コード例 #1
pointVector get_facetPoints(Polyhedron::Halfedge_handle& heH) {
	Polyhedron::Facet::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator itHDS = heH->facet_begin(); // same as just heH?
	pointVector facetPnts;
	do facetPnts.push_back(itHDS->vertex()->point());
	while (++itHDS != heH->facet_begin());
	return facetPnts;
コード例 #2
// Search whether a facet is touching a certain semantic directly or indirectly through the facets in the list
bool indirectlyTouchingFindSem(std::string findSem,std::set<Polyhedron::Facet_handle>& fhSet) {	
	for (std::set<Polyhedron::Facet_handle>::iterator sfIt=fhSet.begin();sfIt!=fhSet.end();++sfIt) {
		Polyhedron::Facet::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator itHDS = (*sfIt)->facet_begin();
		do	if (itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA == findSem)	return true;		
		while (++itHDS != (*sfIt)->facet_begin());
	return false;
コード例 #3
// Depricated
// Creates a list of coplanar facets with equal semantics
// Returns the combined area (Assumes area has been set)
double coplanarSem(Polyhedron::Facet_handle fh, std::set<Polyhedron::Facet_handle>& fhSet) {
	fhSet.insert(fh);																			// Add to list
	double summedArea = fh->area;																// Get area, assumes precalculated
	Polyhedron::Facet::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator itHDS = fh->facet_begin();	
	do {
		if (is_coplanar(itHDS,true)) {															// Check coplanearity and equal semantics
			if (fhSet.find(itHDS->opposite()->facet())==fhSet.end())							// If new to list
				summedArea += coplanarSem(itHDS->opposite()->facet(),fhSet);					// Recursive search and sum
	} while (++itHDS != fh->facet_begin());
	return summedArea;
コード例 #4
// Creates a List of all connected facets based on sem
void connectedSemFacets(Polyhedron::Facet_handle fh, std::string sem,bool allExceptThisSem, std::set<Polyhedron::Facet_handle>& fhSet, bool checkCoPlanar) {
	if (sem=="-1") sem = fh->semanticBLA;														// Set semantic to input facet sem
	fhSet.insert(fh);																			// Add to list

	Polyhedron::Facet::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator itHDS = fh->facet_begin();				// Loop over the edges
	do {
		if ((itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA==sem ^ allExceptThisSem) &&
				(!checkCoPlanar ||  is_NewelCoplanar(itHDS))){										// If part of sem(s) we're looking for (and coplanar if needed)
			if (fhSet.find(itHDS->opposite()->facet())==fhSet.end())							// If not yet in set
				connectedSemFacets(itHDS->opposite()->facet(),sem,allExceptThisSem,fhSet,checkCoPlanar);// Recursive search
	} while (++itHDS != fh->facet_begin());
コード例 #5
// Remove small triangles with different semantics
void remove_singularSemantics(Polyhedron& exteriorPolyhe) {
	Polyhedron::Facet_iterator exfIt;						// Iterate over exterior faces

	while (true) {
		bool newSemFound = false;
		for (exfIt = exteriorPolyhe.facets_begin(); exfIt != exteriorPolyhe.facets_end(); ++exfIt) {
			if (exfIt->area < SMALL_TRIANGLE_LIMIT) {
				std::map<std::string,double> semCountList;
				std::map<std::string,double>::iterator semCount;
				Polyhedron::Facet::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator itHDS = exfIt->facet_begin();

				double maxArea = 0;
				std::string newSem;
					do {
						if (is_coplanar(itHDS,false)) {
							std::string otherSem = itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA;

							// Compute sum of area

							if (is_coplanar(itHDS->opposite()->next(),true) ||
								is_coplanar(itHDS->opposite()->prev(),true)) {
								semCount = semCountList.find(otherSem);
								if (semCount == semCountList.end())
									semCountList[otherSem] = 1; // Might not be needed
					} while (++itHDS != exfIt->facet_begin());
					for (semCount = semCountList.begin();semCount!=semCountList.end();++semCount) {
						if (semCount->second > maxArea) {
							maxArea = semCount->second;
							newSem = semCount->first;
						} else if (semCount->second == maxArea &&
							newSem = semCount->first;
				if (maxArea > 0 && newSem!=exfIt->semanticBLA) {
					exfIt->semanticBLA = newSem;
					newSemFound = true;
					break;										// Dafuq? is this correct?
		if (!newSemFound) break;								// Really?
コード例 #6
ファイル: WriteCityGML.cpp プロジェクト: ManderYao/PrintX
void groupSemanticFacets(Polyhedron& polyhe,sfsVec& semFacetSetsVector,sfsVec& openSFSVector,std::map<int,std::vector<int>>& openingMap){
	bool skip;
	// Group non-openings
	for (Polyhedron::Facet_iterator fIt=polyhe.facets_begin();fIt!=polyhe.facets_end();++fIt) {
		if (fIt->semanticBLA == "Window" || fIt->semanticBLA == "Door") continue;				// Skip openings
		skip = false;																			// Check of facet has already been processed
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<semFacetSetsVector.size();++i) {
			if (semFacetSetsVector[i].first == fIt->semanticBLA									// Check sem of set
			&& (semFacetSetsVector[i].second.find(fIt)!=semFacetSetsVector[i].second.end())) {	// if in set -> skip
				skip = true;
		if (skip) continue;

		std::set<Polyhedron::Facet_handle> fhSet;
		connectedSemFacets(fIt,fIt->semanticBLA,false,fhSet,false);								// Get list of all (in)directly connected facets
		semFacetSetsVector.push_back(sfsPair(fIt->semanticBLA,fhSet));							// Store connected facet list
	// Group and match openings
	for (Polyhedron::Facet_iterator fIt=polyhe.facets_begin();fIt!=polyhe.facets_end();++fIt) {
		if (!(fIt->semanticBLA == "Window" || fIt->semanticBLA == "Door")) continue;		// Skip non-openings
		skip = false;																		// Check of facet has already been processed
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<openSFSVector.size();++i) {
			if (openSFSVector[i].first == fIt->semanticBLA									// Check sem of set
			&& (openSFSVector[i].second.find(fIt)!=openSFSVector[i].second.end())) {		// if in set -> skip
				skip = true;
		if (skip) continue;

		// Store opening facets
		std::set<Polyhedron::Facet_handle> fhSet;

		// Match/Find Surface containing the opening
		bool found = false;	
		bool setRoof = false;
		Polyhedron::Facet_handle otherFace;
		Polyhedron::Facet::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator itHDS;
		for (std::set<Polyhedron::Facet_handle>::iterator setIt=fhSet.begin();setIt!=fhSet.end();++setIt) {
			itHDS = (*setIt)->facet_begin();				// Loop over the edges
			do {
				if (itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA=="Wall" || itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA=="WallSurface") {
					otherFace = itHDS->opposite()->facet();	// Prefer wall surfaces
					found = true;
				} else if (itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA=="Roof" || itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA=="RoofSurface") {
					otherFace = itHDS->opposite()->facet();	// Prefer wall surfaces
					setRoof = true;
				} else if (!setRoof // Roof is better than other (except wall)
						&& itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA!="Window"
						&& itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA!="Door"
						&& itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA!="Install"
						&& itHDS->opposite()->facet()->semanticBLA!="BuildingInstallation")
					otherFace = itHDS->opposite()->facet();

			} while (++itHDS != (*setIt)->facet_begin());
			if (found) break;			// Break when wall or roof found

		int openingContainer = 0;		// Index of container surface
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<semFacetSetsVector.size();++i) {
			if (semFacetSetsVector[i].first == otherFace->semanticBLA									// Check sem of set
			&& (semFacetSetsVector[i].second.find(otherFace)!=semFacetSetsVector[i].second.end())) {	// if in set -> skip
				openingContainer = i;
		openingMap[openingContainer].push_back(openSFSVector.size()-1); // Add opening reference to container vector