コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: DIT-Tools/TuttleOFX
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	using namespace sam;

	sp::EMaskType                researchMask      = sp::eMaskTypeSequence;	// by default show sequences
	sp::EMaskOptions             descriptionMask   = sp::eMaskOptionsColor;	// by default show nothing
	bool                         recursiveListing  = false;
	std::vector<std::string>     paths;
	std::vector<std::string>     filters;

	// Declare the supported options.
	bpo::options_description mainOptions;
			(kAllOptionString           , kAllOptionMessage)
			(kDirectoriesOptionString   , kDirectoriesOptionMessage)
			(kExpressionOptionString    , bpo::value<std::string>(), kExpressionOptionMessage)
			(kFilesOptionString         , kFilesOptionMessage)
			(kHelpOptionString          , kHelpOptionMessage)
			(kIgnoreOptionString         , kIgnoreOptionMessage)
			(kPathOptionString    , kPathOptionMessage)
			(kRecursiveOptionString     , kRecursiveOptionMessage )
			(kVerboseOptionString       , kVerboseOptionMessage)
			(kColorOptionString           , kColorOptionMessage)
			(kFirstImageOptionString     , bpo::value<std::ssize_t>(), kFirstImageOptionMessage)
			(kLastImageOptionString      , bpo::value<std::ssize_t>(), kLastImageOptionMessage)
			(kFullRMPathOptionString        , kFullRMPathOptionMessage )
			(kBriefOptionString           , kBriefOptionMessage )
	// describe hidden options
	bpo::options_description hidden;
			(kInputDirOptionString, bpo::value< std::vector<std::string> >(), kInputDirOptionMessage)
			(kEnableColorOptionString, bpo::value<std::string>(), kEnableColorOptionMessage)
	// define default options 
	bpo::positional_options_description pod;
	pod.add(kInputDirOptionString, -1);
	bpo::options_description cmdline_options;

	bpo::positional_options_description pd;
	pd.add("", -1);
	//parse the command line, and put the result in vm
	bpo::variables_map vm;


		bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(cmdline_options).positional(pod).run(), vm);

		// get environment options and parse them
		if( const char* env_rm_options = std::getenv("SAM_RM_OPTIONS") )
			const std::vector<std::string> vecOptions = bpo::split_unix( env_rm_options, " " );
			bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(vecOptions).options(cmdline_options).positional(pod).run(), vm);
		if( const char* env_rm_options = std::getenv("SAM_OPTIONS") )
			const std::vector<std::string> vecOptions = bpo::split_unix( env_rm_options, " " );
			bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(vecOptions).options(cmdline_options).positional(pod).run(), vm);
	catch( const bpo::error& e)
		TUTTLE_COUT( "sam-rm: command line error: " << e.what() );
		exit( -2 );
		TUTTLE_COUT("sam-rm: unknown error in command line.");
		exit( -2 );

	if ( vm.count(kColorOptionLongName) )
		enableColor = true;
	if ( vm.count(kEnableColorOptionLongName) )
		const std::string str = vm[kEnableColorOptionLongName].as<std::string>();
		enableColor = string_to_boolean( str );

	if( enableColor )
		descriptionMask |= sp::eMaskOptionsColor;

	if ( vm.count(kHelpOptionLongName ) )
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "TuttleOFX project [http://sites.google.com/site/tuttleofx]" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "NAME" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "\tsam-rm - remove file sequences" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "SYNOPSIS" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "\tsam-rm [options] [sequence_pattern]" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "DESCRIPTION" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( "Remove sequence of files, and could remove trees (folder, files and sequences)." << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "OPTIONS" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( mainOptions );

		  TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue << "EXAMPLES" << _color._std << std::left);
		           SAM_EXAMPLE_TITLE_COUT( "Sequence possible definitions: ");
		           SAM_EXAMPLE_LINE_COUT("Auto-detect padding : ", "[email protected]");
		           SAM_EXAMPLE_LINE_COUT("Padding of 8 (usual style): ", "seq.########.jpg");
		           SAM_EXAMPLE_LINE_COUT("Padding of 8 (printf style): ", "seq.%08d.jpg");
		           SAM_EXAMPLE_TITLE_COUT( "Delete: ");
		                   SAM_EXAMPLE_LINE_COUT("A sequence:", "sam-rm /path/to/sequence/[email protected]");
		                   SAM_EXAMPLE_LINE_COUT("Sequences in a directory:", "sam-rm /path/to/sequence/");

		return 0;

	if ( vm.count(kBriefOptionLongName) )
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "remove file sequences" << _color._std);
		return 0;

	if (vm.count(kExpressionOptionLongName))
		bal::split( filters, vm["expression"].as<std::string>(), bal::is_any_of(","));

	if (vm.count(kDirectoriesOptionLongName))
		researchMask |= sp::eMaskTypeDirectory;
	if (vm.count(kFilesOptionLongName))
		researchMask |= sp::eMaskTypeFile;
	if (vm.count(kIgnoreOptionLongName))
		researchMask &= ~sp::eMaskTypeSequence;
	if (vm.count(kVerboseOptionLongName))
		verbose = true;

	if (vm.count(kFirstImageOptionLongName))
		selectRange = true;
		firstImage  = vm[kFirstImageOptionLongName].as< std::ssize_t >();

	if (vm.count(kLastImageOptionLongName))
		selectRange = true;
		lastImage  = vm[kLastImageOptionLongName].as< std::ssize_t >();

	if (vm.count(kFullRMPathOptionLongName))
		researchMask |= sp::eMaskTypeDirectory;
		researchMask |= sp::eMaskTypeFile;
		researchMask |= sp::eMaskTypeSequence;
	if (vm.count(kAllOptionLongName))
		// add .* files
		descriptionMask |= sp::eMaskOptionsDotFile;
	if (vm.count(kPathOptionLongName))
		descriptionMask |= sp::eMaskOptionsPath;
	// defines paths, but if no directory specify in command line, we add the current path
	if (vm.count(kInputDirOptionLongName))
		paths = vm[kInputDirOptionLongName].as< std::vector<std::string> >();
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._error << "No sequence and/or directory are specified." << _color._std );
		return 1;

	if (vm.count(kRecursiveOptionLongName))
		recursiveListing = true;
	// 	for(unsigned int i=0; i<filters.size(); i++)
	// 	TUTTLE_COUT("filters = " << filters.at(i));
	// 	TUTTLE_COUT("research mask = " << researchMask);
	// 	TUTTLE_COUT("options  mask = " << descriptionMask);

		std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> pathsNoRemoved;
		sp::Detector detector;
		BOOST_FOREACH( bfs::path path, paths )
//			TUTTLE_TCOUT( "path: "<< path );
			if( bfs::exists( path ) )
				if( bfs::is_directory( path ) )
					//TUTTLE_TCOUT( "is a directory" );
						for ( bfs::recursive_directory_iterator end, dir(path); dir != end; ++dir )
							if( bfs::is_directory( *dir ) )
								//TUTTLE_TCOUT( *dir );
								boost::ptr_vector<sp::FileObject> listing = detector.fileObjectInDirectory( ( (bfs::path) *dir ).string(), filters, researchMask, descriptionMask );
								removeFileObject( listing, pathsNoRemoved );
					boost::ptr_vector<sp::FileObject> listing = detector.fileObjectInDirectory( path.string(), filters, researchMask, descriptionMask );
					removeFileObject( listing, pathsNoRemoved );
					//TUTTLE_TCOUT( "is NOT a directory "<< path.branch_path() << " | "<< path.leaf() );
					filters.push_back( path.leaf().string() );
					boost::ptr_vector<sp::FileObject> listing = detector.fileObjectInDirectory( path.branch_path().string(), filters, researchMask, descriptionMask );
					removeFileObject( listing, pathsNoRemoved );
//				TUTTLE_TCOUT( "not exist ...." );
					sp::Sequence s(path.branch_path(), descriptionMask );
					s.initFromDetection( path.string(), sp::Sequence::ePatternDefault );
					if( s.getNbFiles() )
//						TUTTLE_TCOUT( s );
						removeSequence( s );
				catch(... )
					TUTTLE_CERR ( _color._error << "Unrecognized pattern \"" << path << "\"" << _color._std );
		// delete not empty folder the first time
		removeFiles( pathsNoRemoved );
	catch (bfs::filesystem_error &ex)
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._error << ex.what() << _color._std );
	catch(... )
		TUTTLE_CERR ( _color._error << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() << _color._std );
	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mvcp.hpp プロジェクト: antdricot/TuttleOFX
int sammvcp( int argc, char** argv )
	ttl::EMaskOptions descriptionMask      = ttl::eMaskOptionsNone; // by default show nothing
	std::string              availableExtensions;
	std::vector<std::string> paths;
	std::vector<std::string> filters;
	std::string              outputPattern;
	bool                     verbose       = false;
	bool                     dstIsSeq      = false;
	std::ssize_t             offset        = 0;
	bool                     hasInputFirst = false;
	std::ssize_t             inputFirst    = 0;
	bool                     hasInputLast  = false;
	std::ssize_t             inputLast     = 0;
	std::ssize_t             outputFirst   = 0;
	std::ssize_t             outputLast    = 0;
	typedef enum {
	} EOffsetMode;
	EOffsetMode offsetMode = eOffsetModeNotSet;

	// Declare the supported options.
	bpo::options_description mainOptions;
	mainOptions.add_options( )
		( "help,h"      , "show this help" )
		( "offset,o"    , bpo::value<std::ssize_t>( ), "retime the sequence with the given offset. ex: -o 1, -o \"-10\"" )
//		( "force,f"     , bpo::value<bool>( )        , "if a destination file exists, replace it" )
		( "verbose,v"   , "explain what is being done" )
		( "input-first" , bpo::value<std::ssize_t>( ), "specify the first input image, in order to select a sub-range of the input sequence" )
		( "input-last"  , bpo::value<std::ssize_t>( ), "specify the last input image, in order to select a sub-range of the input sequence" )
		( "output-first", bpo::value<std::ssize_t>( ), "specify the first output image, in order to retime the sequence. It's another way to create an offset of your sequence." )
		( "output-last" , bpo::value<std::ssize_t>( ), "specify the last output image, in order to retime the sequence" )
		( "color"        , "display with colors" )
		( "brief"        , "brief summary of the tool" )

	// describe hidden options
	bpo::options_description hidden;
	hidden.add_options( )
		( "input", bpo::value< std::vector<std::string> >( ), "input sequences, files, directories" )
		( "enable-color", bpo::value<std::string>(), "enable/disable color")

	// define default options 
	bpo::positional_options_description pod;
	pod.add( "input", -1 );

	bpo::options_description cmdline_options;
	cmdline_options.add( mainOptions ).add( hidden );

	//parse the command line, and put the result in vm
	bpo::variables_map vm;
		bpo::store( bpo::command_line_parser( argc, argv ).options( cmdline_options ).positional( pod ).run( ), vm );

		// get environnement options and parse them
		if( const char* env_options = std::getenv( SAM_MV_OR_CP_OPTIONS ) )
			const std::vector<std::string> vecOptions = bpo::split_unix( env_options, " " );
			bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(vecOptions).options(cmdline_options).positional(pod).run(), vm);
		if( const char* env_options = std::getenv( "SAM_OPTIONS" ) )
			const std::vector<std::string> vecOptions = bpo::split_unix( env_options, " " );
			bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(vecOptions).options(cmdline_options).positional(pod).run(), vm);
		bpo::notify( vm );
	catch( const bpo::error& e)
		TUTTLE_COUT( SAM_TOOL ": command line error:  " << e.what() );
		exit( -2 );
		TUTTLE_COUT( SAM_TOOL ": unknown error in command line.");
		exit( -2 );

	if ( vm.count("color") )
		enableColor = true;
	if ( vm.count("enable-color") )
		const std::string str = vm["enable-color"].as<std::string>();
		enableColor = string_to_boolean(str);

	if( enableColor )
		using namespace tuttle::common;

	if( vm.count( "help" ) )
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "TuttleOFX project [http://sites.google.com/site/tuttleofx]" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  <<"NAME" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "\tsam-cp - copy sequence(s) in a directory" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "SYNOPSIS" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "\tsam-cp [options] sequence[s] [outputDirectory][outputSequence]" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "NAME" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "\tsam-mv - move sequence(s) in a directory" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "SYNOPSIS" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "\tsam-mv [options] sequence[s] [outputDirectory][outputSequence]" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "DESCRIPTION" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( "Copy sequence of image files, and could remove trees (folder, files and sequences)." << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( "Move sequence of image files, and could remove trees (folder, files and sequences)." << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "OPTIONS" <<_color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( mainOptions );
		return 1;

	if ( vm.count("brief") )
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "copy sequence(s) in a directory" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "move sequence(s) in a directory" << _color._std );
		return 0;

	if( vm.count( "expression" ) )
		bal::split( filters, vm["expression"].as<std::string > ( ), bal::is_any_of( "," ) );

	if( vm.count( "all" ) )
		// add .* files
		descriptionMask |= ttl::eMaskOptionsDotFile;

	// defines paths
	if( vm.count( "input" ) )
		paths = vm["input"].as< std::vector<std::string> >();

	if( paths.size( ) < 2 )
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._error << "No sequence and/or directory are specified." << _color._std );
		return 1;

	if( vm.count( "offset" ) )
		offset = vm["offset"].as<std::ssize_t>( );
		offsetMode = eOffsetModeValue;

	if( vm.count( "input-first" ) )
		hasInputFirst = true;
		inputFirst = vm["input-first"].as<std::ssize_t>( );

	if( vm.count( "input-last" ) )
		hasInputLast = true;
		inputLast = vm["input-last"].as<std::ssize_t>( );

	if( vm.count( "output-first" ) )
		outputFirst = vm["output-first"].as<std::ssize_t>( );
		if( offsetMode != eOffsetModeNotSet )
			TUTTLE_CERR( _color._error << "You can't cumulate multiple options to modify the time." << _color._std );
			return -1;
		offsetMode = eOffsetModeFirstTime;

	if( vm.count( "output-last" ) )
		outputLast = vm["output-last"].as<std::ssize_t>( );
		if( offsetMode != eOffsetModeNotSet )
			TUTTLE_CERR( _color._error << "You can't cumulate multiple options to modify the time." << _color._std );
			return -1;
		offsetMode = eOffsetModeLastTime;

	if( vm.count( "verbose" ) )
		verbose = true;

	bfs::path dstPath = paths.back( );
	paths.pop_back( );
	std::string sequencePattern;

	if( ! bfs::is_directory( dstPath ) )
		sequencePattern = dstPath.filename( ).string( );
		dstPath = dstPath.parent_path( );

		if( ! dstPath.empty() && ! bfs::is_directory( dstPath ) )
			TUTTLE_CERR( _color._error << "Your destination is not in a valid directory: " << tuttle::quotes(dstPath.string()) << "." << _color._std );
			return -1;
		if( paths.size( ) > 1 )
			TUTTLE_CERR( _color._error << "To copy multiple sequences, your destination must be a directory: " << tuttle::quotes(dstPath.string()) << "." << _color._std );
			return -1;
		sequencePattern = "";
	ttl::Sequence dstSeq( dstPath, descriptionMask );

	if( sequencePattern.size( ) > 0 )
		dstIsSeq = dstSeq.initFromPattern( dstPath, sequencePattern, 0, 0, 1, descriptionMask, ttl::Sequence::ePatternAll );
		if( ! dstIsSeq ) // there is a pattern, but it's not valid.
			TUTTLE_CERR( _color._error << "Your destination " << tuttle::quotes(sequencePattern) << " is not a valid pattern. Your destination can be a directory or a pattern." << _color._std );
			return -1;

		BOOST_FOREACH( const bfs::path& srcPath, paths )
			ttl::Sequence srcSeq( srcPath.branch_path( ), descriptionMask );
			const bool srcIsSeq = srcSeq.initFromDetection( srcPath.string( ), ttl::Sequence::ePatternDefault );
			if( ! srcIsSeq )
				TUTTLE_CERR( _color._error << "Input is not a sequence: " << tuttle::quotes(srcPath.string()) << "."  << _color._std );
				return -1;
			if( srcSeq.getNbFiles( ) == 0 )
				TUTTLE_CERR( _color._error << "No existing file for the input sequence: " << tuttle::quotes(srcPath.string()) << "." << _color._std );
				return -1;

			ttl::Sequence::Time first = hasInputFirst ? inputFirst : srcSeq.getFirstTime();
			ttl::Sequence::Time last = hasInputLast ? inputLast : srcSeq.getLastTime();
			switch( offsetMode )
				case eOffsetModeNotSet:
					offset = 0;
				case eOffsetModeValue:
					// set by "offset" command line option
				case eOffsetModeFirstTime:
					// set by "input-first" command line option
					offset = outputFirst - first;
				case eOffsetModeLastTime:
					// set by "input-last" command line option
					offset = outputLast - last;
			if( dstIsSeq )
				if( verbose )
					TUTTLE_COUT( srcSeq.getAbsoluteStandardPattern( ) << " -> " << dstSeq.getAbsoluteStandardPattern( ) << " (" << srcSeq.getNbFiles( ) << ") " );
				copy_sequence( srcSeq, first, last, dstSeq, offset );
				if( verbose )
					TUTTLE_COUT( srcSeq.getAbsoluteStandardPattern( ) << " -> " << dstPath / srcSeq.getStandardPattern( ) << " (" << srcSeq.getNbFiles( ) << ")" );
				copy_sequence( srcSeq, first, last, dstPath, offset );
	catch( bfs::filesystem_error &ex )
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._error << ex.what( ) << _color._std );
		return -2;
	catch( ... )
		TUTTLE_CERR( _color._error << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information( ) << _color._std );
		return -3;

	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: davebarkeruk/TuttleOFX
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	std::vector<std::string>	plugins;
	std::vector<std::string>	foundPlugins;
	std::vector<std::string>	filters;
	using namespace sam;
	// Declare the supported options.
	bpo::options_description mainOptions;
		(kHelpOptionString   , kHelpOptionMessage)
		(kAllOptionString      , kAllOptionMessage)
		(kFilterOptionString   , bpo::value<std::string>(), kFilterOptionMessage)
		(kColorOptionString      , kColorOptionMessage)
		(kPropertiesOptionString , kPropertiesOptionMessage)
		(kClipsOptionString      , kClipsOptionMessage)
		(kParametersOptionString , kParametersOptionMessage)
		(kBriefOptionString            , kBriefOptionMessage)
	// describe hidden options
	bpo::options_description hidden;
		(kInputDirOptionString, bpo::value< std::vector<std::string> >(), kInputDirOptionMessage)
	// define default options 
	bpo::positional_options_description pod;
	pod.add(kInputDirOptionLongName, -1);
	bpo::options_description cmdline_options;

	//parse the command line, and put the result in vm
	bpo::variables_map vm;
		bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(cmdline_options).positional(pod).run(), vm);

		// get environnement options and parse them
		if( const char* env_plugins_options = std::getenv("SAM_PLUGINS_OPTIONS") )
			const std::vector<std::string> vecOptions = bpo::split_unix( env_plugins_options, " " );
			bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(vecOptions).options(cmdline_options).positional(pod).run(), vm);
		if( const char* env_options = std::getenv("SAM_OPTIONS") )
			const std::vector<std::string> vecOptions = bpo::split_unix( env_options, " " );
			bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(vecOptions).options(cmdline_options).positional(pod).run(), vm);
	catch( const bpo::error& e)
		TUTTLE_COUT( "sam-plugins: command line error: " << e.what() );
		exit( -2 );
		TUTTLE_COUT( "sam-plugins: unknown error in command line.");
		exit( -2 );

	if (vm.count(kColorOptionLongName))
		color = true;

	if( vm.count(kHelpOptionLongName) )
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "TuttleOFX project [http://sites.google.com/site/tuttleofx]" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "NAME" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "\tsam-plugins - show informations about OpenFX plugins" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "SYNOPSIS" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "\tsam-plugins [options] [specific_OpenFX_plugin]" << _color._std << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "DESCRIPTION" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( "List OpenFX in OFX_PLUGIN_PATH by default.");
		TUTTLE_COUT( "And could print properties, parameters and clips for each plugins" << std::endl );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._blue  << "OPTIONS" << _color._std );
		TUTTLE_COUT( mainOptions );
		return 0;
	if ( vm.count(kBriefOptionLongName) )
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._green << "show informations about OpenFX plugins" << _color._std );
		return 0;

	// defines plugins
	if( vm.count(kInputDirOptionLongName) )
		plugins = vm[kInputDirOptionLongName].as< std::vector<std::string> >();
	if( vm.count(kFilterOptionLongName) )
		bal::split( filters, vm[kFilterOptionLongName].as<std::string>(), bal::is_any_of(","));
	if( vm.count(kAllOptionLongName) | (plugins.size() == 0) )
		const std::vector<tth::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectPlugin*> plugs = tth::Core::instance().getImageEffectPluginCache().getPlugins();
		for( std::size_t i = 0; i < plugs.size(); ++i )
			const std::string plugName = plugs.at(i)->getRawIdentifier();
			if( isNotFiltered( plugName, filters) )
				TUTTLE_COUT( plugName );
		return 0;

	if (vm.count(kPropertiesOptionLongName))
		properties = true;

	if (vm.count(kClipsOptionLongName))
		clips = true;

	if (vm.count(kParametersOptionLongName))
		parameters = true;
//	for(unsigned int i=0; i< plugins.size(); i++)
//		TUTTLE_COUT( plugins.at(i) );
		// get the plugins names for research partials names (rawreader need to make reference to the plug tuttle.reader)
		const std::vector<tth::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectPlugin*> plugs = tth::Core::instance().getImageEffectPluginCache().getPlugins();

		unsigned int founded;
		BOOST_FOREACH( const std::string& plugin, plugins )
			std::vector< std::string > termsPlugin;
			bal::split( termsPlugin, plugin, bal::is_any_of("."));

			for( std::size_t i=0; i<plugs.size(); i++ )
				founded = 0;
				for( std::size_t t=0; t<termsPlugin.size(); t++ )
					std::size_t found1 = plugs.at(i)->getRawIdentifier().find( "."+termsPlugin.at(t) );
					std::size_t found2 = plugs.at(i)->getRawIdentifier().find( termsPlugin.at(t)+"." );
					if( ( found1 == std::string::npos ) && ( found2 == std::string::npos ) )
					if( founded == termsPlugin.size() )
						/*TUTTLE_COUT("plug is " << plugs.at(i)->getRawIdentifier() );*/
						foundPlugins.push_back( plugs.at(i)->getRawIdentifier() );

		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._red << "################################################################################" << _color._std );

		BOOST_FOREACH( const std::string& plugin, foundPlugins )
			TUTTLE_COUT(_color._blue << "PLUGIN DESCRIPTION" << _color._std );
			getPluginProperties( plugin );
			TUTTLE_COUT( _color._red << "################################################################################" << _color._std );