bool File::write(std::ofstream& stream) { CwdGuard cg(physical_dir_);, ios::binary | ios::out); return !stream.bad() && !; }
void LogLastError() { if (!ofs.bad()) { DWORD eNum = GetLastError(); TCHAR sysMsg[256]; if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, eNum, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), sysMsg, 256, NULL) == 0) { Log("ERROR | LogLastError | Couldn't format error message with number", eNum, true); return; } // find end of string TCHAR *p = sysMsg; while ((*p > 31) || (*p == 9)) { ++p; } // remove unused end do { *p-- = 0; } while ((p >= sysMsg) && ((*p == '.') || (*p < 33))); Log(" | GetLastError |", sysMsg); } }
void Log(_In_ char const * text) { if (!ofs.bad()) { ofs << text << std::endl; } }
/* Writes the grid of values of an EM map to a MRC file */ void MRCReaderWriter::write_data(std::ofstream &s,const float *pt) { s.write((char *)pt,sizeof(float)*header.nx * header.ny *; IMP_USAGE_CHECK(!s.bad(), "MRCReaderWriter::write_data >> Error writing MRC data."); IMP_LOG(TERSE,"MRC file written: grid " << header.nx << "x" << header.ny << "x" << << std::endl); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Opens a temporary file std::string Gnuplot::create_tmpfile(std::ofstream &tmp) { #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__) char name[] = "gnuplotiXXXXXX"; //tmp file in working directory #elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__) char name[] = "/tmp/gnuplotiXXXXXX"; // tmp file in /tmp #endif // check if maximum number of temporary files reached if (Gnuplot::tmpfile_num == GP_MAX_TMP_FILES - 1) { std::ostringstream except; except << "Maximum number of temporary files reached (" << GP_MAX_TMP_FILES << "): cannot open more files" << std::endl; throw GnuplotException( except.str() ); return ""; } // int mkstemp(char *name); // shall replace the contents of the string pointed to by "name" by a unique filename, // and return a file descriptor for the file open for reading and writing. // Otherwise, -1 shall be returned if no suitable file could be created. // The string in template should look like a filename with six trailing 'X' s; // mkstemp() replaces each 'X' with a character from the portable filename character set. // The characters are chosen such that the resulting name does not duplicate the name of an existing file at the time of a call to mkstemp() // open temporary files for output #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__) if (_mktemp(name) == nullptr) #elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__) if (mkstemp(name) == -1) #endif { std::ostringstream except; except << "Cannot create temporary file \"" << name << "\""; throw GnuplotException(except.str()); return ""; }; if (tmp.bad()) { std::ostringstream except; except << "Cannot create temporary file \"" << name << "\""; throw GnuplotException(except.str()); return ""; } // Save the temporary filename this->tmpfile_list.push_back(name); Gnuplot::tmpfile_num++; return name; }
template <class T> inline void exec_output(T reg, int which_byte){ union { char byte[4]; T word; } tmp; tmp.word = reg; fout.write(tmp.byte + which_byte, 1); if( fout.bad() ) { throw (std::string)"fatal Error:データ読み込みエラー"; } return; }
// Creates a temporary file std::string Plot::tempfile(std::ofstream &out) { std::string path; sys::fs::mkstemp(&path);; if (out.bad()) { throw PEX(str::printf("Unable to open temporary file '%s'", path.c_str())); } m_tempfiles.push_back(path); return path; }
void Log(_In_ char const * text, _In_opt_ char const * value) { if (!ofs.bad()) { if (value != nullptr) { ofs << text << " '" << value << "'" << std::endl; } else { ofs << text << " 'NULL'" << std::endl; } } }
void Log(_In_ char const * text, long long value, bool hex) { if (hex) { if (!ofs.bad()) { std::stringstream stream; stream << std::hex << value; ofs << text << " '" << stream.str() << "'" << std::endl; } } else { ofs << text << " '" << value << "'" << std::endl; } }
bool compactIntArray::write(std::ofstream& fout) { fout.write((char*)&size, sizeof(size)); fout.write((char*)&wordsize, sizeof(wordsize)); fout.write((char*)&innersize, sizeof(innersize)); fout.write((char*)array, sizeof(*array) * innersize); if(fout.bad()) { return false; } else { return true; } }
void Log(_In_ char const * text, _In_opt_ WCHAR const * value) { if (!ofs.bad()) { if (value != nullptr) { size_t length; char converted[256]; wcstombs_s(&length, converted, value, 256); ofs << text << " '" << converted << "'" << std::endl; } else { ofs << text << " 'NULL'" << std::endl; } } }
void inicializarSharedObjects(CajaRegistradora& caja, Grilla& grilla, GrillaJefe& grillaJefe, Surtidores& surtidores, unsigned int cantEmpleados, unsigned int cantSurtidores, std::ofstream& archivoColaInputJefe, ColaConPrioridad<automovil>& colaAutosJefe) { caja.inicializarCaja(); grilla.inicializarGrilla(cantEmpleados); grillaJefe.inicializarGrillaJefe(); surtidores.inicializarSurtidores(cantSurtidores); if ( || archivoColaInputJefe.bad()) { std::string me = __FILE__ ":inicializarSharedObjects"; std::string _msg = std::string("Error creando archivo para la cola entre el jefe y el input: ") + std::string(strerror(errno)); Logger::error(_msg, me); throw _msg; } // TODO: Ordenar la creacion de esta cola. Encapsularlo porque queda feito colaAutosJefe = ColaConPrioridad<automovil> ( colaInputJefe, colaInputJefeKey ); }
void MRCReaderWriter::write_header(std::ofstream &s) { header.ispg = 1065353216; memcpy(, "MAP ", 4); // header.machinestamp = get_machine_stamp(); int wordsize=4; s.write((char *) &header.nx,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.ny,wordsize); s.write((char *) &,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.mode,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.nxstart,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.nystart,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.nzstart,wordsize); s.write((char *) &,wordsize); s.write((char *) &,wordsize); s.write((char *) &,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.xlen,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.ylen,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.zlen,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.alpha,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.beta,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.gamma,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.mapc,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.mapr,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.maps,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.dmin,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.dmax,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.dmean,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.ispg,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.nsymbt,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.user,wordsize*IMP_MRC_USER); s.write((char *) &header.xorigin,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.yorigin,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.zorigin,wordsize); s.write((char *) &,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.machinestamp,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.rms,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.nlabl,wordsize); s.write((char *) &header.labels, sizeof(char)*IMP_MRC_NUM_LABELS*IMP_MRC_LABEL_SIZE); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(!s.bad(), "MRCReaderWriter::write_header >> Error writing MRC header"); }
void fstreamWriteBig(std::ofstream &S, char* A, unsigned long long N, std::string fileName, std::string errorID, Parameters *P) { struct statvfs statvfsBuf; statvfs(fileName.c_str(), &statvfsBuf); P->inOut->logMain << "Writing " << N << " bytes into " <<fileName << " ; empty space on disk = " << statvfsBuf.f_bavail * statvfsBuf.f_bsize <<" bytes ..." <<flush; unsigned long long C=0; unsigned long long iC; for (iC=0; iC<N/fstream_Chunk_Max; iC++) { S.write(A+C,fstream_Chunk_Max); C+=fstream_Chunk_Max; }; if (! S.write(A+C,N%fstream_Chunk_Max); if ( {//failed to write struct statvfs statvfsBuf; statvfs(fileName.c_str(), &statvfsBuf); // system(( "ls -lL "+ P->genomeDir + " > "+ P->genomeDir +"/ 2>&1").c_str()); // ifstream error_info((P->genomeDir +"/").c_str()); // P->inOut->logMain <<error_info.rdbuf(); struct stat statBuf; stat(fileName.c_str(), &statBuf); remove(fileName.c_str()); ostringstream errOut; errOut << errorID<<": exiting because of *OUTPUT FILE* error: could not write the output file "<< fileName <<"\n"; errOut << "fail()=" << <<" ; bad()="<< S.bad()<<"\n"; errOut << "Error while trying to write chunk # " << iC << "; "<< C << " bytes\n"; errOut << "File size full = "<< N <<" bytes\n"; errOut << "File size on disk = " << statBuf.st_size<<" bytes\n"; errOut << "Solution: check that you have enough space on the disk\n"; errOut << "Empty space on disk = " << statvfsBuf.f_bavail * statvfsBuf.f_bsize <<" bytes\n"; exitWithError(errOut.str(),std::cerr, P->inOut->logMain, EXIT_CODE_FILE_WRITE, *P); }; P->inOut->logMain << " done\n" <<flush; };
virtual bool write(std::ofstream& out, int n, int groups, bool binary) { if (n > dataSize && !data) return false; if (binary) { out.write((char*)data, n * sizeof(T)); } else { if (groups <= 0 || groups > n) groups = n; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((i % groups) > 0) out << ' '; out << data[i]; if ((i % groups) == groups-1) out << '\n'; } } if (out.bad()) return false; return true; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { typedef PsimagLite::Concurrency ConcurrencyType; ConcurrencyType concurrency(&argc,&argv,1); InputCheck inputCheck; PsimagLite::String filename=""; int opt = 0; OperatorOptions options; PsimagLite::String strUsage(argv[0]); if (utils::basename(strUsage) == "operator") options.enabled = true; strUsage += " -f filename [-k] [-p precision] [-V] [whatToMeasure]"; int precision = 6; bool keepFiles = false; bool versionOnly = false; /* PSIDOC DmrgDriver \begin{itemize} \item[-f] {[}Mandatory, String{]} Input to use. \item[-p] [Optional, Integer] Digits of precision for printing. \item[whatToMeasure] {[}Optional, String{]} What to measure in-situ \item[-l] {[}Optional, String{]} Without this option std::cout is redirected to a file. This option with the string ``?'' prints name of such log file. This option with the string ``-'' writes std::cout to terminal. In other cases, string is the name of the file to redirect std::cout to. \item[-k] [Optional] Keep untar files \end{itemize} */ /* PSIDOC OperatorDriver The arguments to the \verb!operator! executable are as follows. \begin{itemize} \item[-f] [Mandatory, String] Input to use. The Model= line is very important in input.inp. \item[-s] [Optional, Integer] Site for operator. Meaningful only for Models where the Hilbert space depends on the site (different kinds of atoms). Defaults to 0. \item[-l] [Mandatory, String] The label or name for this operator. This is model dependent. For example to obtain $c_{\uparrow}$ for the Hubbard model, say \begin{verbatim} ./operator -l c -f input.inp\end{verbatim} See the function naturalOperator for each Model. \item[-d] [Optional, Integer] Degree of freedom (spin, orbital or combination of both) to use. This is model dependent. For example to obtain $c_\downarrow$ for the Hubbard model, say \begin{verbatim}./operator -l c -d 1 -f input.inp\end{verbatim} See the function naturalOperator for each Model. Defaults to 0. \item[-t] [Optional, Void] Transpose the operator. For example to obtain $c^\dagger_\uparrow$ for a Hubbard model, say \begin{verbatim}./operator -l c -t -f input.inp\end{verbatim} \end{itemize} */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv,"f:s:l:d:F:o:p:tkV")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'o': std::cerr<<argv[0]<<": Omit the \"-o\". It's not needed anymore.\n"; std::cerr<<"\t Write the insitu measurements at the end of the command line\n"; return 1; case 's': = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': options.label = optarg; break; case 'd': options.dof = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': options.transpose = true; break; case 'k': keepFiles = true; break; case 'F': std::cerr<<argv[0]<<": Omit the \"-F\". It's not needed anymore.\n"; std::cerr<<"\t It is implied by the label: n=bosonic, c=fermionic, etc\n"; return 2; case 'p': precision = atoi(optarg); std::cout.precision(precision); std::cerr.precision(precision); break; case 'V': versionOnly = true; options.label = "-"; break; default: inputCheck.usageMain(strUsage); return 1; } } // sanity checks here if (filename=="" && !versionOnly) { inputCheck.usageMain(strUsage); return 1; } PsimagLite::String insitu = (optind < argc) ? argv[optind] : ""; if (!options.enabled && options.label != "-") { bool queryOnly = (options.label == "?"); if (options.label == "" || options.label == "?") { options.label = ArchiveFilesType::coutName(filename); if (queryOnly) { std::cout<<options.label<<"\n"; return 0; } }; if (!GlobalCoutStream || GlobalCoutStream.bad() || !GlobalCoutStream.good()) { PsimagLite::String str(argv[0]); str += ": Could not redirect std::cout to " + options.label + "\n"; throw PsimagLite::RuntimeError(str); } std::cerr<<argv[0]<<" ATTENTION: All standard output now sent to "; std::cerr<<options.label<<"\n"; std::cerr.flush(); GlobalCoutBuffer = std::cout.rdbuf(); //save old buf std::cout.rdbuf(GlobalCoutStream.rdbuf()); //redirect std::cout to file atexit(restoreCoutBuffer); } // print license if (ConcurrencyType::root() && !options.enabled) { std::cout<<ProgramGlobals::license; Provenance provenance; std::cout<<provenance; } if (versionOnly) return 0; InputNgType::Writeable ioWriteable(filename,inputCheck); InputNgType::Readable io(ioWriteable); ParametersDmrgSolverType dmrgSolverParams(io, false); ArchiveFilesType af(dmrgSolverParams,filename,options.enabled,options.label); if (insitu!="") dmrgSolverParams.insitu = insitu; if (dmrgSolverParams.options.find("minimizeDisk") != PsimagLite::String::npos) dmrgSolverParams.options += ",noSaveWft,noSaveStacks,noSaveData"; #ifndef USE_PTHREADS inputCheck.checkForThreads(dmrgSolverParams.nthreads); #endif ConcurrencyType::npthreads = dmrgSolverParams.nthreads; registerSignals(); PsimagLite::String targeting = inputCheck.getTargeting(dmrgSolverParams.options); bool isComplex = (dmrgSolverParams.options.find("useComplex") != PsimagLite::String::npos); if (targeting=="TimeStepTargetting") isComplex = true; if (isComplex) { mainLoop0<MySparseMatrixComplex, CvectorSizeType>(io,dmrgSolverParams,targeting,options); } else { mainLoop0<MySparseMatrixReal, CvectorSizeType>(io,dmrgSolverParams,targeting,options); } if (options.enabled) return 0; af.deletePackedFiles(); if (!keepFiles) ArchiveFilesType::staticDelete(); }