コード例 #1
bool CullVisitor::updateCalculatedNearFar(const osg::Matrix& matrix,const osg::BoundingBox& bb)
    // efficient computation of near and far, only taking into account the nearest and furthest
    // corners of the bounding box.
    value_type d_near = distance(bb.corner(_bbCornerNear),matrix);
    value_type d_far = distance(bb.corner(_bbCornerFar),matrix);

    if (d_near>d_far)
        if ( !EQUAL_F(d_near, d_far) ) 
            OSG_WARN<<"Warning: CullVisitor::updateCalculatedNearFar(.) near>far in range calculation,"<< std::endl;
            OSG_WARN<<"         correcting by swapping values d_near="<<d_near<<" dfar="<<d_far<< std::endl;

    if (d_far<0.0)
        // whole object behind the eye point so disguard
        return false;

    if (d_near<_computed_znear) _computed_znear = d_near;
    if (d_far>_computed_zfar) _computed_zfar = d_far;

    return true;
コード例 #2
void ComputeBoundsVisitor::applyBoundingBox(const osg::BoundingBox& bbox)
    if (_matrixStack.empty()) _bb.expandBy(bbox);
    else if (bbox.valid())
        const osg::Matrix& matrix = _matrixStack.back();
        _bb.expandBy(bbox.corner(0) * matrix);
        _bb.expandBy(bbox.corner(1) * matrix);
        _bb.expandBy(bbox.corner(2) * matrix);
        _bb.expandBy(bbox.corner(3) * matrix);
        _bb.expandBy(bbox.corner(4) * matrix);
        _bb.expandBy(bbox.corner(5) * matrix);
        _bb.expandBy(bbox.corner(6) * matrix);
        _bb.expandBy(bbox.corner(7) * matrix);
コード例 #3
HorizonTileCuller::set(const osg::BoundingBox& bbox)
    // Adjust the horizon ellipsoid based on the minimum Z value of the tile;
    // necessary because a tile that's below the ellipsoid (ocean floor, e.g.)
    // may be visible even if it doesn't pass the horizon-cone test. In such
    // cases we need a more conservative ellipsoid.
    double zMin = bbox.corner(0).z();
    if ( zMin < 0.0 )
        _horizonProto.setEllipsoid( osg::EllipsoidModel(_radiusEquator + zMin, _radiusPolar + zMin) );

    // consider the uppermost 4 points of the tile-aligned bounding box.
    // (the last four corners of the bbox are the "zmax" corners.)
    for(unsigned i=0; i<4; ++i)
        _points[i] = bbox.corner(4+i) * _local2world;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SurfaceNode.cpp プロジェクト: rhabacker/osgearth
HorizonTileCuller::set(const SpatialReference* srs, 
                       const osg::Matrix&      local2world,
                       const osg::BoundingBox& bbox)
    if (!_horizon.valid() && srs->isGeographic())
        _horizon = new Horizon();

    if (_horizon.valid())
        //_radiusPolar = srs->getEllipsoid()->getRadiusPolar();
        //_radiusEquator = srs->getEllipsoid()->getRadiusEquator();
        //_local2world = local2world;

        // Adjust the horizon ellipsoid based on the minimum Z value of the tile;
        // necessary because a tile that's below the ellipsoid (ocean floor, e.g.)
        // may be visible even if it doesn't pass the horizon-cone test. In such
        // cases we need a more conservative ellipsoid.
        double zMin = (double)std::min( bbox.corner(0).z(), 0.0f );
        zMin = std::max(zMin, -25000.0); // approx the lowest point on earth * 2
        _horizon->setEllipsoid( osg::EllipsoidModel(
            srs->getEllipsoid()->getRadiusEquator() + zMin, 
            srs->getEllipsoid()->getRadiusPolar() + zMin) );

        // consider the uppermost 4 points of the tile-aligned bounding box.
        // (the last four corners of the bbox are the "zmax" corners.)
        for(unsigned i=0; i<4; ++i)
            _points[i] = bbox.corner(4+i) * local2world;

        //_bs.set(bbox.center() * _local2world, bbox.radius());
コード例 #5
osg::Vec3f InspectorIH::updateBBox( osg::Drawable* p_drawable, const osg::Matrix& accumat, bool hastransformnode )
    osg::Vec3f dims;

    // update the bbox for visualization
    if ( p_drawable )
        const osg::BoundingBox bb = p_drawable->getBound();

        // update the bbox lines
        osg::Vec3Array* p_vertices = static_cast< osg::Vec3Array* >( _p_linesGeom->getVertexArray() );
        ( *p_vertices )[ 0 ] = bb.corner( 0 ) * accumat;
        ( *p_vertices )[ 1 ] = bb.corner( 1 ) * accumat;
        ( *p_vertices )[ 2 ] = bb.corner( 2 ) * accumat;
        ( *p_vertices )[ 3 ] = bb.corner( 3 ) * accumat;
        ( *p_vertices )[ 4 ] = bb.corner( 4 ) * accumat;
        ( *p_vertices )[ 5 ] = bb.corner( 5 ) * accumat;
        ( *p_vertices )[ 6 ] = bb.corner( 6 ) * accumat;
        ( *p_vertices )[ 7 ] = bb.corner( 7 ) * accumat;
        _p_linesGeom->setVertexArray( p_vertices );

        osg::Vec3f max = bb.corner( 7 );
        osg::Vec3f min = bb.corner( 0 );

        // get the original dimensions
        dims = max - min;

        // set the bbox color
        // if the geode has no transform nodes in the node path then we draw it white
        if ( hastransformnode )
            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
            colors->push_back( osg::Vec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
            _p_linesGeom->setColorArray( colors );
            _p_linesGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL );
        else // ... otherwise yellow
            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
            colors->push_back( osg::Vec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
            _p_linesGeom->setColorArray( colors );
            _p_linesGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL );
        // let the box disappear when no intersection detected
        osg::Vec3Array* p_vertices = static_cast< osg::Vec3Array* >( _p_linesGeom->getVertexArray() );
        ( *p_vertices )[ 0 ] = osg::Vec3();
        ( *p_vertices )[ 1 ] = osg::Vec3();
        ( *p_vertices )[ 2 ] = osg::Vec3();
        ( *p_vertices )[ 3 ] = osg::Vec3();
        ( *p_vertices )[ 4 ] = osg::Vec3();
        ( *p_vertices )[ 5 ] = osg::Vec3();
        ( *p_vertices )[ 6 ] = osg::Vec3();
        ( *p_vertices )[ 7 ] = osg::Vec3();
        _p_linesGeom->setVertexArray( p_vertices );

    return dims;