bool G2oEdgeSE3 ::read(std::istream& is) { // assert(false); std::cout << "read G2oEdgeSE3 called" << "\n"; Vector3d vec; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) is >> vec[i]; double q_in [4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) is >> q_in[i]; Quaterniond q(q_in[0], q_in[1], q_in[2], q_in[3]); Sophus::SE3 se3(q, vec); setMeasurement(se3); if (is.bad()) { return false; } for ( int i=0; i<information().rows() && is.good(); i++) for (int j=i; j<information().cols() && is.good(); j++){ is >> information()(i,j); if (i!=j) information()(j,i)=information()(i,j); } if (is.bad()) { // we overwrite the information matrix with the Identity information().setIdentity(); } return true; }
static inline std::streamsize get_frame(std::istream& is, std::vector<char>& buf) { using boost::lexical_cast; using boost::starts_with; static const std::string b{"--RaNd0m"}; static const std::string cl{"Content-length: "}; std::string line{}; do { std::getline(is, line); } while (is.good() && !starts_with(line, b)); do { std::getline(is, line); } while (is.good() && !starts_with(line, cl)); if (is.eof()) { return false; } else if (is.bad()) { throw std::runtime_error{"Error finding start of frame."}; } std::size_t n; try { auto s = line.substr(cl.length(), line.length() - cl.length() - 1); n = boost::lexical_cast<std::size_t>(std::move(s)); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) { throw std::runtime_error{"Error parsing content length."}; } if (n <= 0) { throw std::runtime_error{"Content length not positive."}; } if (buf.size() < n) { buf.resize(n); } std::getline(is, line); if (!(line.length() == 1 && line[0] == '\r')) { throw std::runtime_error{"Expected \"\\r\\n\" before frame contents."}; }, n); if (is.bad()) { throw std::runtime_error{"Error reading frame contents."}; } else { return true; } }
bool ossimKeywordlist::parseStream(std::istream& is) { if (!is) // Check stream state. { return false; } ossimString key; ossimString value; ossimString sequence; KeywordlistParseState state = KeywordlistParseState_OK; while(!is.eof() && !is.bad()) { skipWhitespace(is); if(is.eof() || is.bad()) return true; // we skipped to end so valid keyword list state = readComments(sequence, is); if(state & KeywordlistParseState_BAD_STREAM) return false; // if we failed a comment parse then try key value parse. if(state == KeywordlistParseState_FAIL) { key = sequence; // just in case there is a 1 token look ahead residual for a single slash test. ossimKeywordlist::KeywordlistParseState testKeyValueState = readKeyAndValuePair(key, value, is); if(testKeyValueState == KeywordlistParseState_OK) { key = key.trim(); if(key.empty()) { return true; } if ( m_expandEnvVars == true ) { ossimString result = value.expandEnvironmentVariable(); m_map.insert(std::make_pair(key.string(), result.string())); } else { m_map.insert(std::make_pair(key.string(), value.string())); } } else if(testKeyValueState & KeywordlistParseState_BAD_STREAM) { return false; } #if 0 // Commented out to allow an invalid line in keyword list without // erroring out, effectively skipping bad line. drb - 01 Sep. 2001 else { return false; } #endif } else if(state & KeywordlistParseState_BAD_STREAM) { return false; } sequence = key = value = ""; } return true; }
bool EdgeSE3Offset::read(std::istream& is) { int pidFrom, pidTo; is >> pidFrom >> pidTo ; if (! setParameterId(0,pidFrom)) return false; if (! setParameterId(1,pidTo)) return false; Vector7d meas; for (int i=0; i<7; i++) is >> meas[i]; // normalize the quaternion to recover numerical precision lost by storing as human readable text Vector4d::MapType(; setMeasurement(internal::fromVectorQT(meas)); if (is.bad()) { return false; } for ( int i=0; i<information().rows() && is.good(); i++) for (int j=i; j<information().cols() && is.good(); j++){ is >> information()(i,j); if (i!=j) information()(j,i)=information()(i,j); } if (is.bad()) { // we overwrite the information matrix with the Identity information().setIdentity(); } return true; }
bool load(std::istream &in, Memory& mem, addr_t img_base) { if (virt_sz > 0) { addr_t sect_addr_va = img_base + virt_addr; int prot = get_prot(charac); mem.alloc_protect(sect_addr_va , virt_sz, prot | Memory::Write); //TODO check for file_sz > virt_sz (explained in spec) if (file_sz > 0) { std::istream::streampos pos_orig = in.tellg(); if (pos_orig == std::istream::pos_type(std::istream::off_type(-1))) return false; in.seekg(file_pos, std::ios_base::beg); // TODO is "bad()" the right thing to check? if (in.bad()) return false; char *sect_data = new char[file_sz];, file_sz); if (std::size_t(in.gcount()) < file_sz) { delete[] sect_data; return false; } // perhaps change "write" interface to accept const char * to // avoid this copying madness? mem.write(sect_addr_va, std::string(sect_data, file_sz)); delete[] sect_data; if (!(prot & Memory::Write)) mem.alloc_protect(sect_addr_va, virt_sz, prot); in.seekg(pos_orig); if (in.bad()) return false; } } return true; }
bool EdgeSE3PointXYZDisparity::read(std::istream& is) { // measured keypoint int pid; is >> pid; setParameterId(0,pid); Vector3d meas; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) is >> meas[i]; setMeasurement(meas); if (is.bad()) return false; for ( int i=0; i<information().rows() && is.good(); i++) for (int j=i; j<information().cols() && is.good(); j++){ is >> information()(i,j); if (i!=j) information()(j,i)=information()(i,j); } if (is.bad()) { // we overwrite the information matrix information().setIdentity(); information()(2,2)=1000.; } //_cacheIds[0] = _paramId; return true; }
bool ossimXmlDocument::readHeader(std::istream& in) { //--- // Clear the existing header so we don't get double: // <?xml version='1.0'?><?xml version='1.0'?> //--- theXmlHeader.clear(); char c; in>>xmlskipws; while(in.peek() == '<') { std::stack<char> theLessThanStack; theLessThanStack.push('<'); in.ignore(1); c = in.peek(); // we will for now skip things like !DOCTYPE and any other things in the header of the document that start with <? or <! if((c == '?')|| (c == '!')) { theXmlHeader += "<"; theXmlHeader += (char)in.get(); while(!theLessThanStack.empty()&& (!in.bad())) { if(in.peek() == '<') { theLessThanStack.push('<'); } else if(in.peek() == '>') { theLessThanStack.pop(); } theXmlHeader += (char)in.get(); } if(!in.bad()) { if(in.peek()=='\n'|| in.peek()=='\r') { theXmlHeader += (char)in.get(); } } // if(!in.bad()) // { // theXmlHeader += (char)in.get(); // } in>>xmlskipws; } }
/** * Parses an option stream of the form "a=b c=d ..." */ inline bool parse_options(std::istream& s) { options.clear(); std::string opt, value; // read till the equal while(s.good()) { getline(s, opt, '='); if (s.bad() || s.eof()) return false; getline(s, value, ' '); if (s.bad()) return false; set_option_str(trim(opt), trim(value)); } return true; }
bool ossimXmlDocument::read(std::istream& in) { // char buffer[BUFFER_MAX_LEN]; // streampos file_pos; // bool readingHeader = true; bool startTagCharacterFound = false; char c = in.peek(); // Initially we will do our own skipping to make sure we ar not binary. while(!in.bad() && (c != '<') && (c >= 0x20) && (c <= 0x7e)) { in.ignore(1); c = in.peek(); } if (in.bad() || (c!='<')) { setErrorStatus(); return false; } startTagCharacterFound = true; if(readHeader(in)) { if(theXmlHeader=="") { if(startTagCharacterFound) { theXmlHeader = "<?xml version='1.0'?>"; } } } if((!theXmlHeader.contains("xml version")) && theStrictCheckFlag) { if (traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "FATAL: ossimXmlDocument::ossimXmlDocument" << "encountered parsing XML file <" << theFilename << ">. The file does not appear to be XML v1.0. \n" << "Header = \n" << theXmlHeader <<"\n" << endl; } setErrorStatus(); return false; } theRootNode = new ossimXmlNode(in, 0); setErrorStatus(theRootNode->getErrorStatus()); return (getErrorStatus()==ossimErrorCodes::OSSIM_OK); }
template<class T> void WavFileInputSoundStream::read(std::istream & is, T & t) {<char *>(&t), sizeof(T)); if(is.eof()) throw std::string("EOF"); if( throw std::string("FAIL"); if(is.bad()) throw std::string("BAD"); }
std::vector<TautomerTransform> readTautomers(std::istream& inStream, int nToRead) { std::vector<TautomerTransform> tautomers; tautomers.clear(); if (inStream.bad()) { throw BadFileException("Bad stream contents."); } const int MAX_LINE_LEN = 512; char inLine[MAX_LINE_LEN]; std::string tmpstr; int nRead = 0; while (!inStream.eof() && (nToRead < 0 || nRead < nToRead)) { inStream.getline(inLine, MAX_LINE_LEN, '\n'); tmpstr = inLine; // parse the molpair on this line (if there is one) TautomerTransform* transform = getTautomer(tmpstr); if (transform != nullptr) { // std::cout << MolToSmiles(*(transform->Mol) ) << //std::endl; tautomers.push_back(*transform); nRead++; } } return tautomers; }
XMListream::XMListream(std::istream &i) { root = lastsibling = NULL; XML_Parser p = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); if (!p) throw Error("Couldn't create parser"); XML_SetElementHandler(p, startElement, endElement); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(p, charData); XML_SetUserData(p, (void *) this); do { static const size_t SIZE = 8192; char buffer[SIZE];, SIZE); if (i.bad()) throw Error("Read error"); if (!XML_Parse(p, buffer, i.gcount(), i.eof())) { std::ostringstream ost; ost << "XML parsing error at line " << XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(p) << ':' << XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(p)); throw Error(ost.str()); } } while (!i.eof()); XML_ParserFree(p); if (!parents.empty()) throw Error("Non-empty stack."); // root->print(); // For debugging current = root; }
static bool read_buffer(std::istream& is, z_stream& z, char* in_buf, void* p, size_t size, std::ostream* errorStream) { z.next_out=(Bytef*)p; z.avail_out=(uInt)size; while (z.avail_out) { if ( z.avail_in == 0 ) { if (!is.eof()) { z.next_in = (Bytef*)in_buf;*)z.next_in, OUT_BUFSIZE); if (is.bad()) { if(errorStream) *errorStream<<"read error "<<std::endl;; return false; } z.avail_in = (uInt)is.gcount(); } } int ret = inflate( &z, Z_BLOCK ); if ( ret != Z_OK && ret != Z_STREAM_END ) { if(errorStream) *errorStream<<"Zlib error "<<z.msg<<std::endl;; return false; } if (ret == Z_STREAM_END && z.avail_out > 0) { std::cerr<<"Truncated prt file "<<std::endl;; return false; } } return true; }
void HTTPResponse::read(std::istream& istr) { static const int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof(); std::string version; std::string status; std::string reason; int ch = istr.get(); if (istr.bad()) throw NetException("Error reading HTTP response header"); if (ch == eof) throw NoMessageException(); while (Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); if (ch == eof) throw MessageException("No HTTP response header"); while (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch) && ch != eof && version.length() < MAX_VERSION_LENGTH) { version += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) throw MessageException("Invalid HTTP version string"); while (Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); while (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch) && ch != eof && status.length() < MAX_STATUS_LENGTH) { status += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) throw MessageException("Invalid HTTP status code"); while (Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch) && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && ch != eof) ch = istr.get(); while (ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && ch != eof && reason.length() < MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { reason += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) throw MessageException("HTTP reason string too long"); if (ch == '\r') ch = istr.get(); if (ch != '\n') throw MessageException("Unterminated HTTP response line"); HTTPMessage::read(istr); ch = istr.get(); while (ch != '\n' && ch != eof) { ch = istr.get(); } setVersion(version); setStatus(status); setReason(reason); }
/*! * 获得ASN1的Len */ bool hwasn1GetLen(std::istream& input, size_t& len) { unsigned char loc_Char; size_t loc_Len = 0; // 读取第一个字符 loc_Char = input.get(); loc_Len |= loc_Char; // 如果第一位是1,则后7位表示长度所占的字节数 if((loc_Char & 0x80) == 0x80) { loc_Len = 0; int loc_LenSize = loc_Char & 0x7f; while((loc_LenSize--) > 0) { if(input.bad() || input.eof()) { return false; } loc_Char = input.get(); loc_Len <<= 8; loc_Len |= loc_Char; } } len = loc_Len; return input.good(); }
size_t read(void* buf, size_t len) { inf->read((char*)buf, len); if(inf->bad()) fail("error reading from stream"); return inf->gcount(); }
std::streamsize fullread( std::istream& istr, char* buf, std::streamsize requested) { std::streamsize got; std::streamsize total = 0;, requested); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ got = istr.gcount(); total += got; while(got && total < requested) { if( { // If bad is true, not much we can doo -- it implies loss // of stream integrity. Bail in that case, and otherwise // clear and attempt to continue. if(istr.bad()) return total; istr.clear(); } + total, requested - total); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ got = istr.gcount(); total += got; } return total; }
void HTTPRequest::read(std::istream& istr) { static const int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof(); std::string method; std::string uri; std::string version; method.reserve(16); uri.reserve(64); version.reserve(16); int ch = istr.get(); if (istr.bad()) throw NetException("Error reading HTTP request header"); if (ch == eof) throw NoMessageException(); while (Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); if (ch == eof) throw MessageException("No HTTP request header"); while (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch) && ch != eof && method.length() < MAX_METHOD_LENGTH) { method += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) throw MessageException("HTTP request method invalid or too long"); while (Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); while (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch) && ch != eof && uri.length() < MAX_URI_LENGTH) { uri += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) throw MessageException("HTTP request URI invalid or too long"); while (Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); while (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch) && ch != eof && version.length() < MAX_VERSION_LENGTH) { version += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!Poco::Ascii::isSpace(ch)) throw MessageException("Invalid HTTP version string"); while (ch != '\n' && ch != eof) { ch = istr.get(); } HTTPMessage::read(istr); ch = istr.get(); while (ch != '\n' && ch != eof) { ch = istr.get(); } setMethod(method); setURI(uri); setVersion(version); }
ossimKeywordlist::KeywordlistParseState ossimKeywordlist::readComments(ossimString& sequence, std::istream& in)const { KeywordlistParseState result = KeywordlistParseState_FAIL; char c = (char)in.peek(); if(c == '/') { sequence += (char)in.get(); c = in.peek(); if(c == '/') { result = KeywordlistParseState_OK; sequence += c; while(!in.bad()&&!in.eof()) { c = (char)in.get(); if((c == '\n')|| (c == '\r')) { break; } sequence += c; } } } return result; }
bool Lexer::readNext( LexToken &tk, std::istream &is ) { bool reading = true; char ch; tk.t_ = T_UNDEFINED; tk.s_.clear(); while( reading ) { ch = is.get(); /*std::cout << "char: " << ch; std::cout << " tok: " << tk.t_; std::cout << " state: " << state_; std::cout << " str: " << tk.s_; std::cout << std::endl;*/ if( is.bad() || is.eof() ) { ch = I_EOF; reading = false; } const Action& a = getAction_(state_,ch); switch( a.charAction ) { case A_ADD: tk.s_ += ch; break; case A_PUTBACK: if(ch != I_EOF ) is.putback(ch); break; case A_IGNORE: break; case A_ERROR: tk.t_ = T_UNDEFINED; tk.s_.clear(); reset(); throw IncorrectTextException(); break; } switch( a.bufferAction ) { case A_UNCHANGED: break; case A_CLEAR: tk.s_.clear(); break; case A_RETURN: reading = false; break; } if( a.newTokenType != T_UNCHANGED ) tk.t_ = a.newTokenType; state_ = a.toState; } if( ch == I_EOF ) return false; else return true; }
bool ObjMeshParser::parseTextureVertex(std::istream& lineStream, ObjMeshData& meshData) { float u(0),v(0); float w(0.f); char whiteSpaceu_v(0); lineStream>>u>>whiteSpaceu_v>>std::ws>>v>>std::ws; if(!lineStream.bad() || !lineStream.eof()) { lineStream>>w>>std::ws; }
bool InputToken(std::istream& in,const char* characterSet,std::string& str) { str.erase(); int c; while(in && (c=in.peek())!=EOF) { if(strchr(characterSet,c) != NULL) str += c; c=in.get(); } return !in.bad(); }
void JobList::init(std::istream &in, Tape *tape) { PCB t(tape); while(!(in.eof() || in.bad() || { in >> *( >> >> t.stime >> t.ntime >> t.memory >> t.tapeNum >> t.super; jlist.push_back(t); } auto i = jlist.end(); i--; jlist.erase(i); }
void genericLineBasedParsing( std::istream &file, field_cb_t cb_per_field, line_cb_t cb_per_line, void *data, const csv::params ¶ms) { struct csv_parser parser; if (!csv_init(&parser, 0)) { csv_set_opts(&parser, CSV_APPEND_NULL); csv_set_delim(&parser, params.getDelimiter()); std::string line; int line_start = params.getLineStart(); if (line_start != 1) { while (line_start > 1) { std::getline(file, line); --line_start; } } int lineCount = 0; while (std::getline(file, line)) { ++lineCount; line.append("\n"); if (csv_parse(&parser, line.c_str(), line.size(), cb_per_field, cb_per_line, data) != line.size()) { throw ParserError(csv_strerror(csv_error(&parser))); } if (params.getLineCount() != -1 && lineCount >= params.getLineCount()) break; if (file.bad()) break; } csv_fini(&parser, cb_per_field, cb_per_line, data); } csv_free(&parser); }
/*! * 获得ASN1的Tag */ bool hwasn1GetTag(std::istream& input, int& tag) { unsigned char loc_Char; int loc_Tag = 0; // 读取第一个字符 loc_Char = input.get(); loc_Tag |= loc_Char; // 如果后 5 位都是 1,则后续N个字节也是Tag if((loc_Char & 0x1f) == 0x1f) { int loc_Len = 1; while((loc_Len++) <= 4) { if(input.bad() || input.eof()) { return false; } loc_Char = input.get(); //第一个后续字节的第7位到第1位不能全为0 if(loc_Len == 2) { if(!((loc_Char & 0x7f) | 0x00)) { return false; } } loc_Tag <<= 8; loc_Tag |= loc_Char; //后续字节除最后一个字节外,其他字节的第8位为1 //如果第8位为0,则说明是最后一个后续字节 if((loc_Char & 0x80) != 0x80) { break; } } // 华为格式里 Tag 不会大于 4 if(loc_Len > 4) { return false; } } tag = loc_Tag; return input.good(); }
std::string readfile(std::istream &in) { std::ostringstream buf; while (in.good()) { char tempbuf[512]; in.get(tempbuf, sizeof tempbuf, '\0'); buf << tempbuf; if (!in.good()) break; if (in.bad()) throw creaturesException("IO error"); } return buf.str(); }
void load_file(std::string& s, std::istream& is) { s.erase(); if(is.bad()) return; s.reserve(static_cast<std::string::size_type>(is.rdbuf()->in_avail())); char c; while(is.get(c)) { if(s.capacity() == s.size()) s.reserve(s.capacity() * 3); s.append(1, c); } }
bool EdgePoseLandmarkReproject ::read(std::istream& is) { double u, v; is >> u; is >> v; setMeasurement(Eigen::Vector2d(u,v)); if (is.bad()) { return false; } for ( int i=0; i<information().rows() && is.good(); i++) for (int j=0; j<information().cols() && is.good(); j++) is >> information()(i,j); if (is.bad()) { // we overwrite the information matrix with the Identity information().setIdentity(); } return true; }
void process(std::istream& input) { if (m_state == hybi_legacy_state::INIT) { // we are looking for a 0x00 if (input.peek() == 0x00) { // start a message input.ignore(); m_state = hybi_legacy_state::READ; m_data_message = m_connection.get_data_message(); if (!m_data_message) { throw processor::exception("Out of data messages",processor::error::OUT_OF_MESSAGES); } m_data_message->reset(frame::opcode::TEXT); } else { input.ignore(); // TODO: ignore or error //std::stringstream foo; //foo << "invalid character read: |" << input.peek() << "|"; std::cout << "invalid character read: |" << input.peek() << "|" << std::endl; //throw processor::exception(foo.str(),processor::error::PROTOCOL_VIOLATION); } } else if (m_state == hybi_legacy_state::READ) { if (input.peek() == 0xFF) { // end input.ignore(); m_state = hybi_legacy_state::DONE; } else { if (m_data_message) { size_t num; input.get(m_payload_buffer, PAYLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE, '\xFF'); num = static_cast<size_t>(input.gcount()); if (input.bad()) { throw processor::exception("istream readsome error", processor::error::FATAL_ERROR); } m_data_message->process_payload(m_payload_buffer,num); } } } }
bool readpacket() // watch performance, if bad, optimize with chunk reading { std::size_t offset = 0; if( !m_synchronized ) { bool first = true; while( offset < 4 ) // watch performance, if bad, optimize with chunk reading { m_istream->read( &m_buf[offset], 1 ); if( first && m_istream->eof() ) { return false; } first = false; if( m_istream->eof() || m_istream->bad() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to synchronize, bad stream" ); } unsigned char header_byte = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( m_header->data() )[offset]; offset = header_byte == header::sentinel_value[offset] ? offset + 1 : 0; } m_synchronized = true; // quick and dirty: synchronize once, should be enough } m_istream->read( &m_buf[0] + offset, header::size - offset ); if( m_istream->gcount() == 0 ) { return false; } if( m_istream->eof() || m_istream->bad() || m_istream->gcount() != static_cast< int >( header::size - offset ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to read packet header" ); } if( !m_header->valid() ) { m_synchronized = false; COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid header (stream from laser went out of sync)" ); } const std::size_t size = m_header->payload_size(); if( m_buf.size() < size + header::size ) { m_buf.resize( size + header::size ); m_header = reinterpret_cast< const header* >( &m_buf[0] ); m_payload = &m_buf[0] + header::size; } m_istream->read( m_payload, size ); // todo: check payload size so that it does not go crazy? if( m_istream->eof() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to read payload of size " << m_header->payload_size() << ", end of file" ); } if( m_istream->bad() || m_istream->gcount() != int( size ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to read payload of size " << m_header->payload_size() << ", bad stream" ); } if( m_header->type() == header::fault_type ) { m_fault = *( reinterpret_cast< fault* >( m_payload ) ); } return true; }