コード例 #1
void LaspackMatrix<T>::update_sparsity_pattern (const SparsityPattern::Graph &sparsity_pattern)
  // clear data, start over
  this->clear ();

  // big trouble if this fails!

  const numeric_index_type n_rows = sparsity_pattern.size();

  // Initialize the _row_start data structure,
  // allocate storage for the _csr array
    std::size_t size = 0;

    for (numeric_index_type row=0; row<n_rows; row++)
      size += sparsity_pattern[row].size();

    _csr.resize       (size);
    _row_start.reserve(n_rows + 1);

  // Initize the _csr data structure.
    std::vector<numeric_index_type>::iterator pos = _csr.begin();

    _row_start.push_back (pos);

    for (numeric_index_type row=0; row<n_rows; row++)
	// insert the row indices
	for (SparsityPattern::Row::const_iterator col = sparsity_pattern[row].begin();
	     col != sparsity_pattern[row].end(); ++col)
	    libmesh_assert (pos != _csr.end());
	    *pos = *col;

	_row_start.push_back (pos);

  // Initialize the matrix
  libmesh_assert (!this->initialized());
  this->init ();
  libmesh_assert (this->initialized());
  //libMesh::out << "n_rows=" << n_rows << std::endl;
  //libMesh::out << "m()=" << m() << std::endl;
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_rows, this->m());

  // Tell the matrix about its structure.  Initialize it
  // to zero.
  for (numeric_index_type i=0; i<n_rows; i++)
      const std::vector<numeric_index_type>::const_iterator
	rs = _row_start[i];

      const numeric_index_type length = _row_start[i+1] - rs;

      Q_SetLen (&_QMat, i+1, length);

      for (numeric_index_type l=0; l<length; l++)
	  const numeric_index_type j = *(rs+l);

	  // sanity check
	  //libMesh::out << "m()=" << m() << std::endl;
	  //libMesh::out << "(i,j,l) = (" << i
	  //	          << "," << j
	  //	          << "," << l
	  // 	          << ")" << std::endl;
	  //libMesh::out << "pos(i,j)=" << pos(i,j)
	  //              << std::endl;
	  libmesh_assert_equal_to (this->pos(i,j), l);
	  Q_SetEntry (&_QMat, i+1, l, j+1, 0.);

  // That's it!
コード例 #2
void EpetraMatrix<T>::update_sparsity_pattern (const SparsityPattern::Graph &sparsity_pattern)
  // clear data, start over
  this->clear ();

  // big trouble if this fails!
  libmesh_assert (this->_dof_map != NULL);

  const unsigned int n_rows = sparsity_pattern.size();

  const unsigned int m   = this->_dof_map->n_dofs();
  const unsigned int n   = m;
  const unsigned int n_l = this->_dof_map->n_dofs_on_processor(libMesh::processor_id());
  const unsigned int m_l = n_l;

  // error checking
#ifndef NDEBUG
    libmesh_assert (n == m);
    libmesh_assert (n_l == m_l);

    unsigned int
      summed_m_l = m_l,
      summed_n_l = n_l;

    Parallel::sum (summed_m_l);
    Parallel::sum (summed_n_l);

    libmesh_assert (m == summed_m_l);
    libmesh_assert (n == summed_n_l);

  // build a map defining the data distribution
  _map = new Epetra_Map (m,
                         Epetra_MpiComm (libMesh::COMM_WORLD));

  libmesh_assert (static_cast<unsigned int>(_map->NumGlobalPoints()) == m);
  libmesh_assert (static_cast<unsigned int>(_map->MaxAllGID()+1) == m);

  const std::vector<unsigned int>& n_nz = this->_dof_map->get_n_nz();
  const std::vector<unsigned int>& n_oz = this->_dof_map->get_n_oz();

   // Make sure the sparsity pattern isn't empty
  libmesh_assert (n_nz.size() == n_l);
  libmesh_assert (n_oz.size() == n_l);

  // Epetra wants the total number of nonzeros, both local and remote.
  std::vector<int> n_nz_tot; /**/ n_nz_tot.reserve(n_nz.size());

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_nz.size(); i++)
    n_nz_tot.push_back(std::min(n_nz[i] + n_oz[i], n));

  if (m==0)

  _graph = new Epetra_CrsGraph(Copy, *_map, &n_nz_tot[0]);

  // Tell the matrix about its structure.  Initialize it
  // to zero.
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_rows; i++)
                                const_cast<int *>((const int *)&sparsity_pattern[i][0]));


  //Initialize the matrix
  libmesh_assert (!this->initialized());
  this->init ();
  libmesh_assert (this->initialized());