std::set<wxString> parseShotTypeList(std::fstream &mfilestream) { char c; std::set<wxString> types; std::string shottypename; c = getnextnonwhite(mfilestream); if(c!='{') throw parseerror::missing_opening_bracket; while(whitespace(mfilestream.peek())) { c=mfilestream.get(); } if(mfilestream.peek() == '}') { mfilestream.get(); return types; } while(c!='}') { shottypename = extractQuotedPrefix(mfilestream); types.insert(shottypename); c = getnextnonwhite(mfilestream); if(c!=',' && c!='}') throw parseerror::missing_comma; } return types; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// \brief reads comments //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ProcessorMNW2::impl::ReadComments (std::fstream& a_is, std::fstream& a_os) { char c = (char)a_is.peek(); while (c == '#') { std::string line; std::getline(a_is, line); // write all the comments back to the file except for #GMS_HDF5_01 if ("#GMS_HDF5_01" != line) { a_os << line << "\n"; } c = (char)a_is.peek(); } } // ProcessorMNW2::impl::ReadComments
std::string extractNumber(std::fstream &mfilestream) { char c; std::string entry; do { mfilestream.get(c); entry+=c; c = mfilestream.peek(); } while (c!=','&&c!='}'&&c!=')'); return entry; }
void parseVC( std::fstream &file, std::string array_name, unsigned long int **array, char *chars, const unsigned int s, const unsigned long int P, const char skip=1 ) { std::string line; unsigned long int uli; std::cout << "Will read " << array_name << std::endl; if( skip ) file.getline( chars, 500 ); //go past EOL if( file.peek() != '%' ) { std::cout << "Not at header line!" << std::endl; file >> line; std::cout << line << std::endl; file >> line; std::cout << line << std::endl; exit( 1 ); }
char Scanner::Peek() { return file_.peek(); }