int SSDPCache::RemoveStale() { int nCount = 0; TaskTime ttNow; QStringList lstKeys; gettimeofday( (&ttNow), NULL ); Lock(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iterate through all Type URI's and build list of stale entries keys // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- for (SSDPCacheEntriesMap::Iterator it = m_cache.begin(); it != m_cache.end(); ++it ) { SSDPCacheEntries *pEntries = *it; if (pEntries != NULL) { pEntries->AddRef(); nCount += pEntries->RemoveStale( ttNow ); if (pEntries->Count() == 0) lstKeys.append( it.key() ); pEntries->Release(); } } Unlock(); nCount = lstKeys.count(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iterate through list of keys and remove them. // (This avoids issues when removing from a QMap while iterating it) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- for ( QStringList::Iterator itKey = lstKeys.begin(); itKey != lstKeys.end(); ++itKey ) { SSDPCacheEntriesMap::iterator it = m_cache.find( *itKey ); if (it == m_cache.end()) continue; if (*it) { (*it)->Release(); m_cache.erase(it); } } return nCount; }
void SSDPCache::Dump() { int nCount = 0; if (VERBOSE_LEVEL_CHECK(VB_UPNP)) { Lock(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build List of items to be removed // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, "===============================================================================" ); VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, QString( " URI (type) - Found: %1 Entries - %2 have been Allocated. " ) .arg( m_cache.count() ) .arg( SSDPCacheEntries::g_nAllocated )); VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, " \t\tUSN (unique id)\t\t | Expires\t | Location" ); VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); for (SSDPCacheEntriesMap::Iterator it = m_cache.begin(); it != m_cache.end(); ++it ) { SSDPCacheEntries *pEntries = *it; if (pEntries != NULL) { VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, it.key() ); pEntries->Lock(); EntryMap *pMap = pEntries->GetEntryMap(); for (EntryMap::Iterator itEntry = pMap->begin(); itEntry != pMap->end(); ++itEntry ) { DeviceLocation *pEntry = *itEntry; if (pEntry != NULL) { nCount++; pEntry->AddRef(); VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, QString( " * \t\t%1\t | %2\t | %3 " ) .arg( pEntry->m_sUSN ) .arg( pEntry->ExpiresInSecs() ) .arg( pEntry->m_sLocation )); pEntry->Release(); } } VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, " "); pEntries->Unlock(); } } VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, QString( " Found: %1 Entries - %2 have been Allocated. " ) .arg( nCount ) .arg( DeviceLocation::g_nAllocated )); VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, "===============================================================================" ); Unlock(); } }
void SSDPExtension::GetDeviceList( HTTPRequest *pRequest ) { SSDPCache* pCache = SSDPCache::Instance(); int nCount = 0; NameValues list; VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, "SSDPExtension::GetDeviceList" ); pCache->Lock(); QString sXML = ""; QTextStream os( &sXML, QIODevice::WriteOnly ); for (SSDPCacheEntriesMap::Iterator it = pCache->Begin(); it != pCache->End(); ++it ) { SSDPCacheEntries *pEntries = *it; if (pEntries != NULL) { os << "<Device uri='" << it.key() << "'>" << endl; pEntries->Lock(); EntryMap *pMap = pEntries->GetEntryMap(); for (EntryMap::Iterator itEntry = pMap->begin(); itEntry != pMap->end(); ++itEntry ) { DeviceLocation *pEntry = *itEntry; if (pEntry != NULL) { nCount++; pEntry->AddRef(); os << "<Service usn='" << pEntry->m_sUSN << "' expiresInSecs='" << pEntry->ExpiresInSecs() << "' url='" << pEntry->m_sLocation << "' />" << endl; pEntry->Release(); } } os << "</Device>" << endl; pEntries->Unlock(); } } os << flush; list.push_back( NameValue("DeviceCount" , pCache->Count() )); list.push_back( NameValue("DevicesAllocated" , SSDPCacheEntries::g_nAllocated)); list.push_back( NameValue("CacheEntriesFound" , nCount )); list.push_back( NameValue("CacheEntriesAllocated", DeviceLocation::g_nAllocated )); list.push_back( NameValue("DeviceList" , sXML )); pCache->Unlock(); pRequest->FormatActionResponse( list ); pRequest->m_eResponseType = ResponseTypeXML; pRequest->m_nResponseStatus = 200; }