void PHPFileLayoutTree::BuildTree(wxTreeItemId parentTreeItem, PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t entity) { int imgID = GetImageId(entity); wxTreeItemId parent = AppendItem(parentTreeItem, entity->GetDisplayName(), imgID, imgID, new QItemData(entity)); // dont add the children of the function (i.e. function arguments) if(entity->Is(kEntityTypeFunction)) return; const PHPEntityBase::List_t& children = entity->GetChildren(); if(!children.empty()) { PHPEntityBase::List_t::const_iterator iter = children.begin(); for(; iter != children.end(); ++iter) { BuildTree(parent, *iter); } } }
void PHPCodeCompletion::GetMembers(IEditor* editor, PHPEntityBase::List_t& members, wxString& scope) { members.clear(); scope.clear(); if(!editor) { return; } // Parse until the current position to get the current scope name { wxString text = editor->GetTextRange(0, editor->GetCurrentPosition()); PHPSourceFile sourceFile(text); sourceFile.SetParseFunctionBody(true); sourceFile.SetFilename(editor->GetFileName()); sourceFile.Parse(); const PHPEntityClass* scopeAtPoint = sourceFile.Class()->Cast<PHPEntityClass>(); if(!scopeAtPoint) { return; } scope = scopeAtPoint->GetFullName(); } // Second parse: parse the entire buffer so we are not limited by the caret position wxString text = editor->GetTextRange(0, editor->GetLength()); PHPSourceFile sourceFile(text); sourceFile.SetParseFunctionBody(true); sourceFile.SetFilename(editor->GetFileName()); sourceFile.Parse(); // Locate the scope PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t parentClass = sourceFile.Namespace()->FindChild(scope); if(!parentClass) return; // filter out const PHPEntityBase::List_t& children = parentClass->GetChildren(); PHPEntityBase::List_t::const_iterator iter = children.begin(); for(; iter != children.end(); ++iter) { PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t child = *iter; if(child->Is(kEntityTypeVariable) && child->Cast<PHPEntityVariable>()->IsMember() && !child->Cast<PHPEntityVariable>()->IsConst() && !child->Cast<PHPEntityVariable>()->IsStatic()) { // a member of a class members.push_back(child); } } }
void PHPCodeCompletion::OnInsertDoxyBlock(clCodeCompletionEvent& e) { e.Skip(); // Do we have a workspace open? CHECK_COND_RET(PHPWorkspace::Get()->IsOpen()); // Sanity IEditor* editor = dynamic_cast<IEditor*>(e.GetEditor()); CHECK_PTR_RET(editor); // Is this a PHP editor? CHECK_COND_RET(IsPHPFile(editor)); // Get the text from the caret current position // until the end of file wxString unsavedBuffer = editor->GetTextRange(editor->GetCurrentPosition(), editor->GetLength()); unsavedBuffer.Trim().Trim(false); PHPSourceFile source("<?php " + unsavedBuffer); source.SetParseFunctionBody(false); source.Parse(); PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t ns = source.Namespace(); if(ns) { const PHPEntityBase::List_t& children = ns->GetChildren(); for(PHPEntityBase::List_t::const_iterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t match = *iter; if(match->GetLine() == 0 && match->Is(kEntityTypeFunction)) { e.Skip(false); // notify codelite to stop processing this event wxString phpdoc = match->FormatPhpDoc(); phpdoc.Trim(); e.SetTooltip(phpdoc); } } } }
void PHPExpression::Suggest(PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t resolved, PHPLookupTable& lookup, PHPEntityBase::List_t& matches) { // sanity if(!resolved) return; PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t currentScope = GetSourceFile()->CurrentScope(); // GetCount() == 0 && !GetFilter().IsEmpty() i.e. a word completion is required. // We enhance the list with the following: // - PHP keywords // - Global functions // - Global constants // - Function arguments // - Local variables (of the current scope) // - And aliases e.g. 'use foo\bar as Bar;' if(GetCount() == 0 && !GetFilter().IsEmpty()) { // For functions and constants, PHP will fall back to global functions or constants if a // namespaced function or constant does not exist. PHPEntityBase::List_t globals = lookup.FindGlobalFunctionAndConsts(PHPLookupTable::kLookupFlags_Contains, GetFilter()); matches.insert(matches.end(), globals.begin(), globals.end()); if(currentScope && (currentScope->Is(kEntityTypeFunction) || currentScope->Is(kEntityTypeNamespace))) { // If the current scope is a function // add the local variables + function arguments to the current list of matches const PHPEntityBase::List_t& children = currentScope->GetChildren(); PHPEntityBase::List_t::const_iterator iter = children.begin(); for(; iter != children.end(); ++iter) { PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t child = *iter; if(child->Is(kEntityTypeVariable) && child->GetShortName().Contains(GetFilter()) && child->GetShortName() != GetFilter()) { matches.push_back(child); } } } { // Add aliases PHPEntityBase::List_t aliases = GetSourceFile()->GetAliases(); PHPEntityBase::List_t::iterator iter = aliases.begin(); for(; iter != aliases.end(); ++iter) { if((*iter)->GetShortName().Contains(GetFilter())) { matches.push_back(*iter); } } } { // Add $this incase we are inside a class (but only if '$this' contains the filter string) wxString lcFilter = GetFilter().Lower(); if(GetSourceFile()->Class() && wxString("$this").Contains(lcFilter)) { PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t thiz(new PHPEntityVariable()); thiz->SetFullName("$this"); thiz->SetShortName("$this"); thiz->SetFilename(currentScope->GetFilename()); matches.push_back(thiz); } } } // Add the scoped matches // for the code completion size_t flags = PHPLookupTable::kLookupFlags_Contains | GetLookupFlags(); if(resolved->Is(kEntityTypeClass)) { if(resolved->Cast<PHPEntityClass>()->IsInterface() || resolved->Cast<PHPEntityClass>()->IsAbstractClass()) { flags |= PHPLookupTable::kLookupFlags_IncludeAbstractMethods; } } PHPEntityBase::List_t scopeChildren = lookup.FindChildren(resolved->GetDbId(), flags, GetFilter()); matches.insert(matches.end(), scopeChildren.begin(), scopeChildren.end()); // Incase the resolved is a namespace, suggest all children namespaces if(resolved->Is(kEntityTypeNamespace)) { PHPEntityBase::List_t namespaces = lookup.FindNamespaces(resolved->GetFullName(), GetFilter()); matches.insert(matches.end(), namespaces.begin(), namespaces.end()); } // and make the list unique DoMakeUnique(matches); }