コード例 #1
ファイル: soundsourcem4a.cpp プロジェクト: Kindamba/mixxx
SINT SoundSourceM4A::readSampleFrames(
        SINT numberOfFrames, CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer) {

    const SINT numberOfFramesTotal = math_min(
            numberOfFrames, getMaxFrameIndex() - m_curFrameIndex);
    const SINT numberOfSamplesTotal = frames2samples(numberOfFramesTotal);

    CSAMPLE* pSampleBuffer = sampleBuffer;
    SINT numberOfSamplesRemaining = numberOfSamplesTotal;
    while (0 < numberOfSamplesRemaining) {

        if (!m_sampleBuffer.isEmpty()) {
            // Consume previously decoded sample data
            const SampleBuffer::ReadableChunk readableChunk(
            if (pSampleBuffer) {
                SampleUtil::copy(pSampleBuffer, readableChunk.data(), readableChunk.size());
                pSampleBuffer += readableChunk.size();
            m_curFrameIndex += samples2frames(readableChunk.size());
            DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesRemaining >= readableChunk.size());
            numberOfSamplesRemaining -= readableChunk.size();
            if (0 == numberOfSamplesRemaining) {
                break; // exit loop
        // All previously decoded sample data has been consumed now

        if (0 == m_inputBufferLength) {
            // Fill input buffer from file
            if (isValidSampleBlockId(m_curSampleBlockId)) {
                // Read data for next sample block into input buffer
                u_int8_t* pInputBuffer = &m_inputBuffer[0];
                u_int32_t inputBufferLength = m_inputBuffer.size(); // in/out parameter
                if (!MP4ReadSample(m_hFile, m_trackId, m_curSampleBlockId,
                        &pInputBuffer, &inputBufferLength,
                        NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
                            << "Failed to read MP4 input data for sample block"
                            << m_curSampleBlockId << "(" << "min ="
                            << kSampleBlockIdMin << "," << "max ="
                            << m_maxSampleBlockId << ")";
                    break; // abort
                m_inputBufferLength = inputBufferLength;
                m_inputBufferOffset = 0;
        DEBUG_ASSERT(0 <= m_inputBufferLength);
        if (0 == m_inputBufferLength) {
            break; // EOF

        // NOTE(uklotzde): The sample buffer for NeAACDecDecode2 has to
        // be big enough for a whole block of decoded samples, which
        // contains up to kFramesPerSampleBlock frames. Otherwise
        // we need to use a temporary buffer.
        CSAMPLE* pDecodeBuffer; // in/out parameter
        SINT decodeBufferCapacity;
        const SINT decodeBufferCapacityMin = frames2samples(kFramesPerSampleBlock);
        if (pSampleBuffer && (decodeBufferCapacityMin <= numberOfSamplesRemaining)) {
            // Decode samples directly into sampleBuffer
            pDecodeBuffer = pSampleBuffer;
            decodeBufferCapacity = numberOfSamplesRemaining;
        } else {
            // Decode next sample block into temporary buffer
            const SINT writeToTailCount = math_max(
                    numberOfSamplesRemaining, decodeBufferCapacityMin);
            const SampleBuffer::WritableChunk writableChunk(
            pDecodeBuffer = writableChunk.data();
            decodeBufferCapacity = writableChunk.size();
        DEBUG_ASSERT(decodeBufferCapacityMin <= decodeBufferCapacity);

        NeAACDecFrameInfo decFrameInfo;
        void* pDecodeResult = NeAACDecDecode2(
                m_hDecoder, &decFrameInfo,
                decodeBufferCapacity * sizeof(*pDecodeBuffer));
        // Verify the decoding result
        if (0 != decFrameInfo.error) {
            qWarning() << "AAC decoding error:"
                    << decFrameInfo.error
                    << NeAACDecGetErrorMessage(decFrameInfo.error)
                    << getUrlString();
            break; // abort
        DEBUG_ASSERT(pDecodeResult == pDecodeBuffer); // verify the in/out parameter

        // Verify the decoded sample data for consistency
        if (getChannelCount() != decFrameInfo.channels) {
            qWarning() << "Corrupt or unsupported AAC file:"
                    << "Unexpected number of channels" << decFrameInfo.channels
                    << "<>" << getChannelCount();
            break; // abort
        if (getFrameRate() != SINT(decFrameInfo.samplerate)) {
            qWarning() << "Corrupt or unsupported AAC file:"
                    << "Unexpected sample rate" << decFrameInfo.samplerate
                    << "<>" << getFrameRate();
            break; // abort

        // Consume input data
        m_inputBufferLength -= decFrameInfo.bytesconsumed;
        m_inputBufferOffset += decFrameInfo.bytesconsumed;

        // Consume decoded output data
        const SINT numberOfSamplesDecoded = decFrameInfo.samples;
        DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesDecoded <= decodeBufferCapacity);
        SINT numberOfSamplesRead;
        if (pDecodeBuffer == pSampleBuffer) {
            numberOfSamplesRead = math_min(numberOfSamplesDecoded, numberOfSamplesRemaining);
            pSampleBuffer += numberOfSamplesRead;
        } else {
            m_sampleBuffer.readFromTail(decodeBufferCapacity - numberOfSamplesDecoded);
            const SampleBuffer::ReadableChunk readableChunk(
            numberOfSamplesRead = readableChunk.size();
            if (pSampleBuffer) {
                SampleUtil::copy(pSampleBuffer, readableChunk.data(), numberOfSamplesRead);
                pSampleBuffer += numberOfSamplesRead;
        // The decoder might decode more samples than actually needed
        // at the end of the file! When the end of the file has been
        // reached decoding can be restarted by seeking to a new
        // position.
        DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesDecoded >= numberOfSamplesRead);
        m_curFrameIndex += samples2frames(numberOfSamplesRead);
        DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesRemaining >= numberOfSamplesRead);
        numberOfSamplesRemaining -= numberOfSamplesRead;

    DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesTotal >= numberOfSamplesRemaining);
    return samples2frames(numberOfSamplesTotal - numberOfSamplesRemaining);
コード例 #2
ファイル: soundsourceflac.cpp プロジェクト: demos/mixxx
SINT SoundSourceFLAC::readSampleFrames(
        SINT numberOfFrames, CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer,
        SINT sampleBufferSize, bool readStereoSamples) {
    DEBUG_ASSERT(getSampleBufferSize(numberOfFrames, readStereoSamples) <= sampleBufferSize);

    const SINT numberOfFramesTotal =
            math_min(numberOfFrames, getMaxFrameIndex() - m_curFrameIndex);
    const SINT numberOfSamplesTotal = frames2samples(numberOfFramesTotal);

    CSAMPLE* outBuffer = sampleBuffer;
    SINT numberOfSamplesRemaining = numberOfSamplesTotal;
    while (0 < numberOfSamplesRemaining) {
        // If our buffer from libflac is empty (either because we explicitly cleared
        // it or because we've simply used all the samples), ask for a new buffer
        if (m_sampleBuffer.isEmpty()) {
            // Save the current frame index
            const SINT curFrameIndexBeforeProcessing = m_curFrameIndex;
            // Documentation of FLAC__stream_decoder_process_single():
            // "Depending on what was decoded, the metadata or write callback
            // will be called with the decoded metadata block or audio frame."
            // See also: https://xiph.org/flac/api/group__flac__stream__decoder.html#ga9d6df4a39892c05955122cf7f987f856
            if (!FLAC__stream_decoder_process_single(m_decoder)) {
                qWarning() << "Failed to decode FLAC file"
                        << m_file.fileName();
                break; // abort
            // After seeking we might need to skip some samples if the decoder
            // complained that it has lost sync for some malformed(?) files
            if (curFrameIndexBeforeProcessing != m_curFrameIndex) {
                if (curFrameIndexBeforeProcessing > m_curFrameIndex) {
                    qWarning() << "Trying to adjust frame index"
                            << m_curFrameIndex << "<>" << curFrameIndexBeforeProcessing
                            << "while decoding FLAC file"
                            << m_file.fileName();
                    skipSampleFrames(curFrameIndexBeforeProcessing - m_curFrameIndex);
                } else {
                    qWarning() << "Unexpected frame index"
                            << m_curFrameIndex << "<>" << curFrameIndexBeforeProcessing
                            << "while decoding FLAC file"
                            << m_file.fileName();
                    break; // abort
            DEBUG_ASSERT(curFrameIndexBeforeProcessing == m_curFrameIndex);
        if (m_sampleBuffer.isEmpty()) {
            break; // EOF

        const SampleBuffer::ReadableChunk readableChunk(
        const SINT framesToCopy = samples2frames(readableChunk.size());
        if (outBuffer) {
            if (readStereoSamples && (kChannelCountStereo != getChannelCount())) {
                if (kChannelCountMono == getChannelCount()) {
                } else {
                            framesToCopy, getChannelCount());
                outBuffer += framesToCopy * kChannelCountStereo;
            } else {
                SampleUtil::copy(outBuffer, readableChunk.data(), readableChunk.size());
                outBuffer += readableChunk.size();
        m_curFrameIndex += framesToCopy;
        numberOfSamplesRemaining -= readableChunk.size();

    DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesTotal >= numberOfSamplesRemaining);
    return samples2frames(numberOfSamplesTotal - numberOfSamplesRemaining);