/** Execute function */ RevPtr<RevVariable> Func_mapTree::execute( void ) { // get the x% hpd double x = 0.95; const TraceTree& tt = static_cast<const TraceTree&>( args[0].getVariable()->getRevObject() ); const std::string& filename = static_cast<const RlString&>( args[1].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue(); int burnin = static_cast<const Integer &>(args[2].getVariable()->getRevObject()).getValue(); RevBayesCore::TreeSummary summary = RevBayesCore::TreeSummary( tt.getValue() ); // set the burnin summary.setBurnin( burnin ); RevBayesCore::Tree* tree = summary.map( tt.getValue().isClock() ); // get the tree with x% HPD node ages summary.annotateHPDAges(*tree, x ); // get the tree with x% HPD node ages summary.annotate(*tree); if ( filename != "" ) { RevBayesCore::NexusWriter writer(filename); writer.openStream(); std::vector<RevBayesCore::Taxon> taxa; tree->getRoot().getTaxa(taxa); RevBayesCore::Clade c( taxa ); writer.writeNexusBlock(c); writer.writeNexusBlock(*tree); writer.closeStream(); } return new RevVariable( new Tree( tree ) ); }
/** Execute function */ RevPtr<RevVariable> Func_annotateTree::execute( void ) { size_t arg_index = 0; // get the input tree RevBayesCore::Tree* tree = static_cast<const Tree&>( this->args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue().clone(); // get the tree trace TraceTree& tt = static_cast<TraceTree&>( args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ); // get the filename const std::string& filename = static_cast<const RlString&>( args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue(); RevBayesCore::AnnotationReport report; report.ages = static_cast<const RlBoolean &>( this->args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue(); report.cc_ages = static_cast<const RlBoolean &>( this->args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue(); report.ccp = static_cast<const RlBoolean &>( this->args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue(); report.tree_ages = static_cast<const RlBoolean &>( this->args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue(); report.hpd = static_cast<const Probability &>(args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject()).getValue(); report.mean = static_cast<const RlBoolean &>( this->args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue(); report.sa = static_cast<const RlBoolean &>( this->args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject() ).getValue(); // // // get burnin // int burnin = static_cast<const Integer &>(args[arg_index++].getVariable()->getRevObject()).getValue(); // do not make a new tree summary object // this way we don't need to resummarize every time we annotate a tree // RevBayesCore::TreeSummary summary = RevBayesCore::TreeSummary( tt.getValue() ); bool verbose = true; tt.getValue().annotateTree( *tree, report, verbose ); // return the tree if ( filename != "" ) { RevBayesCore::NexusWriter writer(filename); writer.openStream(false); std::vector<RevBayesCore::Taxon> taxa; tree->getRoot().getTaxa(taxa); RevBayesCore::Clade c( taxa ); writer.writeNexusBlock(c); writer.writeNexusBlock(*tree); writer.closeStream(); } Tree* t; if( tt.getValue().getTreeTrace().isClock() ) { t = new TimeTree( tree ); } else { t = new BranchLengthTree( tree ); } return new RevVariable( t ); }