_resampling_, true);
      return spectrum_;
コード例 #2
  void ChromatogramExtractorAlgorithm::extractChromatograms(const OpenSwath::SpectrumAccessPtr input,
      std::vector< OpenSwath::ChromatogramPtr >& output, 
      std::vector<ExtractionCoordinates> extraction_coordinates, double mz_extraction_window,
      bool ppm, String filter)
    Size input_size = input->getNrSpectra();
    if (input_size < 1)

    if (output.size() != extraction_coordinates.size())
      throw Exception::IllegalArgument(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
        "Output and extraction coordinates need to have the same size");

    int used_filter = getFilterNr_(filter);
    // assert that they are sorted!
    if (std::adjacent_find(extraction_coordinates.begin(), extraction_coordinates.end(), 
          ExtractionCoordinates::SortExtractionCoordinatesReverseByMZ) != extraction_coordinates.end())
      throw Exception::IllegalArgument(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
        "Input to extractChromatogram needs to be sorted by m/z");

    //go through all spectra
    startProgress(0, input_size, "Extracting chromatograms");
    for (Size scan_idx = 0; scan_idx < input_size; ++scan_idx)

      OpenSwath::SpectrumPtr sptr = input->getSpectrumById(scan_idx);
      OpenSwath::SpectrumMeta s_meta = input->getSpectrumMetaById(scan_idx);

      OpenSwath::BinaryDataArrayPtr mz_arr = sptr->getMZArray();
      OpenSwath::BinaryDataArrayPtr int_arr = sptr->getIntensityArray();
      std::vector<double>::const_iterator mz_start = mz_arr->data.begin();
      std::vector<double>::const_iterator mz_end = mz_arr->data.end();
      std::vector<double>::const_iterator mz_it = mz_arr->data.begin();
      std::vector<double>::const_iterator int_it = int_arr->data.begin();

      if (sptr->getMZArray()->data.size() == 0)

      // go through all transitions / chromatograms which are sorted by
      // ProductMZ. We can use this to step through the spectrum and at the
      // same time step through the transitions. We increase the peak counter
      // until we hit the next transition and then extract the signal.
      for (Size k = 0; k < extraction_coordinates.size(); ++k)
        double integrated_intensity = 0;
        double current_rt = s_meta.RT;
        if (extraction_coordinates[k].rt_end - extraction_coordinates[k].rt_start > 0 && 
             (current_rt < extraction_coordinates[k].rt_start || 
              current_rt > extraction_coordinates[k].rt_end) )

        if (used_filter == 1)
          extract_value_tophat( mz_start, mz_it, mz_end, int_it,
                  extraction_coordinates[k].mz, integrated_intensity, mz_extraction_window, ppm);
        else if (used_filter == 2)
          throw Exception::NotImplemented(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

        // Time is first, intensity is second