void _setOptions(po::options_description &desc, po::positional_options_description &p) { po::options_description usage("Usage: DistributedNucleatingAssembly <options> [[--contig-file contigs.fa] [[--input-file input.fq ...]\n\tNote: --contig-file and --input-file can be specified either as a positional argument or within the options"); p.add("contig-file", 1); p.add("input-file", -1); desc.add(usage); po::options_description opts("DistributedNucleatingAssembly Options"); opts.add_options() ("max-iterations", po::value<int>()->default_value(maxIterations), "the maximum number of rounds to extend the set of contigs") ("max-contigs-per-batch", po::value<int>()->default_value(maxContigsPerBatch), "the maximum number of assemblies (per mpi) to gather reads and execute per batch") ("max-contig-length", po::value<int>()->default_value(maxContigLength), "the maximum size of a contig to continue extending"); desc.add(opts); MatcherInterfaceOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); KmerMatchOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); KmerBaseOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); KmerSpectrumOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); VmatchOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); ContigExtenderBaseOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); NewblerOptions::_setOptions(desc, p); Cap3Options::_setOptions(desc,p); MPIOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); FilterKnownOdditiesOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); GeneralOptions::_setOptions(desc,p); };
void InitOptions(po::options_description& opts, po::positional_options_description&) override { opts.add_options() ("home", po::value<std::string>()->required(), "home directory") ("proxy,p", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("localhost"), "proxy host") ; po::options_description indexerOpts("Lister options"); indexerOpts.add_options() ("verbose,v", "use verbose mode") ("chunk-size", po::value<size_t>(), "custom chunk size") ; opts.add(indexerOpts); }
void InitOptions(po::options_description& opts, po::positional_options_description&) override { opts.add_options() ("path,p", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("."), "path to a root directory") ("index,i", po::value<std::string>()->required(), "index path prefix") ; po::options_description listerOpts("Lister options"); listerOpts.add_options() ("verbose,v", "use verbose mode") ("recursive,r", po::value<bool>()->default_value(true), "traverse recursively") ("hidden", "do not ignore hidden directories/files") ("max-depth", po::value<int>()->default_value(-1), "max recursion depth") ; opts.add(listerOpts); }
void _setOptions(po::options_description &desc, po::positional_options_description &p) { // override the default output format! // set options specific to this program p.add("input-file", -1); po::options_description opts("Fastq to Fasta Options"); opts.add_options() ("split-pairs", po::value<bool>()->default_value(splitPairs), "if set, pairs will be directed into separate files") ("split-size-mbase", po::value<int>()->default_value(splitSizeMbase), "maximum size of output fastas. requires --output-file"); desc.add(opts); GeneralOptions::getOptions()._setOptions(desc, p); }
void _setOptions(po::options_description &desc, po::positional_options_description &p) { p.add("output-bam", 1); p.add("input-bams", -1); po::options_description opts("BamSort-P <options> output.bam input.bam [...]\n\nOptions"); opts.add_options() ("output-bam", po::value<std::string>()) ("input-bams", po::value<FileListType>()) ("unmapped-read-pairs", po::value<std::string>()->default_value(unmappedReadPairs), "gzipped file to place unmapped read Pairs Fastqs (can be same as --unmapped-reads)") ("unmapped-reads", po::value<std::string>()->default_value(unmappedReads), "gzipped file to place unmapped reads Fastqs (can be same as --unmapped-read-pairs)") ("keep-unmapped-paired-read", po::value<bool>()->default_value(keepUnmappedPairedRead), "if unmapped-read-pairs file is specified, keep an unmapped read in the bam if its pair is mapped") ("num-partitions", po::value<int>()->default_value(numPartitions), "The number of alignment-index partitions to merge. Input bams expected to come ordered grouped by in batches of num-partitions where each group has the exact same read counts in the exact same order"); desc.add(opts); GeneralOptions::_setOptions(desc, p); // Other *::_setOptions(desc,p); }
void RandomAccel2D::appendOptions(po::options_description &opts) { // Accepts a config file and common opts PositionGenerator::appendOptions(opts); // Update CLI options po::options_description local_opts; local_opts.add_options() ("sigma-accel,a", po::value<double>(), "Standard deviation of normally-distributed random accelerations") ; opts.add(local_opts); // Return valid keys for (auto &o : local_opts.options()) config_keys_.push_back(o->long_name()); }
po::variables_map LoadConfigurationSettings(int argNumber, char* argsString[], po::options_description& fileConfig) { po::positional_options_description p; p.add("config-file", 1); po::options_description general = getGeneralConfigFileOptions(); po::options_description cmdline= getCMDLineOptions(); fileConfig.add(general).add(BlobTrackerAlgorithmParams::getTrackerOptions()); po::variables_map vm; store(po::command_line_parser(argNumber, argsString).options(cmdline).positional(p).allow_unregistered().run(), vm); notify(vm); std::string configFileName = vm["config-file"].as<std::string>(); std::string path = getPath(configFileName); LoadConfigFileinStore(fileConfig, vm, configFileName); LoadConfigFileinStore(fileConfig, vm, path + vm["filepath-filename"].as<std::string>()); LoadConfigFileinStore(fileConfig, vm, path + vm["tracker-filename"].as<std::string>()); return vm; }
void _setOptions(po::options_description &desc, po::positional_options_description &p) { p.add("kmer-size", 1); p.add("input-file", -1); po::options_description opts("EstimateSize Options"); opts.add_options() ("sample-partitions",po::value<long>()->default_value(samplePartitions),"The number of partitions to break up the file") ("max-sample-fraction", po::value<double>()->default_value(maxSampleFraction), "The maximum amount of data to read") ; desc.add(opts); KmerSpectrumOptions::_setOptions(desc, p); MPIOptions::_setOptions(desc, p); GeneralOptions::_setOptions(desc, p); KmerBaseOptions::_setOptions(desc, p); KmerSpectrumOptions::_setOptions(desc, p); }
foreach(boost::shared_ptr<po::options_description> x, opts_desc){ visible.add(*x); }
void Recorder::appendOptions(po::options_description &opts) { // Common program options opts.add_options() ("frame-sources,s", po::value< std::vector<std::string> >()->multitoken(), "The names of the FRAME SOURCES that supply images to save to video.") ("position-sources,p", po::value< std::vector<std::string> >()->multitoken(), "The names of the POSITION SOURCES that supply object positions " "to be recorded.") ("config,c", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >()->multitoken(), "Configuration file/key pair.\n" "e.g. 'config.toml mykey'") ; // Update CLI options po::options_description local_opts; local_opts.add_options() ("filename,n", po::value<std::string>(), "The base file name. If not specified, defaults to the SOURCE " "name.") ("folder,f", po::value<std::string>(), "The path to the folder to which the video stream and position " "data will be saved. If not specified, defaults to the " "current directory.") ("date,d", "If specified, YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss_ will be prepended to the " "filename.") ("allow-overwrite,o", "If set and save path matches and existing file, the file will " "be overwritten instead of a incremental numerical index being " "appended to the file name.") ("fourcc,F", po::value<std::string>(), "Four character code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FourCC) used to " "specify the codec used for AVI video compression. Must be specified as " "a 4-character string (see http://www.fourcc.org/codecs.php for " "possible options). Not all valid FOURCC codes will work: it " "must be implemented by the low level writer. Common values are " "'DIVX' or 'H264'. Defaults to 'None' indicating uncompressed " "video.") ("binary-file,b", "Position data will be written as numpy data file (version 1.0) " "instead of JSON. Each position data point occupies a single entry " "in a structured numpy array. Individual position characteristics " "are described in the arrays dtype.") ("concise-file,c", "If set and using JSON file format, indeterminate position data fields " "will not be written e.g. pos_xy will not be written even when " "pos_ok = false. This means that position objects will be of " "variable size depending on the validity of whether a position was " "detected or not, potentially complicating file parsing.") ("interactive", "Start recorder with interactive controls enabled.") ("rpc-endpoint", po::value<std::string>(), "Yield interactive control of the recorder to a remote ZMQ REQ " "socket using an interal REP socket with ZMQ style endpoint " "specifier: '<transport>://<host>:<port>'. For instance, " "'tcp://*:5555' to specify TCP communication on ports 5555.") ; opts.add(local_opts); // Return valid keys for (auto &o : local_opts.options()) config_keys_.push_back(o->long_name()); }