コード例 #1
void RadarHackBlocker::RT_ProcessOnTick ( float const curtime )
	ProcessFilter::HumanAtLeastConnectedOrBot const filter_class;

	for( PlayerHandler::const_iterator ph ( &filter_class ); ph != PlayerHandler::end (); ph += &filter_class )
		int const index ( ph.GetIndex () );

		ClientRadarData * pData ( GetPlayerDataStructByIndex ( index ) );

		if( pData->m_last_spotted_status )
			RT_UpdatePlayerData ( *ph );
			RT_ProcessEntity ( ph->GetEdict () );
			if( curtime > m_next_process )
				RT_UpdatePlayerData ( *ph );
				RT_ProcessEntity ( ph->GetEdict () );

	if( curtime > m_next_process )
		m_next_process = curtime + 2.0f;
コード例 #2
void OnGroundHookListener::HookOnGround ( PlayerHandler::const_iterator ph )
	Assert ( Helpers::isValidEdict ( ph->GetEdict () ) );
	void* unk ( ph->GetEdict ()->m_pUnk );

	HookInfo info ( unk, ConfigManager::GetInstance ()->vfid_mhgroundentity, ( DWORD ) RT_nNetworkStateChanged_m_hGroundEntity );
	HookGuard<OnGroundHookListener>::GetInstance ()->VirtualTableHook ( info );
コード例 #3
void WeaponHookListener::HookWeapon ( PlayerHandler::const_iterator ph )
	LoggerAssert ( Helpers::isValidEdict ( ph->GetEdict () ) );
	void* unk ( ph->GetEdict ()->m_pUnk );

	HookInfo info_equip ( unk, ConfigManager::GetInstance ()->vfid_weaponequip, ( DWORD ) RT_nWeapon_Equip );
	HookInfo info_drop ( unk, ConfigManager::GetInstance ()->vfid_weapondrop, ( DWORD ) RT_nWeapon_Drop );
	HookGuard<WeaponHookListener>::GetInstance ()->VirtualTableHook ( info_equip );
	HookGuard<WeaponHookListener>::GetInstance ()->VirtualTableHook ( info_drop );
コード例 #4
ファイル: plugin.cpp プロジェクト: askovpen/NoCheatZ-4
// Purpose: called when the plugin is unpaused (i.e should start executing again)
void CNoCheatZPlugin::UnPause ( void )
	GlobalTimer::GetInstance ()->EnterSection ();

	Logger::GetInstance ()->Msg<MSG_CONSOLE> ( "Unpausing ..." );
	BaseSystem::InitSystems ();
	BanRequest::GetInstance ()->Init ();

	NczPlayerManager::GetInstance ()->LoadPlayerManager (); // Mark any present player as PLAYER_CONNECTED

	SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::Call_ServerExecute ();
	SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::Call_ServerCommand ( "exec nocheatz.cfg\n" );
	SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::Call_ServerExecute ();

	for( int i ( 1 ); i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i )
		PlayerHandler::const_iterator ph ( NczPlayerManager::GetInstance ()->GetPlayerHandlerByIndex ( i ) );
		if( ph >= SlotStatus::BOT )
			HookEntity ( ph->GetEdict () );
			WeaponHookListener::HookWeapon ( ph );

			if( ph >= SlotStatus::PLAYER_CONNECTED )
				HookBasePlayer ( ph );
	BaseSystem::ManageSystems ();

	Logger::GetInstance ()->Msg<MSG_CHAT> ( "Plugin unpaused" );
コード例 #5
void RadarHackBlocker::RT_ThinkPostCallback ( SourceSdk::edict_t const * const pent )
	ProcessFilter::HumanAtLeastConnectedOrBot const filter_class;

	for( PlayerHandler::const_iterator ph ( &filter_class ); ph != PlayerHandler::end (); ph += &filter_class )
		int const index ( ph.GetIndex () );
		ClientRadarData * pData ( GetPlayerDataStructByIndex ( index ) );
		if( pData->m_last_spotted_status != m_players_spotted[ index ] )
			pData->m_last_spotted_status = m_players_spotted[ index ];

			if( pData->m_last_spotted_status )
				RT_UpdatePlayerData ( *ph );
				RT_ProcessEntity ( ph->GetEdict () );
				//pData->m_next_update = curtime + 1.0f;
コード例 #6
ファイル: plugin.cpp プロジェクト: askovpen/NoCheatZ-4
// Purpose: called when a client spawns into a server (i.e as they begin to play)
void CNoCheatZPlugin::ClientActive ( SourceSdk::edict_t *pEntity )
	DebugMessage ( Helpers::format ( "CNoCheatZPlugin::ClientActive (%X -> %s)", pEntity, pEntity->GetClassName () ) );

	NczPlayerManager::GetInstance ()->ClientActive ( pEntity );

	PlayerHandler::const_iterator ph ( NczPlayerManager::GetInstance ()->GetPlayerHandlerByEdict ( pEntity ) );
	if( ph >= SlotStatus::PLAYER_CONNECTED ) HookBasePlayer ( ph );
	if( ph >= SlotStatus::BOT )
		WeaponHookListener::HookWeapon ( ph );
		HookEntity ( ph->GetEdict () );

	ProcessFilter::HumanAtLeastConnected filter_class;
	if( NczPlayerManager::GetInstance ()->GetPlayerCount ( &filter_class ) == 1 ) AutoTVRecord::GetInstance ()->SpawnTV ();
コード例 #7
PlayerHandler::const_iterator NczPlayerManager::GetPlayerHandlerByBasePlayer ( void * const BasePlayer ) const
	SourceSdk::edict_t * tEdict;
	for( PlayerHandler::const_iterator it ( PlayerHandler::begin () ); it != PlayerHandler::end (); ++it )
		if( it )
			tEdict = it->GetEdict ();
			if( Helpers::isValidEdict ( tEdict ) )
				if( tEdict->GetUnknown () == BasePlayer ) return it;

	return PlayerHandler::end ();
コード例 #8
ファイル: plugin.cpp プロジェクト: askovpen/NoCheatZ-4
// Purpose: called when the plugin is loaded, load the interface we need from the engine
bool CNoCheatZPlugin::Load ( SourceSdk::CreateInterfaceFn _interfaceFactory, SourceSdk::CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory )
	GlobalTimer::GetInstance ()->EnterSection ();

	Logger::GetInstance ()->Msg<MSG_CONSOLE> ( "Loading ..." );

	if( !SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::Load ( gameServerFactory, _interfaceFactory ) )
		Logger::GetInstance ()->Msg<MSG_ERROR> ( "SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::Load failed" );
		return false;

	void* pinstance ( SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::ICvar_FindVar ( "nocheatz_instance" ) );
	if( pinstance )
		if( SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::ConVar_GetBool ( pinstance ) )
			Logger::GetInstance ()->Msg<MSG_ERROR> ( "CNoCheatZPlugin already loaded" );
			m_bAlreadyLoaded = true;
			return false;
		Assert ( "Error when testing for multiple instances" && 0 );

	if( !ConfigManager::GetInstance ()->LoadConfig () )
		Logger::GetInstance ()->Msg<MSG_ERROR> ( "ConfigManager::LoadConfig failed" );
		return false;

	if( SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::m_game == SourceSdk::CounterStrikeGlobalOffensive )
		ncz_cmd_ptr = new SourceSdk::ConCommand_csgo ( "ncz", BaseSystem::ncz_cmd_fn, "NoCheatZ", FCVAR_DONTRECORD | 1 << 18 );
		nocheatz_instance = new SourceSdk::ConVar_csgo ( "nocheatz_instance", "0", FCVAR_DONTRECORD | 1 << 18 );

		SourceSdk::ConVar_Register_csgo ( 0 );
		// Fix IServerPluginCallbacks vtable, because CSGO added ClientFullyConnect in the middle ...
		DWORD* vtable ( IFACE_PTR ( this ) );

		int id ( 10 );
		int const max_id ( 19 );
			MoveVirtualFunction ( &vtable[ id + 1 ], &vtable[ id ] );
		while( ++id != max_id );

		ncz_cmd_ptr = new SourceSdk::ConCommand ( "ncz", BaseSystem::ncz_cmd_fn, "NoCheatZ", FCVAR_DONTRECORD );
		nocheatz_instance = new SourceSdk::ConVar ( "nocheatz_instance", "0", FCVAR_DONTRECORD );

		SourceSdk::ConVar_Register ( 0 );

	UserMessageHookListener::HookUserMessage ();

	BaseSystem::InitSystems ();
	BanRequest::GetInstance ()->Init ();

	NczPlayerManager::GetInstance ()->LoadPlayerManager (); // Mark any present player as PLAYER_CONNECTED

	SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::Call_ServerExecute ();
	SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::Call_ServerCommand ( "exec nocheatz.cfg\n" );
	SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::Call_ServerExecute ();

	for( int i ( 1 ); i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i )
		PlayerHandler::const_iterator ph ( NczPlayerManager::GetInstance ()->GetPlayerHandlerByIndex ( i ) );
		if( ph >= SlotStatus::BOT )
			HookEntity ( ph->GetEdict () );
			WeaponHookListener::HookWeapon ( ph );

			if( ph >= SlotStatus::PLAYER_CONNECTED )
				HookBasePlayer ( ph );
	BaseSystem::ManageSystems ();

	SourceSdk::InterfacesProxy::ConVar_SetValue<bool> ( nocheatz_instance, true );

	Logger::GetInstance ()->Msg<MSG_CHAT> ( "Loaded" );

	return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: EyeAnglesTester.cpp プロジェクト: L-EARN/NoCheatZ-4
PlayerRunCommandRet EyeAnglesTester::RT_PlayerRunCommandCallback ( PlayerHandler::const_iterator ph, void * const pCmd, void * const old_cmd )
	int const * const flags ( EntityProps::GetInstance ()->GetPropValue<int, PROP_FLAGS> ( ph->GetEdict () ) );

		FL_FROZEN			(1 << 5)
		FL_ATCONTROLS		(1 << 6)
	if( *flags & ( 3 << 5 ) ) return PlayerRunCommandRet::CONTINUE;

	PlayerRunCommandRet drop_cmd ( PlayerRunCommandRet::CONTINUE );

	EyeAngleInfoT* playerData ( GetPlayerDataStructByIndex ( ph.GetIndex () ) );
	playerData->x.abs_value = fabs ( playerData->x.value = static_cast< SourceSdk::CUserCmd_csgo* >( pCmd )->viewangles.x );
	playerData->y.abs_value = fabs ( playerData->y.value = static_cast< SourceSdk::CUserCmd_csgo* >( pCmd )->viewangles.y );
	playerData->z.abs_value = fabs ( playerData->z.value = static_cast< SourceSdk::CUserCmd_csgo* >( pCmd )->viewangles.z );

	if( playerData->x.abs_value > 89.0f || playerData->z.abs_value > 1.0f || playerData->y.abs_value > 180.0f )
		if( playerData->ignore_last ) --( playerData->ignore_last );
		else drop_cmd = PlayerRunCommandRet::INERT;

	if( drop_cmd > PlayerRunCommandRet::CONTINUE )
		if( playerData->x.abs_value > 89.0f )
			if( playerData->x.lastDetectionPrintTime + ANTIFLOOD_LOGGING_TIME < Plat_FloatTime () )
				playerData->x.lastDetectionPrintTime = Plat_FloatTime ();

				Detection_EyeAngleX pDetection;
				pDetection.PrepareDetectionData ( playerData );
				pDetection.PrepareDetectionLog ( *ph, this );
				pDetection.Log ();
		if( playerData->y.abs_value > 180.0f )
			if( playerData->y.lastDetectionPrintTime + ANTIFLOOD_LOGGING_TIME < Plat_FloatTime () )
				playerData->y.lastDetectionPrintTime = Plat_FloatTime ();

				Detection_EyeAngleY pDetection;
				pDetection.PrepareDetectionData ( playerData );
				pDetection.PrepareDetectionLog ( *ph, this );
				pDetection.Log ();
		if( playerData->z.abs_value > 1.0f )
			if( playerData->z.lastDetectionPrintTime + ANTIFLOOD_LOGGING_TIME < Plat_FloatTime () )
				playerData->z.lastDetectionPrintTime = Plat_FloatTime ();

				Detection_EyeAngleZ pDetection;
				pDetection.PrepareDetectionData ( playerData );
				pDetection.PrepareDetectionLog ( *ph, this );
				pDetection.Log ();

		BanRequest::GetInstance ()->AddAsyncBan ( *ph, 0, "Banned by NoCheatZ 4" );
	return drop_cmd;