std::system_error run_process(const std::filesystem::path &filename, const std::vector<std::string> &argv, const std::vector<std::string> &envp) { cpid = fork(); if (cpid == -1) { return std::system_error(std::make_error_code(std::errc(std::errno))); } if (cpid == 0) { std::vector<char *> arg; arg.push_back(filename.c_str()); for (const auto &v : argv) { arg.push_back(v.c_str()); } arg.push_back(nullptr); std::vector<char *> env; for (auto &e : envp) { env.push_back(e.c_str()); } env.push_back(nullptr); auto exec_error = execve(filename.c_str(),,; perror("execve"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { attached = true; } return std::system_error(std::make_error_code(std::errc(0))); }
void decrypt_file( fs::path const & sourcefile, fs::path const & destfile, std::string_view password) { CryptoPP::FileSource source( sourcefile.c_str(), true, new CryptoPP::DefaultDecryptorWithMAC( (CryptoPP::byte*), password.size(), new CryptoPP::FileSink( destfile.c_str()) ) ); }
//------------------------------------------------------------ bool ofOpenALSoundPlayer::sfStream(const std::filesystem::path& path,vector<short> & buffer,vector<float> & fftAuxBuffer){ if(!streamf){ SF_INFO sfInfo; streamf = sf_open(path.c_str(),SFM_READ,&sfInfo); if(!streamf){ ofLogError("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "sfStream(): couldn't read \"" << path << "\""; return false; } stream_subformat = sfInfo.format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK ; if (stream_subformat == SF_FORMAT_FLOAT || stream_subformat == SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE){ sf_command (streamf, SFC_CALC_SIGNAL_MAX, &stream_scale, sizeof (stream_scale)) ; if (stream_scale < 1e-10) stream_scale = 1.0 ; else stream_scale = 32700.0 / stream_scale ; } channels = sfInfo.channels; duration = float(sfInfo.frames) / float(sfInfo.samplerate); samplerate = sfInfo.samplerate; stream_samples_read = 0; } int curr_buffer_size = BUFFER_STREAM_SIZE*channels; if(speed>1) curr_buffer_size *= (int)round(speed); buffer.resize(curr_buffer_size); fftAuxBuffer.resize(buffer.size()); if (stream_subformat == SF_FORMAT_FLOAT || stream_subformat == SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE){ sf_count_t samples_read = sf_read_float (streamf, &fftAuxBuffer[0], fftAuxBuffer.size()); stream_samples_read += samples_read; if(samples_read<(int)fftAuxBuffer.size()){ fftAuxBuffer.resize(samples_read); buffer.resize(samples_read); setPosition(0); if(!bLoop) stopThread(); stream_samples_read = 0; stream_end = true; } for (int i = 0 ; i < int(fftAuxBuffer.size()) ; i++){ fftAuxBuffer[i] *= stream_scale ; buffer[i] = 32565.0 * fftAuxBuffer[i]; } }else{ sf_count_t frames_read = sf_readf_short(streamf,&buffer[0],curr_buffer_size/channels); stream_samples_read += frames_read*channels; if(frames_read<curr_buffer_size/channels){ fftAuxBuffer.resize(frames_read*channels); buffer.resize(frames_read*channels); setPosition(0); if(!bLoop) stopThread(); stream_samples_read = 0; stream_end = true; } for(int i=0;i<(int)buffer.size();i++){ fftAuxBuffer[i]=float(buffer[i])/32565.0f; } } return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------ bool ofOpenALSoundPlayer::mpg123ReadFile(const std::filesystem::path& path,vector<short> & buffer,vector<float> & fftAuxBuffer){ int err = MPG123_OK; mpg123_handle * f = mpg123_new(nullptr,&err); if(mpg123_open(f,path.c_str())!=MPG123_OK){ ofLogError("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "mpg123ReadFile(): couldn't read \"" << path << "\""; return false; } mpg123_enc_enum encoding; long int rate; mpg123_getformat(f,&rate,&channels,(int*)&encoding); if(encoding!=MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16){ ofLogError("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "mpg123ReadFile(): " << getMpg123EncodingString(encoding) << " encoding for \"" << path << "\"" << " unsupported, expecting MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16"; return false; } samplerate = rate; size_t done=0; size_t buffer_size = mpg123_outblock( f ); buffer.resize(buffer_size/2); while(mpg123_read(f,(unsigned char*)&buffer[buffer.size()-buffer_size/2],buffer_size,&done)!=MPG123_DONE){ buffer.resize(buffer.size()+buffer_size/2); }; buffer.resize(buffer.size()-(buffer_size/2-done/2)); mpg123_close(f); mpg123_delete(f); fftAuxBuffer.resize(buffer.size()); for(int i=0;i<(int)buffer.size();i++){ fftAuxBuffer[i] = float(buffer[i])/32565.f; } duration = float(buffer.size()/channels) / float(samplerate); return true; }
bool AudioSourceOJM::Open(std::filesystem::path f) { char sig[4]; ifile = std::make_shared<std::ifstream>(f.string(), std::ios::binary); if (!ifile->is_open()) { Log::Printf("AudioSourceOJM: unable to load %s.\n", f.c_str()); return false; } ifile->read(sig, 4); switch (GetContainerKind(sig)) { case M30: parseM30(); break; case OMC: parseOMC(); break; default: return false; } ifile->close(); return true; }
fs::path HOSTFXR_UTILITY::GetAbsolutePathToHostFxr( const fs::path & dotnetPath ) { std::vector<std::wstring> versionFolders; const auto hostFxrBase = dotnetPath.parent_path() / "host" / "fxr"; LOG_INFOF(L"Resolving absolute path to hostfxr.dll from '%ls'", dotnetPath.c_str()); if (!is_directory(hostFxrBase)) { throw InvalidOperationException(format(L"Unable to find hostfxr directory at %s", hostFxrBase.c_str())); } FindDotNetFolders(hostFxrBase, versionFolders); if (versionFolders.empty()) { throw InvalidOperationException(format(L"Hostfxr directory '%s' doesn't contain any version subdirectories", hostFxrBase.c_str())); } const auto highestVersion = FindHighestDotNetVersion(versionFolders); const auto hostFxrPath = hostFxrBase / highestVersion / "hostfxr.dll"; if (!is_regular_file(hostFxrPath)) { throw InvalidOperationException(format(L"hostfxr.dll not found at '%s'", hostFxrPath.c_str())); } LOG_INFOF(L"hostfxr.dll located at '%ls'", hostFxrPath.c_str()); return hostFxrPath; }
static std::filesystem::path find_last_file_matching_pattern(const std::filesystem::path& pattern) { std::filesystem::path last_match; for(const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(u"", pattern.c_str())) { if( std::filesystem::is_regular_file(entry.status()) ) { const auto match = entry.path(); if( match > last_match ) { last_match = match; } } } return last_match; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ofOpenALSoundPlayer::sfReadFile(const std::filesystem::path& path, vector<short> & buffer, vector<float> & fftAuxBuffer){ SF_INFO sfInfo; SNDFILE* f = sf_open(path.c_str(),SFM_READ,&sfInfo); if(!f){ ofLogError("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "sfReadFile(): couldn't read \"" << path << "\""; return false; } buffer.resize(sfInfo.frames*sfInfo.channels); fftAuxBuffer.resize(sfInfo.frames*sfInfo.channels); int subformat = sfInfo.format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK ; if (subformat == SF_FORMAT_FLOAT || subformat == SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE){ double scale ; sf_command (f, SFC_CALC_SIGNAL_MAX, &scale, sizeof (scale)) ; if (scale < 1e-10) scale = 1.0 ; else scale = 32700.0 / scale ; sf_count_t samples_read = sf_read_float (f, &fftAuxBuffer[0], fftAuxBuffer.size()); if(samples_read<(int)fftAuxBuffer.size()){ ofLogWarning("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "sfReadFile(): read " << samples_read << " float samples, expected " << fftAuxBuffer.size() << " for \"" << path << "\""; } for (int i = 0 ; i < int(fftAuxBuffer.size()) ; i++){ fftAuxBuffer[i] *= scale ; buffer[i] = 32565.0 * fftAuxBuffer[i]; } }else{ sf_count_t frames_read = sf_readf_short(f,&buffer[0],sfInfo.frames); if(frames_read<sfInfo.frames){ ofLogError("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "sfReadFile(): read " << frames_read << " frames from buffer, expected " << sfInfo.frames << " for \"" << path << "\""; return false; } sf_seek(f,0,SEEK_SET); frames_read = sf_readf_float(f,&fftAuxBuffer[0],sfInfo.frames); if(frames_read<sfInfo.frames){ ofLogError("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "sfReadFile(): read " << frames_read << " frames from fft buffer, expected " << sfInfo.frames << " for \"" << path << "\""; return false; } } sf_close(f); channels = sfInfo.channels; duration = float(sfInfo.frames) / float(sfInfo.samplerate); samplerate = sfInfo.samplerate; return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------ bool ofOpenALSoundPlayer::mpg123Stream(const std::filesystem::path& path,vector<short> & buffer,vector<float> & fftAuxBuffer){ if(!mp3streamf){ int err = MPG123_OK; mp3streamf = mpg123_new(nullptr,&err); if(mpg123_open(mp3streamf,path.c_str())!=MPG123_OK){ mpg123_close(mp3streamf); mpg123_delete(mp3streamf); ofLogError("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "mpg123Stream(): couldn't read \"" << path << "\""; return false; } long int rate; mpg123_getformat(mp3streamf,&rate,&channels,(int*)&stream_encoding); if(stream_encoding!=MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16){ ofLogError("ofOpenALSoundPlayer") << "mpg123Stream(): " << getMpg123EncodingString(stream_encoding) << " encoding for \"" << path << "\"" << " unsupported, expecting MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16"; return false; } samplerate = rate; mp3_buffer_size = mpg123_outblock( mp3streamf ); mpg123_seek(mp3streamf,0,SEEK_END); off_t samples = mpg123_tell(mp3streamf); duration = float(samples/channels) / float(samplerate); mpg123_seek(mp3streamf,0,SEEK_SET); } int curr_buffer_size = mp3_buffer_size; if(speed>1) curr_buffer_size *= (int)round(speed); buffer.resize(curr_buffer_size); fftAuxBuffer.resize(buffer.size()); size_t done=0; if(mpg123_read(mp3streamf,(unsigned char*)&buffer[0],curr_buffer_size*2,&done)==MPG123_DONE){ setPosition(0); buffer.resize(done/2); fftAuxBuffer.resize(done/2); if(!bLoop) stopThread(); stream_end = true; } for(int i=0;i<(int)buffer.size();i++){ fftAuxBuffer[i] = float(buffer[i])/32565.f; } return true; }
Optional<File::Error> File::open_fatfs(const std::filesystem::path& filename, BYTE mode) { auto result = f_open(&f, reinterpret_cast<const TCHAR*>(filename.c_str()), mode); if( result == FR_OK ) { if( mode & FA_OPEN_ALWAYS ) { const auto result = f_lseek(&f, f_size(&f)); if( result != FR_OK ) { f_close(&f); } } } if( result == FR_OK ) { return { }; } else { return { result }; } }
StaticBackground(Interruptible* parent, std::filesystem::path Filename) : BackgroundAnimation(parent), List(this) { Log::Printf("Using static background: %s\n", Filename.c_str()); List.AddToListIndex(Filename, "", 0); }
void HOSTFXR_UTILITY::GetHostFxrParameters( const fs::path &processPath, const fs::path &applicationPhysicalPath, const std::wstring &applicationArguments, fs::path &hostFxrDllPath, fs::path &dotnetExePath, std::vector<std::wstring> &arguments ) { LOG_INFOF(L"Resolving hostfxr parameters for application: '%ls' arguments: '%ls' path: '%ls'", processPath.c_str(), applicationArguments.c_str(), applicationPhysicalPath.c_str()); arguments = std::vector<std::wstring>(); fs::path expandedProcessPath = Environment::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(processPath); const auto expandedApplicationArguments = Environment::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(applicationArguments); LOG_INFOF(L"Known dotnet.exe location: '%ls'", dotnetExePath.c_str()); if (!expandedProcessPath.has_extension()) { // The only executable extension inprocess supports expandedProcessPath.replace_extension(".exe"); } else if (!ends_with(expandedProcessPath, L".exe", true)) { throw InvalidOperationException(format(L"Process path '%s' doesn't have '.exe' extension.", expandedProcessPath.c_str())); } // Check if the absolute path is to dotnet or not. if (IsDotnetExecutable(expandedProcessPath)) { LOG_INFOF(L"Process path '%ls' is dotnet, treating application as portable", expandedProcessPath.c_str()); if (applicationArguments.empty()) { throw InvalidOperationException(L"Application arguments are empty."); } if (dotnetExePath.empty()) { dotnetExePath = GetAbsolutePathToDotnet(applicationPhysicalPath, expandedProcessPath); } hostFxrDllPath = GetAbsolutePathToHostFxr(dotnetExePath); arguments.push_back(dotnetExePath); AppendArguments( expandedApplicationArguments, applicationPhysicalPath, arguments, true); } else { LOG_INFOF(L"Process path '%ls' is not dotnet, treating application as standalone or portable with bootstrapper", expandedProcessPath.c_str()); auto executablePath = expandedProcessPath; if (executablePath.is_relative()) { executablePath = applicationPhysicalPath / expandedProcessPath; } // // The processPath is a path to the application executable // like: C:\test\MyApp.Exe or MyApp.Exe // Check if the file exists, and if it does, get the parameters for a standalone application // if (is_regular_file(executablePath)) { auto applicationDllPath = executablePath; applicationDllPath.replace_extension(".dll"); LOG_INFOF(L"Checking application.dll at '%ls'", applicationDllPath.c_str()); if (!is_regular_file(applicationDllPath)) { throw InvalidOperationException(format(L"Application .dll was not found at %s", applicationDllPath.c_str())); } hostFxrDllPath = executablePath.parent_path() / "hostfxr.dll"; LOG_INFOF(L"Checking hostfxr.dll at '%ls'", hostFxrDllPath.c_str()); if (is_regular_file(hostFxrDllPath)) { LOG_INFOF(L"hostfxr.dll found app local at '%ls', treating application as standalone", hostFxrDllPath.c_str()); // For standalone apps we need .exe to be argv[0], dll would be discovered next to it arguments.push_back(executablePath); } else { LOG_INFOF(L"hostfxr.dll found app local at '%ls', treating application as portable with launcher", hostFxrDllPath.c_str()); // passing "dotnet" here because we don't know where dotnet.exe should come from // so trying all fallbacks is appropriate if (dotnetExePath.empty()) { dotnetExePath = GetAbsolutePathToDotnet(applicationPhysicalPath, L"dotnet"); } hostFxrDllPath = GetAbsolutePathToHostFxr(dotnetExePath); // For portable with launcher apps we need dotnet.exe to be argv[0] and .dll be argv[1] arguments.push_back(dotnetExePath); arguments.push_back(applicationDllPath); } AppendArguments( expandedApplicationArguments, applicationPhysicalPath, arguments); } else { // // If the processPath file does not exist and it doesn't include dotnet.exe or dotnet // then it is an invalid argument. // throw InvalidOperationException(format(L"Executable was not found at '%s'", executablePath.c_str())); } } }
// The processPath ends with dotnet.exe or dotnet // like: C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe, C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet, dotnet.exe, or dotnet. // Get the absolute path to dotnet. If the path is already an absolute path, it will return that path fs::path HOSTFXR_UTILITY::GetAbsolutePathToDotnet( const fs::path & applicationPath, const fs::path & requestedPath ) { LOG_INFOF(L"Resolving absolute path to dotnet.exe from '%ls'", requestedPath.c_str()); auto processPath = requestedPath; if (processPath.is_relative()) { processPath = applicationPath / processPath; } // // If we are given an absolute path to dotnet.exe, we are done // if (is_regular_file(processPath)) { LOG_INFOF(L"Found dotnet.exe at '%ls'", processPath.c_str()); return processPath; } // At this point, we are calling where.exe to find dotnet. // If we encounter any failures, try getting dotnet.exe from the // backup location. // Only do it if no path is specified if (requestedPath.has_parent_path()) { LOG_INFOF(L"Absolute path to dotnet.exe was not found at '%ls'", requestedPath.c_str()); throw InvalidOperationException(format(L"Could not find dotnet.exe at '%s'", processPath.c_str())); } const auto dotnetViaWhere = InvokeWhereToFindDotnet(); if (dotnetViaWhere.has_value()) { LOG_INFOF(L"Found dotnet.exe via where.exe invocation at '%ls'", dotnetViaWhere.value().c_str()); return dotnetViaWhere.value(); } const auto programFilesLocation = GetAbsolutePathToDotnetFromProgramFiles(); if (programFilesLocation.has_value()) { LOG_INFOF(L"Found dotnet.exe in Program Files at '%ls'", programFilesLocation.value().c_str()); return programFilesLocation.value(); } LOG_INFOF(L"dotnet.exe not found"); throw InvalidOperationException(format( L"Could not find dotnet.exe at '%s' or using the system PATH environment variable." " Check that a valid path to dotnet is on the PATH and the bitness of dotnet matches the bitness of the IIS worker process.", processPath.c_str())); }