SoapySDR::RangeList SoapySDRPlay::getFrequencyRange(const int direction, const size_t channel, const std::string &name) const { SoapySDR::RangeList rl; if (name == "RF") { rl.push_back(SoapySDR::Range(100000.0,2000000000.0)); } return rl; }
void SoapyRPCUnpacker::operator&(SoapySDR::RangeList &value) { UNPACK_TYPE_HELPER(SOAPY_REMOTE_RANGE_LIST); int size = 0; *this & size; value.resize(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(size); i++) *this & value[i]; }
void SoapySDRInputGui::createRangesControl( ItemSettingGUI **settingGUI, const SoapySDR::RangeList& rangeList, const QString& text, const QString& unit) { if (rangeList.size() == 0) { // return early if the range list is empty return; } bool rangeDiscrete = true; // discretes values bool rangeInterval = true; // intervals for (const auto &it : rangeList) { if (it.minimum() != it.maximum()) { rangeDiscrete = false; } else { rangeInterval = false; } } if (rangeDiscrete) { DiscreteRangeGUI *rangeGUI = new DiscreteRangeGUI(this); rangeGUI->setLabel(text); rangeGUI->setUnits(QString("k%1").arg(unit)); for (const auto &it : rangeList) { rangeGUI->addItem(QString("%1").arg(QString::number(it.minimum()/1000.0, 'f', 0)), it.minimum()); } *settingGUI = rangeGUI; QVBoxLayout *layout = (QVBoxLayout *) ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout(); layout->addWidget(rangeGUI); } else if (rangeInterval) { IntervalRangeGUI *rangeGUI = new IntervalRangeGUI(ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents); rangeGUI->setLabel(text); rangeGUI->setUnits(unit); for (const auto &it : rangeList) { rangeGUI->addInterval(it.minimum(), it.maximum()); } rangeGUI->reset(); *settingGUI = rangeGUI; QVBoxLayout *layout = (QVBoxLayout *) ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout(); layout->addWidget(rangeGUI); } }
SoapySDR::RangeList SoapySDR::Device::getFrequencyRange(const int dir, const size_t chan) const { //get a list of tunable components const std::vector<std::string> comps = this->listFrequencies(dir, chan); if (comps.empty()) return SoapySDR::RangeList(); //get the range list for the RF component SoapySDR::RangeList ranges = this->getFrequencyRange(dir, chan, comps.front()); //use bandwidth setting to clip the range const double bw = this->getBandwidth(dir, chan); //add to the range list given subsequent components for (size_t comp_i = 1; comp_i < comps.size(); comp_i++) { SoapySDR::RangeList subRange = this->getFrequencyRange(dir, chan, comps[comp_i]); if (subRange.empty()) continue; double subRangeLow = subRange.front().minimum(); if (bw > 0.0) subRangeLow = std::max(-bw/2, subRangeLow); double subRangeHigh = subRange.back().maximum(); if (bw > 0.0) subRangeHigh = std::min(bw/2, subRangeHigh); for (size_t range_i = 0; range_i < ranges.size(); range_i++) { SoapySDR::Range &range = ranges[range_i]; range = SoapySDR::Range( range.minimum() + subRangeLow, range.maximum() + subRangeHigh); } } return ranges; }
SoapySDR::ArgInfoList SoapySDR::Device::getFrequencyArgsInfo(const int dir, const size_t chan) const { SoapySDR::ArgInfoList args; const std::vector<std::string> comps = this->listFrequencies(dir, chan); if (comps.size() < 2) return args; //no tuning options with single components //support offset tuning { SoapySDR::ArgInfo info; info.key = "OFFSET"; = "LO Offset"; info.value = "0.0"; info.units = "Hz"; info.type = SoapySDR::ArgInfo::FLOAT; info.description = "Tune the LO with an offset and compensate with the baseband CORDIC."; SoapySDR::RangeList ranges = this->getFrequencyRange(dir, chan,; if (not ranges.empty()) info.range = ranges.front(); args.push_back(info); } //every tunable component becomes an option for (size_t comp_i = 1; comp_i < comps.size(); comp_i++) { SoapySDR::ArgInfo info; info.key = comps[comp_i]; info.value = "DEFAULT"; info.units = "Hz"; info.type = SoapySDR::ArgInfo::FLOAT; info.description = "Specify a specific value for this component or IGNORE to skip tuning it."; info.options.push_back("DEFAULT"); info.optionNames.push_back("Default"); info.options.push_back("IGNORE"); info.optionNames.push_back("Ingore"); SoapySDR::RangeList ranges = this->getFrequencyRange(dir, chan,; if (not ranges.empty()) info.range = ranges.front(); args.push_back(info); } return args; }
std::vector<SDRDeviceInfo *> *SDREnumerator::enumerate_devices(std::string remoteAddr, bool noInit) { if (SDREnumerator::devs[remoteAddr].size()) { return &SDREnumerator::devs[remoteAddr]; } if (noInit) { return NULL; } if (!soapy_initialized) { std::cout << "SoapySDR init.." << std::endl; std::cout << "\tAPI Version: v" << SoapySDR::getAPIVersion() << std::endl; std::cout << "\tABI Version: v" << SoapySDR::getABIVersion() << std::endl; std::cout << "\tInstall root: " << SoapySDR::getRootPath() << std::endl; std::cout << "\tLoading modules... " << std::endl; std::string userModPath = wxGetApp().getModulePath(); if (userModPath != "") { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, "Loading SoapySDR modules from " + userModPath + ".."); std::vector<std::string> localMods = SoapySDR::listModules(userModPath); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator mods_i = localMods.begin(); mods_i != localMods.end(); mods_i++) { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, "Initializing user specified SoapySDR module " + (*mods_i) + ".."); std::cout << "Initializing user specified SoapySDR module " << (*mods_i) << ".." << std::endl; SoapySDR::loadModule(*mods_i); } } else { #ifdef BUNDLE_SOAPY_MODS bool localModPref = wxGetApp().getUseLocalMod(); if (localModPref) { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, "Loading SoapySDR modules.."); std::cout << "Checking local system SoapySDR modules.." << std::flush; SoapySDR::loadModules(); } wxFileName exePath = wxFileName(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath()); std::vector<std::string> localMods = SoapySDR::listModules(exePath.GetPath().ToStdString() + "/modules/"); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator mods_i = localMods.begin(); mods_i != localMods.end(); mods_i++) { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, "Initializing bundled SoapySDR module " + (*mods_i) + ".."); std::cout << "Loading bundled SoapySDR module " << (*mods_i) << ".." << std::endl; SoapySDR::loadModule(*mods_i); } if (!localModPref) { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, "Loading SoapySDR modules.."); std::cout << "Checking system SoapySDR modules.." << std::flush; SoapySDR::loadModules(); } #else wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, "Loading SoapySDR modules.."); SoapySDR::loadModules(); #endif } if (SDREnumerator::factories.size()) { SDREnumerator::factories.erase(SDREnumerator::factories.begin(), SDREnumerator::factories.end()); } std::cout << "\tAvailable factories..."; SoapySDR::FindFunctions factories = SoapySDR::Registry::listFindFunctions(); for (SoapySDR::FindFunctions::const_iterator it = factories.begin(); it != factories.end(); ++it) { if (it != factories.begin()) { std::cout << ", "; } std::cout << it->first; if (it->first == "remote") { has_remote = true; } SDREnumerator::factories.push_back(it->first); } if (factories.empty()) { std::cout << "No factories found!" << std::endl; } if ((factories.size() == 1) && factories.find("null") != factories.end()) { std::cout << "Just 'null' factory found." << std::endl; wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_FAILED, std::string("No modules available.")); } std::cout << std::endl; soapy_initialized = true; } modules = SoapySDR::listModules(); std::vector<SoapySDR::Kwargs> results; SoapySDR::Kwargs enumArgs; bool isRemote = false; if (remoteAddr.length()) { std::cout << "Enumerating remote address: " << remoteAddr << std::endl; enumArgs["driver"] = "remote"; enumArgs["remote"] = remoteAddr; isRemote = true; results = SoapySDR::Device::enumerate(enumArgs); } else { results = SoapySDR::Device::enumerate(); } int manualsIdx = results.size(); std::vector<std::string> manualParams; std::vector<bool> manualResult; if (manuals.size()) { for (std::vector<SDRManualDef>::const_iterator m_i = manuals.begin(); m_i != manuals.end(); m_i++) { std::vector<SoapySDR::Kwargs> manual_result; std::string strDevArgs = "driver="+m_i->factory+","+m_i->params; manualParams.push_back(m_i->params); wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, std::string("Enumerating manual device '") + strDevArgs + "'.."); manual_result = SoapySDR::Device::enumerate(strDevArgs); if (manual_result.size()) { for (std::vector<SoapySDR::Kwargs>::const_iterator i = manual_result.begin(); i != manual_result.end(); i++) { results.push_back(*i); manualResult.push_back(true); } } else { SoapySDR::Kwargs failedEnum; failedEnum = argsStrToKwargs(strDevArgs); failedEnum["label"] = "Not Found ("+m_i->factory+")"; results.push_back(failedEnum); manualResult.push_back(false); } } } if (isRemote) { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, std::string("Opening remote server ") + remoteAddr + ".."); } for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { SDRDeviceInfo *dev = new SDRDeviceInfo(); SoapySDR::Kwargs deviceArgs = results[i]; for (SoapySDR::Kwargs::const_iterator it = deviceArgs.begin(); it != deviceArgs.end(); ++it) { std::cout << " " << it->first << " = " << it->second << std::endl; if (it->first == "driver") { dev->setDriver(it->second); } else if (it->first == "label" || it->first == "device") { dev->setName(it->second); } } if (deviceArgs.count("remote")) { isRemote = true; } else { isRemote = false; } dev->setRemote(isRemote); dev->setManual(i>=manualsIdx); if (i>=manualsIdx) { dev->setManualParams(manualParams[i-manualsIdx]); } std::cout << "Make device " << i << std::endl; if (i<manualsIdx || manualResult[i-manualsIdx]) try { SoapySDR::Device *device = SoapySDR::Device::make(deviceArgs); SoapySDR::Kwargs info = device->getHardwareInfo(); for (SoapySDR::Kwargs::const_iterator it = info.begin(); it != info.end(); ++it) { std::cout << " " << it->first << "=" << it->second << std::endl; if (it->first == "hardware") { dev->setHardware(it->second); } } if (isRemote) { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, "Querying remote " + remoteAddr + " device #" + std::to_string(i) + ": " + dev-> getName()); } else { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, std::string("Querying device #") + std::to_string(i) + ": " + dev->getName()); } SoapySDR::ArgInfoList settingsInfo = device->getSettingInfo(); DeviceConfig *cfg = wxGetApp().getConfig()->getDevice(dev->getDeviceId()); ConfigSettings devSettings = cfg->getSettings(); if (devSettings.size()) { for (ConfigSettings::const_iterator set_i = devSettings.begin(); set_i != devSettings.end(); set_i++) { deviceArgs[set_i->first] = set_i->second; } for (int j = 0; j < settingsInfo.size(); j++) { if (deviceArgs.find(settingsInfo[j].key) != deviceArgs.end()) { settingsInfo[j].value = deviceArgs[settingsInfo[j].key]; } } } dev->setDeviceArgs(deviceArgs); dev->setSettingsInfo(settingsInfo); int numChan = device->getNumChannels(SOAPY_SDR_RX); for (int i = 0; i < numChan; i++) { SDRDeviceChannel *chan = new SDRDeviceChannel(); SoapySDR::RangeList rfRange = device->getFrequencyRange(SOAPY_SDR_RX, i); double rfMin = rfRange[0].minimum(); double rfMax = rfRange[rfRange.size()-1].maximum(); chan->setChannel(i); chan->setFullDuplex(device->getFullDuplex(SOAPY_SDR_RX, i)); chan->setRx(true); chan->setTx(false); chan->getRFRange().setLow(rfMin); chan->getRFRange().setHigh(rfMax); std::vector<std::string> freqs = device->listFrequencies(SOAPY_SDR_RX,i); if (std::find(freqs.begin(), freqs.end(), "CORR") != freqs.end()) { chan->setCORR(true); } else { chan->setCORR(false); } if (device->hasDCOffsetMode(SOAPY_SDR_RX, i)) { chan->setHardwareDC(true); } else { chan->setHardwareDC(false); } std::vector<double> rates = device->listSampleRates(SOAPY_SDR_RX, i); for (std::vector<double>::iterator i = rates.begin(); i != rates.end(); i++) { chan->getSampleRates().push_back((long)(*i)); } ConfigSettings devStreamOpts = cfg->getStreamOpts(); if (devStreamOpts.size()) { dev->setStreamArgs(devStreamOpts); } SoapySDR::ArgInfoList optArgs = device->getStreamArgsInfo(SOAPY_SDR_RX, i); if (devStreamOpts.size()) { for (int j = 0, jMax = optArgs.size(); j < jMax; j++) { if (devStreamOpts.find(optArgs[j].key) != devStreamOpts.end()) { optArgs[j].value = devStreamOpts[optArgs[j].key]; } } } chan->setStreamArgsInfo(optArgs); std::vector<std::string> gainNames = device->listGains(SOAPY_SDR_RX, i); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator gname = gainNames.begin(); gname!= gainNames.end(); gname++) { chan->addGain((*gname),device->getGainRange(SOAPY_SDR_RX, i, (*gname))); } dev->addChannel(chan); } SoapySDR::Device::unmake(device); dev->setAvailable(true); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { std::cerr << "Error making device: " << ex.what() << std::endl; wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, std::string("Error querying device #") + std::to_string(i)); dev->setAvailable(false); } else { dev->setAvailable(false); } std::cout << std::endl; SDREnumerator::devs[remoteAddr].push_back(dev); } if (SDREnumerator::devs[remoteAddr].empty()) { wxGetApp().sdrEnumThreadNotify(SDREnumerator::SDR_ENUM_MESSAGE, std::string("No devices found!")); } std::cout << std::endl; return &SDREnumerator::devs[remoteAddr]; }