bool QuickTimeState::Input() { SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); if( pInput->IsKeyPressed( SGD::Key::Escape ) ) { Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); } if( SGD::InputManager::GetInstance()->IsControllerConnected( 0 ) || SGD::InputManager::GetInstance()->IsControllerConnected( 1 ) ) { if( currentQT != nullptr ) { if( pInput->IsButtonPressed( 0 , 0 ) ) { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = SGD::Key::Zero; } else if( pInput->IsButtonPressed( 0 , 1 ) ) { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = SGD::Key::One; } else if( pInput->IsButtonPressed( 0 , 2 ) ) { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = SGD::Key::Two; } else if( pInput->IsButtonPressed( 0 , 3 ) ) { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = SGD::Key::Three; } else if( pInput->IsButtonPressed( 0 , 4 ) ) { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = SGD::Key::Four; } else if( pInput->IsButtonPressed( 0 , 5 ) ) { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = SGD::Key::Five; } else { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = SGD::Key::None; } } } else { if( currentQT != nullptr ) { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = pInput->GetAnyKeyPressed(); } } return true; }
// Input /*virtual*/ bool CreditsState::Input( void ) { SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); // Press Escape to quit if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) == true || pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter) == true || pInput->IsButtonDown(0, 2) == true) { Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); //Game::GetInstance()->AddState(MainMenuState::GetInstance()); } return true; }
bool AnimationTestState::Input() { SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); if( pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter )) { RunQuickTime(); } if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape)) { Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); } if( currentQT != nullptr ) { currentQT->m_kLastKeyPressed = pInput->GetAnyKeyPressed(); } return true; }
// Input /*virtual*/ bool IntroState::Input(void) { SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); SGD::AudioManager * pAudio = SGD::AudioManager::GetInstance(); // Press Escape to quit if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) == true || pInput->IsButtonPressed(0, 9) == true || pInput->IsButtonPressed(0, 2) == true) { //COMMENT IN WHEN AUDIO ADDED pAudio->StopAudio(m_hEmergency); Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); Game::GetInstance()->AddState(GameplayState::GetInstance()); return true; } // keep playing return true; }
void Player::Update(float elapsedTime) { SGD::InputManager *ptInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); if (ptInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Space) || ptInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::W)) { m_bPendingJump = true; } Puff* ptPuff = dynamic_cast<Puff*>(GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetPuff()); if (ptInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::MouseLeft)) { // Allocate a CreateLaserMessage CreateBulletMessage* pMsg = new CreateBulletMessage( ptPuff->GetPosition().x + ptPuff->GetSize().width / 4, ptPuff->GetPosition().y + ptPuff->GetSize().height / 4, //m_ptPosition.x + m_szSize.width / 2, //m_ptPosition.y + m_szSize.height / 2, m_fRotation, BULLET_A); // Queue the message into the Message System pMsg->QueueMessage(); pMsg = nullptr; } //============================================================= // independent phycis timer/buffer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// m_fAccumulatedTime += elapsedTime; if (m_fAccumulatedTime < FRAME) return; elapsedTime = FRAME; while (m_fAccumulatedTime >= FRAME) { m_fAccumulatedTime -= FRAME; } //============================================================= // independent phycis timer/buffer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (ptInput->IsKeyDown(SGD::Key::A)) { m_bIsFlipped = true; if (m_fSpeed < m_fMaxSpeed) { m_fSpeed += m_fAccelerationRate * elapsedTime; } } if (ptInput->IsKeyDown(SGD::Key::D)) { m_bIsFlipped = false; if (m_fSpeed > -m_fMaxSpeed) { m_fSpeed -= m_fAccelerationRate * elapsedTime; } } // left and right control if (!(ptInput->IsKeyDown(SGD::Key::D) || ptInput->IsKeyDown(SGD::Key::A))) { if (m_ptPosition.y + m_szSize.height / 2 == GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetWorldSize().height - m_fGroundOffset) { if (m_fSpeed > 0) { if (m_fSpeed - (m_fAccelerationRate * 2.0f) * elapsedTime < 0) { m_fSpeed = 0; } else { m_fSpeed -= (m_fAccelerationRate * 2.0f) * elapsedTime; } } else if (m_fSpeed < 0) { m_fSpeed += (m_fAccelerationRate * 2.0f) * elapsedTime; } } } if (m_bPendingJump) { //pre-Jump trigger "space and w" if (m_ptPosition.y + m_szSize.height / 2 == GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetWorldSize().height - m_fGroundOffset) { m_vtVelocity.y = -1500.0f; } m_bPendingJump = false; } SGD::Vector vtNewVelocity{ -m_fSpeed, 0 }; m_vtVelocity.x = vtNewVelocity.x; m_vtVelocity += m_vtGravity; if (m_fSpeed > 0) { m_pCharaterAnim->Pause(false); } else if (m_fSpeed < 0) { m_pCharaterAnim->Pause(false); } else { m_pCharaterAnim->Pause(true); m_pCharaterAnim->Restart(true, 1.0f); } if (m_pCharaterAnim != nullptr) { m_pCharaterAnim->Update(elapsedTime, m_bIsFlipped); Entity::Update(elapsedTime); } StayInWorld(); }
void CProfileSelectState::SeletionInput() { SGD::InputManager* input = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); #if ARCADE if (input->IsButtonPressed(0, 6) || input->IsButtonPressed(1, 6) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 2) || input->IsButtonPressed(1, 2)) { Game::GetInstance()->PopState(); //Game::GetInstance()->PushState(CMainMenuState::GetInstance()); return; } SGD::Vector joy1 = input->GetLeftJoystick(0); SGD::Vector joy2 = input->GetLeftJoystick(1); if (joy1.x > 0 || joy2.x > 0) { if (currentProfile >= 2) currentProfile = 0; else currentProfile++; state = MyState::Transition; transTimer = 0; CSoundBox::GetInstance()->Play((int)CSoundBox::sounds::uiSwish, false); } if (joy1.x < 0 || joy2.x < 0) { if (currentProfile <= 0) currentProfile = 2; else currentProfile--; state = MyState::Transition; transTimer = 0; CSoundBox::GetInstance()->Play((int)CSoundBox::sounds::uiSwish, false); } if (input->IsButtonPressed(0, 0) || input->IsButtonPressed(1, 0)) { state = MyState::Menu; } if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::MouseLeft)) { SGD::Point mouse = input->GetMousePosition(); if (mouse.IsWithinRectangle(SGD::Rectangle{ current, profileSize })) { state = MyState::Menu; return; } if (mouse.IsWithinRectangle(SGD::Rectangle{ next, profileSize })) { if (currentProfile >= 2) currentProfile = 0; else currentProfile++; state = MyState::Transition; transTimer = 0; CSoundBox::GetInstance()->Play((int)CSoundBox::sounds::uiSwish, false); } if (mouse.IsWithinRectangle(SGD::Rectangle{ previous, profileSize })) { if (currentProfile <= 0) currentProfile = 2; else currentProfile--; state = MyState::Transition; transTimer = 0; CSoundBox::GetInstance()->Play((int)CSoundBox::sounds::uiSwish, false); } } #else if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1)) { Game::GetInstance()->PopState(); //Game::GetInstance()->PushState(CMainMenuState::GetInstance()); return; } if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::RightArrow) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Right)) { if (currentProfile >= 2) currentProfile = 0; else currentProfile++; state = MyState::Transition; transTimer = 0; CSoundBox::GetInstance()->Play((int)CSoundBox::sounds::uiSwish, false); } if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::LeftArrow) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Left)) { if (currentProfile <= 0) currentProfile = 2; else currentProfile--; state = MyState::Transition; transTimer = 0; CSoundBox::GetInstance()->Play((int)CSoundBox::sounds::uiSwish, false); } if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 0)) { state = MyState::Menu; } if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::MouseLeft)) { SGD::Point mouse = input->GetMousePosition(); if (mouse.IsWithinRectangle(SGD::Rectangle{ current, profileSize })) { state = MyState::Menu; return; } if (mouse.IsWithinRectangle(SGD::Rectangle{ next, profileSize })) { if (currentProfile >= 2) currentProfile = 0; else currentProfile++; state = MyState::Transition; transTimer = 0; CSoundBox::GetInstance()->Play((int)CSoundBox::sounds::uiSwish, false); } if (mouse.IsWithinRectangle(SGD::Rectangle{ previous, profileSize })) { if (currentProfile <= 0) currentProfile = 2; else currentProfile--; state = MyState::Transition; transTimer = 0; CSoundBox::GetInstance()->Play((int)CSoundBox::sounds::uiSwish, false); } } #endif }
void CProfileSelectState::MenuInput() { SGD::InputManager* input = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); if (state == MyState::ConfirmOverwrite) { #if ARCADE if (input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1) || input->IsButtonPressed(1, 1)) #else if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1)) #endif { delete confirm; confirm = nullptr; state = MyState::Menu; return; } switch (confirm->Input()) { case 0: { delete confirm; confirm = nullptr; CGameplayState::GetInstance()->DeleteProfile(currentProfile+1); profiles[currentProfile] = CreateProfile(); TutorialConfirmation(); break; } case 1: { delete confirm; confirm = nullptr; state = MyState::Menu; } case -1: default: break; } return; } if (state == MyState::ConfirmDelete) { #if ARCADE if (input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1) || input->IsButtonPressed(1, 1)) #else if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1)) #endif { delete confirm; confirm = nullptr; state = MyState::Menu; return; } switch (confirm->Input()) { case 0: CGameplayState::GetInstance()->DeleteProfile(currentProfile+1); profiles[currentProfile] = CreateProfile(); //profiles[currentProfile].profile = currentProfile + 1; //Don't break! They both delete confirm and change state beck to menu case 1: delete confirm; confirm = nullptr; state = MyState::Menu; break; case -1: default: break; } return; } if (state == MyState::ConfirmTutorial) { #if ARCADE if (input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1) || input->IsButtonPressed(1, 1)) #else if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1)) #endif { delete confirm; confirm = nullptr; state = MyState::Menu; return; } switch (confirm->Input()) { case 0: profiles[currentProfile].currLevel = Level::Gen1; case 1: CGameplayState::GetInstance()->SetSaveData(profiles[currentProfile]); Game::GetInstance()->PopState(); Game::GetInstance()->PopState(); Game::GetInstance()->PushState(CGameplayState::GetInstance()); break; case 2: delete confirm; confirm = nullptr; state = MyState::Menu; break; case -1: default: break; } return; } #if ARCADE if (input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1) || input->IsButtonPressed(1, 1)) #else if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1)) #endif { state = MyState::Idle; return; } switch (menu->Input()) { case 0: if (profiles[currentProfile].currLevel == Level::Tutorial) { TutorialConfirmation(); break; } CGameplayState::GetInstance()->SetSaveData(profiles[currentProfile]); Game::GetInstance()->PopState(); Game::GetInstance()->PopState(); Game::GetInstance()->PushState(CGameplayState::GetInstance()); break; case 1: { std::vector<std::string> yesno; yesno.push_back("Yes"); yesno.push_back("No"); confirm = new CMenu(&Game::GetInstance()->FontPoiret, yesno, "Overwrite?", { Game::GetInstance()->GetScreenWidth() * .55f, Game::GetInstance()->GetScreenHeight() * .6f }, false); state = MyState::ConfirmOverwrite; break; } case 2: { std::vector<std::string> yesno; yesno.push_back("Yes"); yesno.push_back("No"); confirm = new CMenu(&Game::GetInstance()->FontPoiret, yesno, "Delete?", { Game::GetInstance()->GetScreenWidth() * .55f, Game::GetInstance()->GetScreenHeight() * .6f }, false); state = MyState::ConfirmDelete; break; } case 3: { state = MyState::Idle; break; } case 4: { Game::GetInstance()->PopState(); //Game::GetInstance()->PushState(CMainMenuState::GetInstance()); break; } case -1: default: break; } }
bool PickSaveSlotState::Input(void) { SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); // Press Escape to quit if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) == true || pInput->IsButtonPressed(0, 2) == true) { if (modeChosen) m_nCursor = MenuItems::EXIT_2; else m_nCursor = States::EXIT_1; } //return false; // quit game if (modeChosen == false) { if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Down) == true || pInput->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Down) == true) m_nCursor = m_nCursor + 1 < MODE_CHOICES ? m_nCursor + 1 : 0; else if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Up) == true || pInput->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Up) == true) m_nCursor = m_nCursor - 1 >= 0 ? m_nCursor - 1 : MODE_CHOICES - 1; if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter) == true || pInput->IsButtonPressed(0, 1) == true) { if (m_nCursor == NEW_GAME) { currState = NEW_GAME; modeChosen = true; } else if (m_nCursor == LOAD_GAME) { currState = LOAD_GAME; modeChosen = true; } else if (m_nCursor == DELETE_SAVES) { currState = DELETE_SAVES; modeChosen = true; } else if (m_nCursor == EXIT_1) Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); m_nCursor = 0; } } else { if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Down) == true || pInput->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Down) == true) m_nCursor = m_nCursor + 1 < NUM_CHOICES ? m_nCursor + 1 : 0; else if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Up) == true || pInput->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Up) == true) m_nCursor = m_nCursor - 1 >= 0 ? m_nCursor - 1 : NUM_CHOICES - 1; if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter) == true || pInput->IsButtonPressed(0, 1) == true) { switch (m_nCursor) { case MenuItems::SAVE1: case MenuItems::SAVE2: case MenuItems::SAVE3: { Game::GetInstance()->selectedProfile = m_nCursor; if (currState == NEW_GAME || currState == DELETE_SAVES) { if (GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetGameMode() == true) { Game::GetInstance()->OverWriteProfile(Game::GetInstance()->GetStoryProfile()); Game::GetInstance()->LoadStoryProfiles(); } else { Game::GetInstance()->OverWriteProfile(Game::GetInstance()->GetSurvivalProfile()); Game::GetInstance()->LoadSurvivalProfiles(); } if (currState == DELETE_SAVES) { // Load assets if (GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetGameMode()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { profiles[i] = Game::GetInstance()->GetSpecStoryProfile(i); } } else { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { profiles[i] = Game::GetInstance()->GetSpecSurvialProfile(i); } } } } if (currState == NEW_GAME || currState == LOAD_GAME) { Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); // Game::GetInstance()->AddState(GameplayState::GetInstance()); if (GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetGameMode() == true) Game::GetInstance()->AddState(HTPGameState::GetInstance()); else Game::GetInstance()->AddState(GameplayState::GetInstance()); return true; } return true; } break; case MenuItems::EXIT_2: Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); return true; break; } } } return true; }
// Input /*virtual*/ bool PauseState::Input(void) { SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); // Press Escape to quit if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) == true || pInput->IsButtonPressed(0, 2) == true) { SGD::Event msg("UNPAUSE"); msg.SendEventNow(); Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); return true; } if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Down) == true || pInput->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Down) == true) m_nCursor = m_nCursor + 1 < NUM_CHOICES ? m_nCursor + 1 : 0; else if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Up) == true || pInput->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Up) == true) m_nCursor = m_nCursor - 1 >= 0 ? m_nCursor - 1 : NUM_CHOICES - 1; if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter) == true || pInput->IsButtonDown(0, 1) == true) { switch (m_nCursor) { case 0: // gameplay { SGD::Event msg("UNPAUSE"); msg.SendEventNow(); Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); return true; } break; case 1: // controls { Game::GetInstance()->AddState(HowToPlayState::GetInstance()); return true; } break; case 2: // options { //Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); //Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); //Game::GetInstance()->AddState(GameplayState::GetInstance()); Game::GetInstance()->AddState(OptionsState::GetInstance()); return true; } break; case 3: // main menu { if (HTPGameState::GetInstance()->GetChoiceScreen() == true) { Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); Game::GetInstance()->AddState(MainMenuState::GetInstance()); return true; } else { Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); Game::GetInstance()->AddState(IntroState::GetInstance()); return true; } } break; } } return true; // keep playing }
bool LoadState::Input() { SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) || pInput->IsButtonDown(0, 6)) { Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); } if (pInput->GetCursorMovement().x || pInput->GetCursorMovement().y) { if (pInput->GetCursorPosition().IsPointInRectangle(newRect)) m_nCursor = 0; else if (pInput->GetCursorPosition().IsPointInRectangle(saveslot1)) m_nCursor = 1; else if (pInput->GetCursorPosition().IsPointInRectangle(saveslot2)) m_nCursor = 2; else if (pInput->GetCursorPosition().IsPointInRectangle(saveslot3)) m_nCursor = 3; else if (pInput->GetCursorPosition().IsPointInRectangle(exit)) m_nCursor = 4; else m_nCursor = -1; } if (m_fArcadeTimer >= 1.0f) { if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Left) || pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::A) || pInput->GetLeftJoystick(0).x == -1) { m_nCursor--; if (m_nCursor < 0) m_nCursor = 4; m_fArcadeTimer = 0.0f; } else if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Right) || pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::D) || pInput->GetLeftJoystick(0).x == 1) { m_nCursor++; if (m_nCursor > 4) m_nCursor = 0; m_fArcadeTimer = 0.0f; } else if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Up) || pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::W) || pInput->GetLeftJoystick(0).y == -1) { m_nCursor--; if (m_nCursor < 0) m_nCursor = 4; m_fArcadeTimer = 0.0f; } else if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Down) || pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::S) || pInput->GetLeftJoystick(0).y == 1) { m_nCursor++; if (m_nCursor > 4) m_nCursor = 0; m_fArcadeTimer = 0.0f; } } if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter) || pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::MouseLeft) || pInput->IsButtonDown(0, 0)) { switch (m_nCursor) { case 0: Game::GetInstance()->AddState(GameplayState::GetInstance()); break; case 1: Load("resource/Save/Save.xml"); break; case 2: Load2("resource/Save/Save2.xml"); break; case 3: Load3("resource/Save/Save3.xml"); break; case 4: Game::GetInstance()->RemoveState(); break; default: break; } } return true; }
void WeaponManager::Input() { SGD::InputManager * pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); SGD::AudioManager * pAudio = SGD::AudioManager::GetInstance(); if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Q) == true || pInput->IsButtonPressed(0, 4) == true || mousewheel < 0) { curIndex--; if (curIndex < 0) { curIndex = m_vWeapons.size() - 1; } if (pAudio->IsAudioPlaying(m_hWpnSwitch) == false) { pAudio->PlayAudio(m_hWpnSwitch, false); } while (m_vWeapons[curIndex]->GetEquipped() != true) { curIndex--; if (curIndex < 0) { curIndex = m_vWeapons.size() - 1; } } mousewheel = 0; } if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::E) == true || pInput->IsButtonPressed(0, 5) == true || mousewheel > 0) { curIndex++; if (curIndex > (int)m_vWeapons.size() - 1) { curIndex = 0; } if (pAudio->IsAudioPlaying(m_hWpnSwitch) == false) { pAudio->PlayAudio(m_hWpnSwitch, false); } while (m_vWeapons[curIndex]->GetEquipped() != true) { curIndex++; if (curIndex > (int)m_vWeapons.size() - 1) { curIndex = 0; } } mousewheel = 0; } if (pInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::R) == true && m_vWeapons[curIndex]->GetCurrAmmo() < m_vWeapons[curIndex]->GetMagSize()) { //GetSelected()->SetCurrAmmo(0); GetSelected()->GetReloadTimer().AddTime(GetSelected()->GetReloadTime()); //m_vWeapons[curIndex]->SetCurrAmmo(0); //m_vWeapons[curIndex]->GetReloadTimer().AddTime(m_vWeapons[curIndex]->GetReloadTime()); } }
void OptionsState::Update(float dt) { if (dt <= 0.0) return; SGD::InputManager * input = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Escape) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 2)) { GameData::GetInstance()->SwapState(MainMenuState::GetInstance()); GameData::GetInstance()->PlayCancel(); } if (menuindex == 0) { if ((input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Left) || input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Right) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Left) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Right) || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).x < 0 || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).x > 0) && GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer < 0) { bool is = GameData::GetInstance()->GetFont()->IsSpanish(); GameData::GetInstance()->GetFont()->SetSpanish(!is); GameData::GetInstance()->PlaySelectionChange(); GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer = 0.15f; } } if (menuindex == 1) { if ((input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Left) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Left) || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).x < 0) && GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer < 0) { GameData::GetInstance()->SetMusicVolume(GameData::GetInstance()->GetMusicVolume() - 5); GameData::GetInstance()->PlaySelectionChange(); GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer = 0.15f; } else if ((input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Right) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Right) || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).x > 0) && GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer < 0) { GameData::GetInstance()->SetMusicVolume(GameData::GetInstance()->GetMusicVolume() + 5); GameData::GetInstance()->PlaySelectionChange(); GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer = 0.15f; } } if (menuindex == 2) { if ((input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Left) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Left) || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).x < 0) && GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer < 0) { GameData::GetInstance()->SetEffectVolume(GameData::GetInstance()->GetEffectVolume() - 5); GameData::GetInstance()->PlaySelectionChange(); GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer = 0.15f; } else if ((input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Right) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Right) || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).x > 0) && GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer < 0) { GameData::GetInstance()->SetEffectVolume(GameData::GetInstance()->GetEffectVolume() + 5); GameData::GetInstance()->PlaySelectionChange(); GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer = 0.15f; } } if (menuindex == 3) { if ((input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter) || input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Left) || input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Right) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Left) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Right) || input->IsButtonPressed(0, 1) || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).x < 0 || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).x > 0) && GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer < 0) { GameData::GetInstance()->PlaySelectionChange(); bool is = GameData::GetInstance()->GetWindowed(); GameData::GetInstance()->SetWindowed(!is); SGD::GraphicsManager::GetInstance()->Resize({ GameData::GetInstance()->GetScreenWidth(), GameData::GetInstance()->GetScreenHeight() }, GameData::GetInstance()->GetWindowed()); GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer = 0.15f; } } if (menuindex == 4) { if (input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Enter) || input->IsButtonPressed(0,1)) { GameData::GetInstance()->PlayCancel(); GameData::GetInstance()->SwapState(MainMenuState::GetInstance()); } } if ((input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Up) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Up) || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).y < 0) && GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer < 0) { menuindex--; if (menuindex < 0) menuindex = maxindex; GameData::GetInstance()->PlaySelectionChange(); GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer = 0.15f; } if ((input->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Down) || input->IsDPadPressed(0, SGD::DPad::Down) || input->GetLeftJoystick(0).y > 0) && GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer < 0) { menuindex++; if (menuindex > maxindex) menuindex = 0; GameData::GetInstance()->PlaySelectionChange(); GameData::GetInstance()->input_timer = 0.15f; } }
void Console::Update(void) { // keep track of the current line (first string in 'buffer_info') current_line = &buffer_info[0].line; // store a pointer to input manager SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); // store a value for the previous char static wchar_t char_prev = L'\0'; // store a value for the current char wchar_t c = pInput->GetAnyCharDown(); // if there is a character sitting in the input buffer, and it's not being held down... if (c && c != char_prev) { /*===================================================<AUTHORS NOTE>===================================================================*/ /* */ /* size checks occour inside 'if' checks to prevent falling to the final 'else' case, causeing new lines */ /* and backspace characters to be inserted into the new line */ /* */ /*====================================================================================================================================*/ // ignore tilde characters if (c == '`' || c == '~') return; // if this character is a carrage return character... if (c == L'\r' ) { // if the current line is empty.. if (current_line->size() == 0) { // update previous character char_prev = c; // break out of this function return; } // allocate delimiters for string splitting char delim[] = { '(', ')', ',' }; // split the current line into peices (commmand name and its parameters) vector<string> command = ParseCommand(*current_line, delim); // ensure we have a vaild command if (command.size() == 0) { WriteLine("Failed to parse command", SGD::Color::Red); char_prev = c; return; } // store the name of this command string command_name = command[0]; // remove the command name from the data command.erase(command.begin()); // allocate the params for this command (can't be stack allocated, as this memory will need to // be used later, but will be destroyed if left in stack memory) vector<string>* prams = new vector<string>; (*prams) = command; // dispatch an event, signaling a console command EventProc::GetInstance()->Dispatch(command_name.c_str(), (void*)prams, true); // end this line buffer_info.insert(buffer_info.begin(), { "", SGD::Color::White}); } // if this is a backspace character... else if (c == L'\b') { // if the current line is empty... if (current_line->size() == 0) { // update previous character char_prev = c; // break out of this function return; } // delete the last character on the current line current_line->pop_back(); } else // otherwise, just add this character to the current line current_line->push_back(char(c)); } // update the previous character char_prev = c; }
void Tower::Update(float dt) { SGD::InputManager* pInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance(); SGD::AudioManager* pAudio = SGD::AudioManager::GetInstance(); if (m_bSelected) { SGD::Point pos = SGD::Point(m_ptPosition.x - 96 - Camera::x, m_ptPosition.y - 128 - Camera::y); SGD::Point pos2 = pos + SGD::Vector(224, 128); SGD::Rectangle upgradeOneRect; upgradeOneRect.left = pos.x + 8; = pos.y + 8; upgradeOneRect.right = pos.x + 108; upgradeOneRect.bottom = pos.y + 72; SGD::Rectangle upgradeTwoRect; upgradeTwoRect.left = pos.x + 116; = pos.y + 8; upgradeTwoRect.right = pos.x + 216; upgradeTwoRect.bottom = pos.y + 72; SGD::Rectangle sellButton; sellButton.right = pos2.x - 8; sellButton.bottom = pos2.y - 8; sellButton.left = pos2.x - 80; = pos2.y - 32; if (pInput->GetMousePosition().IsWithinRectangle(upgradeOneRect)) { if (!m_bHoverOne) pAudio->PlayAudio(m_pTowerFlyweight->GetClickSound()); m_bHoverOne = true; } else { m_bHoverOne = false; } if (pInput->GetMousePosition().IsWithinRectangle(upgradeTwoRect)) { if (!m_bHoverTwo) pAudio->PlayAudio(m_pTowerFlyweight->GetClickSound()); m_bHoverTwo = true; } else { m_bHoverTwo = false; } if (pInput->GetMousePosition().IsWithinRectangle(sellButton)) { if (!m_bHoverSell) pAudio->PlayAudio(m_pTowerFlyweight->GetClickSound()); m_bHoverSell = true; } else { m_bHoverSell = false; } } }