コード例 #1
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector computeAllLogLkhd(
	NumericVector observedCases, NumericVector expectedCases, 
	List nearestNeighborsList, int nZones, String logLkhdType) {

	NumericVector allLogLkhd(nZones);
	int nAreas = expectedCases.size(), C = sum(observedCases), 
	N = sum(expectedCases), index = 0;
	int nNeighbors = 0;
	double cz = 0.0, nz = 0.0;

	for (int i = 0; i < nAreas; ++i) {
		cz = 0;
		nz = 0;

		Rcpp::NumericVector nearestNeighbors = nearestNeighborsList[i];
		nNeighbors =  nearestNeighbors.size();

		// For each area's nearest neighbors
		for(int j = 0; j < nNeighbors; ++j) { 
			// Watch off by 1 vector indexing in C as opposed to R
			cz += observedCases[nearestNeighbors[j]-1];
			nz += expectedCases[nearestNeighbors[j]-1];

			if (logLkhdType=="poisson") {
				allLogLkhd[index] = poissonLogLkhd(cz, nz, N, C);
			} else if (logLkhdType == "binomial" ) {
				allLogLkhd[index] = binomialLogLkhd(cz, nz, N, C);
	return allLogLkhd;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ising.cpp プロジェクト: ferasz/STAT215A-1
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector LearnJ(Rcpp::NumericVector x, 
                           Rcpp::NumericVector y,
                           Rcpp::NumericVector extent,
                           Rcpp::NumericVector image_labels){
  assert(x.size() == y.size());
  assert(y.size() == image_labels.size());
  const int size_x = extent[1] - extent[0] + 1;
  const int size_y = extent[3] - extent[2] + 1;
  int x0 = extent[0];
  int y0 = extent[2];
  std::cout << "Size of grid: "<< size_x << " " << size_y << std::endl;
  // Construct the grid of image_labels from the 1D data
  std::vector<std::vector<int> > grid(size_y, std::vector<int>(size_x,0));
  for (int i = 0 ; i < x.size() ; i++){
		int posy = y[i] - y0;
		int posx = x[i] - x0;
    //std::cout << "i: " << i << " x, y: ";
		//std::cout << posy << ", ";
    //std::cout << posx << std::endl;
    grid[posy][posx] = image_labels[i];
  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: eigs_sym.cpp プロジェクト: oldregan/RSpectra
void eigs_sym_shift_c(
    mat_op op, int n, int k, double sigma,
    const spectra_opts *opts, void *data,
    int *nconv, int *niter, int *nops,
    double *evals, double *evecs, int *info

    CRealShift cmat_op(op, n, data);
    Rcpp::List res;
    try {
        res = run_eigs_shift_sym((RealShift*) &cmat_op, n, k, opts->ncv, opts->rule,
                                 sigma, opts->maxitr, opts->tol, opts->retvec != 0);
        *info = 0;
    } catch(...) {
        *info = 1;  // indicates error

    *nconv = Rcpp::as<int>(res["nconv"]);
    *niter = Rcpp::as<int>(res["niter"]);
    *nops  = Rcpp::as<int>(res["nops"]);
    Rcpp::NumericVector val = res["values"];
    std::copy(val.begin(), val.end(), evals);
    if(opts->retvec != 0)
        Rcpp::NumericMatrix vec = res["vectors"];
        std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), evecs);

コード例 #4
SEXP rawSymmetricMatrixToDist(SEXP object)
	Rcpp::S4 rawSymmetric = object;
	Rcpp::NumericVector levels = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("levels"));
	Rcpp::CharacterVector markers = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("markers"));
	Rcpp::RawVector data = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RawVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("data"));
	R_xlen_t size = markers.size(), levelsSize = levels.size();

	Rcpp::NumericVector result(size*(size - 1)/2, 0);
	int counter = 0;
	for(R_xlen_t row = 0; row < size; row++)
		for(R_xlen_t column = row+1; column < size; column++)
			int byte = data(column * (column + (R_xlen_t)1)/(R_xlen_t)2 + row);
			if(byte == 255) result(counter) = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
			else result(counter) = levels(byte);
	result.attr("Size") = (int)size;
	result.attr("Labels") = markers;
	result.attr("Diag") = false;
	result.attr("Upper") = false;
	result.attr("class") = "dist";
	return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: notbayesEstimation.cpp プロジェクト: arcolombo/junk
extern "C" SEXP notbayesEstimation(SEXP Xs, SEXP Ys, SEXP Zs, SEXP Vs) {
Rcpp::NumericVector Xr(Xs);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix Yr(Ys);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix Zr(Zs);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix Vr(Vs);
int n = Yr.nrow(), k = Yr.ncol();
int l = Vr.nrow(), m = Vr.ncol();
arma::mat x(Xr.begin(),n,k,false); //fit2$sigma
arma::mat y(Yr.begin(),n,k,false); //fit2b$stdev.unscaled
arma::mat z(Zr.begin(),1,1,false); //min.variance.factor
arma::mat v(Vr.begin(),l,m,false); //fit2$df.residual

arma::mat sda(n,1);
arma::vec dof(n);
arma::vec sd(n);

sd  = sqrt(  (y%x)%(y%x) + as_scalar(z));
sda = sd/(x%y);
dof = v;
Rcpp::NumericVector Sd = Rcpp::wrap(sd);
Rcpp::NumericVector Sda = Rcpp::wrap(sda);
Rcpp::NumericVector DOF = Rcpp::wrap(dof);
   Sd.names() = Rcpp::List(Yr.attr("dimnames"))[0];
   Sda.names() = Rcpp::List(Yr.attr("dimnames"))[0];
return Rcpp::List::create( Rcpp::Named("SD") = Sd,
                           Rcpp::Named("DOF") =  DOF,
                           Rcpp::Named("sd.alpha") = Sda);
コード例 #6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector randomSample(Rcpp::NumericVector a, int n) {
    // clone a into b to leave a alone
    Rcpp::NumericVector b(n);
    __gnu_cxx::random_sample(a.begin(), a.end(), 
                             b.begin(), b.end(), randWrapper);
    return b;
コード例 #7
void MapTematikQuantile::createMapTematikQuantile()
    Rcpp::NumericVector quantile ;
    QString command;
    try {
        command = QString("q <- quantile(dframe[[\"%1\"]], prob = seq(0, 1, length = (%2 + 1)), type = 7);").arg(var).arg(typeMap);

        quantile =  rconn["q"];
    } catch (...) {


    QList<int> temp[quantile.size()-1];

    for(int i=0; i<numvar.size(); i++){
        if(numvar[i] <= quantile[1]){
            for(int j=2; j<quantile.size(); j++){
                if(numvar[i] > quantile[j-1] && numvar[i] <= quantile[j]){

    QList<QList<int> > temp2;
    for(int i=0; i<quantile.size()-1; i++){

    MapTematikConfig* configWidget = new MapTematikConfig(mviewResult,vv,rconn,temp2,var,typeMap.toInt());
    setupResultViewVariableTypeChooser("Quantile Map",var, temp2,quantile,configWidget);
コード例 #8
ファイル: neutral-hotspots.cpp プロジェクト: mpadge/hotspotr
//' rcpp_neutral_hotspots_ntests
//' Performs repeated neutral tests to yield average distributions of both
//' hotspot values and spatial autocorrelation statistics.
//' @param nbs An \code{spdep} \code{nb} object listing all neighbours of each
//' point. 
//' @param wts Weighting factors for each neighbour; must have same length as
//' nbs. 
//' @param nbsi List of matrices as returned from \code{get_nbsi}. each element
//' of which contains the i-th nearest neighbour to each point.
//' @param alpha Strength of spatial autocorrelation
//' @param sd0 Standard deviation of truncated normal distribution used to model
//' environmental variation (with mean of 1)
//' @param nt Number of successive layers of temporal and spatial autocorrelation
//' used to generate final modelled values
//' @param ntests Number of tests used to obtain average values
//' @param ac_type Character string specifying type of aucorrelation
//' (\code{moran}, \code{geary}, or code{getis-ord}).
//' @return A matrix of dimension (size, 2), with first column containing
//' sorted and re-scaled hotspot values, and second column containing sorted and
//' re-scaled spatial autocorrelation statistics.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericMatrix rcpp_neutral_hotspots_ntests (Rcpp::List nbs, 
        Rcpp::List wts, Rcpp::List nbsi, double alpha, double sd0, int niters,
        std::string ac_type, bool log_scale, int ntests)
    const int size = nbs.size ();

    Rcpp::NumericMatrix hs1;
    Rcpp::NumericVector z (size), z1 (size), ac (size), ac1 (size);
    std::fill (ac.begin (), ac.end (), 0.0);
    std::fill (z.begin (), z.end (), 0.0);

    for (int n=0; n<ntests; n++)
        hs1 = rcpp_neutral_hotspots (nbs, wts, nbsi, alpha, sd0, log_scale,
                niters, ac_type);

        z += hs1 (Rcpp::_, 0);
        ac += hs1 (Rcpp::_, 1);

    Rcpp::NumericMatrix result (size, 2);
    result (Rcpp::_, 0) = z / (double) ntests;
    result (Rcpp::_, 1) = ac / (double) ntests;
    Rcpp::colnames (result) = Rcpp::CharacterVector::create ("z", "ac");

    return result;
コード例 #9
    lmResp::lmResp(Rcpp::NumericVector y)
	throw (std::runtime_error)
	: d_y(y), d_weights(y.size(), 1.0), d_offset(y.size()),
	  d_mu(y.size()), d_sqrtrwt(y.size()),
	  d_sqrtXwt(y.size(), 1.0) {
コード例 #10
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericMatrix update_sigma2_batch(Rcpp::S4 xmod){
    Rcpp::RNGScope scope;

    // get model
    Rcpp::S4 model(xmod);

    // get parameter estimates
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix theta = model.slot("theta");
    Rcpp::IntegerVector z = model.slot("z");
    double nu_0 = model.slot("nu.0");
    double sigma2_0 = model.slot("sigma2.0");

    // get data and size attributes
    Rcpp::NumericVector x = model.slot("data");
    int n = x.size();
    int K = theta.ncol();
    int B = theta.nrow();

    //IntegerVector nn = model.slot("zfreq");
    // get batch info
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix tabz = tableBatchZ(xmod);
    Rcpp::IntegerVector batch = model.slot("batch");
    Rcpp::IntegerVector ub = uniqueBatch(batch);
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix ss(B, K);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        for (int b = 0; b < B; ++b) {
            if (batch[i] != ub[b]) {

            for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k){
                if (z[i] == k+1){
                    ss(b, k) += pow(x[i] - theta(b, k), 2);

    //NumericMatrix sigma2_nh(B, K);
    double shape;
    double rate;
    double sigma2_nh;
    double nu_n;
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix sigma2_tilde(B, K);
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix sigma2_(B, K);

    for (int b = 0; b < B; ++b) {
        for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
            nu_n = nu_0 + tabz(b, k);
            sigma2_nh = 1.0/nu_n*(nu_0*sigma2_0 + ss(b, k));
            shape = 0.5 * nu_n;
            rate = shape * sigma2_nh;
            sigma2_tilde(b, k) = Rcpp::as<double>(rgamma(1, shape, 1.0/rate));
            sigma2_(b, k) = 1.0 / sigma2_tilde(b, k);

    return sigma2_;
コード例 #11
ファイル: tpmProdSeqs.cpp プロジェクト: fintzij/BDAepimodel
//' Update eigen values, vectors, and inverse matrices for irms
//' @param tpm_prods array of transition probability matrix products
//' @param tpms array of transition probability matrices
//' @param pop_mat population level bookkeeping matrix
//' @param obstimes vector of observation times
//' @return Updated eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and inverse matrices
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void tpmProdSeqs(Rcpp::NumericVector& tpm_prods, Rcpp::NumericVector& tpms, const Rcpp::IntegerVector obs_time_inds) {

        // Get indices
        int n_obs = obs_time_inds.size();
        Rcpp::IntegerVector tpmDims = tpms.attr("dim");

        // Ensure obs_time_inds starts at 0
        Rcpp::IntegerVector obs_inds = obs_time_inds - 1;

        // Set array pointers
        arma::cube prod_arr(tpm_prods.begin(), tpmDims[0], tpmDims[1], tpmDims[2], false);
        arma::cube tpm_arr(tpms.begin(), tpmDims[0], tpmDims[1], tpmDims[2], false);

        // Generate tpm products and store them in the appropriate spots in the tpm product array
        for(int j = 0; j < (n_obs - 1); ++j) {

                prod_arr.slice(obs_inds[j+1] - 1) = tpm_arr.slice(obs_inds[j+1] - 1);

                for(int k = (obs_inds[j+1] - 2); k > (obs_inds[j] - 1); --k) {

                        prod_arr.slice(k) = tpm_arr.slice(k) * prod_arr.slice(k + 1);

コード例 #12
ファイル: bellman.cpp プロジェクト: cran/rcss
// Bellman recursion using row rearrangement
Rcpp::List Bellman(const arma::mat& grid,
                   Rcpp::NumericVector reward_,
                   const arma::cube& scrap,
                   Rcpp::NumericVector control_,
                   const arma::cube& disturb,
                   const arma::vec& weight) {
  // Passing R objects to C++
  const std::size_t n_grid = grid.n_rows;
  const std::size_t n_dim = grid.n_cols;
  const arma::ivec r_dims = reward_.attr("dim");
  const std::size_t n_pos = r_dims(3);
  const std::size_t n_action = r_dims(2);
  const std::size_t n_dec = r_dims(4) + 1;
  const arma::cube
      reward(reward_.begin(), n_grid, n_dim * n_action * n_pos, n_dec - 1, false);
  const arma::ivec c_dims = control_.attr("dim");
  arma::cube control2;
  arma::imat control;
  bool full_control;
  if (c_dims.n_elem == 3) {
    full_control = false;
    arma::cube temp_control2(control_.begin(), n_pos, n_action, n_pos, false);
    control2 = temp_control2;
  } else {
    full_control = true;
    arma::mat temp_control(control_.begin(), n_pos, n_action, false);
    control = arma::conv_to<arma::imat>::from(temp_control);
  const std::size_t n_disturb = disturb.n_slices;
  // Bellman recursion
  arma::cube value(n_grid, n_dim * n_pos, n_dec);
  arma::cube cont(n_grid, n_dim * n_pos, n_dec - 1, arma::fill::zeros);
  arma::mat d_value(n_grid, n_dim);
  Rcpp::Rcout << "At dec: " << n_dec - 1 << "...";
  for (std::size_t pp = 0; pp < n_pos; pp++) {
    value.slice(n_dec - 1).cols(n_dim * pp, n_dim * (pp + 1) - 1) =
  for (int tt = (n_dec - 2); tt >= 0; tt--) {
    Rcpp::Rcout << tt;
    // Approximating the continuation value
    for (std::size_t pp = 0; pp < n_pos; pp++) {
      cont.slice(tt).cols(n_dim * pp, n_dim * (pp + 1) - 1) =
                   value.slice(tt + 1).cols(pp * n_dim, n_dim * (pp + 1) - 1),
                   disturb, weight);
    Rcpp::Rcout << "..";
    // Optimise value function
    if (full_control) {
      BellmanOptimal(grid, control, value, reward, cont, tt);
    } else {
      BellmanOptimal2(grid, control2, value, reward, cont, tt);
    Rcpp::Rcout << ".";
  return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("value") = value,
                            Rcpp::Named("expected") = cont);
コード例 #13
ファイル: diag.cpp プロジェクト: ramja/TDA-1
// kernel Dist function on a Grid
// [[Rcpp::export]]
KdeDist(const Rcpp::NumericMatrix & X
      , const Rcpp::NumericMatrix & Grid
      , const double                h
      , const Rcpp::NumericVector & weight
      , const bool printProgress
	) {
	const unsigned sampleNum = X.nrow();
	const unsigned dimension = Grid.ncol();
	const unsigned gridNum = Grid.nrow();
	// first = sum K_h(X_i, X_j), second = K_h(x, x), third = sum K_h(x, X_i)
	std::vector< double > firstValue;
	const double second = 1.0;
	std::vector< double > thirdValue;
	double firstmean;
	Rcpp::NumericVector kdeDistValue(gridNum);
	int counter = 0, percentageFloor = 0;
	int totalCount = sampleNum + gridNum;

	if (printProgress) {

	firstValue = computeKernel< std::vector< double > >(
			X, X, h, weight, printProgress, Rprintf, counter, totalCount,

	if (dimension <= 1) {
		thirdValue = computeKernel< std::vector< double > >(
				X, Grid, h, weight, printProgress, Rprintf, counter, totalCount,
	else {
		thirdValue = computeGaussOuter< std::vector< double > >(
				X, Grid, h, weight, printProgress, Rprintf, counter, totalCount,

	if (weight.size() == 1) {
		firstmean = std::accumulate(firstValue.begin(), firstValue.end(), 0.0) / sampleNum;
	else {
		firstmean = std::inner_product(
				firstValue.begin(), firstValue.end(), weight.begin(), 0.0) / 
				std::accumulate(weight.begin(), weight.end(), 0.0);

	for (unsigned gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < gridNum; ++gridIdx) {
		kdeDistValue[gridIdx] = std::sqrt(firstmean + second - 2 * thirdValue[gridIdx]);

	if (printProgress) {

	return kdeDistValue;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Redis.cpp プロジェクト: agstudy/rhiredis
    // redis "set a vector" -- without R serialization, without attributes, ...
    // this is somewhat experimental
    std::string setVector(std::string key, Rcpp::NumericVector x) {

        redisReply *reply = 
            static_cast<redisReply*>(redisCommand(prc_, "SET %s %b", 
                                                  key.c_str(), x.begin(), x.size()*szdb));
        std::string res(reply->str);                                                
コード例 #15
ファイル: respModule.cpp プロジェクト: rforge/lme4
    double lmerResp::updateMu(const Rcpp::NumericVector& gamma) {
	d_mu = d_offset + gamma;
	std::transform(gamma.begin(), gamma.end(), d_offset.begin(),
		       d_mu.begin(), std::plus<double>());
	return updateWrss();
コード例 #16
ファイル: sampler.cpp プロジェクト: bomin8319/SU16
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat rmvnorm_arma(int n,
                  const arma::vec& mu,
                  const arma::mat& Sigma) {
    unsigned int p = Sigma.n_cols;
    Rcpp::NumericVector draw = Rcpp::rnorm(n*p);
    arma::mat Z = arma::mat(draw.begin(), n, p, false, true);
    arma::mat Y = arma::repmat(mu, 1, n).t()+Z * arma::chol(Sigma);
    return Y;
コード例 #17
    glmResp::glmResp(Rcpp::List fam, Rcpp::NumericVector y,
		     Rcpp::NumericVector weights,
		     Rcpp::NumericVector offset,
		     Rcpp::NumericVector n)
	throw (std::runtime_error)
 	: lmResp(y, weights, offset), d_fam(fam), d_n(n),
	  d_eta(y.size()) {
	if (n.size() != y.size())
	    throw std::runtime_error("lengths of y and n must agree");
コード例 #18
// Calculate lk, k=1, ..., M with m0=0;
// where h=(h0, h1, ..., hM) with h0=0 and d=(d0, d1, ..., dM) with d0=0, dM=R_PosInf
void Getlk(Rcpp::NumericVector& lk, const Rcpp::IntegerVector& Mt, int M1, Rcpp::NumericVector d, 
           const Rcpp::NumericVector& t, const Rcpp::NumericVector& Xbeta){
  int n = Mt.size();
  std::fill(lk.begin(), lk.end(), 0);
  for (int k=1; k<M1; ++k){
    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i){
      if(Mt[i]>=k) lk[k] += (std::min(d[k],t[i])-d[k-1])*std::exp(Xbeta[i]);
コード例 #19
ファイル: freqsempiricalC.cpp プロジェクト: carlganz/entropC
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector freqsempiricalC(NumericVector x_) {
  Rcpp::NumericVector x = Rcpp::clone(x_);
  int n=x.length();
  double sum=0;
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
  return x;
コード例 #20
ファイル: svd_cov.cpp プロジェクト: krisrs1128/multitable_emi
// gradient-descent ------------------------------------------------------------
//' @title Regular gradient descent for latent factor model with covariates
//' @param X The ratings matrix. Unobserved entries must be marked NA. Users
//' must be along rows, and tracks must be along columns.
//' @param Z The covariates associated with each pair. This must be shaped as an
//' array with users along rows, tracks along columns, and features along
//' slices.
//' @param k_factors The number of latent factors for the problem.
//' @param lambdas The regularization parameters for P, Q, and beta, respectively.
//' @param n_iter The number of gradient descent iterations to run.
//' @param batch_samples The proportion of the observed entries to sample in the
//' gradient for each factor in the gradient descent.
//' @param batch_factors The proportion of latent factors to update at each
//' iteration.
//' @param gamma The step-size in the gradient descent.
//' @param verbose Print the objective at each iteration of the descent?
//' @return A list with the following elements, \cr
//'   $P The learned user latent factors. \cr
//'   $Q The learned track latent factors. \cr
//'   $beta The learned regression coefficients.
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List svd_cov(Rcpp::NumericMatrix X, Rcpp::NumericVector Z_vec,
		   int k_factors, Rcpp::NumericVector lambdas, int n_iter,
		   double batch_samples, double batch_factors,
		   double gamma_pq, double gamma_beta, bool verbose) {

  // convert to arma
  Rcpp::IntegerVector Z_dim = Z_vec.attr("dim");
  arma::cube Z(Z_vec.begin(), Z_dim[0], Z_dim[1], Z_dim[2], false);

  // initialize results
  int m = X.nrow();
  int n = X.ncol();
  int l = Z_dim[2];

  arma::mat P = 1.0 / sqrt(m) * arma::randn(m, k_factors);
  arma::mat Q = 1.0 / sqrt(n) * arma::randn(n, k_factors);
  arma::vec beta = 1.0 / sqrt(l) * arma::randn(l);
  arma::vec objs = arma::zeros(n_iter);

  // perform gradient descent steps
  for(int cur_iter = 0; cur_iter < n_iter; cur_iter++) {
    // update user factors
    arma::uvec cur_factors = get_batch_ix(m, batch_factors);
    for(int i = 0; i < cur_factors.n_elem; i++) {
      int cur_ix = cur_factors(i);
      P.row(cur_ix) = update_factor(X.row(cur_ix),
				    Z(arma::span(cur_ix), arma::span(), arma::span()),
				    arma::conv_to<arma::vec>::from(P.row(cur_ix)), Q, beta,
				    batch_samples, lambdas[0], gamma_pq).t();

    // update track factors
    cur_factors = get_batch_ix(n, batch_factors);
    for(int j = 0; j < cur_factors.n_elem; j++) {
      int cur_ix = cur_factors(j);
      Q.row(cur_ix) = update_factor(X.column(cur_ix),
				    Z(arma::span(), arma::span(cur_ix), arma::span()),
				    arma::conv_to<arma::vec>::from(Q.row(cur_ix)), P, beta,
				    batch_samples, lambdas[1], gamma_pq).t();

    // update regression coefficients
    beta = update_beta(Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(X), Z, P, Q, beta, lambdas[2], gamma_beta);
    objs[cur_iter] = objective_fun(Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(X), Z, P, Q, beta, lambdas);
    if(verbose) {
      printf("iteration %d \n", cur_iter);
      printf("Objective: %g \n", objs[cur_iter]);

  return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("P") = P,
			    Rcpp::Named("Q") = Q,
			    Rcpp::Named("beta") = beta,
			    Rcpp::Named("objs") = objs);
コード例 #21
ファイル: Redis.cpp プロジェクト: agstudy/rhiredis
    // redis "prepend to list" -- without R serialization
    // as above: pure vector, no attributes, ...
    std::string listLPush(std::string key, Rcpp::NumericVector x) {
        // uses binary protocol, see hiredis doc at github
        redisReply *reply = 
            static_cast<redisReply*>(redisCommand(prc_, "LPUSH %s %b", 
                                                  key.c_str(), x.begin(), x.size()*szdb));

        //std::string res(reply->str);                                                
        std::string res = "";
コード例 #22
ファイル: RcppConv.cpp プロジェクト: bnaras/cvxr
// [[Rcpp::export(.cpp_convolve)]]
Rcpp::NumericVector cpp_convolve(Rcpp::NumericVector xa, Rcpp::NumericVector xb) {
  int n_xa = xa.size(), n_xb = xb.size();
  Rcpp::NumericVector xab(n_xa + n_xb - 1);
  typedef Rcpp::NumericVector::iterator vec_iterator;
  vec_iterator ia = xa.begin(), ib = xb.begin();
  vec_iterator iab = xab.begin();
  for (int i = 0; i < n_xa; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < n_xb; j++)
      iab[i + j] += ia[i] * ib[j];
  return xab;
コード例 #23
    glmResp::glmResp(Rcpp::List fam, Rcpp::NumericVector y,
		     Rcpp::NumericVector weights,
		     Rcpp::NumericVector offset,
		     Rcpp::NumericVector n, Rcpp::NumericVector eta)
	throw (std::runtime_error) 
	: lmResp(y, weights, offset), d_fam(fam), d_n(n),
	  d_eta(eta) {
	int nn = y.size();
	if (n.size() != nn || eta.size() != nn )
	    throw std::runtime_error(
		"lengths of y, n and eta must agree");
コード例 #24
//Returns the value of any((object@data >= length(object@levels)) & object@data != as.raw(255))
SEXP checkRawSymmetricMatrix(SEXP rawSymmetric_)
	Rcpp::S4 rawSymmetric = rawSymmetric_;
	Rcpp::NumericVector levels = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("levels"));
	Rcpp::RawVector data = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RawVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("data"));
	R_xlen_t size = data.size(), levelsSize = levels.size();
	for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
		if(data[i] >= levelsSize && data[i] != 0xff) return Rcpp::wrap(true);
	return Rcpp::wrap(false);
コード例 #25
ファイル: freqs.shrink.cpp プロジェクト: carlganz/entropC
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector freqsshrinkC(NumericVector y_,double lambda) {
  Rcpp::NumericVector y = Rcpp::clone(y_);
  int m=y.length();
  double n=0;
  for (int i=0;i<m;i++) {

NumericVector add(m,lambda/m);

  return y;
コード例 #26
    // Returns the linear predictor from the full step
    densePred::gamma(const Rcpp::NumericVector& xwts,
		     const Rcpp::NumericVector& wtres)
	throw (std::runtime_error) {
	int n = d_X.nrow();
	if (xwts.size() != n || wtres.size() != n)
		std::runtime_error("length(xwts) or length(wtres) != nrow(X)");
	arma::vec a_xwts = arma::vec(xwts.begin(), n, false, true),
	    a_wtres = arma::vec(wtres.begin(), n, false, true);
	arma::vec tmp = solve(diagmat(a_xwts) * a_X, a_wtres);
	std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), a_delta.begin());
	d_coef = d_coef0 + d_delta;
	return NumericVector(wrap(a_X * a_coef));
コード例 #27
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List worstcase_l1(Rcpp::NumericVector z, Rcpp::NumericVector q, double t){
    // resulting probability
    craam::numvec p;
    // resulting objective value
    double objective;

    craam::numvec vz(z.begin(), z.end()), vq(q.begin(), q.end());
    std::tie(p,objective) = craam::worstcase_l1(vz,vq,t);

    Rcpp::List result;
    result["p"] = Rcpp::NumericVector(p.cbegin(), p.cend());
    result["obj"] = objective;

    return result;
コード例 #28
ファイル: hfunc.cpp プロジェクト: cran/kdecopula
//' Evaluate an h-function corresponding to a copula density estimate
//' @param uev mx2 matrix of evaluation points
//' @param cond_var either 1 or 2; the variable to condition on.
//' @param vals matrix of density estimate evaluated on a kxk grid.
//' @param grid the grid points (1-dim) on which vals has been computed.
//' @return H-function estimate evaluated at uev.
//' @noRd
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector eval_hfunc_2d(const Rcpp::NumericMatrix& uev,
                                  const int& cond_var, 
                                  const Rcpp::NumericMatrix& vals,
                                  const Rcpp::NumericVector& grid) 
    int N = uev.nrow();
    int m = grid.size();
    NumericVector tmpvals(m), out(N), tmpa(4), tmpb(4);
    NumericMatrix tmpgrid(m, 2);
    double upr = 0.0;
    double tmpint, int1; 
    tmpint = 0.0;
    for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
        if (cond_var == 1) {
            upr = uev(n, 1);
            tmpgrid(_, 0) = rep(uev(n, 0), m);
            tmpgrid(_, 1) = grid;
        } else if (cond_var == 2) {
            upr = uev(n, 0);
            tmpgrid(_, 0) = grid;
            tmpgrid(_, 1) = rep(uev(n, 1), m);
        tmpvals = interp_2d(tmpgrid, vals, grid, tmpa, tmpb);
        tmpint = int_on_grid(upr, tmpvals, grid);
        int1 =  int_on_grid(1.0, tmpvals, grid);
        out[n] = tmpint/int1;
        out[n] = fmax(out[n], 1e-10);
        out[n] = fmin(out[n], 1-1e-10);
    return out;
コード例 #29
//' Construct a copula using uniform sampling from the unit simplex
//' Given two families of parallel hyperplanes intersecting the canonical simplex, this function uniformly samples from the canonical simplex and construct an approximation of the bivariate probability distribution, called copula.
//' @param h1 A \eqn{d}-dimensional vector that describes the direction of the first family of parallel hyperplanes.
//' @param h2 A \eqn{d}-dimensional vector that describes the direction of the second family of parallel hyperplanes.
//' @param numSlices The number of the slices for the copula. Default value is 100.
//' @param N The number of points to sample. Default value is \eqn{4\cdot 10^6}.
//' @references \cite{L. Cales, A. Chalkis, I.Z. Emiris, V. Fisikopoulos,
//' \dQuote{Practical volume computation of structured convex bodies, and an application to modeling portfolio dependencies and financial crises,} \emph{Proc. of Symposium on Computational Geometry, Budapest, Hungary,} 2018.}
//' @return A \eqn{numSlices\times numSlices} numerical matrix that corresponds to a copula.
//' @examples
//' # compute a copula for two random families of parallel hyperplanes
//' h1 = runif(n = 10, min = 1, max = 1000)
//' h1 = h1 / 1000
//' h2=runif(n = 10, min = 1, max = 1000)
//' h2 = h2 / 1000
//' cop = copula1(h1=h1, h2=h2, numSlices = 10, N = 100000)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericMatrix copula1 (Rcpp::NumericVector h1, Rcpp::NumericVector h2,
                             Rcpp::Nullable<unsigned int> numSlices, Rcpp::Nullable<unsigned int> N){

    typedef double NT;
    typedef Cartesian<NT>    Kernel;
    typedef typename Kernel::Point    Point;
    typedef boost::mt19937    RNGType;
    unsigned int num_slices = 100, numpoints = 4000000;

    if (numSlices.isNotNull()) {
        num_slices = Rcpp::as<unsigned int>(numSlices);

    if (N.isNotNull()) {
        numpoints = Rcpp::as<unsigned int>(N);

    Rcpp::NumericMatrix copula(num_slices, num_slices);
    std::vector<std::vector<NT> > StdCopula;
    unsigned int dim = h1.size(), i, j;

    std::vector<NT> hyp1 = Rcpp::as<std::vector<NT> >(h1);
    std::vector<NT> hyp2 = Rcpp::as<std::vector<NT> >(h2);

    StdCopula = twoParHypFam<Point, RNGType >(dim, numpoints, num_slices, hyp1, hyp2);

    for(i=0; i<num_slices; i++) {
        for(j=0; j<num_slices; j++){
            copula(i,j) = StdCopula[i][j];

    return copula;
コード例 #30
    glmResp::glmResp(Rcpp::List fam, Rcpp::NumericVector y,
		     Rcpp::NumericVector weights,
		     Rcpp::NumericVector offset)
	throw (std::runtime_error) 
	: lmResp(y, weights, offset), d_fam(fam),
	  d_eta(y.size()) {