コード例 #1
void viewerPsycho(pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer)
	static unsigned count = 0;
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << "Once per viewer loop: " << count++ << std::endl;
	viewer.removeShape("text", 0);
	viewer.addText(ss.str(), 200, 200, "text", 0);

コード例 #2
ファイル: inspect.cpp プロジェクト: RaresAmbrus/clams
void Inspector::disableModel()
  use_intrinsics_ = false;
  int x = 10;
  int y = 10;
  int fontsize = 16;
  pcd_vis_.addText("raw", x, y, fontsize, 1, 0, 0, "text");
コード例 #3
ファイル: visualize.cpp プロジェクト: kaziida24/fractal
void viewerPsycho (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer)
    static unsigned count = 0;
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Once per viewer loop: " << count++;
    viewer.removeShape ("text", 0);
    viewer.addText (ss.str(), 200, 300, "text", 0);
    //FIXME: possible race condition here:
コード例 #4
ファイル: octree_viewer.cpp プロジェクト: Eilvrin/pcl
  /* \brief Helper function that draw info for the user on the viewer
  void showLegend(bool showCubes)
    char dataDisplay[256];
    sprintf(dataDisplay, "Displaying data as %s", (showCubes) ? ("CUBES") : ("POINTS"));
    viz.addText(dataDisplay, 0, 60, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "disp_t");

    char level[256];
    sprintf(level, "Displayed depth is %d on %d", displayedDepth, octree.getTreeDepth());
    viz.addText(level, 0, 45, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "level_t1");

    sprintf(level, "Voxel size: %.4fm [%lu voxels]", sqrt(octree.getVoxelSquaredSideLen(displayedDepth)),
    viz.addText(level, 0, 30, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "level_t2");

    if (showPointsWithCubes)
      viz.addText("Displaying original cloud", 0, 15, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "org_t");
コード例 #5
ファイル: pcd_read.cpp プロジェクト: cema-sp/pcl-examples
viewer_initial_cloud(pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer)
	//int text_id(0);
  long cloud_size = initial_cloud->width * initial_cloud->height;
	std::stringstream info;
	info << "Points in initial cloud: " << cloud_size;
  std::cout << "Initial cloud rendered with " << cloud_size << " points" << std::endl;
  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> single_color(initial_cloud, 255, 0, 0);
  viewer.addPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> (initial_cloud, single_color, "initial cloud");
  viewer.addText(info.str(), 10, 20, "points", 0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: inspect.cpp プロジェクト: RaresAmbrus/clams
void Inspector::enableModel()
  use_intrinsics_ = true;
  if(use_intrinsics_ && !dddm_) {
    cout << "Cannot apply non-existent distortion model.  Supply one at the command line." << endl;
    use_intrinsics_ = false;
  int x = 10;
  int y = 10;
  int fontsize = 16;
  pcd_vis_.addText("undistorted", x, y, fontsize, 0, 1, 0, "text");
コード例 #7
ファイル: pcd_read.cpp プロジェクト: cema-sp/pcl-examples
viewer_matched_cloud(pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer)
	int text_id(0);
  long cloud_size = matched_cloud->width * matched_cloud->height;
	std::stringstream info;
	info << "Points in matched cloud: " << cloud_size;
  std::cout << "Matched cloud rendered with " << cloud_size << " points" << std::endl;
  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> single_color(initial_cloud, 0, 255, 0);
  viewer.addPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> (matched_cloud, single_color, "matched cloud");
  viewer.addText(info.str(), 10, 20, "points", text_id);
  if (r > 0)
    viewer.addSphere (o, r, "sphere", 0);
initVisualizer (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer &viewer)
  // Setting the initial viewer parameters
  viewer.initCameraParameters ();
  viewer.setBackgroundColor (0, 0, 0);
  viewer.addCoordinateSystem (1000);
  viewer.camera_.view[0] = 0;
  viewer.camera_.view[1] = 0;
  viewer.camera_.view[2] = 1;
  viewer.camera_.pos[0] = 8000;
  viewer.camera_.pos[1] = 20000;
  viewer.camera_.pos[2] = 2500;
  viewer.updateCamera ();
  viewer.addText ("Shift + click to select noisy objects. \nPress 0 to confirm the removal.", 50, 300, "user");
コード例 #9
ファイル: rawlog-pcl-viewer.cpp プロジェクト: MRPT/mrpt
void viewerUpdate(pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer)
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Rawlog entry: " << rawlogEntry;
    viewer.removeShape ("text", 0);
    viewer.addText (ss.str(), 10,50, "text", 0);

    static mrpt::system::TTimeStamp last_time = INVALID_TIMESTAMP;

    {  // Mutex protected
    	std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(td_cs);
    	if (td.new_timestamp!=last_time)
    		last_time = td.new_timestamp;
			viewer.removePointCloud("cloud", 0);
			viewer.addPointCloud (td.new_cloud,"cloud",0);
			viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 3.0);

			const size_t N = td.new_cloud->size();
			std::cout << "Showing new point cloud of size=" << N << std::endl;

			static bool first = true;
			if (N && first)
				first = false;

#if 0
			std::cout << mrpt::format(
				"camera: clip = %f %f\n"
				"        focal = %f %f %f\n"
				"        pos   = %f %f %f\n"
				"        view  = %f %f %f\n",
コード例 #10
ファイル: PbMapMaker.cpp プロジェクト: DYFeng/mrpt
void PbMapMaker::viz_cb (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viz)
  if (mPbMap.globalMapPtr->empty())

  { mrpt::synch::CCriticalSectionLocker csl(&CS_visualize);

    // Render the data

      char name[1024];

        for(size_t i=0; i<mPbMap.vPlanes.size(); i++)
          pcl::PointXYZ center(2*mPbMap.vPlanes[i].v3center[0], 2*mPbMap.vPlanes[i].v3center[1], 2*mPbMap.vPlanes[i].v3center[2]);
          double radius = 0.1 * sqrt(mPbMap.vPlanes[i].areaVoxels);
          sprintf (name, "sphere%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
          viz.addSphere (center, radius, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);

          if( !mPbMap.vPlanes[i].label.empty() )
              viz.addText3D (mPbMap.vPlanes[i].label, center, 0.1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], mPbMap.vPlanes[i].label);
            sprintf (name, "P%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
            viz.addText3D (name, center, 0.1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);

          // Draw edges
          if(!configPbMap.graph_mode) // Nearby neighbors
            for(set<unsigned>::iterator it = mPbMap.vPlanes[i].nearbyPlanes.begin(); it != mPbMap.vPlanes[i].nearbyPlanes.end(); it++)
              if(*it > mPbMap.vPlanes[i].id)

              sprintf (name, "commonObs%u_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(*it));
              pcl::PointXYZ center_it(2*mPbMap.vPlanes[*it].v3center[0], 2*mPbMap.vPlanes[*it].v3center[1], 2*mPbMap.vPlanes[*it].v3center[2]);
              viz.addLine (center, center_it, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);
            for(map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator it = mPbMap.vPlanes[i].neighborPlanes.begin(); it != mPbMap.vPlanes[i].neighborPlanes.end(); it++)
              if(it->first > mPbMap.vPlanes[i].id)

              sprintf (name, "commonObs%u_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(it->first));
              pcl::PointXYZ center_it(2*mPbMap.vPlanes[it->first].v3center[0], 2*mPbMap.vPlanes[it->first].v3center[1], 2*mPbMap.vPlanes[it->first].v3center[2]);
              viz.addLine (center, center_it, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);

              sprintf (name, "edge%u_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(it->first));
              char commonObs[8];
              sprintf (commonObs, "%u", it->second);
              pcl::PointXYZ half_edge( (center_it.x+center.x)/2, (center_it.y+center.y)/2, (center_it.z+center.z)/2 );
              viz.addText3D (commonObs, half_edge, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, name);

      { // Regular representation

        if (!viz.updatePointCloud (mPbMap.globalMapPtr, "cloud"))
          viz.addPointCloud (mPbMap.globalMapPtr, "cloud");

        if(mpPbMapLocaliser != NULL)
            if (!viz.updatePointCloud (mpPbMapLocaliser->alignedModelPtr, "model"))
              viz.addPointCloud (mpPbMapLocaliser->alignedModelPtr, "model");}

        sprintf (name, "PointCloud size %u", static_cast<unsigned>( mPbMap.globalMapPtr->size() ) );
        viz.addText(name, 10, 20);

        for(size_t i=0; i<mPbMap.vPlanes.size(); i++)
          Plane &plane_i = mPbMap.vPlanes[i];
          sprintf (name, "normal_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
          pcl::PointXYZ pt1, pt2; // Begin and end points of normal's arrow for visualization
          pt1 = pcl::PointXYZ(plane_i.v3center[0], plane_i.v3center[1], plane_i.v3center[2]);
          pt2 = pcl::PointXYZ(plane_i.v3center[0] + (0.5f * plane_i.v3normal[0]),
                              plane_i.v3center[1] + (0.5f * plane_i.v3normal[1]),
                              plane_i.v3center[2] + (0.5f * plane_i.v3normal[2]));
          viz.addArrow (pt2, pt1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], false, name);

          // Draw Ppal diretion
//          if( plane_i.elongation > 1.3 )
//          {
//            sprintf (name, "ppalComp_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
//            pcl::PointXYZ pt3 = pcl::PointXYZ ( plane_i.v3center[0] + (0.2f * plane_i.v3PpalDir[0]),
//                                                plane_i.v3center[1] + (0.2f * plane_i.v3PpalDir[1]),
//                                                plane_i.v3center[2] + (0.2f * plane_i.v3PpalDir[2]));
//            viz.addArrow (pt3, plane_i.pt1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], false, name);
//          }

//          if( !plane_i.label.empty() )
//            viz.addText3D (plane_i.label, pt2, 0.1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], plane_i.label);
//          else
            sprintf (name, "n%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
//            sprintf (name, "n%u_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(plane_i.semanticGroup));
            viz.addText3D (name, pt2, 0.1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);

//          sprintf (name, "planeRaw_%02u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
//          viz.addPointCloud (plane_i.planeRawPointCloudPtr, name);// contourPtr, planePointCloudPtr, polygonContourPtr

//          if(!configPbMap.makeClusters)
//          {
//          sprintf (name, "plane_%02u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
//          pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom <PointT> color (plane_i.planePointCloudPtr, red[i%10], grn[i%10], blu[i%10]);
////          pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom <PointT> color (plane_i.planePointCloudPtr, red[plane_i.semanticGroup%10], grn[plane_i.semanticGroup%10], blu[plane_i.semanticGroup%10]);
//          viz.addPointCloud (plane_i.planePointCloudPtr, color, name);
//          viz.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 2, name);
//          }
//          else
//          {
//            sprintf (name, "plane_%02u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
//            pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom <PointT> color (plane_i.planePointCloudPtr, red[plane_i.semanticGroup%10], grn[plane_i.semanticGroup%10], blu[plane_i.semanticGroup%10]);
//            viz.addPointCloud (plane_i.planePointCloudPtr, color, name);
//            viz.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 4, name);
//          }

//          sprintf (name, "planeBorder_%02u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
//          pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom <PointT> color2 (plane_i.contourPtr, 255, 255, 255);
//          viz.addPointCloud (plane_i.contourPtr, color2, name);// contourPtr, planePointCloudPtr, polygonContourPtr

//          //Edges
//          if(mPbMap.edgeCloudPtr->size() > 0)
//          {
//            sprintf (name, "planeEdge_%02u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
//            pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom <PointT> color4 (mPbMap.edgeCloudPtr, 255, 255, 0);
//            viz.addPointCloud (mPbMap.edgeCloudPtr, color4, name);// contourPtr, planePointCloudPtr, polygonContourPtr
//            viz.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 5, name);
//            sprintf (name, "edge%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
//            viz.addLine (mPbMap.edgeCloudPtr->points.front(), mPbMap.edgeCloudPtr->points.back(), ared[3], agrn[3], ablu[3], name);
//          }

          sprintf (name, "approx_plane_%02d", int (i));
          viz.addPolygon<PointT> (plane_i.polygonContourPtr, 0.5 * red[i%10], 0.5 * grn[i%10], 0.5 * blu[i%10], name);

//  for(map<unsigned, std::vector<unsigned> >::iterator it=clusterize->groups.begin(); it != clusterize->groups.end(); it++)
//    for(size_t i=0; i < it->second.size(); i++)
//    {
//      unsigned planeID = it->second[i];
//      Plane &plane_i = mPbMap.vPlanes[planeID];
//      sprintf (name, "plane_%02u", static_cast<unsigned>(planeID));
//      pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom <PointT> color (plane_i.planePointCloudPtr, red[planeID%10], grn[planeID%10], blu[planeID%10]);
//      viz.addPointCloud (plane_i.planePointCloudPtr, color, name);// contourPtr, planePointCloudPtr, polygonContourPtr
//      viz.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 3, name);
//    }

        // Draw recognized plane labels
        if(mpPbMapLocaliser != NULL)
          for(map<string, pcl::PointXYZ>::iterator it = mpPbMapLocaliser->foundPlaces.begin(); it != mpPbMapLocaliser->foundPlaces.end(); it++)
            viz.addText3D (it->first, it->second, 0.3, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, it->first);

コード例 #11
ファイル: openni_tracking.cpp プロジェクト: 5irius/pcl
  viz_cb (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viz)
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock (mtx_);
    if (!cloud_pass_)
      boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::seconds (1));
    if (new_cloud_ && cloud_pass_downsampled_)
      CloudPtr cloud_pass;
      if (!visualize_non_downsample_)
        cloud_pass = cloud_pass_downsampled_;
        cloud_pass = cloud_pass_;
      if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud_pass, "cloudpass"))
          viz.addPointCloud (cloud_pass, "cloudpass");
          viz.resetCameraViewpoint ("cloudpass");

    if (new_cloud_ && reference_)
      bool ret = drawParticles (viz);
      if (ret)
        drawResult (viz);
        // draw some texts
        viz.removeShape ("N");
        viz.addText ((boost::format ("number of Reference PointClouds: %d") % tracker_->getReferenceCloud ()->points.size ()).str (),
                     10, 20, 20, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, "N");
        viz.removeShape ("M");
        viz.addText ((boost::format ("number of Measured PointClouds:  %d") % cloud_pass_downsampled_->points.size ()).str (),
                     10, 40, 20, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, "M");
        viz.removeShape ("tracking");
        viz.addText ((boost::format ("tracking:        %f fps") % (1.0 / tracking_time_)).str (),
                     10, 60, 20, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, "tracking");
        viz.removeShape ("downsampling");
        viz.addText ((boost::format ("downsampling:    %f fps") % (1.0 / downsampling_time_)).str (),
                     10, 80, 20, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, "downsampling");
        viz.removeShape ("computation");
        viz.addText ((boost::format ("computation:     %f fps") % (1.0 / computation_time_)).str (),
                     10, 100, 20, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, "computation");

        viz.removeShape ("particles");
        viz.addText ((boost::format ("particles:     %d") % tracker_->getParticles ()->points.size ()).str (),
                     10, 120, 20, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, "particles");
    new_cloud_ = false;
コード例 #12
void PbMapVisualizer::viz_cb (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viz)
  if (pbmap.globalMapPtr->empty())

  // Render the data

    char name[1024];

//      cout << "show graphRepresentation\n";
      for(size_t i=0; i<pbmap.vPlanes.size(); i++)
        pcl::PointXYZ center(2*pbmap.vPlanes[i].v3center[0], 2*pbmap.vPlanes[i].v3center[1], 2*pbmap.vPlanes[i].v3center[2]);
        double radius = 0.1 * sqrt(pbmap.vPlanes[i].areaVoxels);
//        cout << "radius " << radius << endl;
        sprintf (name, "sphere%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
        viz.addSphere (center, radius, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);

        if( !pbmap.vPlanes[i].label.empty() )
            viz.addText3D (pbmap.vPlanes[i].label, center, 0.1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], pbmap.vPlanes[i].label);
          sprintf (name, "P%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
          viz.addText3D (name, center, 0.1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);

        // Draw edges
//        for(set<unsigned>::iterator it = pbmap.vPlanes[i].nearbyPlanes.begin(); it != pbmap.vPlanes[i].nearbyPlanes.end(); it++)
//        {
//          if(*it > pbmap.vPlanes[i].id)
//            break;
//          sprintf (name, "commonObs%u_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(*it));
//          pcl::PointXYZ center_it(2*pbmap.vPlanes[*it].v3center[0], 2*pbmap.vPlanes[*it].v3center[1], 2*pbmap.vPlanes[*it].v3center[2]);
//          viz.addLine (center, center_it, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);
//        }
        for(map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator it = pbmap.vPlanes[i].neighborPlanes.begin(); it != pbmap.vPlanes[i].neighborPlanes.end(); it++)
          if(it->first > pbmap.vPlanes[i].id)

          sprintf (name, "commonObs%u_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(it->first));
          pcl::PointXYZ center_it(2*pbmap.vPlanes[it->first].v3center[0], 2*pbmap.vPlanes[it->first].v3center[1], 2*pbmap.vPlanes[it->first].v3center[2]);
          viz.addLine (center, center_it, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);

          sprintf (name, "edge%u_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(it->first));
          char commonObs[8];
          sprintf (commonObs, "%u", it->second);
          pcl::PointXYZ half_edge( (center_it.x+center.x)/2, (center_it.y+center.y)/2, (center_it.z+center.z)/2 );
          viz.addText3D (commonObs, half_edge, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, name);
    { // Regular representation
      if (!viz.updatePointCloud (pbmap.globalMapPtr, "cloud"))
        viz.addPointCloud (pbmap.globalMapPtr, "cloud");

      sprintf (name, "PointCloud size %u", static_cast<unsigned>( pbmap.globalMapPtr->size() ) );
      viz.addText(name, 10, 20);

      for(size_t i=0; i<pbmap.vPlanes.size(); i++)
        Plane &plane_i = pbmap.vPlanes[i];
//        sprintf (name, "normal_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
        name[0] = *(mrpt::format("normal_%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i)).c_str());
        pcl::PointXYZ pt1, pt2; // Begin and end points of normal's arrow for visualization
        pt1 = pcl::PointXYZ(plane_i.v3center[0], plane_i.v3center[1], plane_i.v3center[2]);
        pt2 = pcl::PointXYZ(plane_i.v3center[0] + (0.5f * plane_i.v3normal[0]),
                            plane_i.v3center[1] + (0.5f * plane_i.v3normal[1]),
                            plane_i.v3center[2] + (0.5f * plane_i.v3normal[2]));
        viz.addArrow (pt2, pt1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], false, name);

        if( !plane_i.label.empty() )
          viz.addText3D (plane_i.label, pt2, 0.1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], plane_i.label);
          sprintf (name, "n%u", static_cast<unsigned>(i));
          viz.addText3D (name, pt2, 0.1, ared[i%10], agrn[i%10], ablu[i%10], name);

        sprintf (name, "approx_plane_%02d", int (i));
        viz.addPolygon<PointT> (plane_i.polygonContourPtr, 0.5 * red[i%10], 0.5 * grn[i%10], 0.5 * blu[i%10], name);