virtual bool get_description(t_uint32 p_index,pfc::string_base & p_out) { switch ( p_index ) { case CMD_NOTITLE: p_out.set_string( "Hide the main window title bar" ); return true; case CMD_SAVE_1: case CMD_SAVE_2: case CMD_SAVE_3: case CMD_SAVE_4: case CMD_SAVE_5: { p_out.set_string( "save current screen location to a slot" ); return true; } break; case CMD_REST_1: case CMD_REST_2: case CMD_REST_3: case CMD_REST_4: case CMD_REST_5: { p_out.set_string( "restore screen location from a slot" ); return true; } break; case CMD_SCRIPT1: case CMD_SCRIPT2: p_out.set_string( "Change the layout and size" ); return true; } return false; }
void wsh_panel_vars::get_default_script_code(pfc::string_base & out) { out.reset(); puResource pures = uLoadResource(core_api::get_my_instance(), uMAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_SCRIPT), "SCRIPT"); if (pures) out.set_string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(pures->GetPointer()), pures->GetSize()); }
void urlEncodeAppendRaw(pfc::string_base & out, const char * in, t_size inSize) { for(t_size walk = 0; walk < inSize; ++walk) { const char c = in[walk]; if (c == ' ') out.add_byte('+'); else if (pfc::char_is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) || c == '_') out.add_byte(c); else out << "%" << pfc::format_hex((t_uint8)c, 2); } }
void insert(const char * src,unsigned idx,pfc::string_base & out) { out.reset(); out.add_string(src,idx); out.add_string("&"); out.add_string(src+idx); used.add_char(uCharLower(src[idx])); }
static void path_pack_string(pfc::string_base & out,const char * src) { out.add_char('|'); out << strlen(src); out.add_char('|'); out << src; out.add_char('|'); }
void urlEncodeAppend(pfc::string_base & out, const char * in) { for(;;) { const char c = *(in++); if (c == 0) break; else if (c == ' ') out.add_byte('+'); else if (pfc::char_is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) || c == '_') out.add_byte(c); else out << "%" << pfc::format_hex((t_uint8)c, 2); } }
void stream_reader::read_string_raw(pfc::string_base & p_out,abort_callback & p_abort) { enum {delta = 256}; char buffer[delta]; p_out.reset(); for(;;) { t_size delta_done; delta_done = read(buffer,delta,p_abort); p_out.add_string(buffer,delta_done); if (delta_done < delta) break; } }
virtual bool get_mask(unsigned idx, pfc::string_base & out) { if (idx > 0) return false; out.reset(); for (int n = 0; n < 14; n++) { if (n) out.add_byte(';'); out << "*." << extensions[n]; } return true; }
bool archive_impl::get_display_path(const char * path,pfc::string_base & out) { pfc::string8 archive,file; if (g_parse_unpack_path(path,archive,file)) { g_get_display_path(archive,out); out.add_string("|"); out.add_string(file); return true; } else return false; }
void chars_to_lower( const char* p_src , pfc::string_base& p_out ) { p_out.reset(); const char* p = p_src; for (;*p;) { unsigned test; t_size delta = pfc::utf8_decode_char(p,test); if( delta == 0 || test == 0 ) break; p_out.add_char(pfc::charLower(test)); p+=delta; } }
void playlist_view_cache::get_display_name(unsigned playlist, unsigned idx, int col, pfc::string_base & out) { playlist_cache * p_cache = get_item(playlist); if (idx >= 0 && idx < p_cache->get_count()) { if (!p_cache->get_item(idx)) { if (!update_item(playlist, idx)) {out.set_string("Error"); return;} } p_cache->get_item(idx)->get_item(col)->get_display(out); return; } out.set_string("Internal error - invalid playlist entry!"); }
void titleformat_compiler::remove_color_marks(const char * src,pfc::string_base & out)//helper { out.reset(); while(*src) { if (*src==3) { src++; while(*src && *src!=3) src++; if (*src==3) src++; } else out.add_byte(*src++); } }
void mainpath_from_guid(const GUID & p_guid, const GUID & p_subguid, pfc::string_base & p_out, bool b_short) { p_out.reset(); service_enum_t<mainmenu_commands> e; service_ptr_t<mainmenu_commands> ptr; unsigned p_service_item_index; while ( { service_ptr_t<mainmenu_commands_v2> ptr_v2; ptr->service_query_t(ptr_v2); unsigned p_service_item_count = ptr->get_command_count(); for (p_service_item_index = 0; p_service_item_index < p_service_item_count; p_service_item_index++) { if (p_guid == ptr->get_command(p_service_item_index)) { pfc::string8 name; ptr->get_name(p_service_item_index, name); if (p_subguid != pfc::guid_null && ptr_v2.is_valid() && ptr_v2->is_command_dynamic(p_service_item_index)) { pfc::string8 name_sub; mainmenu_node::ptr ptr_node = ptr_v2->dynamic_instantiate(p_service_item_index); mainmenunode_subguid_to_path(ptr_node, p_subguid, name_sub, true); name << "/" << name_sub; } if (!b_short) { pfc::list_t<pfc::string8> levels; GUID parent = ptr->get_parent(); while (parent != pfc::guid_null) { pfc::string8 parentname; if (maingroupname_from_guid(GUID(parent), parentname, parent)) levels.insert_item(parentname, 0); } unsigned i, count = levels.get_count(); for (i = 0; i<count; i++) { p_out.add_string(levels[i]); p_out.add_byte('/'); } } p_out.add_string(name); } } } }
bool file_info::meta_format(const char * p_name,pfc::string_base & p_out, const char * separator) const { p_out.reset(); t_size index = meta_find(p_name); if (index == pfc_infinite) return false; meta_format_entry(index, p_out, separator); return true; }
bool menu_helpers::context_get_description(const GUID& p_guid,pfc::string_base & out) { service_ptr_t<contextmenu_item> ptr; t_uint32 index; if (!menu_item_resolver::g_resolve_context_command(p_guid, ptr, index)) return false; bool rv = ptr->get_item_description(index, out); if (!rv) out.reset(); return rv; }
void remove_chars( const char* p_src , pfc::string_base& p_out , const char* p_char) { const char* p = p_char; pfc::string8 temp(p_src); const char* p2 = temp.get_ptr(); for (;*p;) { unsigned test; t_size delta = pfc::utf8_decode_char(p,test); if(delta == 0 || test == 0)break; for (;*p2;) { unsigned test2; t_size delta2 = pfc::utf8_decode_char(p2,test2); if(delta2 == 0 || test2 == 0)break; if( test == test2 ){ temp.remove_chars(p2-temp.get_ptr(),delta2); } else{ p2 += delta2; } } p2 = temp.get_ptr(); p += delta; } p_out.set_string(temp); }
void toolbar_extension::button::get_name(pfc::string_base & p_out) //config { p_out.reset(); if (m_type == TYPE_BUTTON) { p_out = "[Button] "; pfc::string8 temp; if (uie::custom_button::g_button_get_name(m_guid, temp)) { p_out += temp; } } else if (m_type == TYPE_SEPARATOR) p_out = "[Separator]"; else if (m_type == TYPE_MENU_ITEM_MAIN) { pfc::string8 temp; p_out = "[Main menu item] "; menu_helpers::mainpath_from_guid(m_guid, m_subcommand, temp); p_out += temp; } else { pfc::string8 temp; menu_helpers::contextpath_from_guid(m_guid, m_subcommand, temp); p_out = "[Shortcut menu item] "; p_out += temp; } }
bool maingroupname_from_guid(const GUID & p_guid, pfc::string_base & p_out, GUID & parentout) { p_out.reset(); parentout = pfc::guid_null; { service_enum_t<mainmenu_group> e; service_ptr_t<mainmenu_group> ptr; service_ptr_t<mainmenu_group_popup> ptrp; //unsigned p_service_item_index; while ( { { if (ptr->get_guid() == p_guid) { parentout = ptr->get_parent(); if (ptr->service_query_t(ptrp)) { ptrp->get_display_string(p_out); return true; } return false; } } } } return false; }
virtual bool context_get_display( unsigned int index, metadb_handle_list_cref tracks, pfc::string_base& out, unsigned int& /*displayflags*/, const GUID& /*caller*/ ) { switch(index) { case Items::ReplaceWithBestVersion: { out = "Replace with best version of track"; if(tracks.get_count() > 1) { out.add_string("s"); } return true; } default: { // Nothing wants to customise the display of the item; let the regular name be displayed. get_item_name(index, out); return true; } } }
void toolbar_extension::button::get_display_text(pfc::string_base & p_out) //display { p_out.reset(); if (m_use_custom_text) p_out = m_text; else get_short_name(p_out); }
void CDialogPref::uGetItemText(int nItem, int nSubItem, pfc::string_base & out) { enum { BUFFER_LEN = 1024 }; TCHAR buffer[BUFFER_LEN]; m_props.GetItemText(nItem, nSubItem, buffer, BUFFER_LEN); out.set_string(pfc::stringcvt::string_utf8_from_os(buffer)); }
static void fix_ampersand(const char * src,pfc::string_base & out) { unsigned ptr = 0; while(src[ptr]) { if (src[ptr]=='&') { out.add_string("&&"); ptr++; while(src[ptr]=='&') { out.add_string("&&"); ptr++; } } else out.add_byte(src[ptr++]); } }
void ui_extension::menu_hook_impl::fix_ampersand(const char * src,pfc::string_base & out) { unsigned ptr = 0; while(src[ptr]) { if (src[ptr]=='&') { out.add_string("&&"); ptr++; while(src[ptr]=='&') { out.add_string("&&"); ptr++; } } else out.add_byte(src[ptr++]); } }
bool metadb_handle::format_title_legacy(titleformat_hook * p_hook,pfc::string_base & p_out,const char * p_spec,titleformat_text_filter * p_filter) { service_ptr_t<titleformat_object> script; if (static_api_ptr_t<titleformat_compiler>()->compile(script,p_spec)) { return format_title(p_hook,p_out,script,p_filter); } else { p_out.reset(); return false; } }
void file_info::meta_format_entry(t_size index, pfc::string_base & out, const char * separator) const { out.reset(); t_size val, count = meta_enum_value_count(index); PFC_ASSERT( count > 0); for(val=0; val<count; val++) { if (val > 0) out += separator; out += meta_enum_value(index,val); } }
void foobar2000_io::generate_temp_location_for_file(pfc::string_base & p_out, const char * p_origpath,const char * p_extension,const char * p_magic) { hasher_md5_result hash; { static_api_ptr_t<hasher_md5> hasher; hasher_md5_state state; hasher->initialize(state); hasher->process(state,p_origpath,strlen(p_origpath)); hasher->process(state,p_extension,strlen(p_extension)); hasher->process(state,p_magic,strlen(p_magic)); hash = hasher->get_result(state); } p_out = p_origpath; p_out.truncate(p_out.scan_filename()); p_out += "temp-"; p_out += pfc::format_hexdump(hash.m_data,sizeof(hash.m_data),""); p_out += "."; p_out += p_extension; }
void pfc::winPrefixPath(pfc::string_base & out, const char * p_path) { const char * prepend_header = "\\\\?\\"; const char * prepend_header_net = "\\\\?\\UNC\\"; if (pfc::strcmp_partial( p_path, prepend_header ) == 0) { out = p_path; return; } out.reset(); if (pfc::strcmp_partial(p_path,"\\\\") != 0) { out << prepend_header << p_path; } else { out << prepend_header_net << (p_path+2); } };
bool __contextpath_from_guid_recur(contextmenu_item_node * p_node, const GUID & p_subcommand, pfc::string_base & p_out, bool b_short, bool b_root) { if (p_node) { if (p_node->get_type() == contextmenu_item_node::TYPE_POPUP) { pfc::string8 subname, temp = p_out; unsigned dummy; p_node->get_display_data(subname, dummy, metadb_handle_list(), contextmenu_item::caller_keyboard_shortcut_list); if (temp.get_length() && temp.get_ptr()[temp.get_length() - 1] != '/') temp.add_byte('/'); temp << subname; unsigned child, child_count = p_node->get_children_count(); for (child = 0; child<child_count; child++) { contextmenu_item_node * p_child = p_node->get_child(child); if (__contextpath_from_guid_recur(p_child, p_subcommand, temp, b_short, false)) { p_out = temp; return true; } } } else if (p_node->get_type() == contextmenu_item_node::TYPE_COMMAND && !b_root) { if (p_node->get_guid() == p_subcommand) { pfc::string8 subname; unsigned dummy; p_node->get_display_data(subname, dummy, metadb_handle_list(), contextmenu_item::caller_keyboard_shortcut_list); if (!b_short) p_out.add_byte('/'); else p_out.reset(); p_out.add_string(subname); return true; } } } return false; }
void toolbar_extension::button::get_short_name(pfc::string_base & p_out) //tooltip { p_out.reset(); if (m_type == TYPE_BUTTON) uie::custom_button::g_button_get_name(m_guid, p_out); else if (m_type == TYPE_SEPARATOR) p_out = "Separator"; else if (m_type == TYPE_MENU_ITEM_MAIN) menu_helpers::mainpath_from_guid(m_guid, m_subcommand, p_out, true); else menu_helpers::contextpath_from_guid(m_guid, m_subcommand, p_out, true); }
void double_to_string(double blah, pfc::string_base & p_out, int points = 10, bool ms = true) { int decimal, sign; pfc::array_t<char> buffer; buffer.set_size(_CVTBUFSIZE); buffer.fill_null(); _fcvt_s(buffer.get_ptr(), buffer.get_size(), blah*(ms ? 1000.0 : 1.0), points, &decimal, &sign); const char * ptr = buffer.get_ptr(); if (decimal <= 0) { p_out.add_string("0.",2); while (decimal) { p_out.add_byte('0'); decimal ++; } p_out.add_string(ptr, pfc_infinite); } else { p_out.add_string(ptr, decimal); p_out.add_string(".",1); ptr += decimal; p_out.add_string(ptr,pfc_infinite); } }