コード例 #1
ファイル: ServerPanel.cpp プロジェクト: bolvarak/ServerPanel
 * @paragraph This method encrypts a data string and returns a map of the key, hash and vector
 * @brief ServerPanel::EncryptEntity
 * @param QString sData
 * @return QVariantMap
QVariantMap ServerPanel::EncryptEntity(QString sData) {
    // Initialize the cryptographer
    QCA::Initializer qiInitialization           = QCA::Initializer();
    // Generate the key
    QCA::SymmetricKey qskKey                    = QCA::SymmetricKey(2048);
    // Generate the vector
    QCA::InitializationVector qivInitialization = QCA::InitializationVector(2048);
    // Create the cipher
    QCA::Cipher qcrCipher                       = QCA::Cipher("aes128", QCA::Cipher::CBC, QCA::Cipher::DefaultPadding, QCA::Encode, qskKey, qivInitialization);
    // Make sure AES128 is supported
    if (!QCA::isSupported("aes128-cbc-pkcs7")) {
        qDebug("AES128 CBC PKCS7 not supported - please check if qca-ossl plugin installed correctly !");
    // Encrypt the data
    QCA::SecureArray qsaHash = qcrCipher.process(QCA::SecureArray(sData.toAscii()));
    // Setup the map to resturn
    QVariantMap qvmReturn;
    // Add the key
    qvmReturn.insert("qbaKey",    qskKey.toByteArray());
    // Add the vector
    qvmReturn.insert("qbaVector", qivInitialization.toByteArray());
    // Add the hash
    qvmReturn.insert("qbaHash",   qsaHash.toByteArray());
    // Return the map
    return qvmReturn;
コード例 #2
ファイル: qcacryptointerface.cpp プロジェクト: czeidler/fejoa
SecureArray QCACryptoInterface::deriveKey(const SecureArray &secret, const QString &kdf, const QString &kdfAlgo, const SecureArray &salt, unsigned int keyLength, unsigned int iterations)
    QCA::SymmetricKey key;
    if (kdf == "pbkdf2") {
        QCA::PBKDF2 keyDerivationFunction(kdfAlgo);
        key = keyDerivationFunction.makeKey(secret, salt, keyLength, iterations);
    return key.toByteArray();
コード例 #3
void QgsAuthCrypto::passwordKeyHash( const QString& pass, QString *salt, QString *hash, QString *cipheriv )
  if ( QgsAuthCrypto::isDisabled() )

  QCA::InitializationVector saltiv = QCA::InitializationVector( KEY_GEN_IV_LENGTH );
  QCA::SymmetricKey key = passwordKey_( pass, saltiv );

  if ( !key.isEmpty() )
    *salt = QCA::arrayToHex( saltiv.toByteArray() );
    qDebug( "salt hex: %s", qPrintable( *salt ) );

    *hash = QCA::arrayToHex( key.toByteArray() );
    qDebug( "hash hex: %s", qPrintable( *hash ) );

    if ( cipheriv )
      *cipheriv = QCA::arrayToHex( QCA::InitializationVector( CIPHER_IV_LENGTH ).toByteArray() );
      qDebug( "cipheriv hex: %s", qPrintable( *cipheriv ) );